Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my goodness! Anne! What you described sounds like pure heaven to me. I think John would love it after we got him there and settled. He takes any change very seriously.

    Today is the big Mueller testimony. We all have high hopes of this being the initial event beginning a desperately needed change. Too much to hope for, but you know what they say about hope....

    Our son is taking his girlfriend to Austin, Texas for a few days. It is an interesting city. I keep hoping that this lady will be the one that hooks him. She teaches at a university and has her PHD. She is a single mom and is the right age. She is pretty, smart and loves to sail. John says it will never work. It is way too perfect. Our son will need a relationship that is difficult and complicated. Soooooo true.

    Must water hanging geraniums and all house plants. They are looking very sad and thirsty. A dash of plant food to let them know I care!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    So you US gals have got the Mueller testimony and I'm glued to the iPad seeing who is in Britains new prime ministers cabinet. We live in interesting times! Are you holding up JACKIE or have you already gone to bed!
    Oh John will be as happy as a sand bug once he's installed PATSY! We will have him in a pullover and wellies in no time as he becomes a celebrity amongst his new cronies having lived in Alaska. Do you think your sons boat will manage an Atlantic crossing?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good afternoon, I watched a bit of the sideshow this morning and the left for a trip to the gas station, a stop at Trade Joe’s to pick up a gift card I won but went ahead and spent it! Off to Kohl’s to look at some Skechers on the Senior discount day. I haven’t been to this location for a long time and I was astounded to find they had two styles of the shoes in my size! Very rare occurrence. They usually do not have anything over a size 10. Then home for a while, watched a bit more, then sent a text to my reflexologist and took off for some greens and almond yogurt at Whole Foods. Back home again.

    I think having to appear before Congress has to be one of the most miserable experiences ever! I felt sorry for him as he was lectured to, insulted for not keeping up with the pace of some of the speakers, people expecting him to remember everything from each page of the report. I mean really, who can shift gears that quickly, repeatedly, as each person wanted their 5 minutes of glory. Everyone wanting to extract something from him, something new, something where he contradicted the written report. And I was seeing comments on Facebook, nasty ones, that perhaps he should have read the report before testifying. Poor man.

    I heard there are shifts in the cabinet but don’t know the details. Meanwhile, some news network did a piece on Boris last night showing times when he looked like a clown and sounded like a fool. Oh my, is he going to be a crazy one as well?

    Hugs to all my friends.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    My humble opinion here...I think Boris will need a few years and lots of lessons to come up to (or down to) the level of the great orange one. I don’t feel we accomplished much today. But it was designed to be that way. I am so disappointed in our elected officials and congressional representatives. I expected more. I wanted more. We all need more!

    Hot here and John is out in the sun working on the deck and needs to come in out of the sun.. I will need to kick up a big fuss and I am just the babe to do it right now. Am I in a mood? You betcha!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's already Thursday in the UK and I should be in bed! From what I saw of Mueller news coverage an opportunity has been missed, one that won't be reoccuring. As for our new PM, in my opinion there are similarities to the orange man on a moral (immoral) front and he's often lied; probably will continue to do so! Apparently has the concentration levels of a gnat... sound familiar? Don't be fooled by the bumbling clown act, it's his way of covering up his ruthless ambition... A sort of charm offensive he thinks but not all of us are fooled by it! I said recently there isn't one politician I would trust as leader right now so will just have to wait and see what happens with this one. Certainly a few gaffs on the way!
    Oh dear, nearly 1am so better get to bed.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What a day! I didn't want to miss a moment of the interrogation and then somehow missed that Mueller would return in the afternoon! Now listening to the analysts. My head is spinning! Hang in there, PATSY, I think I know just how you feel!
    SANDY, Cornish or Devonshire clotted cream, I suspect you are too controlled to give in! But I have made dear friends with a delightful couple who will be travelling to Spain, Morocco, Portugal in September, ending up in their beloved Cornwall for a week or more before returning to Edgewater. I was aching to ask them to stop by and give my love to JACKIE!
    Love ANNE's idea of a huge rambling house near JACKIE, as well! But I have forgotten how to cook!
    Ouch, I must make 2 cards tonight, one of which has to be mailed to my DEAR B-I-Law for his 90th birthday. People say I am looking much better. I certainly am feeling better! Hi to you all and LIN, did I see you here tonight?
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Wow wasn't yesterday an exciting day in the political arena!! I of course was interested particularly in the new British cabinet. Talk about a new brush! And now we can all sit back and see what's next in store, (for me just a trip to the opticians to pick up my new glasses, yeah). I wonder if Boris will get on with No.10s resident mouser, Larry the cat? I don't know if you American gals know that Number 10 Downing Street has had a resident mouser for the last 500 years and Larry, a very discerning cat, is the latest.
    Summary from me over here: Like him or not, Boris might just be able to pull it off.
    Finally leave the EU without too much upheaval. We can only wait and see what unfolds and cross our fingers.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ooh it's another hot day politically and weatherwise so after an early shop in our Aldi supermarket that had me feeling I was walkimg the aisles of a freezer then later to the woods for a delightful stroll with the pooches under the canopy I'm now sitting outside under an umbrella sipping coffee and contemplating my next move... probably the lunchtime news that I bet Anne you'll be keeping an eye on. You could be right about us FINALLY getting out of the EU, depends which face of Boris is on show for now! He has to persuade all the negative doubters in Parliament who won't have changed their minds and guess what, they are all toddling off on vacation until September so crisis, what crisis!! Larry doesnt look too impressed either. 🐱

    Buzz, if your dear friends haven't left yet on their vacation do tell them I'd love to meet them somewhere in Cornwall if at all possible.

    Oops, lunchtime news... Back later!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day so no time as usual. Another beautiful day which will be spent inside. :( I hope to be back later but enjoy your day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I trotted around and talked to a few neighbours before taking off to the opticians. He knocked $150 off new lenses and frames and was very understanding about me deciding to go the hospital route for cataract treatment instead of the private route. The private clinic was charging me $3200 and the hospital about $120 - if that. So I await a call from the new surgeon at his clinic and this doctor also does the hospital surgery. The neighbours who I talked to said he had done their moms eyes and their moms were pleased with the outcome. Only problem there's a waiting list of roughly one year.

    Home again and a phone call from what sounded like a tearful Marie. She could phone me because Tony was away making bird houses at the centre. I'm really, really worried about Marie. Although he hasn't struck her so far he is threatening her with leather belts etc. She has been advised to start getting on the waiting list for places that deal with dementia or Alzheimer. Long line up apparently! He was in the back garden yesterday throwing logs at his reflection in the French windows. I wondered what Jill was barking frantically at.

    Good news. Remember my across the street neighbours Darren and Katherine and the little girls? They returned to England to live with Katherine's parents and a job for Darren at the university for a trial run. Well, a years gone by now and they are considering returning in January. Yeah! Lovely little family. I've never met the people who are renting their house,

    Popped into the organic garage and came out with Jilly's chicken and 5 grapefruit. Might as well try the theory that grapefruit slow cataracts down!

    Decided to give up on housework today and join Bean in a nap instead seeing it is terribly hot and humid.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello ladies

    Well we are at home. Yesterday was our first full day and I was exhausted as we hadn’t gone to bed until after 1 o’clock. Vegas was so much fun. Ed and I rented a car and did lots of exploring outside of Vegas. We took in Valley of Fire, Red Rock Canyon, Laughlin, Good Springs, Primm, Parumph and others. We stayed at The Grandview, a great timeshare, south of the airport. It was our 3rd time there and we love it being away from the hubbub of the Strip. We’d gamble a bit in the evening and went down to the Strip three evenings for supper and a couple of shows. Jeri

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    My goodness, what a lot of news. I, on the other hand, spent the morning with the ladies who used to gather at the library. Not many of us today, vacations, company and appointments for the rest. So loads of chattering about this and that and some more discussion about the price of various subscriptions and services. I actually was able to help my friend replace her Apple Pay method of payment. She was thrilled, I was glad to bumble through it. 😂😂

    Politics, well, Puerto Rico’s governor is gone with the wind. I cannot believe that the protests actually resulted in a change. Wow.

    I won’t comment on the rest except to say, I had no idea about the 10 Downing Street cat. Go Larry.

    Must finish up my lunch and my dishes. Going to the reflexologist later.

    Anne, wonderful that you received a discount. Wahoo!

    Jackie, our Aldi’s stores are relatively small and things vary a lot, some weeks there’s lots of organic produce, other weeks, next to nothing. I heard they were going all organic in the produce department. That will likely not be popular with many of the shoppers here as the store is known for low low prices. Organic is always more expensive.

    Buzz, yes, I did write a bit yesterday but nothing that interesting. Easy to miss.

    Patsy, did John come in out of the sun as you were hoping? It is cloudy this afternoon. Maybe rain overnight.

    Sandy, I hope the meeting went well.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good afternoon to you sneakers. It is hot and darn unpleasant out today. I am sure it would please Sandy as she floated in the pool. She might fry on our deck. Katie even refused to walk out there. Too hot on her toes! I fussed at John and he acquiesced and came inside to drink water and rest. Thank goodness.

    I did my level best. I wrote my senators and congress reps and helped with polling inquiries. That’s about all I can do at this point. I have donated to my party and candidates. And now we see what happens next.

    I was not all that amazed at Toy Story 4. It was okay but the story was sort of hackneyed and evident from the beginning. It had a frantic feel to it also. So I am ready for a movie to come along and amaze me. I really liked “Tully” from a couple of years ago. It had a lot to say.

    John has decided to paint the deck, sand and repaint the garage doors, I am to clean out all closets and cabinets before thanksgiving. I say “Great! I will do it. Thanksgiving of What year were we thinking?” That is a massive undertaking. John is in charge of repair, lawn and vehicle maintenance. I am the champ of avoidance behavior. Devision of labor!!!!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Ok now a few minutes to comment after an extremely busy day. Doctor appointment, X-ray on my sore foot.

    Patsy- glad you commented on Toy Story, I have been wondering about it. Sounds like John will be busy and you sound like me with the other chores. LOL

    Lin, I try to buy my produce organic, but I am not always successful. I don’t know much about Puerto Rico politics but the fact that you say protests were successful makes me think that maybe things are getting better.

    Anne - Glad to get your perspective on the British situation. I haven’t followed the news much lately and I’ve been wondering about the new prime minister.

    Sandy - hope you had a good day.

    Jackie - Your comment about sitting under the Umbrella brought to mind the fact that I had just come in from sitting out on our patio with a glass of wine. It seems that I’m not quite back in the normal mode and see a glass of wine as my way of coming to terms with being back home from vacation. LOL. Tomorrow back to normal.

    Buzz - it sounds like you may be feeling better now. I hope so.

    Big hugs everyone


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Somehow it got to be very late again tonight, after a busy coupe of days. I noticed a flyer in my mailbox for a free telephone for hearing deprived people from the State of Florida, and since my original wall phone got ruined by old batteries, I decided to check on it. I'm glad I called because I would have opted for a very basic model but ended up with one with all the bells and whistles and it's a beauty! I put it together last night and managed to figure out how to hang it and now I'll have to figure out how to use it! This morning I had someone from my HMO come to evaluate me for PT and that will start on Monday. Attended a "special" documentary on Italy tonight and was disappointed it was not about travelling Italy but about its culture, including dirt floors in homes in Calabria. Ended up snoozing through part of it. I have mentioned worrying about augmentation of my Restless Leg Syndrome. Well, having had o sleep for 2 nights, I finally called my pharmacy and told the about the renewal they sent from a different company. They asked a few questions and the next thing I knew, my doorbell rang and there was my delivery man with 3 bottles for me, each with 2 pills from 3 different companies so I could actually try them for the next few nights before ordering my usual 3 month supply! The one I took this evening has given me blessed relief!
    So yes, on many fronts I'm beginning to feel better.
    I have been really re-watching Mueller's interrogation, and several times he has said the Department of Justice (Barr) will not allow a sitting President to be indited, which is why he cannot do anything about the lies and obstruction of justice (yes, I HEARD him say it) no, but the FBI is looking at a number of redactions and it is not over by a long shot! I was surprised to read the UK has elected an almost carbon copy of old orangehead! I am reading one of Ken Follett's more recent series covering the rise of Hitler, and Mosely's British Black Shirts (I think it may be the 2nd novel of his Century Trilogy) and it's pretty frightening how we humans keep committing the same behavior over and over expecting different results! Watching the Senate's behavior yesterday, I fear we cannot expect anything better from the party that put this narcissist into power in the first place!
    As always, I enjoyed all your posts and pictures, and JACKIE, I will ask Judy and Gerald if they will have time to meet my very dear friend when in Cornwall. They moved to Australia for many years, and have lived in the Philippines and Saigon as well! Goodnight, dear friends...
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning. I am off early today. Spending the day in the first of three landowners seminars. Same sponsors each year. Anyway, will be spending the day in a large room which may be stuffy or freezing. Never know. They never have anything I can eat although I have to pay for lunch (included in registration cost) so I am packing my lunch and will eat in my car during the break.

    Must get along. Morning rush traffic starts soon.

    Hi Jeri and welcome home. Sorry the foot continues to bother you.

    Hi Buzz, Sandy, Anne, Jackie and Patsy. Maybe I can scribble little bits later today. 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just been for long walkies and it's already hot, hot, hot. Now we are home Jilly is doing zoomies with a treat.. exhausting just watching her!
    Anne. In her new glasses.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited July 2019
    Happy Friday! :) Foot doctor appointment at 11:20, prayers for no more big shoe!! If he releases me hopefully I can go get a mani/pedi and feel human again. Also need to stop at the store for a few things. Maybe the pool after that if sun comes out.

    Will try to get back later.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Home from hospital after a follow up appointment where very pleasant consultant was very pleased with progress and signed me off. I will receive an invitation in a year's time to attend Physio department to make sure both hips still ok. Thanked him for giving me back my life!!
    Driving to Plymouth I could see traffic building up in other direction as this is 1st Friday of school holidays so thousands of families arriving in Cornwall and that persuaded me to come home via a longer route. Still a quicker journey avoiding the jams!
    It isn't too hot today but still muggy with an occasional splatter of rain drops so I'm going to spend an hour gardening and also look for Sue the gardener's flask she thinks she left behind. The garden should be full of butterflies and bees this time of year but something in nature has gone wrong... where are they? 😢

    I shall return.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited July 2019
    Graduated to a gym shoe for six weeks. He said to wear big shoe to Renaissance Fair tomorrow but we will see. I have a sturdy gym shoe that I might wear instead. I was going to go for a mani/pedi but she is too busy today. Probably a good thing as no one will see my toes except at the pool and who cares???
    Think I will do some laundry until my print from Walgreens is ready.
