Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! Must admit to having a really rough time dealing with some sad news. Two old and dear friends passed away. Their children called us and seemed desperate to talk about their departed dad and the other friend was a lady friend of mine. What seemed like hours later, I hung up and can’t climb out of this pit of dispare. Fear and hate looking into the face of the grim reaper. To make matters even more interesting, our friend the musician and his wife are dropping over with a belated birthday cake for me! I need to spark up and make some sandwiches for a light lunch before the cake. I don’t want to bring a sad face to the visit John aptly puts it, “Patsy! Don’t practice death before necessary. You must enjoy life while you still have it.” He also blames it on my Irish heritage. We are a sentimental bunch of people, who love a good cry.

    Mfp seems to be working again. It is to be warmer here as well. I have told you about John’s theory that evil enemies are controlling the weather. He is really only half kidding. He is reading too many
    sci-fi mystery novels in the evenings. It has warped his brain.

    I am making tuna sandwiches for our friends. And pickles!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And we have been issued a heat warning. It IS hot! The Bean and I are holed up with all fans and A/C going. You could say pee pad weather for her. Michael wisely stayed home in his A/C condo.

    Sad, sad news PATSY. All too frequent as we age. Listen to John, he is very wise.

    Meanwhile I couldn't sleep overnight and Bean and I have just woken from a three hour nap to read Iran has seized a British oil tanker. Lordy Lordy what next!!!
    And I've just got the dreaded words, "data saved locally". I'm off!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, although it looks weird in the bottle, I like that it seems quite neutral on my nails!This photo shows it about a week after manicure! My nails have really always been
    "peasant" in appearance and the arthritis doesn't help!
    SANDY, I also opted for Crystalens replacements, and it's about 8 years since I got them and I have never worn glasses since then! Not even for reading! They were well worth the cost! Mine were done about a week apart.

    I'm thinking my leg medication is no longer working as I cannot sit still! Looks like the website is working just fine! I'll be back tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    My oh my! Lovely hands Buzz! I am going to make you all realize what peasant hands really look like, these are when mine. At least they are free of green paint under the nails. This is as long as they ever get. I clip them with nail clippers and smear on hand cream. That’s about as much of a manicure as they ever get. I am not very glamorous as you can see.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Patsy’s ugly ragged looking nails and cuticles. But it is what it is....
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Yours look good patsy..,.I am too embarrassed to show you mine! Cracked and splitting. Hopefully I can get a manicure next week.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No ones seeing mine either !!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Phew, we are going up to 34C today, or 93 F. You think not too bad, BUT it's the high humidity that's the killer up here. Makes it feel 40C and more. I managed to keep the temperature down to 73 F overnight with all doors closed leading elsewhere from living room, kitchen etc so Beanie and I slept like a baby and a puppy.. This tiny window unit is doing a good job. Outside the black flies and mosquitos are flourishing and I MEAN flourishing. Definitely stay in and knit, read, sort stuff out, file your nails kind of weather.
    I shall have a very cold brekkie. Juice and weetabix rather than my usual hot porridge.
    Hope all you ladies are also surviving,
    Jungle Anne and Jilly.
    PS. I've just read it will feel like 117F this afternoon. Not if I can help it. Going nowhere.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Keeping my hands to myself as well. Not a pretty sight.

    Hot, hot, hot again today. My plans are to stay indoors. I have a delayed package that is to be delivered today and I will venture out to the mailbox to rescue that but otherwise maybe some laundry, reading, and cooking may be on the schedule.

    You would think it would be too hot even for the bugs but they know how to thrive done they?

    Cool thoughts being sent your way. Take care.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Last winter when I was doing a purge of old clothes and shoes I decided not to throw out a pair of extremely short shorts simply because I'd always liked them.
    Guess who's frightening Jilly and wearing very short shorts with her no longer friendly to shorts, legs AND praying no one knocks on the door before I can discard and don more becoming longs!
    Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    Hi LIN are you secretly donning shorts? But then your legs are much younger than mine. Yours don't need to be a secret.

    I see Chicago is experiencing the same weather as us SANDY. Humidity, extreme temperatures, thunderstorms and the odd tornado just for fun! Are you floating on your pool? I wish I'd bought Jilly a child's paddling pool last fall, but with the mosquitoes? Mmm, maybe not.
    Anne of tropical Canada and her sidekick jungle Jill.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Oh Anne, no shorts, just long pants. There isn’t a pair in the house! 🤣🤣
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2019
    Our welcome rain stopped early this morning and we are now beginning to steam as our hot weather returns. I see Paris will be 41c tomorrow and their weather is going to drift across the Channel to little ol' England but thank goodness Cornwall's sea breezes will protect me from the worst of the heat.
    When I stepped out into the garden with the dogs this morning ready to go walking I was aware I couldn't hear my neighbours hens usual chortling so went down to look through the hedge at their chicken run especially as George remains unsettled and grumpy. Thank goodness I did because their motorised door hadn't opened so I popped round to do it remotely. With them being away I'll have to check tonight the chooks are safely shut away otherwise too much of a temptation for Mr Fox who now has us all on edge.
    On my way back to the car after our walk on the moor I noticed a girl leading what I thought was a tiny dog on a lead then as she got closer to us she scooped into her arms the prettiest cat that seemed to be having a great time. I'm not so sure Brady would tolerate being harnessed for even 10 seconds! 😁

    Buzz, when you first mentioned the Chinchilli colour varnish I assumed wrongly you had misspelled Chinchilla and looked that up. Amazingly there is such a colour but it is the blue/grey I said wouldn't suit me, nothing like yours. Daren't take a picture of my nails right now as I've been in the garden picking at things but even without soil and greenery they are probably beyond help!

    Someone has been putting dirty dishes in my kitchen sink again so I'd better go and wash up before getting back to the garden.

    Happy Saturday to you all. Please don't wilt in the heat but stay indoors. Anne, I just noticed your post while I'm typing that did make me laugh. Last week I finally threw away an old pair of denim short shorts with a pretty embroidered flower on one leg only because I've somehow managed to gain a couple of inches round my waist. I could just about get them zipped up but then breathing wasn't an option! Thankfully the pair I managed to smudge greasy oil on came out of the wash after a talcum powder and washing up liquid scrub perfectly clean and they are long enough to cover to just above my knees. Honestly ladies, what happens as we get older? I used to be complimented on my long slim legs, even a few wolf whistles in my time although they're no longer PC, but I don't go further than woods and moors in my long shorts, never mind Anne's length!! 😲


    PS Sorry, what a long ramble... just skim over the boring bits!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Nothing boring about your posts JACKIE my girl. Your comments about legs! Legs were once my best feature. I got the lead roll of pantomime Aladdin partly because of my legs. Today I'd be Aladdin's old washer woman mum, nails and all if I auditioned! Maybe I shouldn't get my peepers fixed. What on earth will be looking back at me in the mirror if I get them as normal! Sasquatch (seeing I am in Canada, big foot to you southern gals.)

    Hey LIN get yourself to Target for a nifty pair of shorts. (Elastic waisted might be a good idea for when you reach my age and it's REALLY hot.). I remember a photo you posted of yourself in medieval dress and you were and I'm sure still are a very good looking lassie.

    You will gather I'm pretty bored between the weather and no glasses to peer at the neighbours across the road. At least I can still read BBC news, but even Donald is boringly quiet these last few days. The Brits get a new PM on Monday but I'll be stuck in the surgeons consulting/examining chair worrying about Beanie who I will have to leave for four hours.

    It's a tough life up here in the boon docks (whatever that means. Never did find out)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2019
    A wonderful surprise as I finished posting... a phone call from my other friend Anne with an 'e' that I was at school with. We haven't talked for ages but listening to the news with talk of 50 years since the moon landing she called to remind me we were holidaying with 2 other friends and visiting Goonhilly that day by sheer coincidence. Funnily enough as I drove home from our doggy walk this morning a radio presenter asked listeners to phone in to say where they were that day which reminded me we stopped for fuel and a lovely old boy ran out to fill the car as they used to so excited telling us they've just landed on the moon! Wonderful times and such fun as 4 of us travelled round our West country in a Mini car!
    We caught up after nearly 3 hours and have agreed we need monthly phone chats in future!
    I'm still not used to the lined face that looks back at me from the mirror since my cataracts went, aging dramatically and shockingly overnight! 😲😢☹

    Pets waiting to be fed, next door's too.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Just been outside to put out garbage and to water the wilting spuds. It felt like being inside a furnace 93F or 111F with the humidity factor and positively cold inside at 78F.
    The moon landing. I remember the four of us staring at the moon unbelievably knowing men were on its surface. Michael at seven was beside himself with excitement. We bought him an Apollo kit to assemble with dads help. Then of course he got an "action man" doll that Christmas complete with astronauts gear.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited July 2019
    Happy Saturday Afternoon! :) No, I am not at the pool, I went to watch Robby in his last soccer game of the season, came home to shower and dress for church and then drove back to his area to watch him in kyukido, a kids martial class. He got a yellow belt today so it was a big deal. I am home again getting cool and waiting to go to church.

    It 94F here with a real feel of 104F, so very close to Anne. My house is cool at 73 degrees but it is like an oven when I go outside.
    I remember the moon landing as well and was glued to my TV in awe.
    I never wear shorts, capris are the closet I get.

    Glad you all had fun with my name, but I now have changed it. B)

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We did have fun SANDY, and you are a great sport!
    Still very hot here. We are very similar in weather. It's 93 right now feeling like 111. It must have been hard on little Robby playing in such heat.
    I believe we get thunderstorms tonight so maybe we will cool down a bit tomorrow.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Storms rolling in with intermittent power interruptions. But it is cooler now.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again! Sunny, hot, and unpleasantly humid. Help! I am ready for rain and cool wet weather again. Was that me whining just a few days ago about wanting to see sunshine? Well, I see it now and my poor fuchsias died in the heat. No amount of water seemed to help. I watered twice a day, I considered giving them little sun umbrellas but I thought of it too late. The dear little plants just gave up and went to fuchsia heaven. We’ll see if they make a dramatic recovery. That may be asking too much.

    When we reached the moon, my entire family gathered around my mom’s big color TV in her recreation room. It was the gathering place for all visitors. We hooped and hollered and cheered. My grandmother was convinced no good could come of this. The moon was a heavenly body, not a place to put rockets on! Grandmom wasn’t very progressive in any way. But the rest of us could hardly believe how exciting and we knew that the world had somehow shifted. We were in a new era. We had gone into space! We had landed on the moon!

    Visit with our musician friend was nice. He has stopped playing his horn or even making music. He loved talking about different concerts and music he played in the concerts. He has great mobility issues. Katie scared him. He was probably worried she would jump on him and knock him down. But all went well. He went home with chocolate smeared on his shirt and face. His wife and John got him back into the car and buckled in for the ride home. Neighbors were going to help get him back into their house. Whew! A dear old sweet guy, we will always love no matter if he knows us now or not.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Several rounds of storms have gone through the area and it is only 70 degrees F now!!