Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Great news Buzz, there's nothing worse than being confined and missing the daily comings and goings although I'm sorry to read you are still badly bruised. Taking their time to come out aren't they so I'm betting bruised bones involved! I'm now looking at my nails wondering if varnish, especially Chinchilla, would improve their terrible state but have to give in and say there's no hope! ☹

    Sounds like a perfect day in store for you Patsy especially in the company of your daughter so enjoy!

    Sue the gardener worked today to clear another corner which then motivated me to take gardening tools to the footpath that runs at the back of my cottage to weed and cut back a few wayward brambles flying over from the not so nice neighbour's property. Our weather is about to break with lots of rain forecast for Friday so I'm hoping to finish that job tomorrow. This evening I visited the allotment to water our veggies and am now sitting with Betty lying across my lap. The radio is playing Adele on Smooth Music and I'm sipping tea even though it's gone 9.30 so it may keep me awake! Apparently a partial eclipse of the moon tonight but I can't imagine I'll stay up for that.

    Take care everyone

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We had a nice day. Michael's on a weeks vacation so he poked his nose around the door much to the Beans delight. I was cooking a shepherds pie which was fortunate although a bit daft of me with the temperature at 30C (just dropped to 28C). However the air conditioner kept things comfortable, it was delicious (said she modestly) and Mike took a chunk home for tomorrow leaving me with a chunk likewise. After lunch we went to a rather posh dogs shop. I've been trying to find a harness for Bean, one she won't wriggle her short front legs out of. The regular pet chains have been no help. She's done this to 5 so far! Well we found one! A smart red one. After test runs she seems very comfortable with it and didn't attempt to pull her legs through the straps. And I got her a rather pretty food bowl at the same time.
    Mike hung around for a while and after he left both the Bean and I had a couple of hours napping on the sofa. Something I rarely do, but I think it was a combination of shepherds pie and heat.
    Time to join Jackie in a cuppa and watch the goings on, on the news.
    The ending of a perfect Patsy birthday day,
    Bye sneakers,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) We are going to see the kiddos today. I will watch Charlie while the rest of them including Bryanna will go see Toy Story 4. When they return we will go to Outback for an early dinner and then spend some time together. Brad leaves tomorrow afternoon and I will miss him but will be glad to get back to my weekly routines. :p I have already gained 3 pounds so like Jackie the yoyo continues.

    Anne, isn't it great to be with our sons? No matter how old they are they will always be our babies. Glad you found a harness for Jilly, they are the safest.

    Jackie, the garden seems to be improving each day, good work. My nails are also a disaster right now, but hopefully I can go for a manicure Friday.

    Sorry, my page flipped so I will just say hello to everyone and have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers. After a big grocery shop first thing I took Betty and George to the woods where we climbed a steep path to the top. It's still warm although more clouds about so we took our time strolling through the trees until we got to the old fallen tree I think I've mentioned before that has hundreds of coins cut into it's bark. Some are very old and rusted. As I waited for the pooches to have a good sniff about a man appeared through the trees and came over for a chat mentioning he hadn't been to the woods for 14 years and I had the feeling he was lost so was concerned when he left saying he was going to walk down to the river because from that spot it's a dangerously steep route. Back at the car park I looked for him then just as I drove away saw him reading a sign so no bodies left in the woods!
    I've just enjoyed a pedicure and relaxing foot massage and after my cup of tea will go outside to pot on a couple of plants.

    Happy Wednesday everyone and Sandy I hope you get to see Toy Story 4 another time.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello all. I am in Whole Foods. Just finished shopping and waiting for someone to arrive to buy something. Met another lady in the parking lot earlier before I shopped. Hope this gal shows up.

    Jackie, I was about to ask if you lived in the Midsomer area. 😁🙃😁 but luckily no missing walker.

    Enjoy your day. More later. Wow, it looks like rain all of a sudden. Where did that come from?!


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Pouring with rain here which is just as well, it's not Jilly walking weather AND I was making out my online grocery order when my glasses flew off. I thought I'd simply lost the screw, but no, Mark came over with his repair kit and he said the arm had actually broken in half which was just above the screw still in place. So.....I'm now held together with dubious holding Sellotape and as blind as a bat!
    I don't want to buy new glasses at this point with a consultation on Monday and maybe an op in a few weeks. What a year! It's rather difficult with bad eyesight - I wonder how bats manage, oh yes some sort of sonic rays? Well I ain't got any!

    The funny thing is my Australian cousin and I do things together in the accident department. When I fall down she does, when she falls down you can guarantee I will quickly follow. We are in some sort of twilight zone! Same DNA? Anyway she gets her eyes done in August and tells me the Aussie bus drivers are forever removing her off buses and guiding her to the correct bus. She puts toothpaste on the back of toothbrushes etc. and it all sounds familiar.

    On the plus side I think I don't have too many wrinkles, suspect that will change if the op is successful! and Michael and Mark no longer look like 13 and 10 year olds!

    Anyway you will all be relieved to know I won't be posting long posts in the next little while, but will keep in touch.
    Now, where's the coffee table!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! I am still in a happy glow from the beautiful family birthday celebration. It made me feel younger...not older! Our daughter brought a crocheted coat she designed and made. Wow it was an amazing piece of handwork. I cannot knit or crochet. It is wizardry to me when I see people make things out a ball of string. She is so creative. She can make anything.

    Our son has a very busy work schedule but is coming at the end of July. What a sweet guy! He is also pretty busy with his sailboat and crew. We still keep in regular contact.

    Anne: I had cataracts and I have macular degeneration. With all that they were able to do the procedure and my degeration has been stopped in its tracks! I get an eye injection once a year and things remain pretty good. I also take a vitamin formulated for eyes. I can see pretty good really. So I have confidence that your eyesight with improve dramatically. Take heart!

    Lin: hope your met your person to sell something you no longer want or need. Seriously...have you looked into Poshmark? I am trying to list a couple of decorative items there next. We’ll see how that goes. The clothes have sold really well at better prices than at a yards sale. Yards sales are a lot of work and I don’t have the patience to do it.

    Jackie: so superwoman! Out climbing mountains first thing in the morning with your two mountain climbing partners! Hi ho? Do you ever lose track and feel lost? I understand it is always a possibility in your thick woods. We have lost hikers all the time around here. Most of the time they are found and brought home tired, dirty, and hungry.

    Thank you all again for the lovely birthday wishes and ecards. You made my day.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dragging around with long cannulas following me everywhere I go! The portable oxegenator saw me through dinner last night and I realized I'm sleeping better! My cleaning helper was here today and says the bruises are improving and just answered a call from a darling friend who moved from here about 6 years ago and would like to come back. We were very close to her and her husband (a victim of Agent Orange), so I'm excited about seeing them again!
    The corridors in my building were being repainted today, so I've stayed inside. Dinner hour, so I must dress.
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning all. Just writing to let you all know I am still here on this site if there was a problem yesterday. I'm as slow as molasses with no glasses so all for now because I have to scoot and wash the locks and shower before Dorio the grocery man shows up with the bananas, paper towels etc.
    It's already hot here. So must get little Bean out early as well.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Well, my baby son goes back to Arizona this afternoon, I will really miss him. We had a great time together and I am so happy he got to meet his nephews and niece.
    We had fun with them yesterday and took some more memorable pictures. He and his live-in girlfriend are trying to buy a house in Arizona so I wish them well. It will be a great place to visit in the winter months. My everyday life will be back to normal tomorrow with plans with the kiddos on Saturday and friends on Sunday.

    I got the emails that you were having problems getting on MFP especially the home page so I hope it is all fixed now. I am wondering since none but Anne has posted. MFP has glitches so I am hoping this is one of them since it more than one of you.

    Have a great day, we are getting some needed rain but due to stop this afternoon and get up the the high 90's with heat indexes of over a 100. Stay cool.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hi, nope, the app isn’t loading the message boards for me. I have tried multiple times this motning on both my iPad and iPhone. Found a way to get here.

    Spent the morning with the former library ladies, now a coffee/beverage group around a large table at a local spot. Always lots to talk about and we haven’t been tossed out. So that is good.

    I am going out in the heat of the afternoon for another reflexology appointment. Fingers crossed that my vehicle can tolerate the very high temperatures.

    Good to hear from any and all who are able to get here.

    Stay safe.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I made it, though a bit late in the day with my new hours for computer (early so I can finally get to sleep by a reasonable time! Just had an excellent experience with Amazon, where my pistachio nut order arrived with a defective bag that wouldn't re-zip up, since it was attached to only one side of the bag! Their instructions were to keep the nuts and they would give me a credit! That's 2 pounds of shelled, roasted, unsalted pistachio kernels!
    I can see where MPF is having problems, as my reply keeps disappearing!
    JACKIE, that Chinchilly polish from Estee really keeps my nails from cracking and ridging, and it stays on 2 weeks. Without using Estee (OPI not doing the same thing!), they crack and break completely! The color Chinchilly is actually far more neutral than the bottle appears. And it doesn't streak!
    SANDY, cherish the memories! so lovely to have enjoyed the whole family visit!
    My post keeps disappearing, so I'll try tomorrow...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello all. Finally I'm able to log on but will be quick just in case. Thanks to Sandy for emailing MFP explanations although not sure they know! Wonder if hacking taking place again!!
    Have had a lovely day visiting friends after a long walk on the moors. It's been warm and sunny but we too are expecting heavy rain tonight and tomorrow.... my thirsty garden will be delighted!
    I will now do a Google search for your nail varnish Buzz. Who knows, perhaps even my gardening nails can be improved! Hopefully tomorrow MFP will be more user friendly so we can get back to our daily chatting. 🤔🤨😐
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We are in for a heat warning Day. 91F or 31C. GROAN!

    I didn't take much notice when I couldn't get on MFP yesterday because it happens quite often up here. I get a notice saying "cannot connect to server" and a side notice saying "data saved locally". You can sort of tell when it's about to happen. The typing starts halting and weird symbols appear. Nothing happening right now or I'd be rushing to "post reply".

    Thank you though for the emails and as JACKIE said we can keep our little circle of friends if the going gets rough.

    I do admire the ladies like BUZZ who look after their hands and nails. I'm afraid my nails are peasant nails. I'm forever breaking them and polish would soon get chipped.

    Funny day yesterday. Dorio rolled up with the groceries and sadly that was the highlight. I think the heat is keeping everyone indoors. Michael might turn up today and Jill and I might get out to the bank etc in an air conditioned car. Even the dog walkers are absent and there's not a sniff of any children.

    PATSY thank you for putting my mind at ease. One question for you gals who have had cataract surgery. Did the surgeon do both eyes at once or on separate occasions? I'm sure the receptionist said both at once when I booked the consultation date. Still can't believe I've got them. I went to the optician just for a check and new glasses!

    Well, better get moving.
    Have a lovely day, Jackie, Patsy, Sandy, Lin, Buzz and Jeri,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A walk in the rain this morning that I have to admit, after a month of dry heat was delightful. It's a good day to sort through paperwork and get bills put away because having tidied all the piles a month ago when I wasn't getting out much, I'm determined to keep on top of it all. Haha, we'll see, right? A paper bill from my water supplier was a surprise because I pay by direct debit that I set up nearly 4 years ago so I phoned to query it and it seems I was in credit up until last month so the direct debit arrangement was hardly used and then got sidelined, at least that was the reasoning of the pleasant girl on the end of the phone. Anyway, all sorted, I don't have to pay the amount on this paper bill and they will reset the monthly payments but at only about one third the original so good news all round!

    When I put the dogs out at midnight for their last pee visit in the garden George's back went up, he growled and then barked loudly towards the bottom of the garden so I think the fox must have returned to the still empty chicken run. It did rather spook me because it was misty and drizzly so I really didn't fancy investigating and even George with his growling was still jumpy. After a few minutes his nose pointed away from the garden towards the fields below so I think naughtly Mr Fox was seen off by his loud barks. My one worry is my neighbours have gone away to attend a family wedding so I'm cat and hen sitting. They have the same chicken run set up as mine and although they have told me it appears secure but if it happens it happens, I do feel responsible. :s

    Sandy, I loved your comment that Arizona will be a good place to visit in the winter months. What with your daughter living in Florida you will have the opportunity to head south for the whole of Winter!! :D

    Gosh Lin, if you are worrying if your vehicle can cope with the heat it must be hot! Stay out of it if you can. Funny thought me living in Midsomer although there are sometimes enough funny goings on in the area to warrant changing the name of our parish... not murder though!! :D

    Mmm Buzz, 2 lbs of pistachio nuts.... they wouldn't last long in my house!! :D A google search of your nail varnish came up with a grey/blue colour that I'm not sure is me and my friends would certainly be shocked thinking I've been painting woodwork or something. Gentle pink nail varnish gets enough comments the rare time I put any on!

    Oh dear, just had one of those recorded message phone calls reminding me about my follow up hospital appointment next week except I've already had a letter changing the time so do I contact them to tell them or wait for another recorded message with new information? Think I'll have a coffee and think about it! Dare I watch a lunchtime politics programme at the same time and feel blood pressure rising? Maybe not! Frightening images of the orange man's recent rally with shades of 1930's fanaticism. Dangerous times everywhere it seems. On that note I'm off.

    Hello to Anne and Patsy.... happy Friday.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited July 2019
    Happy Friday!! :) Was up before 7AM because a repairman came at 7:30 to look at my stove. Two of my burners are not working and he ended up calling my landlord to tell him it would cost around $600 to fix. The landlord gave approval which shocked me, but I am happy.
    Now it is a waiting game to see if he can get the parts and when he will be back.

    My son is finally home after a few delays with his flight. The house is so empty with everyone gone and I felt a little weepy last night. I am fine today but tired. My cleaning girl is coming later and we are expecting 100 degrees today with heat warnings. I will go to the pool and just float around to keep cool.

    Have a great day and stay cool.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, I was typing and dealing with phone calls when you posted. My cataracts were removed one at a time with quite a few months between. I was told I waited longer than is usual for the 2nd because they had a backlog but a couple of months is normal. Your sight will improve dramatically after just the first operation and I would say since you are paying for the procedures you should be given options so insist on whatever makes you feel comfortable.
    My cataracts crept up on me over a few years but here they tend not to remove them until they're what they call ripe by which time vision is bad, not that it's too obvious because it's more like a veil than fuzzy or distorted. I was shocked at the improvement and I'm sure you'll be delighted at the bright world waiting for you.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Talked to the optician and I have to try to manage without my long distance glasses until after the outcome. This is to save money of course and as she said very unfortunate to have broken the arms just before consultation and surgery. Actually I took Jill for a walk and could see better without them! Not across the road mind. Anyway, if I have to get them done, last week in August or first week in September.
    Its VERY hot out at 10:10am.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good morning. My car did ok in the heat yesterday afternoon thank goodness. I was concerned as I haven’t had that vehicle in for service for oh so long and didn’t plan on going in until September.

    The treatment was quite good and she believes that I can shift to once every two weeks instead of weekly. I am seeing her next week and then apparently we will shift to the new schedule. I am a bit apprehensive about that, as the visits are something I really look forward to as I feel better afterwards. It certainly doesn’t last a week even now much less two weeks. It was the best result ever! I was happy and almost pain free afterwards and I slept so much better last night. Wonderful.

    Buzz, you do take care of your nails! I do not. I clip them from time to time. That’s it. As a teenager, I did my nails all the time and had a line up of different polishes in odd colors. It was fun but now with all my cooking and fruit/veggie prep it is more practical to leave them as is. It is grand of you to share your tips with us. Who knows, I might change my mind at some point.

    Jackie, oh my, I hope George scared away that predator and no harm came to the hens you are looking after. I have some bills to pay as well and since the heat index will stay in the danger zone for the foreseeable future, that is on my list of things to do. I received my power bill and it says my budget billing will be coming up for review soon. I am guessing the budget will take a hit as it will go up, especially with this heat wave.

    Anne, I haven’t had the cataract surgery but many of my friends and acquaintances have. They all have had one eye at a time but with a very short interval between the two procedures. Other than messing with eye drops, no one has complained about anything. The improvement in sight has been pretty astounding for each and every person.

    Sandy, I am glad your landlord agreed to fix the stove and hope the parts are easily found. Don’t fry out at the pool. I assume you have some shade if needed. I did my one errand this morning and now in for the duration unless something unexpected comes up.

    Patsy, have you made it back to the site now? It seems more stable right now. I hope it doesn’t suddenly crash as I have been typing for a while.

    Speaking of which, sending hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    The parts are no longer available so stove cannot be fixed. My landlord is going in the hospital today for his back so I will wait until he gets out to change it back to my old stove. This one has more perks but I don't feel safe with two burners that don't work. I hardly cook on my stove so the old one will be fine.

    Anne, I had the cataract surgery many years ago, one at a time a month apart. I paid extra for crystalens and didn't need glasses for years. Before the surgery I needed reading glasses but could read with the new lens. I had mine done in December of 06 and January of 07. I did develop secondary cataracts which were removed with a laser, easy peasy. If it weren't for my early stages of macular degeneration my eyes would be perfect.
