Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Oh Jackie, what heart breaking news, like Anne I am teary eyed. There are no words but I hope you can feel this ((((((hug)))).
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, joining our dear friends with sympathy, empathy, and teary-eyed hugs! <3<3<3:'(
    :'(<3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I can’t believe it’s been so long since I logged in. But we have been extremely busy. A two week trip to Seattle to visit my sister. Camping, two sets of visitors basically one after the other, a wedding out of town and just busy busy busy. I even missed popping in on my birthday as we had house guests then for about 5 days. Whew.

    I am doing very well except for the tightness caused by my scarring from the double mastectomy. I saw a plastic surgeon today and he says 9 to 12 months with lots of massaging the area during that time. I’ve been doing that all along but he says it’s a slow process and if I give it Time the lumps and bumps should soften up. I hope so. At times especially in the morning I feel like I have a rope pulled tight around my chest. But enough of that I am happy everything else is great. Woo hoo

    I read all the posts and I am caught up. Wow I think falling is contagious. Sounds like we all need to be very careful of how we walk. Hugs to you all. Jackie so sorry. Awwww. Sandi sounds like you have pressures on you too. Big hugs to you all.

    Heading to Vegas next week for a week. In December my plan was to visit my sister right after Christmas and go to Vegas shortly after. Big C got in the way. But I am now checking it all off my to do list.

    Calgary Stampede is on now. We went down to the grounds on Tuesday and had a great time. Picture attached.

    Hugs to you all and hopefully I’ll log in sooner next time


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    One more collage from when we were camping. sbj5vjszgki0.jpeg

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Jackie: I feel so bad for you dear friend. I hope you have nearby friends who understand how unique those birds are. It is so easy to become hopelessly attached to them. When they meet with disaster, I know how deep the hurt can be. They are not just pets...they too were feathered family. Thinking of you.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning everyone and especially JACKIE. I imagine you had a sleepless night.

    There was a huge crash here overnight which had Jilly barking and me upright in bed. Peering through the window I see the moveable metal fence which is between the house and garage to keep Jilly safe was knocked over. No wind, so I guess a fox, or a coyote, or a raccoon pushed it over.

    I've got groceries being delivered so better scoot and get breakfast and a shower.

    Mike doesn't get here on a Friday as before because of his bullied work partner walking out and then on sick leave for stress. However, she handed in her notice this week so hopefully the top management will be trying to hire someone to replace her and Michaels life will return to normal. AND ours!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers, having spent yesterday afternoon gardening and hoping somehow little Daisy had managed to fly away from the fox so return home any moment I had to accept there were no survivors and move on. My neighbours popped in separately last night to offer comfort since they have hens and know how upsetting these fox attacks are and this morning another friend dropped in for coffee and brought me a box of eggs layed by her rescued hens! So you see we are all a little bonkers about these birds that we're told have pea brains and no personalities!
    My plan is to somehow reinforce the fencing, put every obstacle in the way of a predator then wait for another intensive battery farm rescue. I've no wish to put another downer on everyone's day but want you all to know how much I appreciate the warmth and hugs sent in my direction. There's a very special place in my heart for each and every one of you. 💖💖💖

    The good news from my 3 hours of gardening yesterday was that bending, crouching, pulling at brambles and lifting heavy trugs didn't hurt! I've a follow up appointment with the consultant at the end of the month then that should be me done and dusted! We've each had a run of health problems recently haven't we so let's hope Anne's Chinese year will soon be over and next year's Rat will be kinder to us all. 🐀

    Happy Friday

    PS Genuinely forgot to weigh this morning but will hopefully remember tomorrow.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I know your chicks would have been very secure JACKIE knowing how thorough you are. But alas No match for a determined fox.No wonder the fox is known as whiley and cunning. My Dad kept chickens and ducks as you know, and we lived opposite a creek and long country lane and fields. Wild life abounded. We had a really long wire fenced run in the garden but every evening Dad herded chickens and ducks into a huge well built shed at the bottom of the garden. The insides were wall to wall nesting boxes. It was always a thrill as a child to see my brekkie egg! All the fowls died of old age, traumatic, but nowhere near as traumatic as you've been through. They, ducks and chickens are no pea brains as me and you know. I've never forgotten Jimmy and Rebecca and Monica Mary and the rest of the girls.
    When you've known and lived in close contact with the animal kingdom it's terribly hard to barbecue, roast, or stew them. Well it is for me but I guess farmers however compassionate become hardened.

    Gateway just phoned. Apparently due to a glitch at their depot my order will be very late. No prob. I ain't going anywhere. That's odd my delivery man just phoned and will be here any minute, whoops!
    Bye, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) My son just left for the gym but will be back for me to pick up my daughter at the airport at 1:00. The other son and DIL will be here around 3. I am making chicken breasts on the grill for dinner with salad and veggies. I am sure we will be playing games tonight even though Brad said he won't. We will see. Exciting to have all the kids here and can't wait to see Rob and Lisa's face when my daughter surprises them.

    Have a good day and enjoy life even with it's sadness.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Warm today after fog burns off. A busy day ahead of doing boring but necessary household chores. I am happy to report no more asthma attacks since I have given up peanuts, tree nuts and most gluten. This is a pain! Everything has peanuts and gluten. Oh well. I can breathe and am not coughing. That’s much better!
    Have a good one, dear sneakers.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited July 2019
    pinkperil wrote: »
    Hello Sneakers, having spent yesterday afternoon gardening and hoping somehow little Daisy had managed to fly away from the fox so return home any moment I had to accept there were no survivors and move on. My neighbours popped in separately last night to offer comfort since they have hens and know how upsetting these fox attacks are and this morning another friend dropped in for coffee and brought me a box of eggs layed by her rescued hens! So you see we are all a little bonkers about these birds that we're told have pea brains and no personalities!.
    Oh Jackie how sad for you. I know you had a real close connection with them. Hugs.

    Sandy have fun with your family. We’ll be have 2 grandsons sleeping over tonight. Fun fun. Oh ☺️ I see I’ve been spelling your name wrong. Must be because of how I spell mine and the fact that I have a close friend who spells it Sandi. Sorry.

    Patsy, I ate completely gluten free for about 5 years. It’s not hard once you figure out all your options. Good luck.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Hello, have been running along at half speed today. Made a trip to Whole Foods. Did a bit of laundry. Baked some sweet potatoes. Fixed broccoli salad and cleaned some zucchini. Started a new batch of cold brew tea. Updated my Facebook Marketplace listings. Met a couple after lunch to sell a couple of things. In touch with another lady who says she wants to meet later tonight. And finally I have been carrying around a packed up cookie jar in my car all week as another person who wanted this so much has been too busy to meet me. I think she has disappeared.

    I have several things on my schedule for tomorrow but I don’t think I will do any of them. I think I will sort some more things and maybe even toss some things out in the trash. And other odds and ends.

    Jackie, I am glad your neighbors commiserated with you. I am sorry there were no survivors. I had been hoping. Meanwhile, I am happy you were able to do so much gardening with no problems. Excellent.

    Sandy, celebrate. I bet the surprise was wonderful!

    Jeri, having some grandchildren at your house sounds like fun. A friend of mine and her husband had three granddaughters overnight last night. I am betting she is tired!

    Patsy, chores are by definition boring aren’t they? I hope you either finished them or found a way to ignore them. (My preference.)

    Anne, did you say what day you are going in for the cataract surgery? Do both eyes need it? And here, they do one eye at a time. Same there?

    Buzz, hello dear one. How are you today? I hope the oxygen is helping.

    Must move along. Hugs.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hi LIN. I got a call from the eye surgeon today and go in for a preliminary talk and measurements etc. a week on Monday. Much to my surprise the receptionist said they do both eyes at the same time. This is just for traditional cataract removal, not laser. Meanwhile idiot here started looking up how it's all done and I found an article about a woman, actually two women because another came forward, anyway they are suing (I think) the local hospital for performing the surgery with no sedation. I have two reactions to this.
    1. Glad I'm going to a private clinic and therefore not being on OHIP, I pay and get sedation.
    2. Running away as fast as I can being a natural coward. My eyes seem to be miraculously better, lol.

    I've coped with numerous broken bones etc. But eye surgery gives me the screaming hab dabs.
    Should get it done by the beginning of August which beats an eighteen month wait....I suppose!

    Marie had to stop Tony from cutting the beautiful oak tree down today. It straddles our dividing line at the front.
    I don't wish my time away, but honestly JACKIE I can't wait for the year of the rat!
    Well time for jeopardy on tv. I do well on the history questions, but utterly hopeless on USA universities, USA football etc.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So sorry, but I just lost entire post, and am trying to beat going to sleep! Yes, indeed, the oxygen is certainly helping, but now I cannot stay awake long enough to repost! Love you all
    <3 Buzz

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have been thinking of getting one of those reclining beds. Not so sure about them but I think it might be very comfy and good to sleep with legs elevated. Sleep is always a good goal. I am not too good at sleeping these days...or rather nights. However, there is always a little nap after lunch.

    Still reeling over Jackie’s loss. I guess getting more little feathered ladies to share your life is hard after such an traumatic loss. And I always say...the heart is very elastic. It’s possible to care for many animals and people at the same time. While remembering fondly those who are no longer with us.

    Anne: good luck on your move and your eye surgery. You have big changes coming this year. Exciting new life routines as well as meeting new friends as you walk Jilly.

    Buzz: well, sounds like oxygen agrees with you! You are resting and feeling better.

    Must take toast out of toaster and get my coffee. Have a great day, dear sneakers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Hello all.

    Fiddling around with little things today but tried for hours to put up a couple of listings on Marketplace. I finally listed to a local buy/sell board and asked to crossposted to Marketplace. I think that worked. Must go back and see if they were accepted.

    Did a bit of laundry and got some bills paid.

    Anne, my goodness what a lot of information. Wow. So are you having corrective lenses implanted in conjunction with the surgery? Sorry to ask as I understand the whole process has you nervous. I would be as well. How lovely the world will be when you can see clearly again.

    Patsy, there have been many commercials about the craftmatic beds in our area lately. My late aunt had one and she loved it. I have never tried one. A friend and her husband got a bed that is adjustable and you can put up your head or your feet and each can control their side of the bed. They love it.

    Buzz, I do hope you are getting more restorative sleep. So sorry you lost your post.

    Must run along now.

    Hi Jackie, Sandy and Jeri. Wishing everyone well.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh for heaven's sake......lost a long post and after a long busy day am too tired to start over. 😥😥
    Will just send hugs for now.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Restless legs are refusing to stay still tonight and driving me crazy! And my portable oxygen thing never got delivered so I can't stay very long! Not my day!!! I'm very tired so I will just send love and prepare fore bed! (Takes me hours to complete the job!)
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited July 2019
    Happy Sunday! :) The party was great but extremely hot!! I spent a lot of time watching Charlie in the pool thus the wet shirt in the picture below after I picked her up.

    I am going to church this morning and then we are going to my kids aunt's house. Busy days but fun days.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    My eye problem comes and goes. I made the worst bread I've ever made last week. Just like a cannon ball. No idea what I did but even the raccoons and rodents ignored it out on the lawn, lol. Then today i fed Jilly her chicken and caught her eating around a portion of plastic wrap. Must have stuck to the chicken when I popped it into the pan. Yet today, it feels more like my normal sight. I shall have to keep quiet when Mike and Sandy, and little pup Amber turn up. They intend feeding me. Never look a gift horse in the mouth! It will be interesting how Jilly and Amber get on. They are about the same size but she's a very pretty white curly furred dog.

    13 family members SANDY. Makes our little group of 6 seem ultra small.

    Jilly's barking, here's the family,
    PS. False alarm Bean! It's just Tony eying the oak tree.