Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning, tea/coffee set for the day

    “ 1920’s Art Deco Wedgwood ...Designed by Paul Follot who had designed for Wedgwood since the Edwardian era 1911.”


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello all.

    Yesterday I was able to make my way through the books that need to go back to the library today. I am also picking up a grocery order at Walmart this morning.

    A rummage sale puzzle proved to be less than expected. Thin pieces, poor fit, fuzzy print of the pieces so discerning what you are looking at is very difficult. So I did something I normally wouldn’t consider, after working on it for much too long, I threw it out.

    I am now going to work on a bright happy puzzle that makes me smile. Have not started it yet but the box is out and the pieces are ready to be sorted. I seem to have a number of dog related puzzles that I have worked over the last several years. 😁


    Barbie, that sounds like a lovely day. I am always excited to go for a drive these days. I am positively giddy if I have to go through the post office Dropbox, or the bank drive up. ❤️❤️

    Jeri, it is wonderful to hear from you and I love the photos (as usual). The organizing project sounds extensive. I am sure you will be pleased with the result. I wish some of my friends would consider meeting outdoors but no one has any interest. Lovely that you did have an outside visit.

    Jeanne, wonderful and colorful projects! Thanks for continuing to share photos of your work. I love them. I dug out some old quilting fabric and took it to a friend’s home some time ago. She has been sewing masks pretty much daily and sending them to friends both here (the Midwest) and friends in the Northeast (where she grew up). Many people have been taking material, thread, and elastic to her to support her project.

    Anne, what a wonderful day for you and Jilly. I have heard little conversation about pods here. I saw photos of a pool party yesterday. A friend has a private pool at her house and she traditionally hosts parties there all summer long. This is the smallest group I have ever seen at one of her parties. Certainly not a pod though. Another family was spending time with relatives that came from Colorado to visit. I guess I am saying that many people I know are not limiting their exposure to others much at all.

    Patsy, I will need to think of doing that with purchased DVDs. Although I don’t buy many, I never check them immediately after purchase. I have 2 that I have been saving, but too late now to check. Goodness your son sounds very busy indeed. Much to handle but good to be working I would imagine.

    Sandy, you are such a treasure. Your son and DIL receive so much support from you but I agree, I would be worn to a frazzle. A friend of mine has her two granddaughters at their home for a week. Before they arrived she was saying how tired she was just considering the energy she would need to muster for a week of these two youngsters. (And I have heard little from her since last Friday.)

    Jackie, you have a lovely place to work on puzzles. So light and pleasant although a bit difficult to work with a kitty sitting on top! 😂 do you ever end up short of pieces?

    Must run away now. I love taking a long shower and that is where I am headed.

    Wishing you health and happiness.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Three hours of gardening and three hours of barking at passing dogs yesterday did me and the Bean in. Too much fresh air had us sleeping in for an extra hour and after a quick rush to the bathroom, me, and a quick rush for her, the Bean promptly crawled under her blankie and fell asleep.
    She is just emerging from her slumbers so we will go for our usual early morning trot only a bit later.

    I tried to get into Grantchester yesterday evening but couldn't so reverted back to the last two episodes of Colditz of the first series which had me gripping my seat and in a nervous sweat for the two escapees, one American (Robert Wagner) and one British (he of later Dr, Watson fame who I can't remember his real name right now, but he's in lots of British dramas). Oh and in an earlier episode I noticed a younger "Dr Who" playing a captured military catholic priest and the chap from "As time goes by" playing a younger captured doctor. That was almost as much fun as the series. Lots more familiar faces for me, now 50 years later!

    I am very nervous of joining Facebook etc. I'm not sure why but I am suddenly bombarded with all sorts of ads from Florida on my email. Most very inappropriate (for men, not old ladies), some telling me I've won vast amounts of money if I'll just click the arrow - I don't, or cream to get rid of my skin tags which I haven't any to get rid of and on and on. Can't unsubscribe because they want my email address to send more ads I suspect. I "junk" the lot, but still they keep coming and flooding my email inbox. This started about three months ago after years of nothing. It is most annoying clicking through them to find friends etc.

    Anyway, worse things happen at sea I guess but if anyone has any ideas to dislodge, eternally grateful.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JEANNE, my son Michael is here and I've just quoted your comments on hacking, Alexa etc. He says you are absolutely correct and we should work on the assumption that we are being listened to if you are standing near these devices. Thanks for the info.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Early morning for Katie and me. Not enough sleep for either of us. It will be a low energy day but I have a few must do chores. It is raining and very muggy, as one would expect.

    Anne: I have quite literally hundreds of spam emails. In addition to the ones you describe, I have at least a hundred emails of political pleas for candidates wanting donations for their Champaigns. I am not sure it is possible to get rid of them. Our son even changed his email address, to no avail. On the ipad, be sure and double delete. Once in the inbox and then empty the trash. I didn’t do that for a long time but then I stopped getting any email. My server said it was because my mail box was still full and I needed to delete from the main computer. (?). John deletes from his computer now as well. We still have dozens of spam every morning. Very annoying! I do feel someone or something is reading our email.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2020
    Well, I read the other day PATSY that the Russian hierarchy have discarded their computers and are now back to using the original old style typewriters which I used at work in the fifties!
    Apparently if a device is switched on and is close enough to listen in, one can be in trouble if one makes a derogatory or racist comment in what should be a private (phone) conversation. Mike suggests you unplug at night. Meanwhile, I'm learning more about men's lives and cannabis than I ever wanted to know! So far junking it is not working.
    PS. Just deleted another ad for coffee beans this time.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Beautiful day here but also a day to relax after my long day with the kiddos. If I can catch up on the computer I will try to sit outside and of course ride my bike.
    Babe told me this morning that his son's wife lost her job due to bankruptcy. Now no one in that house has a job so of course Babe is a wreck. As long as I still get my check that is all that matters to me. :p

    Patsy, I don't open any email that I don't recognize and I trust my antivirus program and my spam program. My son is in the computer business so he keeps me safe.

    Anne, do you do a lot of goggling looking for different things? Sometimes that is how you get spam emails. I would not open any email you don't recognize, put it in your spam folder or delete it and then delete all in your delete folder. If I constantly get the same spam emails I go to the bottom of the email to unsubscribe even though I never subscribed. Three hours of gardening sounds like a lot of work to me, no wonder you slept in with Jilly.

    Lin, I was exhausted but it is always fun being with the kiddos, they make me laugh. Our state is doing great as far as the virus, we should be moving up to the next phase soon. Of course we will have to wait and see if the protests bring another surge. Love your puppy puzzle.

    Barbie, if I had underlying conditions I would not even go see my grandchildren. I do feel safe when I go there and hope I am right. Babe doesn't leave his house for anything except doctor's appointments since he has an auto immune disease and heart problems.

    Jeri, great hearing from you and of course admiring your beautiful pictures. I am impressed with you and Barbie's walking. I have a hard time getting 5000 steps a day mostly because I am not a walker which is why I ride my bike daily. Whatever works, right??

    Jeanne, I understand what you are saying but the worst that happens on my Alexia is she reminds me to order my pills from Amazon or offers a product I might want to try. I use Last Pass for my passwords so I do take precautions. I appreciate your advice.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Lots of hours at the allotment yesterday then after a very late lunch I did some gardening at home. I was sure it was supposed to rain today so didn't put any laundry on overnight so of course it's remained dry, warm and quite sunny! I'll put the machine on to wash tonight and hopefully not see any rain until late afternoon. The jigsaw is taking up valuable time, in fact yesterday my plan was to find a few pieces while I enjoyed my afternoon cup of tea but next time I looked at my watch it wasn't far off 7pm so the planned roast chicken had to wait until today!
    After walking the dogs to the Quoit this morning I too took a drive for a 30 mile round trip to the quiet supermarket I frequent. (Yes Anne that's my jalopy parked on the road in the photo.) Hmm, a few more people and some behaving as if the virus has miraculously gone. A face mask was in my pocket and in retrospect I should have worn it to at least remind them to keep a distance. I spent more than I intended but hopefully won't have to return for at least 2 weeks. More gardening achieved this afternoon and now the oven is on to roast the chicken pieces. I walked past the jigsaw because I knew once I got started I'd be there far too long! That doggy one you are about to work on is delightful Lin. My struggle with the current one is too many similar flowers in different parts of the picture so although I collect them out of the box some will hang around until I work further round. Never mind, it's not supposed to be easy and I'm in no rush! Brady tends to give the game away when he knocks anything off the table Lin because he bats it round the floor until I check what he's got! The Art Deco Wedgwood is an amazing design and I always think those designers were incredibly brave to make such huge changes following the art nouveau era.

    The more I hear about the misinformation and lies spread on Facebook the less inclined I am to register. The helpful gardener who moved away at the end of last year keeps in touch but insists on telling me what's being reported on Facebook even though she knows how cynical I am. Her last comment was "...and what about our dear Queen and Phillip?" and I feel like asking have they been abducted by aliens but think it best to ignore the subject!!
    I've mentioned before that Alexa is definitely not for me because I'm too independent and stubborn to have a machine suggest what I should be doing, never mind someone sitting in a dark room with headphones on listening to everything said or done! Siri on my Apple ipad tried its best to get involved in conversations in spite of me telling it to mind its own business so it is now switched off! :D

    Outlook on my old desktop sorts my emails into focused and others so all I have to do is occasionally whiz through the others before deleting. For some reason my iphone and ipad aren't so helpful. PerhapsAnne you inadvertently let Malware in but I'm sure Sandy and Jeanne will advise you how to remove it.

    As ever, beautiful photos Jeri and I'm pleased lockdown hasn't interfered with that hobby. Buzz is in the medical hospice area of her community and is giving up her apartment and her children will take what they want. Not sure they are allowed to at the moment but I told her I would phone regularly to keep in touch and will obviously let the Sneakers know. It's her birthday next week if anyone wants to send a card.

    Take care <3

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, no I don't google much if ever. This only started a few months ago and everything I get from "Shoppers Drugmart" to "how to make my partner happy" to "gummy bears" is sent from Florida. Tried unsubscribing to no avail. Still hopefully junking the c..p because trash doesn't work. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Anne I use this for spam.....I pay but they have a free version to download.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) I had a Facebook account for awhile so I could see the pictures my friend in California posted of her dogs. Then Facebook started to annoy me so I quit. Now my friend texts me pictures of her dogs from time to time.

    :) I don't know if it's windows 10 security or gmail or something else, but I get only a few stupid emails and they go to spam.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    You know SANDY you could be right! Thinking about it my problem with unwanted ads started after I looked up a company in Florida and that's where everything is coming from.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    From time to time I get more spam. Usually happens after I sign up for a newsletter.

    Sandy, the Walmart app worked fine for me today. I got there and an associate came out and asked me who I was, HER app wasn’t working consistently this morning. 😂😂

    I am doing two more curbside pickups tomorrow for things I cannot get at Walmart. Orders are placed. Several cards are finished and will be dropped off at the post office tomorrow. I am doing very simple cards now as I am not comfortable in standing in line in the post office for the non machine stamp processing. Good for fancier cards with layers and embellishments. So it is flat cards that can survive machine handling for now.

    A flat card is better than no card, well, that is my motto now. 😁

    I will be leaving quite early in the morning. I took the early pickup time for older folks. Order should be ready no later than 7am. 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

    Wishing everyone well.

    Long distance good wishes.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning. A colorful set. ☺️

    Royal Winton Jazz Pattern Coffee Set, 1934


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My morning coffee would give me an even bigger smile if it was in a jazzy cup and saucer like that Lin which has me thinking I must bring some refinement back to my mornings! Good luck with your shopping trips!

    A frustrating morning spending too much time trying to book an appointment for a repair of my washing machine that has decided to malfunction. I loaded it last night but when I tried to set the timer nothing switched on. As suggested on the Bosch website, I've changed the fuse in the wall switch and checked the cables are still connected but still nothing and a message on their customer help phone line tells me they are too busy to answer and the booking page on their site is blank! It's taken an age but I've finally managed to leave a message on the site and received an email that a service engineer will be in touch. At least it didn't happen halfway through a cycle and if I have to wait too long I'll ask my neighbours if I can put a load in theirs for the price of a bottle of wine! I only bought it in January last year so still under warranty but I'm disappointed because Bosch has a great reputation but you pay extra for it!

    I have AVG internet security and never pay until the last minute so get a good discount. It stops malware and a regular scan clears any nonsense that creeps in under their radar.

    I need to drive into town for a couple of items and to post a card so hoping the queues aren't too long. Will have to check if car park charges have been reinstated too because it's been nice not to have to pay but I don't imagine the local council will let that go on too long.... don't want to get a parking ticket! :o

    Happy Tuesday. Stay safe....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Lin, there is a small post office near me where there are few people except on Mondays or near Christmas. I go there about once every ten days because I pick up mail for a friend who is at her home in another state and mail it to her. Also I send books as part of my Paperback Swap membership. When I go, I wear a mask, distance from the few other people who are there, and then launder all my clothes and shower and wash my hair when I get home. The post office is on my list today. Thanks to Paperback Swap, I have lots of books to read so I'm not concerned about when our library might be open again.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    I am between curbside pickups right now. Unfortunately about 2/3 of my order was unavailable. I was trying to get softener salt for my water conditioning system. They said it was unavailable but when I got my tiny order, there must have been 30 bags of it sitting on a pallet. That is always where they store it. Happened last time I tried to order as well but that time there was only one bag. But certainly not zero.

    Odd thing. I heard a Big Bang about 5 or 10 minutes ago, the power went off and my generator cut in. I wonder what blew up?

    I hope the health food store pickup goes more smoothly. Although they forgot to get my billing information so I am taking gloves and masks (routine anyway) in case I have to go into the store.

    Barbie, we have a tiny post office but I have never found a time to be assure they will not be swamped. Many businesses apparently use that post office. I have been ordering postage online.

    Well, onward.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Drat! Strolled around town, bought a birthday card to post, eye drops, slippers and a new kettle and tea mug but forgot the post office is currently closing at 3 and reached their door at 3.04pm. I'll have to return tomorrow for stamps and keep fingers crossed the card arrives in time! Incredibly quiet everywhere so although shops only allowing 2 customers in at a time I only had a short wait outside one. As soon as I drove into the car park I guessed it would be quiet because very few cars but these 2 seagulls enjoying the peace and quiet... normally they wouldn't have an opportunity to land never mind settle and rest!

    Enjoying my tea in the new cup and will then whip round with the vacuum cleaner.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good far. I did as Michael suggested, put all the ad emails into my junk folder and once there deleted the lot. So far I've had nothing this morning and am keeping my fingers crossed!

    So very sorry to read of LIN and JACKIEs washing machine problems. I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed yet again for mine! They don't seem to make it to ten years any more!

    Did a small repair in the bathroom so feeling smug that I didn't have to call Mark!

    Other than that a very busy morning doing housework. The works, furniture polished, floors vacuumed and washed in the bathroom and kitchen. Mirrors cleaned, well you get the picture, and Bean and self are about to settle down for brunch.
    The heat returns tomorrow, so today was good for chores.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) It is going to be a hot day today so probably to hot to sun. I have an order from Walmart again which amazes me because before the pandemic I never bought this many groceries or supplies. Of course I am home much more now which is why I try to ride my bike everyday so I don't blow up like a balloon. lol
    I got an email to renew my car registration which went up $50 and I need an emissions test on my car since it is a 2012. The good news is that I have a 90 day extension because of the lockdown. I think the emissions testing places are just opening this week so it told me to wait until September to get my test. I would really like a new car but the expense is out of the question.

    Jackie, sorry about the post office, it seems we have a new way of life these days and it is hard to keep up. Love the seagulls just resting. <3 That is terrible about your washer, I do hope they can get out there sooner than later. I use Eset Nod 32 for my anti virus and pay a yearly fee. It was recommended to me by my son and so far has protected me from some virus.

    Lin, can you check in with us again to let us know the big bang wasn't something in your house? Lucky for you that you have a generator. I think that if you order before they stock the store your items can be out of stock but might be stocked the day you pick up your order.
    I think that is why I order so much trying to find certain items and then you have to spend a minimum of $30 so it adds up.

    Barbie, I think that is why I don't go into stores yet, the removal of clothes and the shower etc. It is easier for me to just have the groceries put in my trunk and then I spray the bags with lysol and once in the house I wash every item down. So far it is working.

    Hello to everyone else. Enjoy the sunshine if you have it and be grateful for another day.

    One Day at a Time