Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) This has been a busy week of going out. On Wednesday Jake and I picked up take out from our favorite Chinese restaurant. Yesterday morning early I went to the grocery store with my long list and at the end of the afternoon, I took Bernie to the vet to get his nails trimmed. I sat in the car, they came out and got him, then returned him to me. I look forward to many days at home

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hello again, just made a nice hot mug of coffee and promptly spilled it down my leg. Wow, that was a hot shock. Woooo.

    I have an appointment to do a contactless pickup at the library. I have several books on hold. The building is going to open, to some extent, in a few weeks. At that point, if you are not willing to come in to pickup your holds you need to make a special arrangement with the library to have your books brought outside. Well how will that work this winter?

    I read information pertaining to the county I live in, and the rate of spread is around 1, meaning an infected person on average spreads the virus to one person. The analysis for that is ultimately herd immunity will be achieved without overwhelming the health care resources such as ICU beds. But a further note indicated this would take a protracted period of time.

    Will spend the afternoon on the computer starting with a webinar for landowners. Something I need to see as I will not be attending the mass meetings this summer, if they are being held. I see I have something coming the mail today from one of the companies.

    Speaking of mail, I received several cards from ladies at my church. I suspect the church secretary asked them to contact me to urge me to return. Anyway, one of these contained a note basically saying all the rules that were established for safe Sunday services are being generally ignored. I was glad she was candid about conditions.

    Must run along now.

    Have a wonderful day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) A beautiful day here so after the laundry is done I think I will sit in the sun on my balcony. Nothing else except for riding my bike. All the days seem to run into each other but I will be sitting Sunday so something to look forward.
    I was on chat with Comcast asking why my bill went up but got frustrated and told him he was not helping me and quit the chat. Then my internet kept going on and off, I think he is doing it to annoy me. I have decided I do not like Peacock and found out Amazon Prime has Columbo so will watch from their streaming. I really have to quit Comcast as soon as I can.

    Lin, ouch!! that had to hurt. I think we all are spending more time on the computer and trying to get things in order. Our Church is open for prayer service with 10 people, you have to make a reservation to be part of it. I am not ready to do that and will continue to watch my mass on TV.

    Barbie, that is the one thing I haven't done is to order food from a restaurant. I know I should to help their business but I am not comfortable doing that yet. I hope someday things will be normal again but I don't see that for a while.

    Jackie, congratulations to both you and Anne on your weight losses, I however gained some ounces. You really keep up on your property, that is just wonderful. It sounds like your surveyor has had some sad times with this virus, how do people think it is a hoax?

    Anne, congratulations on your loss. Unfortunately I am not good with history but is Stonehenge really in danger? You got to go out again yesterday, I bet that felt good.

    I guess I should eat something it is almost lunchtime and I haven't eaten breakfast.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Lin, our libraries are still closed but have started talking about how to handle things for the next phase. The big challenge at first will be all the materials that have been checked out since March or before. They have accepted no returns since March 12. The minute they allow returns, they'll be flooded with a lot more than usual to process and the question about how to sanitize/quarantine the materials before allowing them to be checked out again. I have done well without the library these months thanks to Paperback Swap, E bay, and electronic e books and audio books through my library's system. But that is not a permanent solution for me. Also, churches here are not open and many don't expect to open any time soon. They broadcast on Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, and probably ways I've never heard of.

    :) The dogs rebelled against the rain this morning and wanted to come in after about 20 minutes. I went out for another hour by myself and came home and put all my clothing in the dryer. Now they are sleeping in their bed, covered with blankets.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, no, Stonehenge isn't in danger, it was the British sarcastic sense of humour. Sometimes hard to understand, but I think JACKIE will get it and that's why I aimed the comment at her. Oh....did it ever feel good going out yesterday! I got the most delicious bunch of beets and I've just consumed sausage and onions etc. Who would have thought one could get so much gastromic enjoyment from a humble sausage! This of course means my weight loss will grind to a halt now I'm back at my favourite store!

    We are entering stage two of shutdown today, but like all of you gals I personally will proceed with caution. The Anglican and Catholic churches remain shut but I think everyone else is opening their doors, but cautiously.

    Mike poked his head around the door. I think he will be back at work soon and his days of "vacation" will be soon over. I Think he's really enjoyed three months of freedom!

    Off to watch two more episodes of guess what!

  • bubbecraft
    bubbecraft Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I just joined today. Looking to make some friends. I'm 63 and very out of shape and overweight. Have finally decided to try the Keto diet for a few months to see what happens. I like to sew, quilt and machine embroider. Best is when I can combine them all into one project. My avatar is from a quilt I made some years ago, called "Al Catpone." I also like doing genealogy and lately have been helping other people who've shown DNA matches but little or no knowledge of their own family. Amazing how many people think that a DNA test will magically tell them who they are related to and how.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Welcome Bubbecraft! Hope you enjoy our little group. We support each other through thick and thin and in between. Most of us post in the morning but post anytime you want.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy-some showers-some sun-a bit mild. So that is wonderful. This was trash day and Good Grief! Looking around I see we have missed a lot of stuff that should have been discarded.

    One of Katie’s favorite things in the whole world is ice cubes. I worry she will swallow a whole cube at once and choke. So here I am breaking up ice for the dog! I don’t do that for any one else. Insanity abounds!

    I am currently mixing several colors of wood stain to make a color to cover scars on the wood work around the edge of the walls. This is one of my efforts to freshen up the house interior. I have several years of work ahead. Still hunting for drapes and chair cushions that meet my decor plans. This is a good activity for me instead of obsessing over politics. Of course, I can multi-task...obsess and work on the woodwork.

    Welcome Bubblecraft! This little group of dear ladies will sneak into your heart and become great friends, support you when you are feeling low, wish you happy birthday, and show you photos of their pets and grandchildren. And they tolerate my rants from time to time. I suggest you think about joining us full time!
    As ever, with paintbrush in hand,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Bubbecraft, welcome to our friendly community. I don't post often but I read every day. Part of my daily routine is to read this thread and one more while I eat my breakfast. I eat the same breakfast every morning. I get up early and walk my dogs for 10-30 minutes before breakfast and walk them again after breakfast usually for 90 minutes or more. I have a recumbent exercise bike in my living room that I ride a lot during the day. I can knit and watch TV or listen to podcasts while riding so it is a good use of my time. I live with my wonderful husband, Jake, loving dogs, Sasha and Bessie, and snuggly cat, Bernie. We love being home all the time with each other.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hi Bubbecraft! Welcome, I hope you enjoy chatting with us. ❤️🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

    Have a good evening.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Welcome Bubbecraft. You will get all the support you need here and not just with weight loss. There's lots of arty, crafty chats, pets behaving and misbehaving and of course, dealing with lockdown. Living in England I'm never sure if I'm always catching up with the group or it's catching up with me but whichever way, look forward to hearing more about you.
    Jackie 👋
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Good morning. Early morning tea (or coffee) set.

    “ Tea Set, Art Deco, Limoges Porcelain, early 1920s”


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wow Lin, that's a stunning set that I would love to own even though completely the wrong era for my cottage 😁
    We've walked on the windswept moors until my hair drove me mad, then visited the farm shop so don't have to face the supermarket until some time next week. Now cooking George's rice and carrots to mix with raw chicken before getting on with a few chores.
    Happy Saturday everyone. Please stay safe as infection rates begin to creep upwards. 😍
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    P.S encouraged by my 3 lb loss in the week I managed to avert my eyes from bread, cakes and wine in the shop... Just! 😁
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hello BUBBECRAFT. I'm Anne and I was born in England but have lived half my life up here in Canada. The ladies on this group are very dear. We all jog along together and frankly, I've learnt such a lot from each and every one. I hope you stay with us to add to our knowledge of life in three different countries because in fact when it all boils down we are all sisters under the skin.
    JACKIE, such willpower! I'm impressed! Me, extremely naughty! After my joyous trip to the grocery store and FREEDOM I bought stuff I'd really missed and yesterday indulged! Admittedly it was only a small carton, really small, but I ate half of the contents which were creamy icecream, cashew nuts and toffee syrup! Today I am back to fish and veggies but not much and full of remorse! I was quite smug about my earlier progress but no more! Definitely your ordinary, everyday human, no heroics here. Yes I'm still watching the Colditz heroes (an American has just been captured - tell John PATSY although in the true story no Americans were housed in Colditz) but I've have taken note of Jackie's tip for future viewing in the long days ahead of this pesky virus).
    So.......yours covered in remorse having fallen by the wayside.
    Anne and the ever faithful Jilly Bean.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What's the point of this self isolation if we can't indulge occasionally Anne? That old chestnut life's too short comes to mind so if I'd seen those flavours in an ice cream tub I would have bought some too!
    The next jigsaw has been set up in the conservatory because it has very small pieces so proper daylight required.

    More storms forecast so I must pot on my tomato plants then bring 2 indoors. The other 3 will have to take their chances in the tomato house that collapses in the slightest breeze. What a waste of money it has turned out to be!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Jackie, I love that puzzle! And I see you have one of those fold up devices for serious puzzling. 🤓🙌🏻 There are so many things for sale that do not live up to the advertising. Best wishes sent for your tomato plants. I have chipmunk and bunny issues. I have to remember to go out and spray some repellent around my plants hoping to save them from the predators!

    Some veggie prep this morning. I always jazz up the broccoli slaw from the store. Just finished that. Now soaking some carrots. Oh, and I started onion sprouts again yesterday. They are positively glacial in sprouting time so am starting them while I have lots of broccoli sprouts.

    Still working on 4th of July cards. The little tiny diecut is not working out that well. It is adding a lot of time to these quick and easy cards. 😂🤣😂

    I have a number of books that must be returned to the library on Monday. No renewals, apparently I chose in demand books. Barbie I returned all my items before the drop off slot was closed. They have gone through the return procedure for outstanding items, so they are up to date. I am still more comfortable reading from my owned books right now.

    The webinar was interesting yesterday. They posted handouts with suggestions and links for additional reading which they encouraged as in person meetings on current farm conditions and programs are iffy, there may be more online meetings. And further, start reading now, don’t wait until August. So I will put something else on my list.

    BUZZ, are you there? ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Time to scoot along.



  • bubbecraft
    bubbecraft Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for the kind and warm welcome, ladies. It was much needed.

    Currently, I've opted to finish a quilt I started last year and mail to a grandson. I had lost heart when I was told the mother (my daughter) wouldn't let her son have it.

    The past year and a half have been incredibly stressful and depressing and I made up my mind to change things. I'm going to try taking care of me first and let everyone else fend for themselves. I'm finding it incredibly hard to say no and do what I want/need.

    In any case, I did have fun making these blocks last year. They are mostly tactile (stretchy parts, squishy parts, etc) and as many tactile fabrics as I had in my stash. It was based on a Craftsy/Bluprint class I had taken.

    My name is Jeanne and I live in central Oregon. We moved here in 2005 from southern California. I've also resided in Texas, New York, New Jersey and Israel.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Beautiful quilt blocks!! ❤️❤️🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️❤️ Jeanne that quilt needs to be finished...


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JEANNE, very clever lady! I wish I had that sort of talent! My only talent at the moment is eating icecream and arguing politics with son Michael. Discussing would be a better word, we are on the same page. My younger son Mark isn't into arguing politics at all, no fun!
    Anyway, do finish that quilt!
    Is that your new jalopy behind little George and Betty, JACKIE?