Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited June 2020
    Happy Wednesday! :) I did not sleep well again last night, the world is just depressing me.
    I am going to see the kiddos this morning while Lisa gets her hair done. I am sure the will cheer me up. I am now unfollowing people on Facebook that upset me, soon I will only have a few friends left. Between trumps stupid tweets, the virus, the insults Facebook is not fun anymore. I will pick and choose what I want to read but mostly to see pictures of friends and family.

    When and if I drink tea in a teacup I think I raise my pinky but really can't remember since it has been so long. My coffee is drank out of a mug or I would have to make to many refills.

    Jackie, I also have Whatsapp on my phone but only used it when my granddaughter was in Africa. I rely on my text messages for communication especially since I don't like to talk on the phone.

    Anne, I must have felt Jilly's vibes and also woke up to early. I hope that means I go to bed early tonight and get some needed sleep.

    Lin, I also live on Facebook and love all your photos even if I don't always respond. This week there is so much negativity and I try not to let it bother me but some people are just so rude.
    Thus the unfollowing. I loved when it was just for happy socializing.

    Barbie, I have a tech from Comcast scheduled to come to my house the end of the month. I am giving them one more chance to fix my service.

    Time to eat and get ready, have a nice day, I think we are getting more rain.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A good but cloudy/rainy day today. Cool and the perfumed air is glorious! But a bit soggy out so I will enjoy the air from an open deck door. Katie is lying on one of her many tuffets, she loves to stick her paws out the open deck door. The load of white laundry is slogging away in the washing machine and I am snugged up with an enormous mug of coffee.

    As you can tell, I have avoided reading the news this AM. No matter what I read These days, I get anxious and feel a huge knot in my stomach. So if the world is in great turmoil (I know it is) don’t tell me.

    Having fun looking for new drapes or curtains, not sure what the difference is. My dinning room project also involves general waxing and polishing and repair of any scratch or scrape on the furniture. The chair cushion search is also quite a project. John is constantly adding his opinion. Does he live here too? He wants cushions that don’t raise him too high when sitting. Much discussion going on here.

    Since it is a chilly rainy day, I am thinking of chicken enchiladas for dinner. I think John will like that and there will be chicken for Katie (before the spices of course). I am trying out a new set of exercises for seniors that I saw on YouTube. The goal would be to exercise the entire core muscles. I guess I concentrate on one set of muscles and ignore the rest.....not good! The point is, I am a weakling. I need to slowly build up more strength.

    Tonight we are again watching an episode of John’s crime fighter series. I yearn for a lovely relationship movie. My turn next to pick the entertainment. I am going to try to get that Robert Redford and Sissy Spasic movie about an old bank robber who constantly escapes from jail. I think it is called something like “Old man with a gun” I don’t think that’s quite right but I will search it out on Wikipedia. The spelling is of course wrong on the names, but you get the idea.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good afternoon. I spent the morning with one little thing after another and plenty of correspondence on IM with local friends. This afternoon I will be putting together bits of paper again. And maybe some work on cards although the one little die that I want to use will not arrive until later today when the mail is delivered. Then will be the hunt for the proper colors of paper.

    It is much cooler here today after the rain. We had multiple fronts pass through, several overnight (Lost a lot of sleep) and another this morning. The sun is out right now and I was thinking of going to the post office to mail a couple of things that really need to go out but with all the rain and wind, I am guessing the drop off box may be a bit water logged so I will wait until tomorrow. 😂

    Sandy, you must pick and choose carefully on Facebook. Some days it is a bit depressing and that is when I am likely to go out and not unfriend people but definitely unfollow them and it seems magically I don’t see many of any of their posts. Lovely. I go to many Facebook Live events, in fact that is how I see my church service. I love to post interesting things. I consider it my haven. 😀 hope you are enjoying your time with the kiddos today.

    Patsy, yes sometimes news can be overwhelming and many people think that if mainstream network news was eliminated that we would be happier people. I don’t know, but if no news was available wouldn’t we just be unaware of current situations? I don’t find that preferable but to me it is an issue of saturation. I try to be informed but not overwhelmed. Happy hunting for all of your improvements. Waving 🙋🏼‍♀️ to John and Katie.

    Anne, when is it time to bake bread again? I looked up that television program you mentioned. Is it a drama? I like jolly comedies or very old B&W crime or noir movies which for some reason I have never taken a bit seriously.

    Jackie, all right! George is the decision maker on the walks. How lovely. And Betty never disagrees? How companionable. So you may have thrown out something you need? Aha, yes, that would be just like me. Go to the place I last saw something and it is gone. Bothersome.

    Barbie, you made me feel better about letting the technician in the house. Thanks. 🙌🏻 Stay safe. And I know you will do your best.

    I think I have mentioned that many of my friends think it is safe enough to do many things. One friend who has been adamant about isolating is taking in her grandchildren for a week. It seems their cousin’s mother has been exposed to Covid and somehow they need to be out of the house for a week although I don’t understand the details. But oh, what a change.

    Another friend is getting ready for a week’s visit from her son who lives in Arizona. He has been working in a workplace that was shut down due to Covid. She is fearless. She even did a very long day in the June primary election. She has done so in every election and she just is keeping at it. They must be there in before voting starts and they have to stay until voting ends in the evening. No shift work. All or nothing. A very long day which she says is exhausting.

    Well, must get moving again.

    Hugs. ❤️❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN - Colditz is an old British TV drama about a group of British POWs locked up by the Germans in Colditz castle. It's all about escaping from the castle so it's drama. The acting is superb with a lot of old favourites like the chap in his now later years who played Sherlock Holmes sidekick Doctor Watson.
    I'm just about to watch episode two. Here's a link if anyone is into this sort of drama rather than soppy girly stuff, Anne.
    . Colditz TV series SO1-EO1-the undefeated.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wow! Episode 2 of Colditz harrowing. John would love it PATSY I think. Anne. Sure beats Dowton Abbey!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I am watching these old movies today. I found 3.

    “Inspector Hornleigh is a 1938 British detective film directed by Eugene Forde, starring Gordon Harker and Alastair Sim, with Miki Hood, Wally Patch, Steven Geray and Edward Underdown. The film was shot at Pinewood Studios in England.”
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And just finished episode three with all the main characters in Colditz. This series is based on true stories. I'm loving it and it sure gets me away from all the stuff going on today!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Patsy I don't read the paper or watch the news. I feel much more balanced because of that. :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Patsy, in case you might be interested, another show will be available on Friday. The Wiz Live. Here’s a preview.

    Going to watch!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The Sound of Music was a terrific You Tube get away from it all choice for me just after we were told lockdown was to continue even after 6 weeks. Two hours of bliss! 😊
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Yes, wonderful entertainment. I have watched all since I learned about the opportunity. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

    Morning tea set. No description but since blue is included, it cannot be bad. 😅


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited June 2020
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and pick up from Walmart and Home Depot. Everything went fine with the kiddos, all, including Ewok were all well behaved. Lisa's hair looked great and she got some grocery shopping done as well. Monday is their anniversary so I told them I would sit if they wanted to go out to eat, which of course is only outside in this phase. They said they would rather I come and they could order out and just watch shows in their room. I could stay with kids to put them to bed so they could just chill out in their room. I said I could try to keep them overnight but she said I didn't have to do that. My worry about that is if the little ones woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to go home. Which brought back a memory for me when I did that very thing with my first sleepover at a friends house. lol

    My car insurance is due July 1 and all the insurance companies are giving discounts for not driving the last three months but my bill doesn't show a discount so I will be calling my agent today. I have a feeling he will say it does have a discount since it goes up as we get older.
    Will get back to you on that.

    Comcast now has a new station called Peacock. Last night I found Columbo and will be watching all the seasons because I loved that show.

    I better eat and get ready. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Showers today and some sun in between. It was steamy warm last night. But with a fan going all night, we were comfy and so was the Great Kate! She and I were at odds yesterday. She stold a sock and snatched my cleaning cloth as I was cleaning the bathroom. I could not help laughing so that just encouraged more naughty behavior.

    Oh I do love the Wiz! I saw a video of Michael Jackson’s performance in the Wiz. I know he was a total mental case, but his dancing talent was scary amazing. A couple of my favorite movies are “All that Jazz” and “Choris Line” There are also a couple of Hip-hop dance movies. Gasp! Those kids just defied gravity! I can also appreciate some of the graffiti around but wish there had been different choices for location. I sometimes feel out of touch but I can understand and recognize a new cultural phenomenon. I am trying to remember the name of that graffiti artist from several years ago. Oh I am prattling on.

    We have a deal in our house. First John gets to pick the evenings entertainment, the next time it is my turn. So far we have each enjoyed the others choices. But I will say, I don’t appreciate car chases and explosions like John does. Is it sexist to that a guy thing? I guess it is. Forgive me. No demeaning putdown intended. Just mystifying curiosity about differences in human beings.

    Oregon is having a spike in cases. So I guess we are going to remain operating the same way around here. No new cases in our county so far but across the state we are seeing more. Be careful my sweet friends. I guess we are not out of the woods yet.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Meant to comment on the lovely tea set, Lin. I have a huge appreciation for beautiful and delicate things. Thank you for the reminder of another time, place and way of life.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Sandy, I love Columbo, too. We get it on the Hallmark Channel which is part of the package we have from WAVE Cable. Hallmark also has the old Magnum, P.I. with Tom Selleck.

    :) Today was my monthly grocery shopping where I took my time and shopped from a well prepared list and found almost everything including disinfectant wipes and the organic soy milk for my friend who picks up dog food for me at Costco. It took two carts to get it to the car, but we are well supplied til sometime in July.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hello, I got some bills paid and made a trip to the post office to use the drive through Dropbox. The place where I get my haircuts appears to be closed. He was having some issues with the owner of the building. Now I am wondering if he moved, went out of business or didn’t have an appointment at that hour of the morning.

    Patsy, were you thinking of Banksy? He is quite famous and played that trick with selling one of his works at an art auction for loads of money and then it ran through a paper shredder built into the frame just after the sale. And experts said it was then worth twice the price shredded as it was intact. I was horrified when I saw it go through the shredder, apparently I did not understand the prank. And I love to look at beautiful things but would not want to keep them for daily use.

    Our State Fair, the biggest summer event in the state, was cancelled yesterday. Massive disappointment for those who love the fair. There are people who go each day of the fair and camp in the campgrounds. Their summer vacation. They said there was no way to enforce precautionary measures and I agree. Huge loss of revenue.

    Barbie, great shopping trip. Congratulations! I love the old Magnum show and we have a channel that you can receive via cable or over the air that has 3 episodes of the old show from 9am to noon M - F. Then those shows are repeated in the evening from 9pm to midnight. Amazon Prime also has the old show available to stream for free if you are a Prime Member. I am amazed that you found disinfecting wipes. Wow! That’s something I have never found at least not Clorox or Lysol. I have the organic types which people tell me are not effective. Well, that’s all I can get.

    Sandy, several friends have said they got actual refunds from their insurance companies. I didn’t. I just paid the first of my two car renewals and there was no additional discount. I already had multiple car, no accidents AND low mileage discounts so I just assume if there was anything else available, my agent would have notified me. They are pretty good about that. I have been reading about Peacock. When they roll it out further I would be thrilled to get the version with the commercials, if it was free. 😉 I am working through all the old Crime Doctor movies on YouTube. I hope all your order pickups have gone well.

    Hello Anne and Jackie❤️🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

    BUZZ-are you there? 🥰🥰

    Must move along, I am busy cutting out teeny tiny bits of paper to assemble into little items for 4th of July. If I ever get at least one assembled, I will show it to you. Not impressive, just a test of patience. 😉🙃😉



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    FYI....I got everything on my list from Walmart except for one item. And I emailed State Farm and asked my agent about the discount and he said everyone will get 25% in July so he said I should just pay half of my bill which I pay every six months and when I get the discount pay the other half. They will also give another discount but he said that won't show up until my next bill in January. I don't know who you have Lin but because they assume we didn't drive for almost three months I think all insurance companies are doing this. You might want to check with them or it may be on your next bill. Any savings is wonderful.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Friday! Yesterday was one of those days for getting on with the smallest jobs that never seem to move to the top of my "to do" list. The weather wasn't great, in fact we had some torrential rain and blustery high winds so a good time to stay inside. The umbrella on the decking was taken down and tucked in a corner because I knew it could blow across the garden but about 1030 last night a gust of wind blew it against the window with a thud so poor George my security guard went crazy thinking someone was trying to get in. Didn't do my blood pressure much good either!
    A surveyor was due this morning at 8am to measure the garage for its new roof and luckily I was up at 7 because he arrived just as I was putting the kettle on, still in my dressing gown. He went off to measure up while I got some clothes on because the garage is situated in a communal area away from the property. At the moment hotels aren't operating so he had to drive from his base in Bolton which is about 300 miles and said he left home at 1.30 this morning so I wasn't about to be annoyed. He then has to stop off at a variety of places to visit clients on his way home. Amazing how much I learned about him during his half hour visit including the fact his father lives in a care home and recently survived the virus as did his father-in-law who has dementia. His son is on fully payed furlough because he works in a care home but can't be there at the moment because his mum has kidney cancer and she needs to be protected and anyway he doesn't want to go back because he enjoys being on his play station all day..... no doubt such is life in thousands of homes across the country!! In between all that he explained how the job would be completed and showed me a graphic on his ipad..... from a 2 meter distance! They will be back July 20th to carry out the work.

    The dogs have been walked, I'm just finishing a mug of brewed coffee and will now continue working through the small jobs. Never did find the stove blacking tube so I might venture to the DIY store later and also the farm shop for our local dairy's yogurt and milk.

    I think Anne will understand when I say what's now happening in the UK is political correctness gone mad. Even the funniest episode of Faulty Towers has been removed from our screens by the BBC which tells me they have forgotten that out humour is about laughing at ourselves in comedy by exaggerating characters. Next they will take off Allo Allo for insulting the WW2 Belgian resistance! I completely accept statues of slave traders need to go but if this means history as a serious subject is returned to our schools that won't be a bad thing because these kids will then understand that without Churchill, whose statue has been vandalised, we would be under Nazi rule and if not blond and blue eyed wouldn't exist. Rant over and mostly for Anne! By the way, talking of Allo, Allo, do you know the Secret Army drama Anne that the comedy was based on?
    Once you've finished Colditz I'm sure you will love it, that's if you can get the comedy characters out of your head!!

    Have a good day everyone and stay safe and well. Loved Lin's tea set yesterday. Could be forget-me-nots scattered across the deleicate china but not sure.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning and time for another teapot, actually several, with warmers. I am unacquainted with warmers. No one on either side of my family had such a thing. Teapot yes, cozy yes but warmer no.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Quick comment for JACKIE because I'm running late, but I see the British humour is coming to the fore in the old country and thank the Lord for that.
    Someone asked in the Houses of Parliament for all traces of Roman occupation in Britain to be erased, presumably because of British slavery under them. To which Rees-Mogg replied, "let's blow up Stonehenge while we are at it to widen the roadway to get to Jackie's place quicker". (Jackie bit added by me of course, he really said Somerset).
    Secondly, a black poets statue in Bristol has been doused in bleach. To make up for Edward Colston being chucked in the harbour I suppose.
    Gave me a smile over the oatmeal and Yorkshire Harrogate tea. Mind you, I've been seeing the funny side for the last two days.
    Saw all my old cashier friends at the Organic Garage yesterday and because the Bean can't go in any more amongst the sanitizers etc they came out to say "hello Jilly Bean. Nice!
