Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Another beautiful day. I have a small order from Walmart to be picked up later if they have everything in stock, if not I will try and cancel order. I have scheduled two zoom meetings for today, one for family and one for friends. They are always fun and great to be able to see them even if virtual.
    Ok ladies, I apologize, I guess more people use hard copy calendars than I thought. When I got them free from my Church and when I was in the house I always used one, mostly because Babe had no sense of technology and all appointments were written. Now that I am by myself and always have my phone it is just easier for me to put it on my outlook calendar.
    Yesterday after sunning I took a shower and brought my camping chair and a drink in hand and went to visit Joe in his driveway. He sits in his garage two or three times a day to watch people go by. He was happy to have a visitor. <3 Of course I was ten feet away or more.

    Lin, there is nothing on your June calendar. lol I do love the dogs.

    Anne, I agree we will probably have a second outbreak which is sad because it was just getting under control. I understand why they are protesting but they are taking such a chance.
    The protesters and the looters/rioters are different, most of the protesters are peaceful but the rioters have destroyed so many cities. Trump didn't help the cause calling for violence.
    Sorry just venting a little.

    Time to eat and take a shower for my exciting day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just been talking to cousin Tony in England about Roy's upcoming funeral. 20 people can attend. But the good news is he said the violence in London was nowhere near as bad as reported on the media which is a great relief for me. The virus spreading is a much bigger concern over there and here for that matter.
    Breathe again.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    I started making cards with a summer/4th of July theme. Red/white/blue and with some Patriotic images. Well, I just realized I will have to think carefully before sending these out this year. Between people not being able to have their normal summer parties and all the upheaval in our society, Patriotic themes are not exactly popular.


    Sandy, nope, I do not write on that calendar. I love having the pictures and I use it to quickly move from month to month to check on a holiday, or other little tasks. I have a planner, two pages per month and that is where I put my appointments although there aren’t many these days. 🤣😂😅 And how do you know ahead of time what you won’t be able to get? I put in an order for next Wednesday but I may cancel it, it is really difficult when you want just a couple of things to get to the minimum required total.

    Anne, glad things are better than reported in the media. Good news for sure.

    Jackie, we have an all afternoon and evening Downton Abbey marathon on PBS today. For some reason, I am not interested. Not in the mood for watching the elite with all their beautiful clothes, etc. And I do not know what flower is on the teapot. I looked up small purpose flower and got both periwinkle and some type of vinca (that I don’t think I have seen before).

    Patsy, you certainly do have a high maintenance dog. She is very fortunate to have such caring people. There are gatherings all over our metro, and so far, there have been no incidents in the last several days. There are continuing demands however and I wonder what will happen when those in authority start to say no. Things like defunding the police, dismantling the youth detention system, etc. are pretty radical ideas.

    Barbie, hello! I hope you are having a pleasant weekend.

    Someone on Facebook (a local to this area) posted photos of a huge group that had gathered in a massive parking lot of a shopping center which has been closed for years. The caption said every parking place was filled and the crowd was huge. Which of course brings up the issue of Covid transmission once again. This is apparently not a concern to many people these days.

    I am having my first service person in my house in a couple of weeks. A friend has had 3 different repair and service calls to her home over the past several months and has gone for a haircut and is going to the dentist soon. She says you just have to do what needs to be done.

    Well, I guess whatever is to be will be.

    Hugs again. Back to my cards. I hope the recipients don’t burn them. 😅😉

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Lin the day Walmart if filling my order they send me an email and tell me if something is out of stock or if they are doing a substitution. I don't think you can cancel though I didn't see that option.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Talking of protests I wouldn't have minded seeing the huge bronze statue of the slave trader tossed into the Bristol harbour. Edward Colston received the statue because he gave all his wealth to charity at his death. Last minute Repentance I guess.....just in case!
    Well if these protests end racism I guess it won't be so bad sitting in the back yard all summer! Just PLEASE no more deaths!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy, I do not get that, I have to open the app to see if my order is ready. Odd.

    Good luck......
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Do you have a Walmart account Lin? I have both an account and I have the Walmart app on my phone. Maybe that is the difference.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Yes, I have an account and the app on my phone (and my iPad).
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Yes, I have an account and the app on my phone (and my iPad).

    I am stumped
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Something to give us a smile this morning. Pooh has more sense than most!! 😁

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    You can say that again JACKIE!!! Or I will, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    True that! Thanks Jackie.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    And now, a morning teapot. The teapot owner had quite a bit to say.

    “ This is a pretty little teapot I picked up at a local canal festival last summer, the pot itself is an unremarkable (but cute) two-cup Price & Kensington (one of the modern Chinese made teapots, not a vintage Longport manufactured one) but it has been hand painted in the barge ware fashion which gives it an undeniable visual appeal. Barge ware, for those who don't know is a particular folk art traditionally practiced by the canal boat (narrow boat) community on Britain's canal network.”


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My grandmother Emily's family on my mother's side were barge or canal people in the Victorian past. I think I would have taken to that way of life. Drifting along canals with an old horse pulling the prettily painted barge. I tell you girls, I'm definitely born in the wrong era!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We had such an enjoyable walk today. While the pooches sniffed what seemed like every blade of grass I studied the wonders of the hedgerows. Also collected up a few discarded pieces of rubbish and dropped them in a waste bin on the way home. Here's a glimpse at our stroll. 😁

    Last night was so cold I had both dogs and Brady snuggling on my bed which didn't make for a good night's sleep but it's warmed up now but trying to rain so while the dogs snooze I'm doing no more than potter.

    Anne, there has been a movement for some time to remove Colston's statue so I'm glad it's ended up in the harbour because he certainly wasn't someone to be revered. Half the streets in Bristol have a connection and bear his name so I'm not sure what comes next!

    Barge aware was very popular about 20 years ago so I tried creating it on a coal skuttle but it looked what it was... extremely amateur!

    A quiet day but I must pot up a few plants before the rain gets worse and give the chooks their afternoon tea.

    Another week in which to stay safe and well. Wouldn't we all love to live in New Zealand right now.... Covid-19 defeated and a woman in charge!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) It is going to be really hot today so eventually I will have to turn on my A/C.
    Right now there is a nice breeze and the birds are singing which makes for a peaceful morning.
    I really have to contain myself from Facebook, I did not realize some of my friends were so racist and it really upsets me. I will either stop following them or just ignore them before my blood pressure goes sky high. It is hard to believe people can be so cruel with their comments.
    I wonder if today is the day my landlord will talk about my lease.

    Jackie, gosh I am envious of the places you walk, just so beautiful. And yes, wouldn't it be great to be in New Zealand where they handled the virus the right way. I love you Pooh photo, he always has just the right message.

    Lin, what's going on with you today? I believe I will start another order for Thursday, I am getting the hang of this now. lol

    Anne, another quiet day for you as well?

    Patsy, hope all is well in Portland and with Katie girl.

    Barbie, how are things in Washington?

    Have a good day, I am sure it will be to hot to sit in the sun without a pool.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hello, I have been sorting bills, writing checks, balancing my account, calling a company to pay a bill. They did a service call last a Friday (all outdoors) and I said I would pay them today and my gosh they PDF’d an invoice and it was due on receipt. Wahoo. So that’s one thing I have been doing Sandy.

    I put away the tea puzzle. It always so nice to look at a completed puzzle. I have been sorting through the puzzles I have not worked on. A few are used and I don’t know if I have all the pieces so I am opening a new puzzle that is all pretty muted colors. I think I like vivid colors more but the design is nice.

    Also I have been cleaning vegetables. The celery hearts looked sort of okay in the package but I ended up with just a few stalks that were useable. The rest was horrible. I am so disappointed. Add this to my other spoiled items and items ruined in shipping over the last few months and wow, this is expensive. I have no order with Walmart, they say I did not finalize my order. That is fine, I was going to cancel anyway. I don’t seem to have any problems when I order on the other part of the app, for items to be shipped to me. Bizarre.

    Jackie, thank you for including more photos from your walk. Wonderful! How delightful and the doggies look very happy. We have rain on the way tomorrow. Apparently it could be heavy. My zucchini plants don’t look happy, I think the container is retaining too much water, they are much too pale. Not at all healthy. While you are having weather that is too cold, we are having unseasonably hot weather. It is around 90 degrees F right now. It was steaming hot this morning. 🥵

    Anne, you may indeed be living in the wrong age but I am glad you are here now! ❤️❤️

    Hello Patsy and Barbie!



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Sent you a message earlier Lin, about Walmart.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just got off the phone from calling Buzz! For some reason she was on my mind a lot today so I felt the need to check she's alright which she is. We had a wonderful chat while people came in and out of her room and her favourite male helper arrived with her computer, collected from her apartment. She is on constant pain relief and apparently in the hospice area of the community but says it isn't what a hospice used to be so not necessarily end of life. Her family is in touch and the great news is they have all got over their differences and are getting on with each other, talk to Buzz regularly and discuss all decisions with her. She sounds bright and in control which she feels is important so although the drugs are powerful she knows what's going on!

    She misses everyone and asked after all the Sneakers individually so I did my best to give her catch up news even though we are all in lockdown! She said to say she loves you all and I said that of course, we love her too and that she is often mentioned on the Sneakers forum and how much she is missed. Hopefully, if she can get her computer up and running she may be able to log in even if she is unable to type.

    I'm sure there's a lot more we said and will let you all know when it comes to mind.

    Hugs all round
    <3 Jackie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good monday everyone! As you can surmise, the laundry is chugging along and a list of of tasks is running in my brain. I dare not write them all down. That would be just too daunting. It is a mild but overcast day here. My new main mission these days is to freshen up the inside of our house. Maybe new drapes, new cushions for the dining room chairs, new placemats etc. things look sort of tired and dull or threadbare in some cases. Not all at once but a kind of ongoing effort to spruce up.

    Wonderful to hear about Buzz. So sorry to hear she is still in pain. It sounds like she is getting good care and lots of attention. I am so grateful for that.

    I have become quite intolerant of racist “T” supporters. I personally have dropped a couple of people from my “friend” list. Our differences are just too great and I find their comments just too offensive. My late brother’s ex is one of my best and oldest friends. Oddly, she has some ideas that just ruffles my feathers. She is such a loving and caring person except when race is concerned. She proudly has an American flag AND a Trump 2020 flag on her flag pole. How? Why? What?

    Our adult children as well as John and I have felt a huge shift in our culture that is hard to reconcile. Art, music, drama, actually entertainment also has ground to a halt here. We are going to have to restart our whole American culture. John took me on a drive yesterday and I was stunned by all the galleries, restaurants, gift shops that have closed permanently. Our little newspaper is struggling and is no more than just a one page flyer. Why would anyone waste their time buying or reading it? I know things will eventually reopen but Gasp! Nothing like before. Big changes ahead but maybe some better choices and a complete change in how we live.

    I am thinking of contacting that little newspaper or an online opinion site about doing a column on life changes for us seniors. I will write a sample column or two, just for fun and mental exercise. I could use my tarot card design as a column masthead! I will do this while John watches his crime fighter TV series. More on this as my plot hatches.