Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    edited September 2024
    Enjoy dinner Sandy. And then some time for yourself. Did you get progressive lenses for your glasses? I love them.

    Another busy day. I did get some laundry done, attended online church, did some exercise, texted with several friends and got an appointment scheduled for my car service.

    There are several things I want to watch on PBS this evening.

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,975 Member
    I’m sorry I missed posting yesterday. I spent an hour in the evening writing a post to Anne and was going to post once that was sent but, just as I finished typing Anne’s the battery on my iPad died so Anne didn’t receive her email and a Sneakers post had to wait until today. It was past midnight and I had enjoyed another long day in my garden. Anne now should have her email, sent first thing, and we had a relaxing dog walk across a lower section of moors once low mist had burnt off. It is now hot but I’m not complaining, especially when I see the devastation across Europe from Storm Boris.
    I’m hoping the electrician will contact me today to confirm he will install a new electric heater in my snug and another in the spare bedroom. It’s been there since the day I moved in 35 years ago so almost an antique!

    Anne has a pre op appointment on Thursday to see what is needed to replace a cataract and is in good spirits. Her boys are fine as is Jilly. Michael visited his dad in Quebec and Anne enjoyed her quiet time but Mark did visit a couple of times, once with apple pie and I meant to ask her if the apples were from the tree in front of her Oakville property. I hope so.

    Time to get more gardening out of the way.
    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Our pool is open until next Sunday so that is where I will be today and tomorrow. They called to say my eye glasses are ready so I will pick those up later and hope they work. Our dinner was great yesterday and I have leftovers for dinner tonight. We played a few games after so had a really nice time.

    Jackie, thank you for filling us in on Anne, I sure do miss her. I hope her surgery goes as well as mine did although I was much younger when I had mine done.

    Lin, I couldn't get progressive because of my macular but I did get bifocal. Two pair actually, one for the computer and reading and the other for distance and reading. I just hope I can get used to them because I hate taking my glasses off and on.

    Have some research to do on the computer and still have to eat breakfast. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    edited September 2024
    Hello…..busy Monday. I got my appointment scheduled for furnace maintenance and started an appeal for an insurance denial. Did a bit of cooking and also laundry. Lots of cardio today and have classes scheduled for tomorrow. Need to keep moving as the unboxing party for the upcoming card seminar is tomorrow evening. I wonder how long it will take? An hour or more? 🙄 Just got the trash out to the curb. I have washed my dishes and have them put away. I ordered a few additional pairs of heavy socks for winter.

    Sandy, I didn’t know you had a restriction on the type of lenses you could use. I would dearly miss my transitions lenses if I had to give them up. Enjoy the week at the pool!

    Jackie, thanks for the update on Anne and family. I hope her surgery goes well and that ultimately we will be able to exchange posts/emails with her again. Did the electrician get in touch with you today?

    I heard from a friend earlier today and he was having his furnace, air conditioner and water heater replaced. All of the old items had extra long lives, I was in awe. All I seem to do is replace things that fail.

    Be safe everyone. Miss you Barbie, Diane, Jeri, Joy and our other Sneakers.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,975 Member
    Waiting for the electrician who messaged at 7.30 this morning to let me know he hasn’t yet picked up the heaters from the wholesalers so will carry out a couple of jobs elsewhere then collect them. Have told him I have a 3.30 appointment in town and won’t be home until an hour later so he either gets here before I go and I’ll leave him working or later in the afternoon. No response to that so who knows!!
    A beautiful day and after a walk on the moors we are pottering. Brady has found someone’s wet cement to walk on so I’m wiping paw marks when I see them! Typical cat! 😸
    Hopefully back later with heaters installed but not holding my breath!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another beautiful day for the pool. I did pick up my new glasses but not sure I will get used to the bifocal. I do love the distance part and reading part separately but I move my head wrong and get blurred or faded reading. I will give it a few days to see if I adjust.

    Jackie, I do hope your electrician shows up since he messaged you so early. Does wet cement come off Brady's paws easy? I would hate to have it harden on his paws. lol

    Lin, my goodness you are organized. I am still trying to find time to get my flu, rsv and covid shot. I don't want to worry about any side effects. The guy at Costco said with my macular the progressive probably wouldn't work thus the bifocal.

    Time seems to be getting away from me again. I want to eat and get to pool. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Hello, between things right now. Lovely day here but it is warming up now. Made a trip to the library and swapped out books. Makes the trip worthwhile when I can do returns and pick up new things to read. I got in contact with my banker and renewed my IRA. Glad to do that before the Fed meeting. I hunted for a winter hat online but didn’t find one. I think I will have to go to Kohl’s and actually look!

    Jackie, I hope your electrician arrived and had installed your new heaters. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, enjoy the pool time. Not many days left. I have had bifocals for decades and my license is restricted to corrected vision. Good thing the bifocals work for me.

    Wishing everyone the best.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    edited September 2024
    Happy Wednesday! :) Trial appointment today. I am not looking forward to all the tests and probes in my eyes but I do think my eyesight has improved a little. I am not liking the bifocals, I prefer the two different glasses because the bifocal distorts my vision. I know it is probably me but when holding my phone to play a game it is hard to see the top of the phone and bottom at the same time. They also give me a headache but I will give it a week (maybe).

    Lin, my license is also constricted to distance glasses but was trying to just wear one pair of glasses.
    I guess you can't teach an old horse new tricks. lol

    Not much time as the car is picking me up at 11:30 so I better eat and get ready.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,975 Member
    Happy Wednesday. Yesterday was a typical day of everything happening at the same time with electrician Josh arriving at 1.30pm just as the chimney sweep phoned to set up an appointment. George barked in excitement and chaos reigned. It didn’t take long for the heater in the snug to be installed but the old one in the spare bedroom was more complicated. I kept checking my watch as we got closer to the time I needed to go out and in the end gave Josh a spare key to lock up when he left! He was going to switch on the heaters in spite of the sunny, warm weather but I didn’t have time to discuss it! Never mind, they are up and running plus I have the instruction book to read as I know there are several options. The spare key should have been pushed through my letterbox but I couldn't find it so messaged Josh. Turned out it was trapped between inner and outside flap!
    Today I’ve had an enjoyable day with Linda. We travelled to a garden centre for our usual cakes and coffee then walked slowly round the plants to get some ideas on what to plant in Autumn. I bought a Toad Lily called Tricyrtis for a shady spot and am sure there is enough in the pot to split it and share with Linda. Another beautiful day with warm sunshine which is making up for the awfully wet summer.
    Back home, after a cup of tea, I’ve sprinkled salad leaf seeds in a container that should grow well in the greenhouse and am now planning my evening meal.

    I tried out bifocals a few years ago during a visit to the optician but couldn’t get on with them. Buying separate pairs for distance and reading is expensive but better than falling over, which is what I was convinced would happen wearing bifocals!

    Sandy, Brady has walked the cement off his pads so it’s floors and any furniture he jumped on that I’m having to carefully clean.

    That’s another beautiful teapot Lin. Who would ever think so many designs exist!

    Tomorrow I’m expecting gardener Barney to visit and trim high overgrown hedges and cut down a dead palm tree. Again no message so it seems these young tradesmen think I’m in possession of a crystal ball!!

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Sandy and Jackie, busy days for both of you.

    Jackie, you will have everything sorted out on your property by winter. Well done.

    Sandy, I hope your appointment went well.

    I need to get up early tomorrow and get cleaned up to run over and get my Covid shot. It has been a year since I had one and many of my friends are scheduling their appointments. Most don’t want to get multiple shots at the same time. I am in that camp.

    A day of online meetings and classes. And it will be that way for the remainder of the month. I had some events that were double booked today. I choose the ones that were live and could not be viewed later.

    Take care friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    See you tomorrow. We might get rain!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and then going to sit for a few hours. Another beautiful day, hard to believe Fall will begin on Sunday. Hope to get some more pool time in before then but will see. I am taking Lisa's parent to the airport tomorrow and picking them up at 8am. Early morning for me.

    Lin, my appointment was long almost 3 hours. They did every test imaginable I think and my eye is still inflamed so they put me on more prednisone drops. I go back Monday for another blood test because some person wasn't there to take it somewhere. That will be a short visit they said. I will be happy when this trial is over but I believe I have another 7 months.

    Jackie, that is my problem with bifocals as well. I prefer two sets of glasses and will be returning them tomorrow. Everything is blurry with the bifocal as I move my head more than my eyes. I bought two pair of glasses, one for distance and reading and the other for computer and reading but taking them both back and want to get them set one for distance and one for reading.

    Time to eat again and get ready. Have a nice day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Feeling quite unwell. Darn shot.

    Hope to be back tomorrow.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    edited September 2024
    Happy Friday! :) Got up at 6:30 to take Lisa's parents to airport. Got home around 9am and started laundry. Wanted to return glasses to Costco but they weren't open so will go later unless I decide to go to pool. I am very tired so will see how I feel later.

    Lin, which vaccine did you get? I am thinking of going for my covid shot today but not sure about the side effects and I have a play to go to Sunday. I want the RSV and flu shot also but not all at the same time. I hope you feel better today.

    Jackie, you should be prepared for winter now with your new heaters. Pets are so much fun with their silly antics. Rob took Ewok to vet yesterday as he has spent two nights of waking Rob up and staring and barking at him. Even in his office when he is working Ewok stares and barks. They did some blood work to make sure he is ok but I told Rob he is trying to tell you something. Hopefully the blood work comes back fine.

    Have a good day everyone and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,975 Member
    Hello. I was convinced I posted yesterday but apparently not. I had to message Barney for an arrival time and when he told me 1130 I first took George and Betty for a long walk. After an hour working Barney received a phone call from his wife and no more work was carried out. Apparently a domestic argument, so he asked if I could make coffee for him then sat and told me his problems when I was actually itching to do some gardening! He promised to return this morning so I agreed he could store his equipment in the garden room and true to his word, he was climbing ladders and trimming high hedges when I returned from this morning’s dog walk. As I had hoped, I now feel more in control and am looking forward to planting new shrubs.

    The forecast rain didn’t materialise and I’ve enjoyed a pottering afternoon. Colder and unsettled on its way but yes Sandy, I’m ready for it now heaters are installed and also have a large collection of firewood if needed. George often does that staring thing and I have to guess what he is trying to tell me because it is definitely some sort of message. Sometimes easy to work out if he needs to go outside but other times not so!

    I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well after your vaccination Lin. I’m holding off at the moment, especially after suffering what probably was Covid a few weeks ago. I definitely don’t like the idea of a cocktail of different boosters.

    I must lock up the garden shed and check the hens have gone to bed.
    Take care ladies.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Starting to feel better. This is the worst reaction I have had to a Covid shot. Total fatigue, aching all over, chattering teeth, and I thought several times I was going to be sick. Anyway, it’s been a struggle to do anything today. Hope tomorrow will be better.

    If you got your shot Sandy, I hope all is well with you. And I read an article today that if you have had Covid in the last few months, you can wait several more months before getting a shot. But who knows.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Will try to get back later, busy morning.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    edited September 2024
    Hi. I am officially back on my feet. Did lots of chores, some cooking, my usual cardio classes and a special one to celebrate Dancing Day.

    Then I started hinting for several lost packages and happened to catch up with my mailman. We talked, he seemed kind of uncomfortable and then told me to call the office on Monday. I swear he did something, as later this afternoon, one package was updated to having been delivered in Texas and the other one was shipped to Florida. At least that one was not delivered so it may make its way back to me. I did contact customer at the first company. I should hear something next week.

    I hope everyone had a good day.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Last day at pool yesterday and today it is raining. We are going to a play and then to dinner this afternoon. My daughter, SIL, Cheryl and I booked an 8 night cruise for next May. One of the ports is Aruba which is on my bucket list so I am very happy.
    My eldest granddaughter called me Friday and announced she is engaged. I am so happy for her and her fiancé. Marriage will be in 2026 as he is in residency to become a doctor and will finish in Spring of 2026. I am praying I am still here. o:)

    Lin, I did not get my shot yet as I want to be sure I have a couple of days incase of a side effect. I am glad you are feeling better. Are you planning on getting the RSV and flu shot as well?

    Jackie, yes they say to wait a few months if you have had covid before getting the new booster. You must be a good listener to have Barnie vent his problems to you.

    Time to eat some breakfast and if I have time want to run and get an engagement card. Have a good day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,975 Member
    The weekend has run away from me but at least the thunder storms didn’t arrive locally yesterday and I was able to work outside. Today not so good with lots of rain showers but I’ve caught up with writing to friends and a couple of phone calls. I’m taking David to a hospital appointment in the morning to meet with a consultant who will hopefully confirm he is suitable for a hip replacement. He booked an early time, not thinking about me having to get up so early, walk the dogs in the dark, drive to his home in an isolated area, so I hope I can find it, then get him into Plymouth during the rush hour! 😳

    I’d better get the alarm set and me to bed!
    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member

    Sandy, what a lot of interesting news! Booking a trip to one of your bucket list destinations. Great! And your grand daughter getting married. Wahoo!

    I got an RSV shot last year and you only have to have one. I like the one and done things. 😁 I have never gotten around to the updated pneumonia shot, still thinking about it. Now I will wait a while before deciding on a flu shot.

    I attended online church this morning, then crushed boxes and cleaned out my weekly Farm Bureau newspapers and the various catalogs that accumulate.

    We had stormy weather overnight, one blast of lightning blew the power strip in my bedroom. Suddenly no TV. I have a whole house surge protector as well as one on that power strip. I don’t think these things are working properly.

    I need to get my vehicle fueled up tomorrow so I might hunt for a winter hat. Tuesday is car service day. That’s all I have planned except all of the upcoming class videos.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Hi to any Sneakers out there. Another busy day with the same tomorrow. Just wanted to say hello and hope you’ve had a great day.

    I just got a letter from my insurance company and they denied my claim for prescription sunglasses. Looks like I owe a few hundred dollars to Costco. 👀 darn

    Well see you tomorrow.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,975 Member
    Good evening. I was up very early this morning and decided because it was misty as well as dark it wouldn’t be safe to walk George and Betty round the block. Instead, before I drove to pick up David, I wedged the door into my garden open so they had outdoor access. Turns out he lives in a tiny community of just 16 properties, most tucked behind high hedges, so he had decided to walk out to the road where I could see him. His appointment was in a small private hospital that also carries out NHS work and his consultant told him he had never seen such a damaged hip and wondered how he is still walking as he must be in so much pain. He will move David up the waiting list for a full hip replacement. When I took him back home I walked round his garden he has worked so hard on because when he bought the property it had been in a mess with so much rubbish either piled high or buried. It is now a beautiful and serene place. I stayed for a cup of tea then came home to two very excited dogs! Tomorrow should be dry so after a walk on the moors I will carry on tidying my own garden!
    Sheila phoned to tell me she has an appointment confirmed for a cataract removal next week although she was initially told it wasn’t urgent and wouldn’t be for a couple of months. I have told her she needs to find someone else to drive her because I have my own appointment with my dentist and all the trips driving to Plymouth are wearing me out!

    Midnight again! I must try to get myself in bed earlier.
    Nite, I’ve
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I went for a blood draw for the trial after calling them and leaving them a message that Uber never contacted me so I was going to drive myself. They called me back as I was backing out of the garage and said one is on it's way. When I got home I went to the Hallmark store for an engagement card so I could send a check for them to celebrate and then went to CVS for my covid vaccine. I had ordered Walmart groceries and they just arrived so it is time to make dinner.
    I am bringing my car in tomorrow as I had some kind of warning sign come up yesterday but has disappeared. The serviceman said they would do a complimentary inspection to make sure my car will be okay to drive six hours to Wisconsin on Friday. Going for a long weekend to visit Chery's sister with Cheryl. I also want to go see the kids tomorrow or Wednesday or possibly both since I haven't seen them for a while. Busy times but I do love it. We went to a play about Queen Elizabeth with the prime ministers but it was confusing as they were out of order. Then to dinner with coupons and gift cards which made our dinner pretty cheap.
    Almost 7 and I am hungry so hope you all have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Fall has arrived with rain and cooler days. Hopefully there is nothing wrong with my car and I won't be there long. I am going to see the kiddos after school today and helping Rob while Lisa plays volleyball. I think it will be raining but Lisa said it is supposed to stop. We will see.
    The only side effect I have from the covid vaccine is my arm is sore, other than that I feel fine, thank goodness.

    Have a good day ladies,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,975 Member
    My pooches and I had a lovely walk late morning, around a section of moors we hadn’t been on for months because all the rain we’d had during the summer months made it so mucky. Firm under foot now and both dogs did lots of zoomies to make up for not walking yesterday.
    This afternoon I have been pruning shrubs and now, when I finish my cup of tea, I will bag up the cuttings, then cook chicken for my dinner.

    Sandy, that’s good you haven’t had any adverse effect from the vaccination. I’m still receiving reminders but ignoring! It’s lovely to read about all your visits and adventures and know you are enjoying life.

    Lin, I missed your post yesterday so you must have sent it the same time I did mine. A beautiful tea-set and just in time for Autumn. My one Acer tree is still hanging on to green leaves but no doubt colder nights will soon turn them. Sorry to read your insurance company won’t pay out. I know how expensive prescription glasses can be.

    I haven’t heard from Anne since her planned procedure last Thursday so will send a Jacqui Lawson card. Any news I will of course let you know.

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Hi, overcast day and the forecast keeps saying it is going to rain.

    My car has been serviced and checked out. Ready for winter and other than the regular service all I needed was a new rear windshield wiper.

    I also picked up the large electric roaster I purchased for the church. Now to get it over there. That will be for another day. Also stopped by the library.

    Now to catch up on my regular stuff and cardio classes this afternoon and live videos. Talk about multi tasking. Cannot do this.

    Sandy, wow no problem with the shot. That’s terrific. Hope your car is okay.

    Jackie, it sounds like a good day as well as a productive one. I did like that tea set from yesterday. So nice for fall. Take care, get some sleep!

    I hope Anne is okay. A friend had a cornea transplant yesterday. She was already trying to post funny memes this morning. I wonder if she made her husband do it for her.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    edited September 2024
    Ugh! $723 for car, new battery, alignment and fluids. Cars are expensive!! At least they had a shuttle so I could wait at home. Of course I tipped the driver so not exactly free.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Doing laundry for my trip Friday. I have my meeting and a doctor's appointment after so won't have time tomorrow. I will pack tomorrow so I am ready to go by 8 or so on Friday. I am still not sure why we aren't taking Cheryl's car since it is bigger and a hybrid but I think because she has so many miles on her car already since she drives a lot for work. We will be picking up her brother and BIL who will do the driving so at least I don't have to drive although not always happy when someone else drives my car.
    Because of car repair and rain I did not go see the kids yesterday so I will be going after school today. I will get them Mc Donald's as that is my weekly treat for them. Dad likes it too. lol

    I hope everyone is well and doing what you love to do to keep busy and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,975 Member

    Dear Lin, have a wonderful day full of the things you love to do.
    Hugs across the pond!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    edited September 2024
    Busy day? Cannot keep up but enjoying all of the birthday greetings I have received.

    Thanks so much Jackie.

    Back to work. 👀
