Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. We continue to have a mix of relatively calm demonstrations and then crazy ones with looting, destruction and so much tagging and graffiti last evening. Several Target stores were attacked. Police at many demonstrations took a knee yesterday. I am a bit perturbed with all of this. We have a curfew now but of course the demonstrators and looters were running about well after that. More stores are boarding up their entrances. I heard sirens out here in the suburbs last night and while not unusual, it bothered me as we have number of shopping malls and Target stores out here as well. I wonder if it will be more difficult to get groceries? I received a text, in error, advising drivers for one of our grocery chains to stay away from any problems areas as deliveries were not worth their personal safety. Amazon is pulling back deliveries as well.

    And so the world turns.

    Jackie, if I was closer, I would indeed be happy to have any leftovers! The zucchini plants I put out last week under those waxed paper covers have just sprung up! They were already hitting the tops of the covers so I cut them open. The plants look happy. I wish the indoor garden was in prime shape, unfortunately it is not so I can not adjust the lights to be just a few inches from the top of the plants. It is at max height and is taped in place with duct tape. 😉

    Speaking of squirrels, today they are everywhere, running along the top of my fence, jumping in trees, generally creeping all over the place. Also have bunnies and those ground chipmunks called squinties around here. Full alert on garden enemies!

    Anne, I am glad you found some things to bring your spirits back to a happy level. Is it warmer today? It is already 75 degrees F here. Set to be warmer this afternoon with gusty winds which will bring in even hotter weather. How is your potato plant coming along?

    Sandy, I cannot image how bad it must be in Chicago. I haven’t seen any photos or video from there. Wise to stay home for lots of reasons. Maybe you can get out on your deck for a while?

    Must move along. It seems I do not get a lot accomplished each day. But that is okay.

    All best wishes for your good health ❤️❤️


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dearest sneakerjs! A fine sunny but cool day. Perfect, except for the virus and civil unrest! That said, we must stay on task today. The laundry is sloshing away and the dishes are swerling around in the dish washer, dryer is full of clothes drying and getting ready for folding and putting away.

    Now, about Miss Katie and her way too long toenails...I loved the video of the peanut butter trick. I decided to give it a whirl. John took one look and said, “Patsy, my love, you are clearly out of your mind! Katie will not fall for that.” And he was right. I did everything just like in the video. Katie thought I was playing a really fun game. She pulled her toes up close to her body, reached over and with her scissor-like teeth, in one swift move, ripped off the plastic from my head and dashed off with the plastic and peanut butter hanging out of her mouth. So now we are back to ugly discussions and yelling and holding her down while either John or I clip her nails. At the vet’s office it takes three techs and a muzzle to cut her toenails. And it reenforces the fear and dread of the vet visits. For Katie it is like going to the dentist and not having Novocain while they do a root canal. As they is, as it is!

    Portland is also a mess. Our son said he is so glad he found a rental house in McMinnville. A sleepy little town near Portland. It is really not his style but for right now, it works just fine.

    We have all predicted this day would come. Civil unrest, no leadership, no justice, economic instability, and healthcare worries. If we can just stay afloat and not kill each other until a change happens....I know I am expecting a lot of any new administration!

    Back to Katie, her nails must be addressed. They are so long they are curling, it must be painful for her to even walk. To think, they were clipped about 6 weeks ago. She runs and walks on carpet or grass. I think distraction is a good idea. I am thinking small pieces of chicken fed while one of us clips. John thinks it will be unpleasant but we can do it. Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrgh!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello friends, after an extremely busy time on the hottest day of the year so far, I'm sipping a cup of tea on the deck. Nearly 9pm, still light with the moon above me and finally cooling off. The dogs are playing zoomies as a sign of being pleased to see me home from watering the seedlings at the allotment.
    Such sad scenes from America although maybe not surprising... so many angry, scared people with nowhere to turn.
    Here's my pooches today, not needing claws clipped thank goodness but they'd both love some peanut butter however it was presented. 😁

    I'm going to watch an art programme and put my aching feet up.

    Take care and most certainly stay safe. ❤
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PATSY, can I ship Jilly over to your house if you master the nail clipping, because small as she is, it's impossible to clip the squirming little things nails. Add to that, just try to open the clamped jaws to get her to take her flea/tick pill. I don't want fleas in my bed!

    Mike offered to take a friend to a hospital today for day surgery, he dropped her off and carried on to visit us before getting a call to pick her up again. He was a sweetheart and cut my grass and then tackled the Bean with a crushed pill in peanut butter. He got a bit of the mess down her throat but more on himself. I guess he won't get fleas!

    The Bean is now sleeping off the energy expended in tackling Michael in a battle of wills.

    I'm exhausted! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hi, it is really hot and windy. They had that forecast right! Everything is shutting dow out here in my suburb. Snapchats indicate we are targeted tonight. 😢 I hope this is wrong but I cannot guess.

    I have been waiting to stick a couple of tomato plants in pots but will wait a bit longer.

    Good luck with the the doggie toenail trimming. Very difficult issue.

    Hugs again.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hi, a lovely teapot today💙💙

    “Priceless Beauty.. The Antonia Minor teapot, in Lapis Lazuli, gilt silver and enameled gold. The bust on the handle is of Roman antiquity, carved during the life of Antonia Minor (36 BC-37 AD), mother to Emperor Claudius and grandmother to Emperor Caligula -while everything below the string of pearls, which hides the join, was created and carved by Dionysio, Prague, c1652”

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wow, mother to Claudius and grandmother to Caligula.... she had a lot to answer for!! For all that it's a stunning teapot. :D

    Another gorgeous day so me and the pooches took an early stroll then I set off for a grocery shop, just in time as it turned out with a lot more traffic on the roads by the time I headed home. Yesterday afternoon was spent digging out a trench along one side of my garage that had filled in when the neighbours layed lots of chippings where they park and over time many had fallen in along with rubble and rubbish they'd left lying around! That had created damp so it's now clear and I'm ready to clean the outer walls before painting because a surveyor is visiting on the 12th to talk about replacing the old asbestos roof. Every muscle was aching last night and also when I got up this morning but a hot shower and slow walk eased everything and I'm raring to go again. We might have some rain tomorrow but when the forecaster says "not everyone will see the showers" it usually means here!!

    I've just watched BBC lunchtime news while eating cottage cheese and pineapple but can't begin to comment on what's going on in America. I'm guessing holding a bible up outside a church is a sign of an election on the way but only my friends across the pond really understand what all this is about. Just continue to stay safe from everything threatening you right now.

    Hugs all round! <3<3 Jackie

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ha sweet mysteries of life spring to mind with Donald.
    Meanwhile in Canada demos are being held about racism here. I can't say I've ever noticed racism here. I have noticed black youth on TV running around shopping malls shooting each other. Something to do with gangs and drugs I gather.
    So, being somewhat clueless about what goes on in Donald's, black youth and other folk having a great time writing banners and going walkies minds, I'm keeping low and baking bread by hand on a grey and dismal rainy day. Nothing like a good pound on a lump of dough to get any frustration out. Maybe the demonstrators should try it instead of wrecking their cities etc.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hello. The demonstrators/rioters did not show up out our way last night. These demonstrations go on for hours and hours. The later they go, it seems the more upset people become. More than a thousand people assembled in front of the State Capitol bldg again yesterday. Then most of them went home while some others arrived. They ultimately broke curfew, refused to leave and authorities warned them 3 times and again tear gas and flash bangs were used to disperse them. I understand there were quite a number of arrests including juveniles as young as 14. I guess parents can’t keep them home but gosh I would have been in a lot of trouble if I wasn’t home at midnight or 1am when I was that young.

    Okay, well, we have a scorcher on tap here today. Last night I took the surviving tomato plants and potted them and covered the pot with these heavy waxed paper things you use to put out transplants when it is cold to save them from frost. I hope it works for extreme sunny hot weather. My long anticipated Burpee’s shorter season determinate tomato plants have gone missing in the mail. There are mail disruptions all over now and I checked last night, no delivery date available. They won’t live in transit and extreme heat. Poor little things. I guess my gardening attempt is ending in unhappiness. 🥺

    Anne, I don’t think the world cares too much about our opinions. I will be voting this fall though. Only thing I can do.

    Jackie, I loved the photos of your lounging dog companions. My, they really can relax. 😉 now apparently you do not relax. I hope you don’t strain anything with all this hard work. Take care.

    Sandy, I out in an order at Walmart and pickup times were available starting Wednesday. Amazing. I actually don’t want my groceries that quickly so I signed up for a Friday.

    Best wishes my friends.

    Hugs ❤️❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited June 2020
    Happy Tuesday! :) I had quite a day yesterday worrying about my granddaughter who lied to her mother and me and went out protesting. Supposedly it was peaceful but none of these stay peaceful, there are always some who want to loot and/or worse. We knew she was at her friend's house in Chicago but she promised us she would not protest. She left her phone at his house when she went because we can see her location on our phones. We had words all by text last night and I expressed my lack of trust for her and how she will have to go into quarantine for 14 days even though she wore a mask. Her mother is livid but as angry as I am I understand why she wanted to do it but not with the violence and pandemic. She spent the night at her friends so she still has to deal with her mother when she gets home. She is an adult at 25 but there are so many health concerns especially since her mother works in the office of a hospital one or two days a week.
    Speaking of trump at the Church, for him to walk they sprayed peaceful protesters with pepper spray to get them out of his way. The pastor there said he used it as a political ploy and she was not happy at all especially since he didn't even give her a heads up.

    Lisa wants to go to her meeting tonight which can only have ten people so I said I would come and help Rob with the kids. My only concern is that I hope there are no protesters on the way there or on the way home. What a world we are living in right now. I pray daily for help.

    Stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy, how sad. You just don’t need any more drama. Maybe she should have stayed with her friend for 2 weeks before coming home. If that person also went to the protests/demonstrations.

    I doubt she will want to stay in one room of the house for two weeks. Darn.

    And by the way, they used tear gas on the crowds. Even worse than pepper spray. I was very angry to see the helicopter hovering over people last night....and watching the people run and try to get homeowners to let them in to get away from the enforcers. Very sad.

    She will be home by curfew right? And you can return home as well? Or will you need to stay there?

    Take care.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    And now for something completely different. While a number of pages have gone black for today, not all have. Here’s a recipe made for the Queen. Mango chutney? I done think we have that around here.

    Coronation Chicken Afternoon Tea Sandwiches

    Originally called “Chicken Elizabeth”, this recipe was invented by Constance Spry and Rosemary Hume, the principals of the Cordon Bleu Cookery School, and was developed for Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953.

    With hints of the British Raj, the recipe is a peculiar mix of sweet and savory. The coronation chicken recipe was invented as a post war solution for the Queen's coronation banquet on June 2, 1953 when 350 foreign dignitaries were in attendance.

    With tender chunks of chicken coated in a mildly spiced sauce with mayonnaise, it soon became one of the most popular dishes of 1950s Britain and is still served as part of a traditional afternoon tea in hotels and restaurants across Britain.

    In fact, finger sandwiches filled with Coronation Chicken are a firm favourite for afternoon tea at Buckingham Palace and at Balmoral Castle, where the Queen spends her summers.

    Recipe for the coronation chicken (Serves 6)

    1 tsp curry powder
    4 tbsp mayonnaise
    1 tsp crème fraîche
    1½ tbsp mango chutney
    100g or 3/4 cup cooked roast chicken, shredded
    Sprigs of watercress

    Put the curry powder in a pan and heat for a minute or two until you can smell the aroma of the spices. Tip into a bowl and add the mayonnaise, crème fraîche, chutney and plenty of seasoning. Stir in the chicken. If the mixture is very thick, stir in 1-2 tsp water.

    If using sliced bread, spoon a little coronation chicken onto one slice of the bread, top with watercress, cover with the second slice, trim the crusts and cut (triangles or rectangular) and serve. You can use mini rolls, wraps or pitta as a variant.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I finished my puzzle today.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited June 2020
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Sandy, how sad. You just don’t need any more drama. Maybe she should have stayed with her friend for 2 weeks before coming home. If that person also went to the protests/demonstrations.

    I doubt she will want to stay in one room of the house for two weeks. Darn.

    And by the way, they used tear gas on the crowds. Even worse than pepper spray. I was very angry to see the helicopter hovering over people last night....and watching the people run and try to get homeowners to let them in to get away from the enforcers. Very sad.

    She will be home by curfew right? And you can return home as well? Or will you need to stay there?

    Take care.

    I think there are three roommates in her friends house and I know he went back to work yesterday, so she went with the other roommates. She has the whole basement at her mother's house where she usually stays any way. So far she has not come home but I really hope she does soon. Her mother will make her take a test to make sure she was not exposed, but she has to wait five days.
    I plan on getting home before dark. With only ten people it should be a short meeting. I hope.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    High clouds this morning and I think we are to have showers. It feels like it. Dampness and that smell of coming rain.

    We all say things like, “Well! We will just stay out of all this fuss and fury and mind our own business.” But I fear that life has a way of involving us whether we want it or not. Portland is a mess and the mess is spreading like a virus in itself. Our son almost got tangled up in the protest as he finished up his move from the house he sold. In truth I know, if I were younger and in better condition , I would be more involved. John would be shaking his head in dismay! This protest has many levels of unrest, no justice, poverty and a culture of police brutality. There are other unspoken concerns. Like so many times in the past, great change was brought about by young idealistic protestors. The French Revolution, our own civil war, the protests against the Vietnam Nam war. I could go on but there it is! I wonder what this will change. What dynamic forces are coming into play now? We can only just stay tuned and support good decent people are willing to run for office. I am climbing down from my high horse and rickety soapbox. Forgive me! I am an old idealistic protestor from another era.

    I have now clipped Katie’s back toenails. I have small pieces of chicken waiting to be used when I can get John’s cooperation. He is very hesitant about this whole project. But we just hate the idea of her being forced into compliance at the vets office. If she ever gets her teeth cleaned or any time she needs anesthesia, the doc has it in her records to do a toenail clip at the same time. Is this crazy or what?

    Novels, movies, poems, and paintings will use these turbulent times as a subject. Drama and heartbreak!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2020
    Comment for the day from me. Read Rudyard Kiplings poem IF. Here's the first and the final verses.

    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
    Or, being hated, don't give way to hating
    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.

    If you can talk to crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with kings - not lose the common touch;
    If neither friends nor foes can hurt you;
    If ALL men count, but not too much;
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds worth of distance run-
    Yours is the earth and everything that's in it,
    And which is more-you'll be a man my son!

    Seems appropriate for today's young just as it was for Rudyard's son in the 1800s.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just read a higher wall has been built around the White House. Is it to keep Donald out of America? lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    He is afraid. But also humiliated that people found out he was taken to the bunker for protection a few nights ago. He wants super high protection so he can strut around.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I just thought it comical and ironic that he was building a wall to keep Mexicans etc OUT, but now they've built a wall to keep him IN.