Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning friends. I woke up to the pitter-patter sound of raindrops and have to admit it is welcome, not that much has fallen yet. Cooler too so my garden might just recover. No need to get out early for our walk so I've enjoyed my coffee with Betty draped across my legs.

    A quieter night in America, hopefully that will continue. I just learned use of teargas in a war situation is illegal... too indiscriminate!!
    An interesting take on orange man's reaction is a comparison with Nixon in 1972 who used similar tactics to gain votes from a scared middle America and won a landslide! I have to stop watching analysts dissect what's happening. It gets my brain buzzing in overdrive! 😲🙃😞

    Meanwhile Lin, beautiful butterflies. Now my weather has broken I shall get back to my next jigsaw which is a rather complex picture of a barn full of hay. Perhaps I should change my mind and pick one of a group of dogs! Coronation chicken is still à favourite as a sandwich filler and I think was an early introduction of curry to our otherwise bland diet in the 50's. I'm lazy and buy a pot rather than make my own!

    Anne, I see you are beginning to use your lifetime supply of flour and are still making your own bread... yummy! I think that new fence is a political ploy to suggest democracy is being threatened since the dreadful bible photo shoot backfired. As for the lost for words Justin, the poor man has gone viral for all the wrong reasons!

    Sandy, of course you worry about your granddaughter but if she has a strong view, as an adult she'll do what she feels is right. I know you will be proud that she believes in justice even in these difficult times.

    Patsy, I hate injustices so would be there with you but as amazing as the Portland bridge looked with all those demonstrators lying down, I would have to ask how on earth would I get back up! An art series that's been running invites the public to contribute their own paintings, photos and crafts depicting a personal take on the virus and lockdown. An awful lot of humour is appearing in spite of the situation which is typically British and I find, encouraging.
    Hooray, nails clipped so got there in the end. 😀

    The pitter-patter has stopped and George is fidgeting so time to walk.

    Take care, stay safe and if you like, you can add our Boris' stay alert... we're all still trying to figure that one out! 😏

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The only comment I can make about the well intentioned marchers is God help us in two weeks time. Whilst condemning the brutality of poor Mr Floyds death and feeling great sadness for his child and family, every well intentioned marcher, every thief in the aftermath of a march will have gone home potentially carrying this deadly virus to health workers, grandparents, friends, family alike thus setting us and the world completely back. It couldn't have happened at a worse time.

    Soapbox over. After a night of cyclone winds, downpouring rain and thunder I'm off to shower and wash the world and it's people right out of my hair and settle down for another ten weeks of confinement.

    Good news though, my old friend Flo is back with us answering her phone again and once more phoning me.

    Yours in isolation,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Just a teapot ❤️❤️


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So much for the promised rain! I took a different route for our walk donned in rain mac just in case and at one point, having to step back into the verge to get out of the way of a farm vehicle, I spotted the prettiest small white dog rose entwined in the hedge. Perfect for my wild bottom garden so a cutting was pulled gently away. Then, a few paces on waiting for the pooches to sniff the long grass I saw an even cuter pink dog rose and managed to find a woody section to bring home. Both are now potted up and tucked in a sheltered area. I do love to plan ahead in the garden hoping I'll be around a few more years yet to enjoy seeing the plants established. 🙂🥀🌹🌺

    Painting the outside of my garage was planned but every time I step outside I feel the odd light spot of rain so best wait for a definite dry day.
    Housework can't be ignored anymore so I'm thinking a whizz round with the vacuum cleaner and a duster will be a good start even though it's tea break time. Pretty tea set Lin especially with the central bird. Hand painted no doubt... what a task! I wish you could hear the blackbird singing outside. He's an absolute joy!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) All went well yesterday, no sign of any protesters on my route. The kids and Ewok were all well behaved so it was nice being with them again. Lisa got a beautiful chip for ten years of sobriety, really proud of her and my son.
    Bryanna is home and quarantined and yes I am proud of her for taking a stand but not for lying to me or exposing herself to this virus. I think a lot of people just think the virus went away and there is nothing to worry about but like Anne we will see what happens in the next two weeks. I think I will be on the computer trying to get different refunds for items I ordered that have not been received or in one case an entirely different item than I ordered. I hope I have finally learned my lesson and stop ordering these things from China. I am so dumb.

    Jackie, you do it all, from painting to fixing windows, you are your own handyman. I have a bird that visits my balcony every morning and chit chats a mile an hour. I don't know my birds but this one makes me laugh. I also get two morning doves occasionally which I love.

    Anne, I hope the sun comes out to brighten your day. Now remind me again about Flo, is she the one with dementia that forgets what she told you??

    Lin, I hope things are calming down in Iowa, this has been some year hasn't it??

    Hello to everyone else but I really have to get moving.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes, Flo is the one losing her memory, but for the last three days has been on an upswing keeping me on the phone each time for over a hour.
    Unfortunately our Ontario new cases of the virus are going up when they should be plateauing and nobody knows why, well I do, but nobody listens to little old ladies! For a start a New Brunswick doctor, unfortunately coloured, went to Quebec to pick up his four year old daughter and drive with her back to NB. He didn't quarantine but went straight back to work with the virus thus infecting hundreds. He's been suspended and says it's racism, sigh.
    No one knows why Justin went quiet when asked about Donald. Reasons range from
    A loss for words
    Or he's frightened of the wrath of big brother next to us.
    Whatever, he isn't doing a news conference today as usual.

    I'm off to pull weeds and again ignore the world.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A lovely mild morning here. I am expecting the phone repair guy today. Our phone has a very loud buzz and we can hardly hear anything said. It isn’t our phone set, because the phone company can hear it when they dial our number. Irritating to have to deal with this but as we know, we need to keep in touch!

    The situation here in Oregon and maybe the rest of the US is very complicated. People are tired of being cooped up and many have little in the way of creative diversion. Fear is another issue. There are people here who get this virus and the suffering is unimaginable. The medical staff is struggling to offer help that often is just uneffective. There are no jobs! Our unemployment agency is scandalous. Our senator has demanded the head of our state employment agency be fired. Our governor just fired her. The mess she created will take months to rectify. No fears...political crazies! Now doesn’t that seem ripe for protests? Nothing is as it should be. If Buzz were feeling up to it, I am sure she would have a strong opinion.

    Today is mop the kitchen day and clean the bathrooms. I am not nearly as organized as the rest of you sneakers, but it does feel good to do these things. It is the only thing I can control. I can try to make things organized and clean. Makes isolation so much more tolerable.

    I must say this about Sandy’s grand daughter. A very understanding priest at the catholic school I attended once told me that people lie about things for a reason. The reason often feels like the best way to deal with a difficult situation. It isn’t the best way to deal with a problem. But he said sometimes, we force those we love to lie. We put them on the hot seat. It is a very hard choice for young people. Lie to parents so they will not worry or tell them the truth and thus begin a huge argument. There might be another way. As you might guess, I was often on that hot seat and constantly in need of making different choices.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Patsy, I did tell Bryanna today that I was proud of her for standing up to a great cause just not during the pandemic. She was grateful and said she totally understands the problem with me and her mom had with her decision because of the covid19. Her mom is taking her for a test but until then she is still quarantined.

    And on a very happy note, they have arrested the other three cops and upped the cop that killed him to second degree murder. Maybe now the protesters will settle down.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sandy: no criticism intended, my friend. You and your family have such a wonderful and close relationship. I wish I could say I have half the splendid relationship you have with that beautiful grand daughter. You have a special family. The event brought back the memory of that wonderfully understanding priest and me, the wayward kid with strong human and animal rights philosophical ideas. I was political even in grade school. I think you know you are blessed with adoring grandchildren. We all know why they love you!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    None taken Patsy....and thank you I love my family as we all do.💕
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, teapot time. Very little information.

    ‘ Always time for tea with RA Old Country Roses...’


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    81824br5uyrfrsr.gif The venue where I teach line dance told me that they won't reopen any sooner than June 22 and I should check with them then. They will be the ones determining the protocols for using their building. I won't teach again until I feel safe doing so. Most of my class is over 70 years old and many are over 80. My husband is high risk so I won't do anything that could jeopardize him. Dancing with a mask won't work for me so we'll just have to see how things unfold. I love dancing with the class but I can be patient so we can all be healthy.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After walking this morning I got myself organised to begin painting the outside of my garage. I completed one side but it will need another coat so hopefully I can do the other side tomorrow then go over today’s covering. After lunch I’ve been catching up with my brother who lives in Spain and will now get some housework achieved because I’ve arranged with my neighbour to visit the allotment at 5.

    I don’t consider myself particularly handy but over the years have asked questions and also to be shown how to do certain DIY jobs and quickly discovered there’s no mystery to any of it! Repairing my windows at the weekend was 2nd hand advice passed from my neighbours builder, originally to them and now on to me. When I was living with my dad after my mother left us he used to answer any questions I had about jobs he was doing and seemed to appreciate my interest. Showed me a lot of ways to disable any attacker too although I’m not sure I could have carried them out!! When I bought my cottage that needed a lot of improvements I was earning good money but less than 2 years later was made redundant so again got advice from my dad over the phone as there was no You Tube back then. Saved myself a fortune not having to use builders and today I do it because I enjoy a challenge. Nothing too hefty or dangerous of course!

    Tea break time but I’ll vacuum upstairs first as it didn’t get done yesterday. More roses Lin, And rather ornate but this set does talk to me... says put the kettle on!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and then my pick up at Walmart. It is going to be a hot one today, I wish life was normal and I could go to the pool. I texted my landlord yesterday to ask about my new lease and told him I didn't think he should raise it because I am a good tenant.
    He texted back and asked to meet Friday but I told him it would have to be outside six feet apart because I isolate to visit my grandkids and that I am old. He texted back he is also old (I think he is late 60's so not old). He said we will figure something out and he will check in with me tomorrow. If he raises me anything over $50 I might consider moving although the thought of it is horrible.

    Not much time so have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hello, MFP is failing on me. I have no accessible profile, logging days, no friends, and I cannot get to Sneakers without going through Safari. I keep the group open on Safari, with fingers crossed, to be able to get here.

    I had a bit of church related drama yesterday. Had a contract to read and make comments on and whether we should sign it or not. Took quite a while and when I was finished with it I was extremely worn out. I went to bed early and fell asleep immediately.

    This morning I had to tackle laundry as I realized I had just taken out the last pair of clean undies. Towels also needed to be washed. So not a bad job except the washer continues to leak and I still need to hunt for a wash cloth that has gone missing. Nope, not a sock. 😂

    The long anticipated tomato plants arrived. Poor things look like those end of season orphans that you see at garden stores. The reduced price ones that they hope someone will take home. Instructions said to water them, keep them indoors for two days then harden them off for a week before planting. Since they are just going in bigger pots I think tomorrow afternoon I will plant them and hope for the best.

    As I was sorting through things I came across the last remaining photo of my childhood horse with part of my old Schwinn bicycle showing as well as the family car, a 1959 Ford. Quite memorable to me as I sat in the back of that car as we drove to California and back one Christmas vacation. We visited with my mom’s sister and family. It was so cold, we had to wear our winter coats. And that was in San Diego for goodness sakes. So now I am going to bore you with the B&W photo and all a copy of a car ad for the exact car we had, red and white.


    The car at the top, not the Thunderbird

    More later I hope.

    Hugs ❤️❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Nice horse LIN. What was his/her name?
    First of all Mike showed up this morning and I went to shoppers drug mart and out for the first time in three months in the car. Managed to get one item out of the three I wanted but it was so nice to get out again! Then whilst chatting, Mark turned up looking like Justin Trudeau without the beard now his hair is growing out wavy. Field day for Jilly Bean who loves both! My grandson Derek is thinking of going back to university now that his art office department has folded, presumably for good. Might as well. He had completed 5 years at university when he last graduated. He liked his job and was actually working overtime on a project when everyone was let go.
    I made an appointment with the vet for Saturday because Jilly was limping badly, but then Michael had a go at trimming her nails and I think it's maybe done the trick in which case I'll cancel. One still has to sit outside whilst your pet is hauled inside and I like to be with the Bean.
    Very warm here, hot actually.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hot as can be here. I am making some little bees to put on some greeting cards. Meanwhile the wasps are continuing to visit. Chipmunks, squirrels, Cardinals, Nuthatches, Robins carrying chubby worms about, a busy day for the creatures.

    I spent an hour on the phone with a friend. She is going tomorrow for a color and cut appointment with her stylist.

    Oh, I found the wash cloth. Yippee.

    And another puzzle is finished. I loved doing this one. Yes, it is tea!



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wow Lin, it takes me weeks to complete a jigsaw but you seem to whiz through them. No PG tips though! A beautiful pony that I’m sure brings back lots of fond memories as does the car. Nostalgia really does affect us as we “mature”!

    We had some rain last night which was a treat for the garden and has cooled us all off. It’s now unseasonably cold but that does mean we can take a comfortable stroll on the moors again. Halfway round George misbehaved showing too much interest in baaing lambs so had to be walked the rest of the way on his lead! Drove on afterwards to the farm supply store where it was about a 15 minute wait in the outside queue but something we all have to get used to from now on I’m sure. Stocked up on George’s frozen raw meat meals and bird seed for our feeder at the allotment amongst other things. Managed to avoid the local cakes and pastries!

    Now going to test the forecast and see if I can get more of the garage painted. For some reason I keep thinking it’s Saturday 🤪 Oh well, does it really matter?

    iPad running out of juice!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No Yorkshire tea from Harrogate either LIN.
    We are in for a sizzler today so I've been getting the blue box and garbage bin out nice and early, and I must have been the first caller of the day when I phoned the vet just before 8 to cancel the vet visit on Saturday because Jillys just about stopped limping. Does anyone use NEXGARD for ticks and fleas over here? Last year I stopped using it because the Bean was off food and very lethargic for a couple of days and I thought it was probably the pill. Anyway, decided to try one again and she once more spent two days looking very sorry for herself. It says on the packet keep out of reach of children and see a doctor immediately if swallowed. Well, Jilly only weighs 9 lb so I wonder if it's too much for her. Our vet really pushes this product, but does any of you girls know of an alternative because this area is wooded and known for fleas and ticks. So far none of us have caught them! But the squirrels are scratching like crazy.
    Now isn't that an exciting post. Whilst us seniors where once galloping off on tour trips, sipping coffee in restaurants, etc my main conversation these days is flea powders and pills!
    Enjoy the sizzler of a day anyway,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Anne, Our vet recommends "Revolution". You squeeze the liquid med between the shoulder blades of your dog. We've used it for many years. I looked it up on 1-800 Pet meds and it's about the same price as Nexgard.

    :)Lin, your puzzle is great. We don't do puzzles partly because of cats and partly because I don't like to sit long enough to work on one. I admire you and others who do them.

    :)Jackie, the only time it matters what day it is, is knowing that the mail isn't delivered on Sunday.

    :) Jake baked bread yesterday and today he is making chicken mole in the slow cooker.

    <3 Barbie