Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Beware of anarchy on our streets. Someone or something is out to destroy the western way of life as we know it I think. Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) About Washington State. The governor is being very cautious and listening to scientists as he decides how to reopen. Each county applies to move on the next stage and the decision is made based on numbers of new cases based on population. Rural counties have opened up sooner than urban ones. There have been some problems based on people coming from the population dense and more high risk counties to the rural counties for recreation and bringing the virus with them. Our county is in stage two and will apply for stage three at the end of the month. Many businesses and meeting halls and churches here are being very conservative and not necessarily planning to open up even if they are allowed to. Jake and I will continue to stay home and venture out only rarely to our grocery store. No one is allowed in our house and when my walking friend goes to Idaho with her daughters next week, she'll quarantine from us for 14 days after she gets back. We and the dogs will miss seeing her, but better to be safe.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Before we all settle down with the air conditioning on a hot sizzling day I read an interesting comment last night on the subject of tearing statues down!
    "Do the pyramids get blown up next because they were built by slaves?"

    Interesting article on BBC news today about black history in the UK dating back to roman times. Even queen Victoria had a touch of Africa in her DNA.

    Wish I had in a way. I've got the sort of skin that looks most unattractive in the summer here. Reddens and peels. Of course I come into my own in winter if you ignore the red nose! Mark takes after me, poor lad, but Michael turns quite an attractive bronze inherited from his pater.

    Whatever shade we are, have a wonderful day whether sunbathing on the balcony or cowering inside like me.
    Anne. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙃🐶
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Teapot time. Sweet set.

    “ This is my absolute favorite that I own. It’s from the Herend Rothschild Bird collection, first created in 1860 for the Rothschild family of Europe. The bunny rabbit on top makes me smile like a little girl every time I see it.”


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) We are expecting big storms this afternoon, some severe. I have no plans on going outside today except to retrieve my garbage cans. Well, I got brave yesterday and went to the Dollar Tree. I wore my mask and stayed away from people but was able to get some cards that I needed. I don't have Lin's talent for making cards. I also picked up an order curbside from Home Depot which included a new railing hook for my hummingbird feeder.
    My little buddy showed up which made me very happy, I just love hummingbirds. I am not really happy with the height of the hook I bought so I will add another to this weeks Walmart order. Hopefully, I can return the one from Home Depot.
    Still no word from my landlord, so who knows what's on his mind.

    Anne, it is said that we all have a touch of Black in our DNA. Makes sense to me if we searched all the way back, but what difference does it make, we are all human. I miss my tan but I am probably more healthy not having one. lol It is just too hot to sit on balcony without being in a pool.

    Barbie, we are in stage 3 but I am worried too many people just think this is all over and done with. So many stupid remarks on Facebook tells me people don't care. Stay safe and keep doing the right thing. I am sitting tomorrow but really not thrilled with going as the kids have had some playdates.

    Jackie, hopefully you still have good weather and are enjoying those beautiful walks.

    Lin, stay safe, these storms look pretty feroustious.

    Time to get moving, have a safe and good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Not bad weather although as some would say, nothing to write home about! Walked the usual route with the pooches first thing then got into some housework. Late afternoon I strolled round the garden as I sipped my tea and made plans for more weeding and general tidying then cleaned out the stove and wiped the hearth before rubbing a special oil into the tiles.... in other words a boring day but these jobs have to be done! I'm now ready for my evening meal.

    Sounds like Washington State is going about dealing with the virus the right way Barbie, that is listening to the scientists. In England we swing from one government idea to the next so I despair they have a clue what's needed. My friends in this area all agree we are in the best place as it's easy to avoid others whether local or visiting and can at least enjoy pleasant walks and scenery. I'd hate to be living in a city these days.

    I love that little bunny on the teapot lid Lin. Pretty birds and butterflies too. My recent ploy to stop the squirrels pulling down the bird feeders seems to have worked for now although I do know they can be extremely persistent so watch this space! That's sweet your hummingbird is still around Sandy.

    Must eat as it's after 7pm already.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hello, so far the storms have not arrived but likely lately, when I have a package a half block away at the communal mailbox.😅😅

    Barbie, I would prefer to keep my status as is, but I cannot check out my furnace or do the service. I did get the first of the day appointment and the technician is to wear mask, gloves and booties when coming into my house. I have a can of Lysol spray, I will wear a mask as well and hope for the best. I think I am doing the best possible.

    Sandy, wow, you stopped I to a store. I have been tempted a few times but so far, we don’t have enough treatments available or answers of any kind. Your landlord is not very considerate but something might have come up.

    Jackie, hello. Did I miss your post today? Probably. Sorry.

    Anne, interesting speculation. I am keeping clear of the entire conversation. I made one comment on Facebook on another friend’s post and immediately was slammed. I was reading through comments on another post and someone piped up and told a woman to just shut up and listen. An old white woman had nothing to add to the conversation. Wooooo. Nasty territory. I will say here that there are evil human beings of every sort. I don’t think that can be eradicated.

    Patsy, hello. I guess I feel we are getting more music, entertainment, art, history and more than ever with all the online free content from museums, art centers, musicians, and more. I even have a friend who posts a new song he’s written every week or two. I watched a full length presentation of the broadway musical ‘Hairspray’ and enjoyed it. A couple of local musicians host a two hour performance every week from their home. For me, who never goes out, these are wonderful opportunities. So many so,es things may turn out better than expected. Maybe.

    Buzz, if you are there HELLO, 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Hugs all round.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    I was sorting through some things this morning and found this, from my Grandmother. My mom asked her over and over to write out her recipes. And she tried, repeatedly. The thing my mom just could not understand was that she didn’t ever use a recipe. She had things stored in her head but hardly measured, and went on feel of things. She had cooked and baked since the time she was young as she came from a big family and helped her mom with cooking, sewing, gardening etc.

    I love that she wrote this out with a fountain pen later in her life (and she did live to be 100). Didn’t like ballpoint pens that much. 😅


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2020
    Thanks LIN! Your gran knew that you can't beat home made bread, bless her. Anne.

    PS i will try her trick of letting the dough rise over a pan of hot water. Good idea!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Weird weather here. Very windy and very chilly. John actually turned on the furnace for a half hour just to take the chill off. On June 9th!

    I guess I am slow to take advantage of YouTube and all it offers. Thanks Lin for the ideas on offerings there. I was still thinking in terms of concerts and performances at our local venues. We had several art galleries and one really good one. It is closed currently. But except for a forum I belong to, I have never checked into YouTube art shows. Change is hard for me!

    I do not have a Facebook account and our son wants us to avoid one. It appears that often seniors are targeted for scams on Facebook. He is convinced I would fall victim to almost every one of them. If it involves animals, children, family I am helplessly vulnerable! However I have often thought it would be fun to see and share photos etc.

    Laundry, vacuuming and cleaning bathrooms. Fun day?
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Both my sons want me to avoid Facebook. You are not alone PATSY. However, during the heat I am watching Colditzq on utube. The tv series. Just about to watch episode 3. John might enjoy it.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I live on Facebook. That is how I find out about many of the events and opportunities. I haven’t found Facebook to be any more dangerous than email or the phone. Scammers everywhere. And there are so many posts of wonderful art. I look forward to seeing what is new each day. Of course I have no one advising me so I am free to run amuck. 😀

    I finished another puzzle this afternoon.


    Very tiny pieces! I needed an extra lamp to see the details.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Lin, we had the technician from the cable company come about two weeks ago. The company told us about their care policies and the technician followed all the protocols. He had a mask as did we and we kept our distance. We wiped surfaces after he left even though he wore gloves. We allow no visitors just for social reasons and keep our grocery shopping to a minimum buying all we need for four weeks at a time and not going back on a whim no matter what. We got prescriptions and did banking via the drive through.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    One of those grey and overcast mornings so George our driver chose to take the shorter route this morning.... I tend to let him decide which way to turn once we have reached the road! I pulled a few stems of cowslips from the hedgerows for the bottom garden section but am not so sure they will take as I think they are annuals. Hopefully a few seeds from the flower heads will get going next Spring. Another plant, possibly Shepherd's Purse is now in a pot of compost!! I even found the tiniest blueberries, at least I think that's what they were, but the taste was bitter. I'm still alive so not poisonous!

    Facebook is something I have always avoided but recently my brother who lives in Spain suggested I download Whatssap for messaging and sending photos and I've found it easy. A couple of friends are now using it to message me too because I'm not good at finding text messages and Whatssap certainly makes a more obvious notification ping!

    A trip to the allotment has been postponed because the occasional rain shower is that fine soaking sort, then I was intending to black the stove but can't find the paste anywhere so assume I tidied it into the rubbish bin!! That means a trip to a DIY store that's now open but definitely not today because this sort of weather tends to draw people in. Perhaps more wallpaper stripping instead!!

    Have a safe Wednesday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Woken up at 5:30 this morning with a warm little body cuddled up against me and a fantastic banging, and a booming going on outside. Quite the light show.
    I try to manage for two or three weeks between grocery shopping BARBIE by which time I'm reduced to cabbage, celery and onions which last the longest in veggies. Frozen are okay, but I prefer fresh apart from frozen peas.
    Going to be another sizzler of a day so I will escape into another episode of Colditz this afternoon whilst little Bean takes her afternoon nap after waking me up so early. I was dreaming of Colditz when she abruptly woke me this morning.
    So that's it from boring old me,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Early tea 😀 Love the plates.

    “It's Royal Crown Derby "Elizabeth Fuchsia".“

    Photo: TeaTime Magazine


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    And a interesting lesson. Always did keep my pinky up in the air. 😂🤣😂

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh, oh, coming from the.wilds of Yorkshire I'm guilty of doing everything wrong in the art of tea drinking. However I've never slopped my tea into my saucer to cool it down and slurp from the saucer like some I've seen, but then I rarely have a saucer preferring a mug like a navvy - road repair man.
    Ha, Royal doulton from Derby. Well, living near Derby I was given some treasured pieces by friends on emigrating.
    There, I knew I'd be back at some point!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    edited June 2020
    :) My mother had a lot of rules about making tea which meant that she was always cranky in a restaurant when they brought her a pot of hot water with the tea bag lying on a saucer rather than in the pot where the boiling water had already been poured over it. She liked good china so she had china mugs at home for drinking tea. I still have some of them for the rare times I drink tea.

    :)Anne, It's easier for us to go longer between shopping trips because I prefer frozen veggies so I buy onions and sometimes tomatoes and everything else is frozen.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a good laugh the terminology is Lin. From an extravagant pinkie to primitive dunking. I’ve probably done most at some time in my life, even meeting a guest’s eyes over my cup😁
