Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Helloooooooooo! High thin clouds but I think I read we are to have showers and a bit of sun. Okay then....where is that sun? It is also uncomfortably cool, must put on a sweater. Now that’s not right on June 13th!

    My day is just a collection of little chores and since it is so chilly, I might make a veggie chili. John never seems to miss the meat in chili. Yea! I am still pecking away at repainting the deck chairs and table. I think I will finish just as all the winter rains start here on the coast. It might have been way easier to just spray paint them all. I am trying to recreate the original weathered rustic look. They are cast aluminum and with lots of curly cues. I love the design but through several harsh rainy winters, they are starting to get oxidized spots. I am overwhelmed with a huge collection of unfinished projects.
    I need to pick one and just bulldoze through until it is done. Now.....which one?

    Jeanne: I absolutely adore that quilt! ANY kid would be thrilled to play and snuggle up with all those delightful creatures. Nap time would be fun!

    Lin: once again reading about your sprouts makes me want to find and use my sprouting pots from the 60s and 70s. I can’t think why I stopped making sprouts. I think I just got busy and forgot how wonderful a salad is with some lovely sprouts added. As for unwelcome furry visitors, we have squirrels, rats, bunnies, deer, occasionally a herd of big mean elk. Seriously! I can only grow beautiful dandelions. Oddly nothing seems to eat them!

    Jackie: I have no discipline. I would be letting all my chores and responsibilities go undone to work on that delightful,puzzle. All the doggies....all them are my favorite.

    Anne: oh my! Your treat sounds impossible to resist. Climbing up and down your stairs will melt away any weight gain. I think small treats every so often, that’s reward for being kind and loving toward family and friends, including furry family members. In my opinion, you are never naughty. You are a creative and an intelligent English woman living in the wilds of Canada. We are looking up your TV suggestion. Haven’t found a way to see it so far. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Buzz and all dear sneakers, we are thinking of you and miss hearing about your adventures.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PATSY just go to YouTube and:
    Colditz season 1. There are 15 separate episodes in the first season. I'm not sure it's a series for all but I'm enjoying something from the 70s. It's not all one sided either. The episode I've just watched is called Tweedledum E10 and features a prisoner who very realistically fakes being seriously mentally ill to escape. The German soldier keeping a close watch on him to ensure he's not faking ends up being very kind and compassionate. As Mike says it's amazing how such an interesting drama could be made about men in a prison camp.
    And even more Interesting, after all that heat two days ago, my furnace just clicked ON.
  • bubbecraft
    bubbecraft Posts: 7 Member
    Anne: You would be surprised how little talent is needed to make this kind of quilt. On the other hand, it does take time ... but it's so much fun making all those blocks so the time goes by before you know it. The same person who did this class, also did 2 variations on it. One with dogs and I think the other was with cats. What makes this formula fun is that you quilt each block on it's own and then put it all together. The seams are bulky, but that's why I have a steam iron and fabric covered mallet! I just hammer them until they behave! And thank you for sharing about Colditz. I found it, on all places, YouTube, seasons 1 and 2. Will watch it after I finish my current show, Bosch.

    Patsy: Thank you. It's what I was hoping for. What did you mean when you suggested I join full time?

    Sandy: Thank you. I look forward to getting to know folks.

    Barbie: Thank you. We aren't too far apart. I'm in central OR.

    Lin: Thank you. I hope so as well. I loved your post of the limoges porcelain. They are stunning! Is that something you have/collect/want?

    Jackie: That's truly wonderful and I think maybe that's what I was looking for without really knowing.

    Update on the monster quilt. Have it done in thirds and now I'm going to add the back to each part. I'm hoping I've figured this out correctly ...


    I really appreciate everyone signing their posts. It's so much easier to remember names.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Quick note before I head into bed...Jeanne, well you have now run headlong into my very odd brand of humor. Just my crazy way of saying, we are looking forward to hearing from you whenever you can spare a minute to say hello and chat. I loved getting to know everyone. It is one of favorite things each morning, to read everyone’s post. It is like we are all having coffee together, hearing about what’s new in our lives. I also live in Oregon, by the way. I live on the north Oregon coast.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. Grey skies but no rain so after I've walked the dogs the plan is to visit the allotment and plant cabbages and courgettes (zucchini); maybe some weeding.

    Lin, I purchased the jigsaw folding up board for 2 reasons. Firstly with decorating ongoing, tables get moved about and the puzzle with them but 2nd and more important, a little helper insists on seeing how I'm progressing so I know pieces will end up on the floor before being pushed under furniture!

    Time to walk but will catch up later. By the way Jeanne, I know nothing about block work but seeing your adorable quilt realise I've been missing out!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2020
    Morning girls, John and Jake and pats for all the furries,

    Michael is saying he might come over to visit now we are allowed what the "powers that be" call "family bubbles". That is to say we can be together with 10 family members in our individual bubble. Well our family over here only consists of Mark, Mary Jo, grandson Derek and Partner Bev, and Mike and grandson Dev plus me so we are well within our family bubble. A vast improvement though on the twosomes before. Jilly Bean and the ENORMOUS cat Hobbes don't count. Of course all of you know who my family members are by now so I repeat this boring bit of news for JEANNE so she knows who I'm twittering on about in future posts.

    Anyway it strikes me what an interesting quilt that would be to make. A big round bubble to hang on the wall with all of us depicted somewhat like Jeanne's characters plus maybe our hobbies, Derek and his artists palette, Mary Jo and her gardening trowel etc. Alas, despite having a grandmother who was a tailoress I have no talent at all in that direction, BUT, maybe I should dig out MY palette and brushes instead once I've finished with Colditz. How's about you? professional artist PATSY!

    JACKIE having consumed that very small carton of icecream I am all icecreamed out. Don't want to stare another carton in the face for some time and thus can plod on to try and become the sylphlike creature I was 58 years ago before Mike and his arrival changed the Anne contours somewhat.

    SANDY, LIN, BUZZ, JERI, and BARBIE, not forgotten dears, it's just that the porridge is congealing and I must unglue myself from Beans hot little body jammed up against me on the sofa before I have to cut it in squares with a knife rather than using the normal spoon.

    Hope the day progresses more excitingly, but not TOO much,

    Anne. 🙃🍴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning tea time (or coffee). Jeanne, I would like to have coffee or tea with everyone here so each day I find some different photo to share.

    “ Tea time with this blue pivoines teapot from Gien, made in France. ”


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    edited June 2020
    :) I drink neither coffee nor tea, but I have my same breakfast every morning with all of you. It helps me stay on a healthy path knowing that others are supporting me. Also, you will all listen to me and not interrupt in the middle of a story.

    :) After days of "loving discussion" Jake has ordered a Ninja Foodie and a bunch of stuff to go with it. I rearranged some cupboards to make room for it because I don't want it sitting out on the counter. He has already decided what he'll make in the next day after it arrives.

    :) Soon after he ordered the Ninja Foodie, Jake got a surprise package from Amazon which was a Fathers Day gift from his daughter and her family. It's an Amazon Echo Dot. He wasn't enthusiastic about it, but then he decided to read the instructions and try it out. In very short order he was asking Alexa to phone Barbie, then phone his daughter, then tell him the weather, then answer a cooking question, then to play music. It turned out to be a fun toy and bridged his often prickly relationship with his daughter when he could share so spontaneously and enthusiastically how much he enjoyed the gift she sent.

    :) I'm off now to walk with the dogs. Our regular dog walking friend has gone to Idaho to visit her daughters, but my other walking friend is coming later for a walk with just me, no dogs.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Sitting here and wondering what on earth a Ninja Foodie is I looked it up and it's a pressure cooker come air fryer, well, who'd have guessed! So then I had to look up Amazon Echo Dot!

    BARBIE I now know for sure I am born in the wrong century! Now where's my fan to cool down whilst I digest all this new knowledge!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) "Went" to Mass via TV. This afternoon I am going to go be with the kiddos until I put them to bed tonight. It is Rob and Lisa's wedding anniversary tomorrow and although they don't want to go to a restaurant to eat they would like to order out and chill in their room watching TV. I will try to keep the kids busy until bedtime and leave after I put them to bed. It will be exhausting but a good kind of tired.

    I have an Amazon dot and love it especially for making a grocery list as I remember things. I just say Alexa put such and such on my grocery list and it shows up on my phone app. I also use her to shut my lights on and off which requires a special plug. She also lets me know when my Amazon packages arrive. My daughter bought mine and I really do like it.

    I do not have a lot of time and still will be having a video call with my kids so I better get moving. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • bubbecraft
    bubbecraft Posts: 7 Member
    Barbie and Sandy: I recall reading several articles about Apple's Siri, Google's Echo Dot and Amazon's Alexa. One of the drawbacks, is that those devices listen ALL the time and those companies are recording everything you say. It's not just when you tell it to do something.

    Google and Amazon first claimed they were only sampling for purposes of improving voice recognition.

    Eventually they admitted it was so much more.

    At the very least, you'll want to opt-out so they can't (hopefully) listen to everyone within earshot.

    These devices are also hackable, meaning malicious characters can spy on you.
  • bubbecraft
    bubbecraft Posts: 7 Member
    Lin: Yes, Please! I'll join you with my Earl Gray and a bit of half and half.

    Jackie: I almost never do block work because I find it tedious to match things up and I'm OCD about it.

    Instead, I usually try to design something which doesn't require any fiddly bits. A good example is the quilt I made for another grandson. After I made the rockets which were whatever size they ended up being, I simply added pieces to make them squared -- 90 degree angles rather than wonky. Finished dimensions were not important. I then intentionally misaligned them and added pieces to bring it all together. There is not a single point being matched in it and no one could tell.


    Another favorite I have are little quilts, usually typically 36" or less and not necessarily square. They are meant to be decorative rather than used. With these, I get to use my ever growing embroidery collection -- which I really need to stop purchasing as I have no idea how I will ever use all the ones I already have!

    I recently did a collection of "Playing Cards." This happened because, believe it or not, I was trying to use up scraps. It all started with a mini quilt someone posted. I liked the result, but once again was not having any part of matching points. The "Love Nest" (Hearts) was the result. I don't recall why I thought of playing cards when I had the result, but it set me on a quest to find the rest of the suits.

    The "Jack of all Spades" was an inadvertent (unplanned) homage to my husband -- everyone said it looked like him! Funny part, is that I wasn't thinking that way, only how could I dress up the very plain and boring spade! And the title, also plays to him, even though I was only trying for a play on words. When we met (believe it or not, on when they first started in 1995) his handle was "Handyman" and he really is a Jack of all Trades.

    The "Magique Trique" is probably meaningless to most people. The central block is a traditional quilt block called "card trick."


    I hope everyone is ok with me sharing my sewing. I've been sewing a lot lately since I've been mostly confined to my sewing area in the basement. I don't just sew quilts. One of my favorites this past year has been to develop various cover styles for 3-ring binders, composition and spiral notebooks, etc. I've made them for adults to use as photo albums -- yes, some people do still have those -- as well as for school and projects. One was made for a teacher to keep track of her students progress though given the pandemic I've yet to have been able to deliver it.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited June 2020
    Jeanne, you can shut the microphone off on Alexa but I have nothing to hide so I just leave it on for different instructions. As far as hacking, I again don't worry, nothing to hack.
    Your quilting is beautiful, thank you for sharing.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I forgot to add that I live alone so there are no conversations going on. lol
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy and just a bit chilly. Lovely to see that beautiful sunshine, however. Today we will try to chat with our son Damon. I believe I mentioned he recently moved after selling his big house near Portland. He is slammed with animation work so he has had very time to unpack and set up his household. And he is still caring for his two very old doggies. Special food, meds, helping them get up on the couch and bed and car. A busy time for him. I wish we could help!

    I will fix a simple dinner tonight, tuna noodle casserole with lots of mixed veggies. John is checking out the dvds we recently got from amazon. He speeds through them to see if they are all there. We have purchased some that were blank or missing part of the movie. Drat! That is awful if we haven’t checked and are trying to watch a dvd we bought months ago. A mindless activity he does while doing exercises.

    Jeanne: stunning quilts! Actually they are works of art using fabric as medium.

    Sandy: you are a marvel! I would be flat on my face after two hours with three little ones and a puppy. I know your son and his wife realize they are very very lucky you are as devoted as you are. You are a great mom and grandmother.

    Barbie: I love gadgets and especially techie gadgets. John does not! And I always need help with them. So we don’t have the latest and greatest. But I would love to have all the new stuff. Our cell phones are really old, I use an iPad and I have a Mac desktop. Love them! You food ninja sounds interesting. No need to fry or sauté. Great!

    Lin and Jackie: you have tickled my fancy...I now need to order a couple of puzzles to have at the ready. I never thought about having a puzzle going on one of my tables. But it sounds calming and cozy. Katie might be interested in chewing up a few pieces but maybe we can negotiate.

    Anne: I am planning to check in on the series you introduced. Sounds intriguing. John is watching something with loud explosions and gunfire. I might tempt him with the drama and intrigue of the other series. It could happen.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wow, JEANNE, wonderful work!
    I've just been in the garden for three hours with Mark and Mary Jo, Michael and Bean. We worked and worked and now my front looks really spiffy. Grass cut, Apple tree and bushes trimmed back, weeded and this will make you smile, Mikes friend Sandy sent me seed potatoes from the farmer who lives next door to her and so, just like in wartime Britain when I was a kid, we've planted spuds in the flower border out front! I've already got a few in the back planted two weeks ago, but I wonder how many neighbours will realize I've got potatoes in the front! If this works we will have new potatoes for harvest festival!
    Overheard my neighbour Joyce, Harry's wife, telling Mary Jo I was remarkable for my age bending over and weeding at 84. I told her she was a cheeky hound because I am really only 64! Got to be careful here because that would make me 6 years old when Mike was born, lol.
    Well, everyone's gone and I can finish Colditz, season 1 tonight.
    Jilly and I should sleep well after all the fresh air and her barking at every dog that passed. She thinks she's a pt bull, all 12 inches of her.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Where does time go. I'm as busy as I always was. I have been organizing my computer and the photos on my computer. A huge job. Plus Ed and I have gone out for drives and walks taking photographs of spring flowers. It is a tradition we have had for quite some time. We both really love it. Then, a new project. I have been identifying the photos and putting them on an app on my phone so I can look them up easier. That can be very time consuming as sometimes you have to look through multiple books or even goggle sites to find the ones that are a little more rare. Fun, but very slow.

    Here's some calypso orchids we took pictures of:


    We are still self isolating for the most part. We did sit and have a visit with our good friends last week outside on the patio - 6 feet apart. It was nice to see them. Haven't seen the kids for a bit but we've been fighting rainy days so we want to see them when we can visit outside.
    We'll get brave one of these days and go over for a visit. Facetimed and lots of pictures being sent tho. Which is good.

    Barbie, Ed got an Amazon Dot for a present from our daughter about a year ago. We were hesitant but really love it now. We have a few lights that we turn on by asking Alexa to turn them on and I love Amazon music and Spotify.

    Sandy - I read you were babysitting again. Ooooh. We were supposed to be babysitting for a week this week as Melissa and Jack were going to Montreal for a vacation. Cancelled so we'll do it again later. Our trip to Nova Scotia is off too. Just spending time at home. I'm getting used to it.

    Barbie - love your pictures.

    Jeanne - Great work.

    Anne - haven't you been busy planting away. great job.

    Jackie - every time you post pictures I am envious. Looks such great fun.

    I'm still getting in my walking. I walk about 2 30 minute walks everyday, usually about 12,000 steps unless we go on a nice hike somewhere. I'm trying to be as active as I can be with sore knees and an achilles tendon that acts up from time to time. But walking gives me great pleasure and I'm at a loss not to do it. I guess that is why I never have enough time to get things done. What with making sure I"m up moving every hour and my walks in the morning and the afternoon and either computer work on genealogy I have no time for anything else. Ed has been having lots of fun doing genealogy and he likes to come and take pictures with me too.

    Has anyone heard from Buzz? How is she making out? I think about her a lot.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh here's another picture


    More pictures from our walks

    Keep well,

  • bubbecraft
    bubbecraft Posts: 7 Member
    Sandy: maybe I'm just being overly cautious, but as a retired systems analyst and computer engineer, I have a different view of technology than most people.

    Hacking example: your passwords to your bank accounts or other places you may have stored financial information, may become accessible to someone hacking into your device. After hacking your Alexa, the person can then use the bluetooth connection between your Alexa and any device you connected, such as your smart phone or computer, to snoop in your computer. Have you saved any passwords? Do you have saved any credit card information or bank information anywhere on your device/computer? It's just been compromised.

    Listening: while talking on the phone, you tell a loved one or friend something private and/or personal. That information can be heard by anyone on the company side, as well as by those who hack your device. That information may be used against you in ways you can't forsee.

    My prior post included a link to at least stop Alexa from permitting the company from listening to your side. Not a perfect solution, but better than none at all.

    I'll get off my soap box and say no more.

    Jeri: I'm also into genealogy. Started back in the mid 90's and worked my exhusband's family first. Knew his would be easier than mine and turned out to be right. Was a good learning experience for when I tried my own family. Now I often find myself helping others as I've become stuck with no records to be found for the time/places needed. (WWII did more than destroy the living -- far too many areas were razed to the ground including all records.)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) We continue to self isolate so our big adventure today was driving through the pharmacy drive through to pick up prescriptions. It was a sunny day in between many days of rain. I walked with the dogs in the early morning, then with a friend later. We went to a long meeting on Zoom that took up most of the afternoon but got a chance to reconnect with people we haven't seen in a very long time.

    :)Anne, I love the idea of potatoes planted with your flowers. Hope they flourish.

    :)Patsy, there are a lot of videos on YouTube about how to use the new gadgets. I was nervous about my new phone and now I use it for dozens of things.

    :) Our neighbors who are moving to Ecuador had to slightly postpone their trip because the borders won't be open as soon as they had planned to leave. Fortunately the woman who is buying their house is flexible and they can stay the extra week they need.

    <3 Barbie