Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Good morning. A storm ripped through here around 4am with strong winds, some hail and hard rainfall. All clear now but parts of the city still without power. I have a little Walmart pickup soon. Wonder what I will get today? Hoping for carrots, zucchini, mini cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and bananas. Frozen vegetables still all sold out. Should be interesting.

    Anne, I am sorry, I have no recent experience with dog medicines. But dosage for such a tiny dog should be available, there are loads of tiny dogs. Hopefully your vet has taken that into account. Poor little one. Glad the limping is getting better. What a happy day yesterday with all the visits and excitement. What will Derek study if he goes back to university? And my mare was purchased when a few years old so she was already named. Peggy. She was a Palomino mare with Arabian blood. Very nice horse. So nice to have her at home during the daytime in the summer.

    Jackie, no PG Tips ☹️ but some interesting brands that I’d not heard of before as well as some favorites. Ooh, naughty George. I thought he was always well behaved. I am also in awe of all you do. I hope you are able to get some painting accomplished. Fingers crossed that the weather cooperates.

    Sandy, a busy day for you with your meeting and grocery pickup. I hope you were able to get everything on your list. Lots of video calls coming up? I hope everyone in your family remains healthy. And I also hope you have a successful lease extension meeting. It would be nice if they would be able to open the pool again. Our curfew has been lifted and while we have had multiple demonstrations, all have been peaceful. Three hundred marched to the mayor of DSM’s home Wednesday evening. They discussed the demands of the crowd and then left. Wow, I would have been more than nervous with that many people at my house! Our covid cases spiked up again yesterday but the governor says it just because testing was extended to another area. We will see.

    Barbie, no programs involving Seniors have announced any potential reopening dates in our area. Our most popular and active senior center continues to put more exercise and class content on YouTube. Our libraries are still closed with material pickup outside the building by appointment only. I know you will do the right thing for you and Jake.

    Patsy, life is confusing these days. I think there is a lot I won’t ever actually understand, as usual. I know I did march in protest of the Vietnam war and it caused so many problems with my parents. I was a communist hippie and un-American. In the same class as flag burners to them. But there was no dissuading me. We didn’t destroy anything, very peaceful marches but a lot of slogan yelling. There seems to always be injustice in the world. If we just look.

    Well, must zip along.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh another tea set, yep, I believe those are roses. 😁


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello all! We were without our landline phone for a week. Some substitute wiring cable went horribly wrong. Since it is underground, it is confusing and I have a suspicion it was in the area where new housing is being developed. And to make things even more interesting, very poor cell phone reception. We are surrounded by tall trees and that might be the problem.

    We also have a flea problem but our method would not work for everyone. Since we had our two old sweet doggies, Mazzie and dear MoMo die with cancers, we resolved not to use those flea treatments on any dog ever again. Realizing that there may not be any relationship. We use several flea traps around the house and they are are great night lights as well. The sticky paper liner must be replaced regularly. We brush Katie most nights, since she is a blonde, we can spot any flea or tick problem. A bath is then scheduled. And a massive bathroom clean after that! She is part retriever so water is her friend. We use emu skin conditioner regularly on Katie and that seems to help. This is a labor intensive way of dealing with potential pests but it makes for a nice relationship with our Katie. Not sure we are doing it right, this is just what we do. I also sprinkle borax around the corners of rooms like bedrooms and then vacuum it up in a day or so. It kills fleas in the carpet. It dries fleas and nibs out. All this just drives me CRAZY!

    for Father’s Day we are ordering John some of his cops and robbers movies from amazon. He keeps a good eye out for books by his favorite authors. We are still isolating and it is getting very annoying. I understand the current way people just stopped taking precautions. But reason tells me that we, here in this area, are not ready to fully reopen. Still getting cases regularly, most are recovering at home. The older age...are devastated by this virus.

    Take care my friends. Do whatever you can to remain healthy.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Doing laundry and other than riding my bike and hopefully meeting with my landlord later that is my day. I created quite a debate last night on Facebook but I was backed up by my two granddaughters and my cousin. I am tired of not doing my part in the abuse for black people so using Facebook for my opinions is much better than going out and protesting, especially since the police knocked over a 70 year old man and he fell and hit his head and they basically did nothing. If it weren't captured on video they said he tripped and fell which was a lie. Sorry I am just fed up with some of the police not all, there are more good than bad but let's weed them out! End of protest!!!

    We used Frontline on Daisy year round as suggested by our vet and heartguard for heartworms also year round. The doses are according to weight. I am glad Jilly is feeling better and not limping.

    I don't know where the time is going again but I better get in the shower incase my landlord texts me to come outside.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Huh, take forecasts with a proverbial pinch of salt.... no rain and in fact a very pleasant day with a fair amount of sunshine so yes, the garage has been painted along with bits of me and my old working jacket! I've also potted on some plants and played with the pooches and now past my time for a cuppa so kettle on.

    Pink again Lin and roses! We did go through a blue patch with you but it's definitely pink time now! :D No frozen veggies seems odd unless people are stockpiling in fear of a 2nd wave. Our death rate is horribly high so I can't understand why lockdown is being eased and with a lot of chaotic information that has companies and their staff confused about what is acceptable. Acceptable for me is staying away from busy places!

    Anne, I pay a monthly subscription to a pet club that includes the cost of flea, tic and worming treatment for both dogs and Brady. They do seem to change brands quite often and since the new year George and Betty have been prescribed NexGard Spectra for a weight between 7.5 and 15 kgs. I haven't noticed side effects on either of them but they are both at the lower end of that weight range. I just looked up afoxolaner and milbemycin oxime and the possible side effects do appear similar to Jilly's reaction. Unfortunately most of these treatments have potent contents but for me, having had many cats over the years constantly catching mice and rabbits I feel I have to combat any infestation.

    Barbie, my problem is our postal delivery service on a Saturday has been stopped for now to give the posties a break, probably because internet shopping has increased so much, and since what I call junk mail has also ceased I find little mail in my box these days! Let's be honest, I'm easily confused! :D

    Hi Sandy, I can see on my phone you have posted while I'm typing. Very brave of you to take anyone on on Facebook. I don't use it but know there is a lot of abuse thrown about at times. I see on our BBC news website police in several states are shooting at news crews and not just American ones. Someone needs to take control!

    It's just been announced our death toll has passed 40,000 and I'm sure we are close to the highest per capita rate in the world which saddens me because it proves what I've thought for months, our government is feeding misinformation while it continues to play catch up with this awful virus. BUT, we can all relax and get back to work and meeting up with family!!! :|
    One of my neighbours had a nasty fall during a walk in the week and ended up having to go to A&E for an x-ray on her hip. Our main hospital deals with nothing but Covid 19 so a private hospital has been taken over for everything else. She was amazed to find the nurses weren't even wearing face masks which I find incredible.... I'm now keeping my distance for a couple of weeks!

    Sorry, didn't mean to rumble on.
    Tea time in a plain old mug!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks for the recommendation BARBIE, I'll certainly see if the brand is available here. PATSY I'm with you about a possible link between nexgard and cancer. I mean it can't be good if it has a warning for children on its label! Now, how do I safely dispose of a seasons worth of pills? I understand JACKIE that with young Brady and living on the edge of sheep habited moorland three pets catching ticks and fleas would be catastrophic!

    SANDY, I too think you are very brave taking on the Facebook crowd! Again thanks for the flea information. I've already passed on the information to Michael who might come over tomorrow. Revolution and Frontline, mustn't forget.

    I think the only thing I can do in the battle of inequality is have none, show none. For instance Dorio, the delivery man, has become our friend and you can't get much darker than Dorio! My old work driver, David, was white in the winter but much darker in the summer. Born in India to a Welsh dad and white native born mother there must have been something in the family DNA background. Both sons white but the daughter has an exotic almost Nepalese look. Didn't bother me and I guess it didn't bother his wife Barbara who was the daughter of very English/Derbyshire folk. I have my share of prejudice but it's aimed at the cruel and bullies of whatever skin colour.

    My accent was a source of amusement where I worked. A lot of "Ee bah gums" aimed at me but I considered it a badge of honour. Fortunately, Americans I dealt with on the phone thought me Scottish.....and there's a bit in my makeup.

    The virus, I'm still finding it hard to believe that Roy, a very strong man for his age, didn't die from his operation but from a teeny little virus. We have 7326 deaths reported across the whole country today.
    And it doesn't seem to distinguish between skin colour or race.

    Finally, on the news, a lot of young people on the march across the country today. I noticed a lot of indigenous folk and they DO have a lot to complain about seeing the rest of us pinched their country. When the national anthem is played some sing "oh Canada, YOUR home ON native land" instead of "OUR home and native land."

    I will away. Bye bye to those still with long winded.....Anne.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Oh, just a lovely photo. It made me smile.

    ~Farmhouse & Chicken at Hidcote Bartrim in the Cotswolds~
    Photo: @britainoutdoors / Britain Outdoors
    Hook Cottage, Chipping Campden, Holiday in the Cotswolds


    Lin ❤️❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2020
    Chickens SHOULD be pecking on the village green. Notice the daisies? I miss the little English wild daisies. They don't grow here. I miss the daisy chains we made as children.
    Off for my shower before I get too nostalgic.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A chilly northerly wind this morning so I was well wrapped up for our walk. The noise of the wind in the trees as we strolled along a country lane was so loud that twice I didn't hear a car slowly crawling behind us but suddenly got the feeling we were being watched! Today was a Trethevy Quoit visit where the dogs love to run and sniff and at the moment, because the local council is not out cutting everything back, we have wonderful open fields of wild flowers and I'm considering writing to them with a suggestion they don't bother to "tidy up" public places in future but instead leave some for the wildlife.

    Not many daisies Anne but a covering of buttercups!


    I do love the Cotswolds Lin, probably because there is such a contrast between its red brick properties and the grey granite of Cornwall.

    Lunchtime and then, since it's such a miserable day outside I will get back to stripping wallpaper. You may think because this job has gone on for so long that the room is vast but it's only because we enjoyed such beautiful weather for so long I always preferred to be outdoors. At the moment I'm contemplating another layer of clothing but hopefully a mug of steaming coffee will warm me!

    Happy Saturday (yes, finally got to the day I thought I was in yesterday! :p )

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2020
    Ha, JACKIE, Home thoughts from abroad, Robert Browning:

    "The Buttercups, the little children's dower,
    Far brighter than this gaudy melon-flower!."

    Don't forget to put a buttercup under your chin for the yellow reflection to see if you like butter! Did you do that as a toddler?

    Mikes coming over this morning. Must away and look less scruffy than normal during this pandemic. AND big deal, I might get to visit the bank machine wearing my terrorist scarf! Oh joy!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh my, what a wonderful start to the day. Lovely photos. Oh yes Jackie, they should let the flowers grow. They are beautiful....and Anne, yes we did that trick but we used what we had which were dandelions. ❤️❤️😁

    A teapot that is not pink. No information was offered.


    🙋🏼‍♀️ hugs

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello again, I hope everyone is well.

    I finally got the cards I wanted to send out in the mailbox. I did not not drive downtown this morning. I wanted to mail them yesterday afternoon but surprise, our mailman was very early and I missed the pickup.

    I am going to work on some card greetings. Then I can grab one when working on a card. The problem is, what ink colors to use. Black isn’t always what I want to use but setting up the stamping and the die-cutting takes quite a bit of time so it is good to have things ready to grab. ☺️

    Also reading a book and plan to pot up those final tomato plants if we don’t have rain early this evening. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    So that is about it, not going out, not talking to anyone today. I should get a lot accomplished but you know, I never do!

    Best wishes to everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I too remember buttercups under my chin even when butter was a luxury after rationing!
    Here's a bit more nostalgia... June page of my calendar

    Stylish teapot Lin.

    You may have guessed it's my time for tea 😋
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Beautiful day, so I think I will try to sit in the sun on my balcony. My landlord never showed up so who knows what is on his mind. Washing my sheets this morning and still trying to get refunds from China through Pay Pal. I have learned a lesson the hard way and unless some miracle happens and I get my merchandise, never again.

    Cheryl's (Phil's wife) sister texted me and invited me over this weekend but I declined. I am not ready to mingle with people other than my grandkids and their parents. She did say she has a little contact with her sister since their mother died, but I am not ready to see Cheryl.

    Jackie, I kind of laughed when you said your calendar because you are one of the few people I know who still use a hard copy calendar. I use my phone and Outlook but what ever works.
    Love your pictures once again, such beautiful scenery.

    Lin, I did get my groceries and only one item was out of stock and one substitution which I was happy with. I put in another order for tomorrow to see if item is back in stock. I never spent so much money on groceries but I never stayed home so much. lol

    Anne, like Lin, we used dandelions to put under our chins, gosh that was a long time ago.
    I am thinking maybe that is why I stay home so much, masks are so hot but necessary. Did you see Justin take a knee with the protesters?

    Patsy, hope all has calmed down in Oregon, things seem to be more peaceful here with a few exceptions.

    Barbie, hope your weather is cooperating for your daily walks.

    Have a great day, we will get through this.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh my JACKIE, youve shown a picture of Beverley market square and there's me just off the bus and being picked up by aunt Alice and Peter my cousin. Mom put me on at the other end. I was about 7. I worried the whole 9 mile journey in case Auntie wasn't there! I used to visit for a whole week until she joined my Uncle in the Middle East. Played on Beverley Westwood with all the local kids and got to know the gypsies with their horse markets, and of course mustn't forget Beverley Races and all the race goers betting their housekeeping away on the racehorses!

    Confession, I'm still using a hard copy calendar, very useful for crossing off daily so I know today is Saturday. So now you know two of us SANDY, lol.

    Mike came over and I went GROCERY SHOPPING. Wearing my terrorist mask of course. I went to the Organic Garage and had a ball! Very few people but the place was laden with lovely fresh veggies and fruit. Who would have thought in the past I would get so much pleasure from GROCERY SHOPPING! I'm begging Mike to take me again! The delivery service is great, but it was so nice to CHOOSE in store.

    Happy shopper, Annie! 🥕🍎🍎🌽🍉🍅🍓
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and cool and rainy today. Katie has been looking out at the flying water and said, “I am not going out there to potty in the rain. I will hold it for several hours until the sun comes out!” I see disaster unfolding.

    I am so ready for this virus thing to be over. I understand how insane people can get and drink bleach or household cleaners. We ALL want a vaccine NOW! So I know I need to go on a ride. I have a big case of cabin fever. I will stay in the car and we can just take a drive. When I can, I will take Katie on a walk down by the little creek. It is too slippery while it is rainy. The last thing I need is to fall. I am a fat old lady. It would break John’s back to try to lift me. He is a skinny old guy. There you have a really interesting picture of life at our house.

    Sandy: I think you are very wise to keep visiting only to your family. That way you will be safer, your family will be safer and you can visit your pals on zoom. We are still getting cases everywhere every day. The protests will probably cause a spike everywhere.

    Lin: your tea pots are always so pretty. I do wish I drank tea but I reach for coffee instead. Lifetime habit, I think. I have often thought how amazing you are to design and mail special cards to people. What a treat to receive your handmade and designed cards.

    Jackie: John has a calendar by our landline phone. He jots everything down on it. Dr. Appointments, , phone numbers, orders etc, and then he spends hours leafing through the calendar hunting for a small note he made to himself. We get a huge laugh about his personal filing system. He agrees that it might be flawed. Great photos.

    Anne: I completely understand about grocery shopping. Right now I would love to stroll through a store and pick out things to purchase. But we are now being “blessed” with tourists and weekend visitors. Not the best time for me to be out and about. Glad little Jilly is better now that she has had her nails clipped. We do worry about our little pals. They are really like our children and in my case, our children were just as independent and often difficult. How we love them!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Appalled by the scenes in London, UK. One in every thousand infected by the virus and yet thousands of young people gather together and some are very violent. This is not the country I loved so much. With all these potential carriers herding cheek to jowl I guess I can say goodbye going to the grocery store again with another shutdown imminent. Globally we've lost over 400,000 souls and there's going to be a helluva lot more.
    At least everyone kept their cool here, mostly peaceful, but the virus will have had a field day!

    Well it's a beautiful cooler day. Bean is still limping a bit so we will enjoy the garden instead of walks. I've found out Mikes got a "stalker" who phones him every day. A widow, obviously lonely.

    And with that little tid bit I'll hoppit and have a shower,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Teapot ☺️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    And I use a couple of calendars. Here’s one (dogs)


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday. Cool, breezy and overcast but after walking the dogs my neighbour and I did manage a couple of hours at the allotment to weed the footpaths before laying heavy mulch of chippings. After lunch I've been catching up with emails so am now about to put the kettle on.

    Anne, those market squares evoc so many memories don't they. They are still there of course but with lines of coffee shops rather than the butcher, baker and greengrocer. I think the Beverley races still go on although with a heavy RSPCA presence. Unfortunately there is a large contingent of anti establishment individuals in England now who hijack peaceful demonstrations to cause damage and attack the police. Since our police don't have the reputation of those in America I'm not sure what these crowds are actually asking to happen.

    Lin, I love your dogs calendar and was delighted to learn Patsy's John also uses one! You're outnumbered Sandy but then you are the IT queen amongst us that's for sure! I don't like techi things talking to me or reminding me about appointments so if I check my calendar hanging on the kitchen wall each morning as a kettle boils I can also check what day I've woken to! Sorry to read you are still trying to get a refund from the China transaction although am sure we've all had similar experiences with sellers in that country! The German seller of the cotton tops that were never delivered refunded me almost immediately once I said I would seek it through Paypal. I don't think any business wants to get a bad credit rating from Paypal so maybe threaten the Chinese business that's what you will do if you haven't already.

    I think that's Periwinkle on the teapot and reminds me there used to be a lot growing at the end of my garden that seems to have disappeared.... I'll have to source another. There were at least 2 plants in the hedgerows I spotted on the doggy walk this morning that would look lovely in my wild bottom so am going to carry a trowel on future strolls so I can dig them out and pop in a dog poo bag until I get them home!

    Wow, nearly 5pm so definitely time for a cuppa.