Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well this day ain't getting any better.
    Roy passed away at one o'clock this early morning from the corona virus. He had the disease for 10 days when he died.
    That's the third for me in the "merry" month of May.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Oh Anne I am so sorry. (((Hugs)))
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks SANDY, a difficult month indeed. goes on, see you tomorrow and enjoy the evening. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Anne, what a day my friend. I am incredibly sorry. 🥺

    Many long distance hugs. ❤️❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hugs returned LIN. I will miss his weekly Sunday hour long phone calls mainly about gardens and sometimes about pesky kids playing football in the street and wrecking his beautiful flowers. Another time now in the past. Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Anne, so very sorry to hear about your family/friend Roy. It does seem to happen in bunches. Both sadness and joy. I know you will em moralize your long friendship by remembering happy times and interesting memories. I’ll bet he considered you that wonderful friend that allowed him to share his concerns and interests. You were good friends and I know you were a comfort to him. As the old saying ones, “it takes a long time to grow an old friend.”
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes, I knew Roy for 62 years PATSY which is a lifetime. I will remember him at long gone family gatherings when he produced his tasty trifles and fabulous Christmas cakes. Thank you so much for your kind words. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm so terribly sorry Anne. Sounds like he put up a good fight but this damn virus is definitely not discerning. If it's any comfort, the nurses caring for him would have held his hand and gently talked to him to the end. Someone once said good friends leave their footprints on our hearts and it's true.

    Thinking of you. <3
    Hugs and love - Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks JACKIE. I've just looked up the home he was in and it looks very nice from the photos so I'm sure he was well cared for, Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :'(<3Anne, so sorry for your loss.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks Barbie. Like you Roy was a walker and like me, he didn't own a car after Valerie died and walked everywhere at a very fast pace. We expected him to reach 100 years between his gardening and walking. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2020
    It is a sunny day here. A friend texted me. She was going to stop by to return some books I gave her to read eons ago. I had a few more for her. She could only stop for a couple of minutes as she had her groceries in the car and had things that needed to go in the refrigerator. We stood a long way apart but it was lovely to see a friend!

    I am finally going to plant a few things in pots on the deck. I hope I am not sacrificing my dear little plants to the bunnies and squinties. Plant momma is very protective.

    Still working on moving things around. I had a sad day as I finally decided as I was relocating things, to go through a box of pictures and misc. brought home from my parents’ home that I never touched. Lots of notes and cards my mother received over the years, photos people had sent to her, newspaper clippings. There is another tote of photos my dad had accumulated. I did a quick sort through those, lots more to do but made a bit of progress. Sure triggered a lot of memories once again.

    Wishing everyone a safe day.

    Many hugs. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Today’s set coffee/tea..

    Art Deco Bauhaus Coffee/ Tea Set ca.1930


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited May 2020
    Happy Friday! :) It is not really a happy day with all that is going on in Minnesota. With the brutal death of a black man by the Minneapolis police and all the riots. My granddaughter lives in Minneapolis and said it is scary but she still feels safe in her home. Both my dil and I have offered for her to come stay with one of us. If they would just arrest those damn cops maybe things would quiet down. The world is upside down lately, I sure hope people learn lessons from all of this but I doubt it.
    I am doing laundry and going to clean the house because tomorrow I will go visit the kiddos.
    I told Lisa she and Rob should go for a walk or pick up some food and go on a picnic anything to get away for a little while. Of course it has to be something safe.

    Praying things will get better for all of us and someday our lives can get back to normal.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

    I forgot to mention that my complex is working on the pool. I cannot believe they will open it but I haven't been outside to see if that is what they were doing or not. Will let you know once I know. I don't think I am ready to go the pool even if it does open.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful day again so walkies on the moors first thing. Lots of laundry done and drying on the rotary line. The rest of my day has been spent doing DIY jobs and generally pottering. The window in my lounge has a damp patch next to it so I pulled off the outer plastic strips to discover gaps between wall and window. I'll leave it open for 24 hours to dry then pump foam filler in... that's the plan anyway!
    Coming up to 6pm so salad tonight after regaining 2 lbs then I must water the garden potted plants.

    Lin, I know it's so difficult to sort through our parents items they collected over the years. Seems disrespectful to throw them out but what to do? Love the stainless steel kettles that are back in fashion here.

    Sandy, I meant to explain yesterday my tomato plants are still only small leaves but under that basket is a climbing rose. I know things grow big in America but not so in little old England! 😁
    Sad that those scenes in Minnesota hark back to the 60's so no real advances made since then and Mr T throwing his threats about doesn't help. Hopefully your granddaughter will keep out of harms way.

    My school friend in London went out today for the first time since lockdown. She's diabetic so has to isolate but had arranged a click and collect at an upmarket grocery store. She just messaged to let me know it went without a hitch so she'll enjoy her posh meal tonight! 😃

    The sun has gone behind a tree so I'll take the dry washing in and feed us all.

    Stay safe everyone
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A lovely mild day here. For the past couple of days, it has been hot and humid. Very inhospitable and for us oldies, not a good idea to exert too much in those conditions. Years ago we had a very good friend who died from a heart attack while mowing grass in the extreme heat of the summer. John’s favorite uncle died shoveling snow from his sidewalk in Colorado. These circumstances have remained in our mind as lessons. Exercise is essential but being mindful of conditions! I am never so inclined to exert myself in uncomfortable conditions. Not one of my best traits, I will admit. That might be translated to LAZY!

    Another of our favorite restaurants has closed for good. It was owned by the cutest couple. It was very trendy and popular. I was shocked. That makes three really nice dining places to close permanently. I wasn’t aware that they operated on such a slim margin. They seemed so popular and busy all the time. I hope they find other venues when life returns. In an interview, they said the fear is that cafes and restaurants will need to adapt to a new way, still to be designed. Not as social.

    I am again trimming my hair. God bless YouTube! There was a video on cutting one’s own hair. I cut John’s hair and he loves it. He sits in my dungeon, while listening to my music or watching TV while I whack and snip away. His directions go something like this...I don’t care, just make it shorter.

    We have an unusual cloud formation right now. My mom would have called it “buttermilk skies” like in that old song. I am listening to a cd with doo-wop music from the 60s. Do you remember, “Me, my shadow and I?” 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
    I am thinking of each and everyone one of you, will you all stay safe and healthy? Please!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Lin, My father died in 1988 and my mother took charge of what to do with his things. She kept a lot. My mother died in 1991 and Jake and I moved into her house which was something she wanted us to do. We rented several nearby storage units and moved a ton of her stuff over there so we could go through it at our leisure. We didn't get rid of the last storage unit until ten years later. I went through so many objects and papers one by one to decide what to do with them. I wasn't able to get through and discard the last of the "precious mementos" until last year. The only reason I am finally finished with the project is that I have had decades to do it.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another weekend as we drift from week to week. The dogs were only taken round the block first thing before the heat arrives and seemed happy enough. Barbie you had mentioned how your pooches were fine to walk on the roads and I do think sometimes I overthink things. There's always new smells to sniff and neighbours to briefly chat to from a distance on the block then the rest of the day they have the choice of garden or cool cottage so it must be me that feels the pull of the moors!

    There are 2 boxes under my bed full of my mother's collection of photos, postcards, wartime newspaper cuttings and letters I wrote to her when I lived in Toronto. Oh yes, also my grandmother's personal papers that mother kept when she died. Been with me since 1980! I'm determined to clear mine before long just in case so perhaps they should all go in a memorial bonfire to life!!

    The blackbirds are singing in my Rowan tree which reminds me, on our walk just now I passed the property of the man who died of the virus in March. Someone is obviously tending the garden and his bird feeders are topped up which I found incredibly poignant, tearful in fact. This isolation must be getting at me!
    Patsy, sadly I think an awful lot of small restaurants and coffee houses will not survive because it will be impossible to make a living while customer numbers are restricted by social distancing. Our UK government has spent billions supporting them and paying wages while they remained closed through the past couple of months but that can't go on much longer. The new norm won't be life as we knew it that's for sure. Meanwhile I still haven't dared to cut my hair apart from a couple of snips at my fringe. Everyone tells me they like my new style with the folded scarf but there comes a point in the day when I have to pull it off or go mad!!

    Have a wonderful visit with the kids Sandy and PLEASE be careful. ♥️

    Coffee finished so no more excuses to sit on the deck.
    Thinking of you Anne.♥️

    Enjoy your Saturday everyone. Another teapot Lin 😉

    Take care and stay safe
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And I've been thinking of you all in these troubling times! They can't get much more troubling!

    I'm among those who love your new hairstyle JACKIE and when it comes to Jilly walking she's quite happy walking the streets with all the sniffs and smells and people because she is by nature a very friendly little dog and nosy. We are forever starting and stopping as she peers at activities in the distance,

    I think I am a very strange person. i keep very few momentos of people now gone. This could be because I moved around an awful lot in the past. I've a few things my dad crafted, my moms sewing box etc and my grandmothers 1800s singer sewing machine. My great grand dad's snuff box. That's about it in things but they are around to remind me of them all the time. When it comes to cards or letters just a few carefully chosen ones are saved. For instance I often take the last card from my mom on my birthday out to display. And it's the same with Roy. I have a Celtic gold ring I wear regularly, a pair of earrings, a tiny brass piglet he gave me on my last visit, a drawing and pastel by a local artist of the street in Beverley where my mother was born and that's it.

    I don't envy my cousin Tony! Roy's house is a veritable overstuffed antique shop. Tony and wife Pauline are already wondering where on earth to start! At least my sons won't have much to clear when I depart.

    Mike might drive over today and Mark often appears, toolbox in hand for this house which is an antique in itself! So must away and eat my porridge. One day I'll break out and have something different. Boiled egg and soldiers for example.

    Take care everyone and not just from virus's in these troubling days!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Starting with a tea set today just because. ❤️❤️ I found it interesting although I will admit the color scheme is not my favorite.

    Petrus Regout "Thea" made bij Edmont Bellefroid. It was manufactured in 1933 and a total of 6500 (complete) sets were made.

