Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh drat! I lost my post. I clicked on “done” Before I clicked on post reply. My brain is obviously still snoozing on my pillow.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I thought this was lovely. ❤️❤️

    “My great gram won this thru a NYC radio show in the 1950's, possibly by Tetley. I'm sure it's just an inexpensive no-brand set, but sentimental to me. It's unmarked, fragile, display only, usually for Valentine's Day.”


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Sandy, I go to quite a few Zoom meetings. I go to the meetings with the video off so I can see the faces of others but they can't see me. I don't have to worry about brushing my hair or what I'm wearing. I can put my phone in my pocket and walk around or ride my exercise bike or work in the yard or brush my teeth. It is the height of multi tasking.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Now there’s a coincidence Lin. A tea service I’ve held on to purely for sentimental reasons that I think was a wedding present for my parents has a similar design but not nearly as fancy. Mine is definitely not posh and probably came out of a Woolworth shop as Ridgway Pottery, Colclough is pressed on the bottom of each item. Could be seconds! Roses were the in thing back then!!

    A pleasant day with sunshine and clouds. My neighbours have just “borrowed” George to walk on the moors while Betty snores on the sofa. I took them out for a quick stroll round the block this morning and have since been pottering. A temporary tomato house was delivered yesterday that would blow away in the first wind if I didn’t weigh it down but it’ll do until one day, by miracle, my greenhouse is finally delivered. Stopped for my tea break but must now get on.

    Whoops nearly lost my post. 😬
    Happy Saturday everyone. Keep safe and well.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Another beautiful day but storms later, I am doing my bedding and will probably do some cleaning although I might be tempted to sit in the sun on my balcony.
    I won $100 at super bingo last night, so that was fun.
    I am not sure about the youtube TV as of yet. I am a creature of habit and some of the shows I watch are not on youtube TV. Also because I am on my son's account I get their local news and not mine. I think I would have to keep comcast just for local news and my game shows so I think I would be defeating the purpose.

    I am really tired today so not sure how much of anything will get done. Maybe a nap will help this afternoon. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Sandy, We considered YouTube TV, also. After some research we found out that four of our favorite channels wouldn't be available to us and there would be a steep learning curve so we decided that even if we saved money, it wouldn't be worth it.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hello, a bit of sun, then overcast with light rain. We are on a see-saw today! I am not sure how the hours slip away from me with mostly puttering around and nothing solid to report. Playing with plants, trying to chase down tracking numbers on orders to see what is going on with them. I did write to one company where a shipping label was created on May 9th but then nothing further on tracking. They said, just wait, things are taking longer. Really? It seems to me they never actually shipped the item. It is a U.S. company by the way.

    Sandy, a couple of my friends have two hookups. One Roku for things like YouTube TV or other content but also a separate over the air antenna hookup that provides local channels, anything you can pickup in your location. You don’t have to put anything outside your apartment as we did in the old days. I tried it and since I live in a hollow, I didn’t pick up many channels. I don’t think the antennas cost much. Just another option. And congratulations on your Bingo win!! Wahoo...

    Jackie, oh my gosh, what a coincidence! Another beautiful set with roses! ❤️❤️ You are really having a wait for your greenhouse. I hope this temporary solution will keep you going for a while. I would love to have a cold frame again. I had several on the farm and they were wonderful. Of course, I don’t need anything very large for the few plants I have. I am having delusions of grandeur for this little backyard. I would like to dig some of it up but the bunnies wouldn’t let anything live!

    Barbie, I have attended a few Zoom meetings, no picture of me showing! The moderator mutes everyone out so he is not interrupted and you must submit questions separately.

    Patsy, I am sorry you lost your post yesterday. Try again soon.

    Anne, hello! 🙋🏼‍♀️

    I hope everyone is well. Back to tinkering about once again. I am eager to get my mail today. There is something in there from the Federal Government. No idea what. Probably stimulus money for my long deceased father. A friend told me last week he got money for his mother who died a couple of years ago. Then he had to research how to return it.

    The other letter has me worried. It is from my reflexologist, and I am afraid she is not re-opening. Her studio is in a portion of her home. Not a good situation these days. The last time I was in touch with her, it was by text and she said she would get back to me. That was of course months ago.

    Waving 🙋🏼‍♀️🌷🌷

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It was my turn to water the seedlings and young plants at the allotment so popped out around 7pm. It only takes about a half hour and because I was the only plot holder there, it was easy to wander from communal tap to our plot with a couple of watering cans.

    I was so upset when I got home to find devastating news about dear Buzz. She had a fall in the bathroom this morning and although she tried to grab a rail, went down. The person who let her friend know who then passed news on to me, said she thinks Buzz has cracked something so is on strong painkillers and sleeping most of the time. Judy her friend suggests for that reason, no phone calls for now but that lots of cards would be good to cheer her. I’m so sorry to have such awful news to pass on but hopefully it won’t turn out to be as bad as it currently sounds. She had that fall not so long ago that left her badly bruised but bounced back much quicker than I think I’d have done! I’ve of course asked Judy to pass on the sneakers’ love when she has the opportunity.

    Please take care everyone 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    🥺oh poor Buzz. 🥺
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    That's very sad news. Poor Buzz indeed.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Jackie can you email us Buzz’s address please? Unless her friend asked you not to give out that information. Prayers for Buzz and I pray it is nothing serious. Poor Buzz.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh I am so sorry to hear about our darling Buzz and her fall. I know there are several of us who have suffered falls and it is our nightmare scenario...falling in the bathroom. Hard unforgiving services, we are generally barefooted or with only socks. My heart goes out to Buzz. I know she must be suffering. I know we all want to let her know how much we care and are thinking of her.

    I was walking along our little creek with Katie and spotted a lot of very beautiful grasses, already with seed heads. I cut a lot of it to see if I could weave it into a basket. I used to make baskets years ago. I will need to do this while the grasses are still limp and will need to keep them damp in a bucket.

    Still cool weather here. We will watch Memorial Day concert on TV and I will BBQ chicken. John will fiddle around with his car parts and do vehicle maintenance of some sort. We both miss not being able to be with family & friends on Memorial Day. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Remembering family who served valiantly when needed.

    Stay safe dear ones, thinking of you Buzz,🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, severe storm watch for a good portion of the day. It is getting dark now so a quick post for now. Yes, teapots.

    “My tea for ones I used to keep in my office, but now are out in my she-shed, and a portmeirion teapot. I enjoy collecting floral transferware types of pots mostly and crocheting doiles for under them.”


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Driving home from watering the allotment plants yesterday this song came on the radio so you can imagine I immediately thought of Lin!

    Still pottering in the heat of my garden and now time to tidy before I cook my evening meal so back later.

    <3 Jackie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) It is a hot day today so I will sit and sun on my balcony until before I go to movie night with the kiddos. My friend who had the knee problems is back in the hospital with a baker cyst. I am sure she is not happy to be there especially with Covid19 still around.
    I will give her a call when I am done here and then I will have a video call with my kids.
    That is my exciting day, I hope yours is going well.

    Funny video Jackie, I am sure Lin will love it!!

    Have a good day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I need a nice cup of tea JACKIE and I'm just about to make one. More sad news just arrived. Another old friend gone. Only one left now of the two in senior homes. Altzeimers.
    But, on a lighter note, beautiful sunny warm day here and Beans had a glorious bark at all the passing dogs.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hello, I have been busy trying to find a way to order some items that I knew were at one particular location of one of our grocery stores. I wanted to try to get them without paying any additional fees. It took a few hours but I found a way, items ordered, will pick them up tomorrow. So happy!

    Jackie, I adore that song! I do love tea (and coffee too). That brought a big smile to my face. Thank you so much. 😅🙂😅

    Anne, I am sorry you lost another friend. It is so painful. I am glad you at least have a sunny day. And that you have a friendly barker with you.

    Sandy, enjoy movie night. I bet you cannot wait. 😄 Hey, I found something else’s on Amazon. Maybe you’ve already tried it. I hadn’t. It is Amazon Prime Wardrobe (or something like that). Clothing pieces that are eligible go in a separate cart and when you are ready, you checkout. They send you the clothing and you have 7 days to decide what you want to keep they then charge you for those items and you return the rest. I just got my first order and need to get on trying them and deciding! Did not select much to try this first time, just in case something happened and I get charged for all the items....🙃

    I had to look up the Portmeirion brand (it is new to me) and of course ran across a tiny but lovely set of mugs and plates. I had to hurry and shut down the browser window! 😝 At least I resisted something. It dangerous for me to post teapots for goodness sakes!

    Patsy, let us know how you come out with the grass weaving. That sounds just lovely how many days can you keep the grass moist before doing the weaving? Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.

    Barbie, are you having good weather? It is interesting that the weather, at the moment, is just fine here, but no neighbors are out. I think the people in several houses across from me are all away for the weekend. I feel like I must be the only one staying home but that’s probably not accurate although there has been little dog walking that I have noticed.

    Wishing everyone well in this mixed up, confusing puzzle called life.

    Hugs. ❤️❤️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Lin we had drizzly rain all morning. now it's muggy and about 63. I can't gather the motivation to do any yard work but there's nothing that can't wait til the weather is better. Besides walking the dogs, my afternoon project is riding my recumbent exercise bike, knitting, and listening to a great audio book
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    This is how open and empty the streets are in my neighborhood. Walking with social distancing is easy and pleasant at any time of the day
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2020
    Our promised rain never arrived and no sign of any in the coming week so my poor garden will have to continue to be watered by me and my trusty watering can! My hips have been complaining so I didn’t do much more than walk the pooches then do a few easy gardening jobs. Also had a lovely catch up phone call with my old school friend who lives in London. She hasn’t been out at all, not even for a walk, because she has Type 2 diabetes which we are now told is causing many virus deaths but has managed to book a click and collect grocery shop on Tuesday at her favourite supermarket. She apparently doesn’t possess a face mask so I’ve packaged some regular blue ones I bought back in February and will post them tomorrow since I have my kitty face one made by my neighbour. She is nervous about going to the store but I’ve explained how organised they have all become and she shouldn’t have to get out of her car so am sure she will be safe.

    Buzz’s friend has kept in touch today and after some deliberation as to whether she might disturb Buzz if she phoned her, she did so here’s her update to me this evening.

    Just briefly spoke to Barbara earlier this afternoon. She explained that her hand slipped behind a grab rail in the bathroom and got bent over double - giving her two bad hands now instead of one! She has had it x-rayed (no result yet) and medical people have put her on pain killers, which makes her sleep a lot and she is out of it quite a bit. She is trying to look on the bright side and when I asked her “what is your slogan of the day?” for when I email your friends, she replied “it too shall pass”. Which it will, but no doubt has set her back. She doesn’t need another thing to add to her pain and discomfort.

    I’ve told Judy that sounds like our Buzz bouncing back and since she was self isolating anyway, Enforced rest has to be a good thing right now.

    Glad you enjoyed the song Lin. It made me smile too! Portmeirion dinner and tea services are popular. Scruff’s mum Jill picked up a dinner service at a local auction a couple of years ago.... Not cheap!

    I’m sorry to read of your loss Anne. We choose our friends carefully throughout life for all the right reasons so it’s especially sad To have to say farewell. I’m glad you finally have some warm sunshine for you and Jilly to soak up.

    I’m guessing Sandy could be at the movie show as I type so really do hope she will be uplifted seeing her family.

    Patsy, do please let us know how your basket weaving turns out. Walking Katie by the creek sounds perfect and I’m guessing she loves to splash about in the water!

    Nearly midnight so I’d best get to bed.

    Stay safe, well and content with life dear friends. It is what it is and we will come through the other side. 🥰