Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Today’s teapot. Looks quite sturdy actually.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Looks as if it would be good on a camping trip! Not that many are going on camping trips although a few sites are open apparently. This will be bad news for the black bears who I gather like to raid camping sites and chase food defenders.
    Glorious sunshine right now, but short lived at 54 degrees because it starts raining at 12 noon and doesn't stop until Wednesday.
    Never mind we are a green world once again with dandelions and tulips in abundance.
    Michael phoned to say he went shopping at 8 am. Grocery stores full of grocery shoppers. He went to pick up a jar of peanut butter. Not for him or me but for Jillo who we can only get to take tick/flea and heart pills coated in peanut butter. She's only little but there's no prising her jaws open when there's a pill in sight.
    And that's my post about nothing!
    Have a lovely sunny morning at least,
    Anne. 🌞🙃🐶☔️☔️☔️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) It is a rainy day here so will continue to work on my DVD's. I will have a video call with my kids later this afternoon. Nothing else exciting going on. I placed another order with Walmart for a Thursday pickup so hopefully they have everything I want.

    I have nothing new so have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, church is long over. Our glimpse of sunshine seems to be over for the day.

    I have put onion seed in my sprout jar. I hope they turn out well. Once upon I purchased onion sprouts whenever I saw them. 😂

    The poor sick zucchini plant needs some type of intensive care but I have nothing to offer the poor thing. 🙁

    The little blobs of mushrooms are expanding, tomato plants trying to put out leaves and the celery base has three little white roots. My little plastic pots should arrive this afternoon. Happy☺️!

    Sandy, I think I may cancel my Walmart order. Things I want to order are still out of stock today and much of what I did order hoping to add what I needed later I really do not need right now. Will do the health food store or Whole Foods I think.

    Anne, a rainy afternoon for you too. It is a bit windy and cold here as well. An indoor afternoon for sure. Lucky Jillo with a personal shopper. ❤️

    Jackie, I hope you are settled in for the evening.

    Patsy, good day wishes to you as well.

    Barbie, waving at you while you walk by. 🙃

    Back to cards, Added to my list of cards, I need to also make a sympathy card. One of the ladies I have sent cards to for years passed Friday evening. She loved getting cards, her husband loved that I sent cards to her but he could care less. And I don’t care, I am sending him a card anyway.

    Long distance hugs. 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and rainy today here as promised. But the sun peeks out from under the clouds every now and then. Hello Sunshine🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 remember that tune from the 70s?

    Oh I have to say! I watched the online 2020 graduation programs with Obama’s address. It was inspiring and all the high school graduates were wonderful young people. It renews my hope for our country and mankind. This group of graduates missed out on some of the defining events of their high school life. Back in my day, we might never remember anything we learned in calculus or literature class but we remember prom and graduation parties etc. Obama’s speech was great and timely. The graduates were so adorably full of hope and courage.

    Today will be my usual Sunday Baroque, a phone chat with our son, and as usual...maybe our daughter. Then I will fix John some sort of Sunday dinner. Since it is sort of chilly out, I will fix him veggies, noodles and chicken. Katie will snag her share of the chicken. Maybe veggies also if she is in the mood.

    The rain has kept us from getting as much done as we should outside. I confess, I am not (neither is John ) neither of us are very good gardeners. The jungle is encroaching....aaaaaargh!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) It was raining enough this morning that Sasha was soaked and my friend opted to go home early. My 9:30 walking friend texted that she didn't want to walk in the rain. I thought the rain had slowed so I went for a walk by myself but it kept getting worse so after 30 minutes I came home. I have wet clothes hanging all over the house. The weather was better for the afternoon dog walk so we walked for 35 minutes. The ground was too wet to make working in the yard satisfactory so I've spent most of the day indoors. Thank goodness I have my exercise bike and lots of podcasts to listen to so I had an active and entertaining afternoon. Jake did all the laundry and I folded it and he made chicken with bbq sauce in the slow cooker. It has been a productive day.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    George has his bag packed ready for a trip to the beach with my neighbours who think they know a quiet area they can enjoy without other people getting too close.... strange times but something we have to get used to.
    Yesterday as I continued to clear the last area of wilderness at the bottom of my garden I became aware of honey bees investigating the empty hive floors, roofs and boxes stacked up in a corner and immediately thought oh-oh, I must put one hive together because apparently there are a lot of swarms this year after months of dry and warm weather. The last thing I need is a colony setting up in empty boxes. I've been to look at the result this morning and see I must build a higher stand otherwise if I'm lucky to get honey later in the year back breaking bending will be required. Once George is on his way I'll set to with that task. The temperature is rising now the wind has turned away from the north but it's a shady area.

    I could be wrong but think Lin's teapot is iron and Japanese. Hefty for sure!

    . A vaccine is being trialed here in the UK but still some time before it will be available to all. The good news is the over 65's will be amongst the first to be offered it; let's hope before a second wave hits..... sorry must be more cheery! :)

    Early lunch for me so I'll wish you all a dry Monday to start with, then a safe and healthy week.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well the rain did indeed start late yesterday afternoon and as predicted shouldn't stop before Wednesday. This will make the government and the medics very happy because it should keep the merry makers indoors today which is Victoria Day holiday Monday. The last traces of blue sky yesterday saw one or two folks lighting their fireworks which of course toned down the display if not the bangs and booms.
    I had a totally lazy day which I totally enjoyed. So did the Bean. A day of watching a marathon programme on the TV for me and tummy rubs for Bean. The programme was rather depressing but very illuminating meaning I am a little wiser to the behaviour of some individuals from the past which the world throws at us from time to time.
    And just like yesterday thus ends my post about nothing, which by the way I give thanks for after the aforementioned viewing.
    Anne drinking her morning coffee with all the lights turned on.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Teapots. 🙋🏼‍♀️ photo and text from the original post.


    “A couple more of my favourite teapots, these black & gold pots are circa 1950s, the larger one on the left is an Alcock Lindley and Bloore pot with its patented locking lid and upside down non-drip spout. On the right is a lovely Arthur Wood teapot.”

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Jackie, is this becoming a 3pm habit? Or is it nothing new? PG Tips posted this on Facebook today.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I always have a cup of Yorkshire Tea and sometimes Twinings at 3 pm Canada, Ontario time. That would be 8pm in the old country. Maybe I'll change to tea at 10 am instead of coffee in the knowledge I'm drinking my cuppa alongside remaining family and old friends!
    Anne. 😃☕️🥄👍
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2020
    Thanks for posting Lin. It's nothing new and I'm sure Anne will remember tea breaks at work or at home mid afternoon. Unfortunately, these days it seems some workers don't even get a lunch break because they sit at their desks staring at a computer screen instead of stepping out for some fresh air and homemade lunch sitting on a park bench! Old habits die hard so, as you know, I have my cuppa time every afternoon and love PG tips because they were the first to stop using plastic teabags which means I can now throw mine in my wormery and not have to dig out small squares of mesh!

    Oops, 3.45pm here so kettle on! :p
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My boys used to collect the cards in PG tips packets, but I've yet to see PG in the stores here. Oh yes, I remember those tea breaks when I worked at Ranks. A buzzer sounded when our quarter hour tea break was up and we all trooped back to our desks. Amazing how much gossip you could enjoy in those two quarter hour breaks. In the summer we ate lunch in the garden. The Ranks office was still operating in a huge Victorian house at that time having moved from Hull during the blitz because the old office was demolished by a bomb. Near the end of my 10 years and expecting Michael the offices were rebuilt near the mill and docks and I had to walk and catch two buses to work, (I biked in the village) but it's my days at the Victorian house and the lovely maintained gardens I remember with affection and the old tea breaks with the lovely young women I worked with in the cavernous kitchen! Happy days indeed.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another dreary, depressing day. It would be nice if the sun came out and brought some warm weather. I have to admit it is getting harder everyday, I really want to get on with my life and see people and do things. I know we all do and I will stay in and save lives because I just don't believe this is over. Lisa even said she could give the kids a bath with clean clothes so I could hug them, but I still don't feel safe going there. I will try to keep myself busy with my DVD's and other activities. Later today I have a zoom cocktail meeting with my friends where we have a drink and just talk. Breaks up the day, week, months.
    Sorry, just really getting bored and tired of staying home as all of you. We will get through this some how, I know we will. <3

    Nothing else, so have a good day and keep safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Don't know if this is true but I read that a minister in California who refused to close his church now has three members with the virus and 107 to be tested and quarantined.
    Mike heard today that a member of his office skeleton staff who is still working has the bug.
    Personally I'd rather be enjoying my own company and hobbies than:
    Losing my sense of smell,
    Losing my sense of taste,
    Coughing my head off
    Coping with a headache and worst of all
    Gasping for breath.
    Hope Mikes okay, he went into the office for training last week! Came here on Saturday but we stayed apart, no hugs etc.
    Stay safe Sneakers!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good afternoon. I had morning coffee and then made some tea around 9am Central time so I think that translates to 3pm. Anyway, I love coffee and I love tea. I just careen from one to another. 🙃

    I did some laundry yesterday and got the idea to wash my Skechers to see if they might brighten up a bit. I put them in a mesh bag and put them in the washer. The washer didn’t like them and kept going off balance even though I had added some old towels to try to balance the load. Well, finally out they came and I pinned them up in my clothes line in the basement. Neither pair looks all that great. A bit cleaner but the soles and sides are still filthy looking. Just thought I would give it a whirl.

    Mixed up some broccoli slaw this morning and finished the cards I need to mail. Will make a trip to the post office this afternoon. I was hoping for a bit of sun but that does not look like it will happen.

    It was lovely reading of your tea breaks Anne and Jackie. When I started work it was coffee break but many people did not drink coffee. And it certainly wasn’t as interesting! Just working straight through was more common with just a lunch break.

    Sandy, wow, a Zoom cocktail meeting. What fun or at least I hope it is a lot of fun.

    Anne, there were cards in the PG Tips packets? I don’t remember that. Of course, I have flitted around from brand to brand over the years. 😂

    Jackie, oh my, you may have bees once again! How exciting. Oh speaking of creatures, a egg laying farm went out of business recently and a rescue group organized an airlift. 1,000 hens were moved in 2 cargo planes from Iowa to California. They hope to get them healthier and then all will be put out for adoption. Unfortunately they could not get them all. No one has said how many were left behind. ☹️

    Well, they are trying hard on vaccines. I don’t think I am interested in being an early test subject with that stuff. I don’t even do the annual flu vaccine now. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Hello to all. Must get moving.

    Hugs all round once again.

    Lin ❤️🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    High thin clouds today, with the sun peeking out on occasionally. We must wear a light sweater or a beloved sweatshirt hoodie. Makes me feel like an ancient teenager.

    Reading about people being so discouraged about being stuck at home makes me wonder if there will be a resurgence of knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting, and crafts of all sorts. I also get a case of cabin fever but not as often as some. I have occasionally thought of getting John one of those kits of constructing a ship in a bottle. However, I fear his eyesight is not as good as it used to be and certainly his hands aren’t as steady. So we will not frustrate ourselves with that idea. I am a devoted YouTuber. I watch various blogs on everything. Cooking, art techniques, exercises and YES...even how to cut my own hair. I am generally not bored but when I get down in the dumps, OH BABY.

    I grew up in the south and our tea was iced tea. It was often served with addition of fruit juice of some kind. Lemon or orange usually and VERY sweet. We also made gallons of sun tea. I still like it but the super sweet tea isn’t my thing anymore. These are nice memories from my childhood. Sitting on the front porch, playing card games like canasta and drinking iced cinnamon tea. Brings me back to wonderful happy times.

    I am a coffee person now. Here in the PNW, the cool weather and high humidity can make you want a nap all the time. I think that is the reason that coffee is such a cultural thing here. If we didn’t drink coffee we would be asleep leaning against the wall somewhere.

    The virus is still with us but there is now medicine to help those with active cases. We are understanding more and more about it. The vaccine is on the way. We need to stay vigilant and not expose ourselves and others. It is tough for us all. We can survive. I am making masks to donate to the hospital and senior living quarters. There are three in our area. Something to occupy my crazy brain while we isolate.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning. Here’s a lovely post I happened to see. More than a teapot. Certainly the treats are not real or at least without calories.

    ”Just taking tea 😊☕️ will you join me for a pot of Ceylon & a mini Battenberg”


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Battenberg cake! Mmmmm!!!!!! my very favourite English cake! Love almond paste!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited May 2020
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another dreary, rainy day. I am thinking of organizing my closet but what would I do with all the bags I fill from unwanted clothes?? I have a hard time getting rid of clothes because when I look at them I say, wow, I should wear this more often. lol I think maybe the pictures might be a better project if I can get up any energy today.

    Listening to the news and hearing that trump is taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc as a preventive for the virus although most doctors say it has bad side effects including heart problems. What is wrong with this man??? smh

    Hopefully one of these days I will have some exciting news and/or happy news. Until then stay safe and enjoy the day the best you can.

    One Day at a Time