Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    Happy Mother's Day to everyone, whether we are the mothers of grown up lanky children, beloved pets or the careful waterers of baby tomatoes and other seedlings. We did our best and we continue to do our best whatever we mother.

    Wow! Wasn't yesterday chilly! Well at least here! The snowbirds got grounded because of snow flurries and will hopefully fly today. After all, it's already reached a balmy O degrees centigrade. Get your shorts out! I guess most snow birds don't fly in swirling snow, like Canadian geese, Arctic owls, and definitely this old bird. Me and Bean watched it happily in isolation!

    The burning question of the day is will my paid -up- front groceries show up between two and six pm. You can either expect a joyous future post or a good old whine. After Mark brought me groceries last Wednesday the main problem will be where to store them because my fridge is small and my cupboard space even smaller. Never mind, a good problem to have!

    Time to shower and don my thick black leggings and big chunky polo neck Aran. The "darling buds of May" and me are feeling slightly chilly despite the furnace grumbling away.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After George enjoyed a 3 mile walk with one of my neighbours yesterday he seemed to think the usual round the block stroll wasn’t interesting enough so, after half an hour of sniff, sniff I detoured home again. Betty stayed home with me while he was out with Debbie so today was happy wherever we walked! My noisy neighbour is now booming his voice for us all to hear although I don’t bother to work out what his current issue is but George is doing his best to compete... need I say more?

    Our weather forecast shows a change in temperature later so I’ve whizzed round with the lawnmower because it’s already snowing in north Scotland while still very warm here. An Arctic blast tomorrow. 🥶 Anne, I did notice one of those white snowy blobs over the forecaster’s shoulder that must be what you are experiencing!

    Clouds are building so I’m heading back outside while I can to check I’ve got logs and kindling to hand. It’s May for goodness sake!! 😳
    Happy Mother’s Day to you all.
    Stay safe
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) It will be warm again today. Yesterday I started preparing the soil for planting zucchini. Today I am walking with my usual friend and the dogs at 7 and with another friend at 9:30. Later in the day will be too warm for yard work, so the zucchini prep will have to wait until tomorrow. We bought this house to have less yard work so whatever needs doing, can usually wait until another day.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning sharing a lovely teapot with my friends today. There is no information about it. Just a pretty thing. ❤️🌷❤️ Wishing everyone a lovely day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited May 2020

    Happy Sunday! :) Watched my church service this morning and my extended family will have a zoom call later this afternoon. It will be hectic but always fun. Lisa came with the kiddos yesterday and presented me with this gorgeous gift.


    Enjoy your day make the most of it, some day we will be back to normal.

    Love you all,
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Mother’s Day everyone. it is a sunny and possibly very warm day again. Yesterday was quite warm and uncomfortable in the late afternoon. Might be the same today. Still! so happy to see that sun after such a cold dreary winter

    I think we are all in general good health, so that wonderful gift is enough for me this day. I am also thinking of dear Buzz and wishing her a good day. happy she is getting good care.

    So dear ones, a bit of exercise and a change of clothes after my bath, Sunday Baroque on the radio, phone calls to my children, a huge salad for dinner and that will be a very nice Mother’s Day to my way of thinking. Did I mention that I will dig that chocolate cake out of the freezer? I will chisel off a couple of small slices for the Mother’s Day dessert. I think I have to be a little bit naughty. It is required.
    Love and best wishes to all us sneakers,

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No whining from this end. My order showed up in tip top condition. Veggies super fresh etc. Actually it was all chaos for a while because Mark and Mary Jo showed up at the same time. I didn't expect a gift of course but from them I got a pretty jar of almond cream which is supposed to do wonders for aging skin. Made in France I expect to look like a spring chicken in 4 weeks time. That's if I remember to slather it on each morning and each evening.

    So whilst the delivery man complete with mask was running up and down the front steps, Jilly was leaping up and down and excitedly barking, the offspring were laughing, the snow birds flew in formation overhead and I was opening my pressie. Quite an interesting Mother's Day wouldn't you say!
    The Canadian Air Force snow birds was a wonderful treat, and of course no snow today if cold.

    Hopefully all surfaces are now wiped clean and veggies and groceries put away. We won't starve!
    All is now very quiet!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Monday, although I'm losing track! Runner beans were planted at the allotment yesterday afternoon before my neighbours arrived with refreshments by way of tea. We sat 2 meters apart in warm sunshine but back home a few hours later the wind picked up and sent us back to Winter! It's still very windy so I rather regretted not putting many layers on for the pooches' walk this morning. My neighbour joined us along the usual route but it was extremely quiet so we think the latest government advice is confusing people as to what's now allowed. Easy for me as nothing will change for me as I'll continue
    to self isolate apart from an occasional shopping trip.
    The dashcam from my old car is being replaced with one that's hopefully more user friendly so I looked through it's last recordings before disposing of it and had to smile when I saw how few car trips I took before lockdown. What am I missing apart from driving onto the moors with George and Betty or occasionally meeting friends that I still keep in touch with? It was a good reminder that I have no reason to feel a bit stir crazy!

    Lin, our Skechers are produced in China too but fake copies often turn up here on Amazon that aren't the same standard, in fact shoddy but difficult to tell until they arrive. Of course they tend to be a bit cheaper so that's always a good indicator or reviews warn to avoid! I'd be terrified to use yesterday's teapot for fear I'd break it during the washing up process! Such chintzy items were never designed for dishwashers.... I'm the only dishwasher in this household!

    Sandy, I'm so pleased you got to see the kiddos at the weekend and do love their poem and hand prints. 🤩

    All stocked up Anne AND beautifying cream... marvellous! 😁

    My day is rapidly disappearing so better do something constructive.
    Betty and Brady are less inclined!!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Both in need of a haircut!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Lovely morning


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Jackie, you and George look fantastic 💙💙💙💙💙

    And a happy nap in the sunshine with harmony between doggie and kitty. 🤗

    Meanwhile in my neighborhood....

    If it is possible for things to be crazier, they are. With numerous people exposed to the virus, and I cannot even name them all at the National level, but of course, President, VP, 3 members of the corona task force, head of national guard (who is positive now), numerous generals, and more. I am concerned for Dr. Fauci of course and wonder about Dr. Birki as well. But our governor, head of infectious disease management (or whatever title is appropriate at the state level), as well as several members of Congress from Iowa. All exposed as they were summoned to Washington at the wrong moment, followed by a trip to our state by VP Pence and a contingent. They met with religious leaders here as well as agricultural honchos. Hopefully there was enough distance in those meetings.

    And hey, it is time to get out there and get everyone back to work. What tough decisions there are to make everywhere in the world.

    Things are also getting uglier, in my opinion, at my church. Yesterday’s sermon began with comments, the substance of which, were. ‘I am tired of hearing I am with you in spirit. That does not cut it now, you need to be here in person.’ No masks are used, they think they are dangerous to the wearer, and a new person was in attendance. Everyone was urged to go after the service and shake his hand.

    Well, if the Lord has his hand of protection over all of these people, so be it. I don’t believe he has not been with those who have gotten ill.

    Therein, ends the rant of the day.

    Sorry, you darling ladies can just skip over all this text❤️❤️

    I need to work on a birthday card and plan to roast some sweet potatoes that may not keep much longer.

    Sending hugs.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sharp intact of breath Lin! I'd say continue to listen to your head and heart because I'm sure there's a Psalm that basically says to let God make the choices for you and he will look after you. Something like that anyway which proves I'm no expert but I don't recall teachings about following crazy demands you take a walk into an environment that screams Coronavirus lives here!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited May 2020
    Happy Monday! :) As long as we can rant I also would like to say how this virus and the orange man has changed my daughter. I miss the old her, but she is a totally different person. We had a zoom call for Mother's Day and someone asked how long did we think we would be in our homes? I said in Illinois we haven't even hit our peak and my sil put his head backwards on his pillow as to say we are all crazy. He said Florida was opening today. Very soon after they said they had to go so the call was ended. I think only my two sons and my two dil's are taking this serious and I was very upset last night. I believe it started with my daughter when she asked about a statement I had made a while back and I told her she didn't want to know. She insisted and I told her my feelings about trump, so she said to me haters will be haters. Nice thing to say to your mother isn't it? I am just going to keep my distance from her and not bother her anymore. Sorry for the rant but it feels good to get it out. It is very sad when politics can divide a family and they just can't agree to disagree.

    Lin, as far as your rant I agree 100%. What is wrong with people??

    The sun is shining but it is cold so no outside walk. I will continue to work on converting VHS tapes to DVD although they are going to be obsolete soon. I hope I didn't being anyone down, but I consider you my friends and needed to get it out.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hate to say it Sandy but the only way some people will understand how dangerous this virus is will be if either they or someone close to them catches it. It's being proven right now in so many countries that thought they were in control, going back to life as it was is impossible because infection rates are going up again. We are barely in control in Britain and it doesn't look too great in your country either where the peak hasn't even been reached but don't let that orange moron cause a rift between you and your daughter. He has that unfortunate affect on his supporters but I'm sure one day they will see him for what he is!
    <3<3 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    I like your hair a bit longer JACKIE. You and George look great. Mark looks about 15 years younger with longer wavy hair. Think the "Grease" era. Both MJ and myself want him to keep it longer.

    LINDA - I think I would give your church a wide berth from now on. The sermon of the five foolish virgins come to mind! All the countries who have relaxed the isolation rules are now experiencing a new wave, China, Germany etc. I don't think this virus is going anywhere, we are stuck with it just like the flu. Church leaders, politicians, etc, are going to have to adapt to a new way of life and those that refuse will go the way of the dodo. Extinct.

    Meanwhile, after 16 days my sweat pants should be delivered today. I got an email from the post office. Sort of expected them because the weather warms up tomorrow. Murphy's law sort of thing. Quick wash if they come and maybe wear them this afternoon whilst it's still chilly. Then maybe, just maybe put them away for fall.

    Wow, I posted out to find SANDY and JACKIE beat me to it! We are in the same frame of mind. Jackie is right, unfortunately, only if these daft people catch this thing will they see sense. Don't let anyone bully or persuade us to change our minds. Canada appears to be watching the world's experience and learning, but not that moron in the White House who seems to think he's the greatest! Poem coming up!

    "God made the little moron who doesn't give a damn,
    I'm glad I'm not a moron, good God, perhaps I am."

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) We continue our stay at home behaviours no matter what anyone says about opening up. Yesterday we went on a big adventure---driving two buckets of weeds to put in the designated pile in our neighborhood. We went late in the afternoon when no one was there. Jake was delighted to be able to leave our street and drive the car.

    :) The two things I miss are the peanut butter grinder at the grocery store (makes better peanut butter than even the best organic, no added ingredients stuff in the jars), and the restrooms in the clubhouse in my 55+ community (Sasha and I could walk longer if I could stop at the restroom after 90 minutes of walking). Otherwise we have enough.

    <3 Barbie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Monday! Monday! It is a Monday kind of day🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶. It is very cloudy and we have had a shower or two, more on the way. It is cooler, thank you God! I don’t do very well in heat. You cannot believe how cranky I can get.

    I had a very nice Mother’s Day. A long chatty call with our son. He is such an interesting combination of John and I. John and I often giggle at the recognizable traits. He is very sentimental but he keeps trying to hide no avail. He just sold his very large house in the classy suburbs and has rented a much smaller place in a nice neighborhood. Now is the challenge! Fitting all his accumulated stuff into this much smaller house. Garage sales are not permitted. People are very cautious in buying and selling on Craig’s list etc. he will need to use the spare bedroom for storage. When things ease up he is planning on building a house and studio to suit his taste. Then there was the call from our daughter. Like Sandy, we have had dissidence with her and her family for years. Reading about Sandy’s issue with her daughter, I think there must be something very common in this. Thinking back, I loved my mom dearly but in truth, she much preferred my brother. We had many sharp words, which I regret and have never forgotten. Old scripts, as they say. We are good friends, all of us. Supportive and nonjudgmental. A safe place to sound off and not worry about it.

    I know you all know my political leanings. I am a flaming, bleeding heart liberal. The kind that infuriates Trump and his supporters. I am sorry but I was born that way. To make matters worse, my whole family were of the same stripe. John and I are being very careful these days. We have 26 new cases in this small county. The news is saying more is likely because we have not been able to do adequate tracing. And the beaches were full on the weekend. It was a warm sunny weekend, under different circumstances it would have been a perfect time to come visit the coast. We are holding our breath, hoping this doesn’t turn into serious hot spot. All the elements are in place for disaster.

    I love, love, love the photos. Jackie I think you and the furry kids look absolutely adorable. Sandy, your grandchildren are growing up so fast and they are all so beautiful. Lin’s teapot of the day is such a sweet endearing addition, thank you my friend. Hello to all you sneakers. We miss you when we don’t hear from everyone. Lovely to see Barbie here.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Just dreaming of a different world this afternoon.

    The Cobbles Tea Room in Rye, East Sussex
    Marsh View Cottage,Camber Sands
    Photo: B Lowe



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Did you notice the water bowl LIN.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    No Anne, I didn’t really think about it much. Thought it was for the birds but that would be on the ground would it.