Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Anne, here as long as we cover our nose and mouth with something it is okay. I have a big old red farmers type handkerchief that I folded up and put electric hair bands on the each end advancing both toward the middle and then fold the ends in and tucked them together. Pick it up and put the bands over your ears and you have a mask. Some people are using scarves and tying them around their heads. The proper real disposable masks are indeed difficult to find. There is a cottage industry here with people making and selling masks through Etsy and other outlets.

    Please see this video.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    Thanks LIN. Very interesting, I've sent the video to Mark. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    Thanks LIN. Very interesting, I've sent the video to Mark. Anne.

    I don’t put a paper filter in mine.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello Everyone

    Gee where does time go. One day flows into another and the only way I know it’s been a week is because I have to refill my pill case. LOL

    We’ve had two great days. As she couldn’t come today Melissa came over yesterday (Sunday) and we social distanced while visiting in backyard. Melissa brought Ed his bd gift from her and Mel. Today tho (Monday) is Ed’s BD. Ed is a wanna be cowboy and it was an antique LoneRanger game and two old Lone Ranger and Tontos dolls. Ed loved them. We FaceTimed with Mel and family while Ed opened his gifts so we were all in on it.

    Later on Sunday we watched Andrew’s baptism live on Facebook from Melanie and Sean’s church. It was so great to see the whole event. Alberta only allows groups of 15 people. So 12 were Melanie’s family, then the priest and the audio video operator (friend of Zach) and then 1 guest Sean’s Mom who is strong Catholic as well. It was so good. I love the priest, he is so nice and personal and it was fun to see the kids. Elizabeth andZach were the godparents. It just felt right.

    Then today Mel and family came over; social distanced, but sang Happy BD and brought home made cards. Later Ed and I ordered hot turkey sandwiches with delicious dressing from a local restaurant we are supporting (enough for supper tomorrow too). after supper we FaceTimed for a long time with Melissa and family. They’ve been converting their basement into a family room and they showed it off to us. Ed got more calls and texts. You couldn’t have asked for a better birthday celebration.

    Hope Buzz is doing well. Happy to read everyone’s posts. Sounds like we are all doing okay.

    I had to do covid test - thankfully negative. I’ve had a sore throat, runny nose and scratchy ear for about 3 weeks. Wanted to talk to my doctor but knew he would tell me to get tested so I did the online questionnaire on Thursday. After they contacted me that day and we discussed my symptoms. I wasn’t sure if I needed to be tested but they felt I should. The next day Friday I got a call about a booked drive thru appointment in Saturday. Appointment took no time at all. Drive up, show ID, answer questions, open up mouth, do swab. Thankfully it was just a throat swab. I was pleased to get my results the very next morning when I got up and checked the website. I was glad results were so quick as I was confined to house until I had my results. No walking outside.

    Anyway, keep well everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another idea for making a face mask Anne and anyone else needing.

    I wear sports bras since my radiotherapy treatment so not sure a cup would fit my face but at the moment have 2 small packs of face masks I purchased back in February when I felt this virus was likely to spread quickly.... more luck than judgement!

    Sandy, I was going to post that I have a garden to let the dogs into first thing in the morning and last at night which does make life easy but not something you could have done for Ewok so good decision! <3

    About to face cold, wet and windy weather to walk the pooches but will return as I only have plans to strip wallpaper today. :s


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning, MFP says the forums are expected to be down for some portion of the day so I am posting a photo of MANY teapots before any outage.

    A lady posted this in a public group on Facebook. Part of her teapot collection. 😳❤️


    A rainy cold day. I plan to do some more cutting and taping. 🤗 Someday I will have some cards I feel like sending.

    Jeri, what wonderful events with your family even if at a distance. Happy Belated birthday Ed! I am impressed at the testing capacity you have in your province. And glad your test was negative.

    Sandy, thanks for the Walmart info.

    Best wishes sent to all Sneakers around the world. I miss Phyllis and Judy among others.

    Hugs ❤️❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited May 2020
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another gloomy day here but I have my bingo game tonight to look forward. I might try to do some transferring of VHS tapes to DVD's depending on time. I always make time to ride the bike, that is my first priority. I also have tons of loose photos that I can arrange by date to put into albums although I would have to order some albums.
    So much time, yet the days seem to go so fast. One Day at a Time.

    Lin, I hope your Walmart experience was as good as mine, once I had all the groceries. I am anxious to see this week's order and if any items will be out of stock. A am guessing that lady like teapots with that giant collection. I like your DIY mask and if I can find a bandana or some material I am going to try it. I have one with elastic but it keeps falling off my ear. lol

    Jackie, I have see that idea on Facebook but will stick to the two face masks my friend gave me. Just simple cotton coverings. The bra mask might shield the wind, give it a try. lol

    Jeri, happy to hear you did not test positive but it must have been scary for you. Happy belated birthday to Ed, it sounds like a wonderful day. Some day we will be able to hug our grandchildren again and I can't wait. Congratulations on your grandbaby's Baptism, I am sure it was hard for you to miss that special occasion.

    Anne, hope all is well with you and Patsy with you and John as well.

    Hello Barbie and Jake.

    Sending more healing prayers to you Buzz.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! A lovely sunny day here. I am snuffing and sneezing because of my usual allergy this time of year. The very abundant scotch broom plant is in bloom. Clouds of pollen everywhere. I always think they are beautiful. The blooms look like tiny snapdragons...but the distress the pollen causes!

    We have had a local disturbing drama. We had a fish processing plant that provided employment for many migrants locally. The people work shoulder to shoulder, no masks but they have to use big rubber gloves. It is hard dangerous work. One man left work with the virus and now there are 11 more cases overnight. The plant has been closed down for now. We are hoping the 11 new cases are all but it seems unlikely. This is a lesson everyone should take to heart. It isn’t over, it isn’t contained, we are not ready to reopen much of anything. John and I are still isolated but in constant contact with our kids.

    It is interesting about the scarves as masks. I have a silk scarf square I keep around ny neck. I pull it up over my nose and mouth when I bring in mail or packages in case there is contact with delivery person or neighbor by chance. Not sure if it is really useful at all but it feels like it might stop flying droplets. Then it is into the washing machine! I can only say I have become totally deranged!

    Happy cinco de Mayo! 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎸🌮🍺 we will help our Mexican friends and family celebrate, remotely of course.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    If I am strangely quiet it is because "nuffink" of interest going on here. Absolutely "nuffink". For you Sneakers to be interested in anyway.

    Well Janice phoned this morning for about two hours but the conversation was mainly about her neighbour who lives in the same apartment and who she was pretty friendly with. Janice, who is a very spry, energetic 72 year old, helped out with walking the neighbours dog but the conversation ended in thrown keys and slammed doors and "I ain't walking your dog anymore". All about social distancing I gather which the neighbour doesn't believe in. Maybe the isolation is causing a few frayed tempers? I listened with the odd tut tut and wondered if my lunch pasta and alfredo sauce would glob which it did a bit. Still eatable and isolators can't be choosers.

    Marks constructing a mask in case he is barred from the grocery store tomorrow.

    So my life continues it's quiet, peaceful way. Well apart from ne'er do wells knocking on my back door and giving the Bean a probable heart attack but unfortunately, not a sore throat. She is still in top barking form.

    So, sorry ladies, absolutely no use in the writing department. A dead loss.
    However, peaceful hugs and waves from
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    I disagree Anne, any news no matter what is just what I need. It is just good to know that we are all in this together and it seems to me have the same views. I enjoy reading everyone's post and especially knowing that you are all ok.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’m going to be late to bed again after a lazy day apart from a 2 hour doggy walk first thing. It was raining when we set off so thinking I would put the hood of my raincoat up I didn’t take a hat or scarf... big mistake when about 5 minutes in I pushed the hood back because the rain had stopped. Not the wind though so thick unruly hair all over the place! 😫 Just as well then that for the whole hour walking I only saw one rider on her horse and 2 vehicles! George loves the cooler temperatures and trotted ahead on his long lead as if on a mission which made for an energetic walk until we reached a field where I could let him and Betty off for some sniffing about. It felt so cold when I got home I lit the fire, as much for the pooches and after that did very little. Beans on toast for lunch and Escape to the Country in Devon on tv, then I was going to watch the daily virus update for the first time in weeks but after 5 minutes found it all a bit frustrating and even depressing so switched off!

    Sad news Patsy and I’m sure very worrying because 11 infections soon becomes 22 and so on. I must say I’m amazed at talk of opening so much up already in America when it doesn’t look like a peak has been reached yet never mind down the other side and today I was reading about scientists frantically researching the virus mutation that appears more aggressive than the initial bug, not by killing more patients but spreading a lot faster.

    Definitely lots of frayed tempers Anne as I understand calls to a charitable domestic violence helpline have increased dramatically. Perhaps being at home alone is a better option for many!

    Teapots everywhere in that home Lin, even on the floor. The frog is particularly cute. 🐸

    Way past bedtime and the fire has faded so definitely time to put the pooches out for a quick spin of the garden.
    Stay safe 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good morning. MFP displayed a notification that I earned an 8 year badge when I came to the community page last night. What the heck? I have never seen anything like that before. Anyone?

    I did a tiny order with Whole Foods late yesterday afternoon and there was a delivery time available within 2 hours. I took it and ALL of my tiny order did indeed arrive. That was my exciting news of the day.

    Will be doing my post office run this morning. More excitement as the sun is out although it is chilly and a jacket is necessary.

    Jackie, you are staying up late these days. A lazy day sound lovely to me. My favorite type of day. And it is cold enough here that my furnace is running and I have been thinking of plugging in the heater in the room where I spend most of my daytime hours.

    Sandy, how was Bingo? I still have a long wait for my Walmart order. It isn’t until Sunday. I am a bit apprehensive that I will get as many bags as needed for items from various parts of the store. With the stay in your car and do not roll down the window I won’t be able to see what’s going in the back of my SUV. When I tried them before I was able to stand by my car and in fact helped load my car and discuss substitutions with the person who brought my order out. Times have changed.

    Patsy, me too! Allergies! Of course I just careen from one allergy to the next with a side order of daily sinus issues which keeps me stocking up Kleenex tissues. Yes, even a few cases can turn into lots more. Our little state is still seeing hundreds of new cases daily. And testing is still a bit scarce. The big issues are processing plants and congregate living facilities.

    Anne, we need to see you as often as possible. No fabulous stories necessary. Just you. ❤️❤️

    Buzz, missing you. ❤️❤️🙋🏼‍♀️

    And hello Barbie and Jeri and Diane.

    Hugs. More wishes for good health and happiness.

    Lin 🌷

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Teapot of the day.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ooh Lin, that's a posh pot!! Eighteenth century, perhaps George III who lost the Colonies before going mad! An ornate time all round when the national debt became a burden so they should probably have been cutting back on fancy ceramics!! Beautiful though! Our willow trees are full of fluffy pollen that's drifting across the gardens in the breeze and everyone in the vicinity is sneezing!

    Jobs to do in the garden after an enjoyable sunny walk in the company of my neighbour who just popped round with milk she picked up for me during a quick visit to the local farm shop. Also the window cleaner arrived, a different man who was far more thorough than the previous fellow that used to splish, splash and away in a few minutes! This man took his time washing glass and frames as well as admiring my garden! :D We kept our distance and payment was left under the corner of the outside doormat. My neighbour has been involved in a project to make scrubs for our NHS staff and is going to make a face mask for me. The material has been ordered that has little cat faces on it!

    The sun is shining so it's much warmer than yesterday and I must get out in the garden.

    Happy Wednesday. I will be back!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    We are in a polar vortex! Poor blossom! Pretty nippy walking Bean to the mail box this morning. A very quiet walk with only one lone dog and owner in the distance. Of course that didn't stop Jilly pawing the ground like Ferdinand the Bull and letting the poor dog know it should keep its distance.

    So, I'm doing a thorough clean up while waiting for Mark to drop the groceries off. Should include a Scottish shortbread. I haven't had a true naughty biccy for 7 weeks! Drooling at the thought!

    That's all for now because it's monastery quiet here!
    PS groceries arrived, Mark says it took ages to shop because of social distancing, mask wearing etc, but.....I got two packs of digestives and loads of fresh veggies and fruit,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Looks like one nice day today before it gets chilly again so a walk might be in my future. I did not win at virtual bingo but it is still fun. I did a VHS tape to make a DVD, today I will burn it once I am done on the computer. It is my third's child's high school graduation. The quality isn't the best but will still be a nice memory for him.

    Anne, I am glad you got your groceries and the things you like and wanted. How nice of your son to do your shopping for you. I really want no part of going into a store, so many rude people and those who do not wear masks. Enjoy your groceries.

    Jackie, how wonderful to get your windows done, something we did in the house but not here. Since I am on the second floor and have old windows I have no idea how to take them out to wash them. Of course asking my landlord would be futile. BTW on one of my walks we ran into each other and I asked him what he was planning to do with my lease when it was up in July. He asked me what I thought was fair and I told him I would think about it. Personally I don't think he should raise it at all since he does nothing. My daughter however said since she was a landlady that a $50 raise would probably be fair. So far I haven't said anything to him although I did ask him that day if he was planning on fixing my balcony and painting it. He claimed the association would be doing them this summer. Right.

    Lin, yes the wait is usually a week, that is why I start an order the next day after receiving my order. I know by the end of the week my list will be long. Yes that is a problem not knowing what is going in my trunk until I get home or leave there area and stop and check before going home which I will do this week.

    I better get moving before the whole afternoon is gone. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! A partly cloudy and somewhat chilly day. Katie is being lazy and is sitting on her tuffet, looking out the window. Her breakfast is uneaten but she has done her best to bury her cookie bones under her little blanket on her tuffet. It is funny to see those genetic habits, she acts like she is digging a hole and placing her treats in the hole for later. She then acts like she is pushing dirt and leaves to cover them. We are never far from our oldest genetic ancestors.

    I have leftover Mexican rice so we will be having some sort of Mexican food tonight. John is sort of wimpy about spicy food. If forced into it he likes it but given first choice, he will choose a rather mild menu. (boring

    I was hoping to start my exercise routine outside on the deck. But it is just too chilly. Spring is here but warm weather has yet to arrive. Soon I suspect, then you will hear me whine about the heat.

    Really really tired of hearing about this virus, talking about it, planning how to avoid it, scared of contracting it. It has consumed my life. Not good! I Am on a mission to think positive and get busy in my own little area and try to keep my my distance.

    Thank goodness the sneakers seem well and in good health. We are all blessed!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Here is what I did today, walked to the forest preserve.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Good Morning, The sun is shining. It was already daylight when I walked the dogs before breakfast so I didn't have to carry a flashlight. I am so easily delighted by small things. Every day I am grateful that my neighborhood is so private that I can walk safely with a friend at any time of the day. It was windy yesterday so I didn't pull weeds but I'll do that today. We bought the house we're in so we wouldn't have a lot of yard work and it has been great. There's enough to do in the yard to be fun but not so much that it is a chore and a burden. My breakfast is finished and the dogs are sitting by me so I don't sneak out without them. My friend comes at 7 and knocks on the door to let us know that it's time to walk.

    :) Best wishes to all for an equally pleasant day.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Teapot set. Again, not one I would prefer as I would break it for certain.🤗
