Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning sneaker pals. I think I ought to explain that I was so down because we lost another very dear family member on Sunday. A very lovely soul as my DIL described her. It doesn't help that I'm now at the top of the heap of all family members of my generation!

    However, I'm pretty unsinkable and more or less back to my normal nuisance sense.

    I can't wait for the sweats or whatever to arrive because at my great age it will be lovely to let things go south you might say. I certainly like flopping around in Jim jams. Up to now I've worn conventional pants, belt and all, with a crisp shirt, but I'm not TOO old to change, and actually I'm rather enjoying chucking the make up out. It helps of course that I'm short sighted and provided I don't look in my magnifying glass ignorance is bliss.

    So instead of bemoaning the fact I am now the eldest I'm going to milk it for all it's worth!
    So any advice on wearing the sporty look will be most helpful. Oh, I did wear jeans in the past but threw the last pair out some time ago.

    I think I will copy PATSY at the moment. I've got some rather nice hoops and danglers in the earring department and quite a few bottles of my favourite perfume. Oh and must look online for a JACKIE lookalike hat because it's going to be 60 F this weekend. LIN wears the most interesting tees, and SANDY is glamorous whatever she wears. Can't copy her!

    So, along with the dreaded bug, our lifestyles are REALLY changing. I even heard money is about to disappear and I'm very glad I reinstated the card last week. Thus enhancing Roots (with its dear little beaver logo) sales with my one purchase!

    Love you all, and your lovely personalities and lifestyles, I'm not sure what our other sneaker friends wear by the way, thus can't copy unless you clue us in.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Eric Slater Vogue Shape, Sunray Pattern Tea Set, 1930


    🌻🌻 sunny and bright ❤️
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Probably my last post for awhile. My aide, Pat, came this morning and made sure everything is packed and ready to go upstairs. Her final massage was an absolute dream! Now we are waiting to hear what time I move up. It seems my Dr's papers are not there yet! The building is now allowing delivery people into our corridors again.
    Anne, you and I are the family eldest! I guess we should revel in that, but it seems strange! I,too, gave away all my jeans, which I used to wear in my teens with ballet slippers!!!
    LIN, I like the 30's designs!
    Oops, gotta run! Love you all!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It is a rainy, gloomy day but yesterday was so nice I won't complain.
    Most days I am wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt at least while it is still chilly. Believe me I do not look glamorous but thank you Anne for building up my confidence. I am too cheap to buy the kind of sweat pants you bought Anne, most of mine are from Walmart. Some are fuzzy kind others are just plain cotton. I definitely do not wear earrings at home and although I am telling secrets, there are days I don't even shower. Never two days in a row but just saying no one comes here and I brush my hair to at least look presentable to go downstairs to get the mail or take the garbage out. lol

    Buzz. good luck in your move and praying for a quick recovery so you can get back to us.

    Anne, I am sorry for the loss of your family member. It is never easy no matter how old they are. And just to show you my real look, here is picture of me and Robby playing a game. I won after losing every other game.

    Have a good day and yes we are in this together.
    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Still think you look more glamorous than me SANDY! However we differ in our shower/bath habits. I feel I must do either every day because the Bean might otherwise bite me! Just kidding, she has the sweetest nature! My problem is crawling in and out the bath tub when the arthritis plays up. The tub, like the house, is also very old like me and very slippery. I take it young Robby lost that game?

    BUZZ, you sound more like our Buzz already. Revel in the pampering and see,or rather read you soon. God bless.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hello. Wow, what incredible wind! I went for a curbside pickup and did not realize how cold the gusting wind would be. Brrrrrr. Hot tea please.

    Celebration! Almost everything I put on my list was available! Maybe I should have asked for more items? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

    And this time I was able to get through on the telephone and only 2 cars in the parking area. One person was in the store and me waiting for my order. Well, that was lovely.

    I have already eaten the vegan broccoli salad that I get from them. They actually make three vegan products in their kitchen that do not make me ill. Wahoo. I was happy to get one today.

    I am waiting for a phone call from the church secretary as I need some assistance on the membership clerk duties. Yeah, that’s me and I am the last person to know anything around there so want to find a way to keep up.

    Most churches in our area are not opening this weekend. The Diocese has said no churches will open for the foreseeable future. Also large churches are remaining closed.

    My church? Well another Elder posted on Facebook in response to our Head Elder and I wish they would keep this stuff personal. They refuse to wear masks and the person who responded said he had gone to Walmart to pick up a few things and did not wear a mask and purposely got too close to someone as he selected his items to make the other shopper uncomfortable. Well, leadership. Bah....
    I just don’t find these things amusing. Guess my sense of humor has checked out.

    Buzz, you do sound a bit better. When next we see you I pray for great improvement.

    Sandy, what a giggle. Those filters produce some very interesting photos. Blackmail later on? 😂🤣😂

    Anne, I hope our currency does not disappear. That is my safety net! Oooooh. No jewelry on my hands or my head. Plain Jane here. 🤗

    Well, must get ready for the phone call discussion.

    Air hugs. 😅🙃😅


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The elder should be kicked out of your church LIN. Another reason for me not going!
    Something weird just happened to me. No one comes to my back door. Just family and close friends Strangers go to the front door. Well my back doorbell rings and Jilly is barking her head off. I can't see anyone through the glass window. I open the door and a very scruffy individual opens the glass outer door. I step back. He has long greasy black ringlets, a trilby on his head and dressed like a tramp. Jilly is barking so loud I can't understand him but it sounds like he wants to use my phone because his car is on the street broken down. I tell him I can't communicate with him because of the virus. He then climbs over the gate and takes off. I spend time cleaning with wipes whatever he touched.
    Now, was he in distress or was he about to enter and rob me. Why come all the way to the back?
    Under strict orders from sons not to open the door to anyone but them which will be hard with a parcel being delivered from Roots. Notice he didn't go to houses with cars on their drives.
    We do indeed live in strange and disturbing times.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Ooooh Anne, exactly right, do not answer the door. People are dodgy and as you said, he did not go to homes with cars in evidence. Absolute keep the doors locked and the Bean on the ready to bark and take off the leg of anyone trying to enter.

    I am very glad your Jilly is a barker!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Very scary stuff Anne, I might call the police to be on the lookout for him. Do you have a non emergency number to report this?? Or maybe have one of your sons call. I am glad you are smart enough not to let him in and glad he ran, maybe he though Jilly was a big dog to protect you.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Her bark is very loud and we often say she could be mistaken for a big dog rather one only 12 inches high. It has left me slightly nervous mainly because everyone has cars or trucks on their drives. My drive is the only empty one during the pandemic and why not knock on the front door rather than walk down a fairly long drive, then climb over Jillys block in fence and appear out of sight at the back door.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2020
    Didn't I miss a lot yesterday! The day went by in a rush between rain clouds and chats with friends on Skype and phone.
    We are back from a walk that was dry when we met up with my neighbour this morning but by the time we got to the top of the track and reached the road the rain had arrived along with stinging hail that crashed down on us. My neighbour suggested we run uphill to some overhanging trees so we set off, at more of a jog I have to admit, and waited for the dark clouds to move on. Five minutes later the sun was out but we were soaked! A bit further on my iphone rang and just as I answered it a huge lorry tried to squeeze past, Betty decided to do a poo and the one thing that terrifies George, horse and rider, came trotting by.... talk about everything at once!! The call was from the joinery company that are booked to replace my staircase at some point checking to see if the owner can visit to measure up so he will know what materials will be needed. I've agreed because we can easily keep a distance while he's here and I'll bleach everything once he's gone.

    Anne, it does sound like your unwanted visitor was up to no good so perhaps one of your sons should contact the community police to at least give a description in case he's doing the rounds looking for empty properties which could have been the case as there wasn't a car in your drive. Like you, I'd feel nervous but several people in the past have told me George sounds like a Rottweiler behind the door when he goes into his protective mode and I'm sure no one would want to take on Jilly!

    Sandy, those faces did make me laugh and I'm not surprised you won because it's brilliant! I need my morning shower to wake me up because I'm definitely not a morning person but at the moment as one day drifts into the next, I'm not too concerned about what clothes I wear but follow the temperatures.... warm - t-shirts, cold - knitted!

    I agree with Patsy that I reach a stage where I feel too much of a slob then pull myself up but never bother with makeup at home. I do so admire those that make the effort but generally I'm out of the door and on my way to wherever before realising I maybe should have put some warpaint on! It's wonderful to be aware on our doggy walks just how friendly and considerate strangers have become. Just about anyone driving past raises a hand in greeting and I've had some lovely chats with other dog walkers I've never met before because in the past we walked on the moors. I read today that Germany is having to rethink its idea of opening up their lockdown because infections are rising again so deep breaths all round lovely friends as we continue for a few more weeks yet.

    Lin, that Art Deco set is amazing and reminds me just how innovative designers were in that modernist period after the rather fussy and stuffy Victorian era. You may have guessed I'm not a particularly religious person but do my best to follow Christian values so all I'd say about your church Elder is his behaviour in the store was definitely not funny, clever or most importantly, Christian. Let's hope he didn't catch the virus!!

    Goodness me, almost lunchtime already so I must get on. I understand we will be having more heavy showers this afternoon so a good time to get another wall of paper stripped so I can move my china cabinet across to get at the wall behind.

    Happy 100th birthday to Captain Tom Moore who has now raised £30 million for the NHS charity. <3

    Take care and stay safe. Love you all. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Something a bit different today.❤️❤️ Stark contrast between her elegant look and my daily scruff around habits! 🤣

    Standing next to a Pissaro painting, actress Martha Hyer (1924-2014) pours from an antique Sheffield tea kettle.

    Martha Hyer was an American actress. She is best remembered for her role as Gwen French in Some Came Running, for which she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) My big adventure yesterday was a trip to the grocery store. The last time I was there was 25 days ago so I had a lot of shopping to do. We were completely out of tortillas and eggs. I got there early enough that it wasn't crowded and found nearly everything on my list only having to call Jake twice to ask him about brand substitutions for things he wanted. They didn't have the frozen veggies I like best but I found another kind that will satisfy me for now. I wanted to buy zucchini seeds to plant but the rack of flower and veggie seeds was practically empty. I couldn't find the mouthwash we use so I went to the drug store on the way home and found it. I bought so much that it took two carts to get stuff out to the car and I let the woman who bagged the groceries help me. Now I am exhausted and happy. I went to Costco on Tuesday for dog food and got there early enough that it was relatively empty. They limit canned dog food to one case but a happy surprise found me encountering my good friend who walks with me on Sundays and I asked her to buy a case for me, so now I don't have to go back to Costco for 24 days instead of 12.

    :) I am so fortunate to live in a neighborhood with wide empty streets so I can walk with a friend and the dogs every morning for about 90 minutes and walk again once or twice later in the day. The few other people I see are respectful and keep their distance. Jake stays in the house or in the yard and finds plenty to keep himself busy.

    <3 Barbie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Another gloomy day so no walking outside. I do have my zoom meeting this afternoon and my Walmart order should be ready later afternoon. I kept adding items throughout the week so if everything is in stock it will be a big order. I checked on tipping since someone shops and puts the groceries in my trunk with no touch to me, but it says no tipping is accepted. I will still offer to see if they accept it.

    Good to hear from you Barbie and that all is well with you and Jake. I bought enough to last me at least two weeks if not more but depends what actually is delivered. Are you required to wear a mask in stores or walking? As of tomorrow we are required to wear masks when ever in public so I presume that means if I take a walk as well.

    Hello to all but I have to eat, then shower and btw I felt guilty telling you I skipped showers so a shower will be had every day. Like Jackie I am not a morning person so a shower does wake me up. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    What lovely chats we’ve had this morning. Everyone is coping well. Today is supply day here as well. We generally find what we need at Costco or Walmart. I cook for Katie as well as for John and me. So I am always concerned about a supply of chicken, brown rice and some veggies for her.

    Another cold morning, not sure how much rain we will have today. Some days just evaporate and I have no idea where they went. I do like to accomplish something each day. I have no consistency when it comes to showers. Sometimes early morning-sometimes afternoon. Occasionally I skip a day depending on my arthritis. If I feel unsteady or dizzy, then I do a hospital sponge bath with my scented towelettes. I fear falling in the bath and John is very concerned about that. I guess we all are. With good reason! I do feel almost as good if I must do a sponge bath at night. Almost..........but a shower is almost like a healing experience and while in the shower, I get wonderful ideas. I solve all the world problems while in the shower.

    Our neighbor continues his projects and rearranges big mounds of dirt and rocks and concrete. John loves being the nosy neighbor and inspects the progress each day. I am only mildly interested except when it upsets Katie and she begins her frantic non-stop barking and running from window to window. Then it gets my attention, along with a blinding headache. This dog knows how to sound the alarm and her barking is at a volume that is indescribably epic . It makes my eyes water.

    Take care and be safe, dear ones.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I think you all would have had a laugh if you could have seen me locking and barring the doors last night. I even barred the door leading to the basement steps. I don't think it's ever been barred before, not in my thirty years here anyway. Then I dropped all the blinds down. I was very tardy about safety before, never ever locked a door in Yorkshire and Derbyshire and rarely here. However, we live in a changing world and I have to adapt!

    Remarkably Jilly is still in top form with no sore throat from all the barking yesterday. I think the praise has gone to her head! As long as no would-be thief can see her, she really does sound Katie size.

    Here it's raining for the entire day. All is not lost however, we are promised temperatures in the sixties come the weekend. That's 19C. AND I can see the beginning of the blossom on the Apple trees and fat tulip buds!

    Who's going to be queen of the May tomorrow? When I was wee I so wanted to be queen of the May with a crown of hawthorn blossom on my long blonde hair and a ride on a horse drawn wagon through the village. Alas, being a very plain little girl with a pudding cut this never happened. Ever the optimist, maybe in a reincarnation?

    So me dears I must away,
    Annie, and the very bravest of brave little doggies.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Sandy, So far there is nothing about being required to wear masks although I read that Costco may soon require them. I wear a mask for my rare visit to stores. I will probably not go to a store again for at least three weeks. My neighborhood is a neighborhood with wide private roads a few miles from a small town. It is unlikely that we will be required to wear masks when walking in the neighborhood and I won't be walking anywhere else.

    :) I spent about 30 minutes pulling weeds this morning in anticipation of rain coming by early afternoon.

    :) I love all the pictures of pets and teapots. Thanks.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good evening. Every morning and evening I tend to my tiny indoor garden which takes some time but it also rewarding is to me. Today I called a former coffee club lady. I try to call every Thursday as that was our normal meeting day. I am trying to cut back the calls a bit as I am finding there are not enough topics of conversation to continue beyond an hour or so. But all in all we had a nice chat.

    Finally got an idea for the baby shower card and was able to begin with a partially completed card. Finished it, glue dotted the gift card inside, decorated the envelope and then I was off to the post office to mail it so it would go out today. Unfortunately I did not finish the birthday card I had hoped to mail today. That one will go out tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Then onward to the remainder of the list for May.

    I feel since I unloaded on you recently that I should clarify that all the comments were on their individual Facebook accounts, not on the page for our church. I believe people with authority should not just say anything that comes to mind out there and should keep such potentially incendiary things on PM. Just my opinion.

    Barbie, very nice to hear from you. Great shopping trip indeed! Wonderful if you will be able to stay home for a number of weeks. I admit to being spoiled with my continual search for some fresh vegetables such as greens and my all time favorite—cherry tomatoes. And my hunt for a few bananas and oranges as well.

    Anne, good job! Keep everything locked up as you have treasure in the house. Both Annie and Jilly!! The more I thought about it I do believe the person was a nere-do-well. Thankfully the person beat a hasty retreat rather than becoming aggressive. What did your sons have to say about it?

    Jackie, what an exciting morning. Yipes, lots happening all at once. Glad everything turned out okay. But sorry you got soaked. Ick. I am glad to hear people are becoming more friendly. We can use that right? I hope you have nice weather tomorrow.

    Sandy, I hope you enjoyed your Zoom meeting. And how did the grocery order go? I am always rooting for people I know in finding supplies. Our Costco is requiring everyone to wear a mask unless a child under the age of 2 or people with medical conditions that make wearing a mask impossible. Okay, I will add to the shower conversation, I do not take a shower everyday as it makes my skin too dry. I wait until I feel my hair needs a good washing. Once I get in the shower, I like to stand in it for a LONG time. I am going through a tremendous amount of toothpaste and dental floss though. 😀

    Patsy, oh my, supply day for you too? Guess I shop on an odd day. 🤣🌷🤣🌷 I like to go to the health food store on Tuesday or Wednesday as I believe they have the best product supplies on those days.

    Wishing Buzz well. ❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷❤️❤️❤️

    Take care everyone. See you. Be well. 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Back again. May Day is on the way. 🌷🌷


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hawthorn blossom or May flowers.

    Don't bring them into the house though, considered bad luck, but you can wear a crown on your head if you want to be queen of the May. Makes a change from masks.
    Happy day everyone,