Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    It's a beautiful one here now the rain has moved on! Birds singing as fluffy clouds scud across the sky and after some housework I will be heading for the allotment for some gentle planting.

    Thinking of you Buzz. <3

    I hope the sun shines on you all. Stay safe.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Turned over my Days Gone By calendar to the month of May. I think this has to be somewhere in Yorkshire Anne!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    Well it certainly looks like when I was a kid JACKIE! And my father in law delivered his own milk from his own cows before it got pasteurized. No bottles, you had to have your own jug! Lots of cream and I wasted loads of time shaking it in a bottle to make butter. NOT a commercial project! All that shaking for a pea sized knob!

    The most beautiful Fox has just trotted past my window. He looks very healthy! Watch out bunnies and Bean!

    Just had a 10:00 break and munched on a piece of Maria's Apple cake. Delicious!

    Lockdown has its merits. All these talents emerging. I'm thinking of knitting again. And again. Watch out Bean. She hates warm coats and jumpers of any description!

    LIN, Michael and Mary Jo tell me not to answer the door to anyone but family and friends, and especially when they are hidden from sight on the side. Mark thinks I'm invincible and despite the wrinkles, undefeatable I think. I need a baseball bat near the back door.

    Feeling lackadaisical today. Isn't that a lovely word! But........Of course it's still raining!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

    For Anne and Jeri:
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh SANDY, I just loved it!!! And I do love my adopted country. We rarely have that much bad stuff. The rest of the time it's a great country and anyway, my grandsons are REAL Canucks.
    Thank you, a keeper.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry started, the sun is shining, looks like a great day. I hope the sun stays out long enough for me to take a walk. My Walmart grocery order went okay, there were four items not in stock. The problem was I got there, waited for a little while they loaded my trunk and btw took my envelope that said Walmart Tip $$, but when I got home there were no refrigerator items. Good thing I live close enough and drove back and called and the kid said I found your order and then put them in trunk. It was still easier than going into the store with all those people some with no masks. I will start a new list for next week.

    A friend sent me the Canadian video, I thought it was cute but I hope no one is offended. I am thinking of getting a little fur baby but just not sure I could afford to keep up with the vet bills and other expenses. I think because I am lonely so it might pass.

    I think it is wise Anne if you do not answer the door, especially during these hard times for some people. I do love that my building is secure and no one can get in without being buzzed in. They of course have to ring your bell wait for you to ask who it is before that can happen.

    Have a great day and stay healthy and safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    edited May 2020
    :)Sandy, I won't go to WalMart but shop, instead at QFC (a Kroger store) where the aisles are wider. the store is less crowded, and the patrons very careful and respectful. I have to pay a bit more for some items but I consider that a small price to pay for the feeling of safety I have when I shop. I plan my list to buy enough for three weeks and take my time as I shop to be sure to keep a good distance away from everyone and look carefully for each item. I bought a few items from Amazon rather than go to another store. One of the great learnings from this shelter in place time is looking at my values and seeing what is most important. I think each of us has different things as high priorities.

    :) Right now, Jake is baking bread (something with dark rye flour, raisins, and pecans.)

    :)Anne, I knit blankets for Project Linus and hats for needy people in my county. When I started to run out of yarn, I found some that I could order online and got exactly the colors I wanted.

    :) Today is a dance morning for me.

    :)Sandy, I love the video. Someone from the Yukon had sent it to Jake and he sent it to me. We live close enough to Canada to be able to see Vancouver Island from some coastal spots not far from where we live and can get to Victoria on a 90 minute car ferry also not far from where we live. We get Canadian TV from our Cable company.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Today’s teapot❤️🌷


    Back later.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    I've been looking up yarn BARBIE, and one of my favourite cities is Victoria. I would love to live there! Mind you there's a lot of places I'd like to live. Robin Hoods Bay, and JACKIEs Cornwall spring to mind. Notice all are connected to the sea.

    But, beautiful Victoria. Dear captain Cook on his plinth staring out to sea. He was born in Yorkshire and is a distant relative of one of my late cousins husbands who's surname is also Cook. But best of all, the SEA. I miss the sea! The sea otters floating on their backs. The wonderful gardens with begonias the size of dinner plates and the museum. I could go on forever. You are so lucky to live where you do, PATSY as well, AND our Jackie.
    GREEN with envy,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! A very happy May Day to you all. I wish I could deliver a little May Day basket to hang on your door knob. I remember making baskets of paper flowers in school. We then took them to our grandparents home. What a delightful memory.

    It is sort of cloudy today. high overcast, chilly out but no rain.

    Feeling lazy today but my chore list is long. I will have to choose one and go from there.

    Our son had the closing on his house, so now the hunt is on for a storage and shop/office area. Life suddenly became very busy and interesting. I wish I were younger to help him pack and move into his new quarters. Alas! I would be a hindrance.

    I do feel lucky to live here on the north Oregon coast. We live out in the country and we have several acres of old growth forest. The upkeep on the house and grounds can be daunting at times. John is like an old wolf. He is territorial and hates to admit he could use a bit of help. I know we will not ever be able to pull him off this place. I am constantly in negotiations with him about hiring some help. It will solve itself at some point. As of now it is the subject of humor and great teasing.

    We shop about once every 10 days or so. Costco and Walmart. John is our supply guy. It is his hobby to search out what we need at the best price and minimum trouble. Since he is OCD, I just step back and my sweet demented husband fusses over the brand of bathroom cleaner etc. what ever he decides is best, I use to clean the bathroom and move on to more interesting activities. My secret to any relationship is to allow the other person to exercise their greatest proclivity. We are both generally happy. Thought for the day......
    Love all the photos and hearing from Barbie, all our love and best wishes to Buzz. You are all in my heart and I carry on conversations with you in my head. Can you hear me?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Patsy, I love the description of your husband and his shopping. Figuring out what is most important makes life so much more satisfying. If he likes shopping and makes choices you can live with, then everyone is happy. Jake enjoys shopping with me but he is so high risk for the virus that he can't leave the yard. However, he spends a lot of time with me going over the shopping list so he is sure to get what he wants. He doesn't ask for treats but I remember that he likes yogurt covered raisins and black licorice so I get them for him.

    :)Anne, I have lived nearly all my life near the coast. We have a sign in our house that says "If you are lucky enough to live near the water, then you are lucky enough".

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    I said I would be back later and here I am but I won’t be able to write a nice post. I was in the midst of doing chores today and got in the car to get a birthday card in the mail. When I got home and took off my mask, my sinuses were all stuffed up and swollen. I am just too dizzy to write anything worthwhile.

    And will finish my dishes and chores and plan to just settle in for the evening. Hoping tomorrow will be a good and happy sinus day.

    Waving 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Lin, your dizzy friend
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    To compensate, here are a couple of cute novelty teapots. Love them both. Garfield was a favorite of mine for years even though I am a dog gal.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    What do you think caused the sinus problem LIN? Sounds horrid and I'm sorry you are suffering.
    Could it be wearing the mask? Hope you get a good nights sleep.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hi, I am not sure what happened yesterday. I made a pot of baked beans and used ONE new ingredient in it. I had purchased it a while ago but never tried it. Yesterday, I globed in a bunch of it. I ate a portion just before leaving. So, it could be a food allergy. Will have to go back and read the label again. I swear there was nothing on it that should be a problem. Or I will find out when I eat some more of the concoction today!

    Okay, totally not the proper season and also probably a coffee set more than a tea set but it made me laugh this morning.


    Hugs dear friends. ❤️❤️ (and smile)

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) We have a beautiful spring day that feels like summer. I had some computer problems so I am running way behind today. Here it lunch time and I haven't had breakfast, guess I will be having brunch. Trying to decide if I want to walk or just sit in the sun on my balcony, leaning toward the balcony, no people.

    Lin, cute coffee set and I hope you feel better today. I remember when I was with my son and we all had giant ice cream sundaes how it upset my stomach and I mean really upset without getting into details. I never had a problem with ice cream before but I don't even want to try any again.

    Where is everyone?? Must be a beautiful day for all and they are outside.

    Buzz, sending healing prayers.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. Raining and cold so we are NOT outside. Feels like a day to make veggie soup and try to think positive. I worry constantly about our kids and everyone on the planet so I must listen to happy music and turn on all the lights. Also some time doing exercises will also lighten my mood.

    Things have leafed out and there are a flock of very busy little birds flitting around the vine maple tree near the deck. I suspect a nest is being tended to. Katie often barks at various birds that land on our deck. She thinks it is her deck and will take naps there in the sun (when we ever have any sun.)

    While it is true somethings are starting to reopen here, we are still isolating and continuing the protocols. Can’t trust that this has peaked or under control. However....good weather will make it easier to endure the isolation. I am ordering new underwear and another pair of shoes. My feet have changed shape so my current closet full of shoes DONT fit. Trying to decide what will be comfortable.
    Can I live in slippers? Maybe!

    Sandy: I love ice cream but John does not eat sugar at all. So we eat a sugarless low fat ice cream. It tastes good but doesn’t threaten to send you to the hospital later. Expensive yet it doesn’t have anything wonderful in it. (?)

    Lin: maddening isn’t it? What and why am I having such a reaction? Our bodies must just get bored and decide to throw us a curve ball. Aaaarrrrgh!

    I will get busy putting Carrots, onions, peas, potatos, etc etc into the soup pot with veggie broth.
    Keep up the good work, dear sneakers!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    On my way to bed after a day of nonstop pruning, chopping, sawing to help my neighbours remove giant Laural branches at the end of their garden that hung into fields below. The trick was to not let one piece fall on to the land beyond thereby upsetting the farmer who owns it. Struggling to keep my eyes open and not type gobble-de-gook so a quick wave from me to you. 😴😴😴😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

    I had a perfect day!! So happy to see my grandkids in person. I am grateful,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Awwwwww Sandy! Lovely ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️