Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2020
    Afternoon tea time.

    Enjoyed our usual morning stroll with my neighbour and have since then been to the local farm supply store for a few items... no hand wash or disposable gloves which wasn’t a surprise. It’s just gone 3pm so once my cuppa is finished I’ll potter for a while. A good plan barbie to think about garden space as we get older although I probably won’t ever be sensible enough!

    Sandy, that’s a beautiful walking spot for you. Not too long ago I saw a programme about the wonderful open green spaces in Chicago for the public to use that really impressed the presenter. Safe for you too. 🌲🌳🌿🌱

    Yesterday I looked over an area I had forked a couple of days earlier and noticed a coin lying in the soil. After some effort to clean it enough to see what it is I can just make out the date 1861 and think it’s a h’penny (half a penny) although it’s still quite tarnished. The cottage was built around 1850 so it may have belonged to the original owner. A google search suggests soaking in olive oil and lemon juice so that’s where it currently is... in an egg cup! My neighbour suggests a search with a metal detector to see if there’s more although I’m not sure we’ll be discovering our fortune! 😄

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Posted a photo of my current seated position that appeared upside down... trying again!

    Oh well, maybe turn your screen round!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    A quick comment from me for now. Just had the bad news that my youngest grandson Derek has been laid off. Bev his girl (brand new teacher) laid off as well. I don't know yet if it's a temporary lay off or not, but hope it is because he loves the job which is art in business. Isn't it strange, all the plans we made last year for our little family having a new start and here we are: firmly planted in an old house, me, Michael wondering what his future holds, and Derek and Bev as if they've just left university again.
    Talk about "don't count your chickens until they're hatched." Isn't it amazing that in 5 short months us old age pensioners have become the rich ones! (Again, don't count your chickens Anne.)

    Get that metal detector JACKIE, you just might find a Saxon, Celtic or Roman hoard! After all, things are constantly being found in England! The only thing I've found here is a fossilized shell in a rock but I did find a Stone Age arrow head in the Derbyshire garden. Alas, we had a stone fire place and toddler Michael found it, dropped it, and shattered it to flint pieces on the stone hearth.

    Well, I'm making a huge veggie and bean stew. Full of potatoes, yams, carrots, onions, celery, cabbage, beans, tomatoes etc etc. Any veggie I can lay my hands on. With homemade bread to mop up the gravy it should last a few days.

    Bye for now,
    Add on from me. The whole department is gone so the layoff is permanent. Sad for my grandson (and all the other sons, daughters, and grandchildren).

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good afternoon, I have been unable to get back to the community section until now. Said the server was unavailable. Glad to be connected again.

    I hunted for any old gardening supplies this morning. I didn’t come up with much. But now I know. The seeds I started in the hydroponic jars needed to have water dumped, clean the jar, and then mixed up a water and fertilizer solution. Most of it in the jar, a bit drizzled over the top of the pot. So far, I am disappointed with this experiment. I do have tiny tomato plants that look happy in the Jiffy pellet after I placed the tiny tray under the AeroGarden lights. An order of potting soil is to arrive today. If we did not have frost/freeze warnings for this weekend, I might be more eager to get the deck containers filled.

    I spoke with the former coffee group lady again this morning. I think I will back off a bit. The weekly call is becoming a chore. She is a bit of a critical lady and I am, as you know, thin-skinned. When we met in a group it was more cheerful. Now I feel on the spot. And I really have nothing interesting to discuss. She just seems to be concerned about how quickly she can get to her hairdresser. Apparently she has her hair colored and she is worried about being gray. Not something in my wheelhouse. An advantage to being a very low maintenance person, at least when it comes to personal appearance.

    Barbie, good to hear from you today. You are always on track. I was wondering this morning as I noted I have worn holes in the insides of my Skechers, in fact both pair, how many pairs of footwear do you wear out each year? I stopped wearing orthopedic shoes and inserts and now realize you cannot purchase the same model of Skechers when one wears out. Ooops.

    Jackie, an upside down photo. Still lovely indeed. I see a full cup of tea. What a treasure! I think I would look for more coins, just in case. 😉 it would be interesting if you did mind more coins or jewelry or other momentos.

    Anne, hello. I am sorry for the upsets in your family. Perhaps that is another worldwide epidemic. From jobs, to weddings, to funerals, graduations, people without the virus having to be in the hospital alone as no visitors are allowed, construction, manufacturing, what hasn’t been affected. Countless lives have been derailed. Don’t count your chickens even when they have hatched these days.

    Well, I guess I should get moving. I am having another day of sinus distress. I woke up in the night with blood dripping from one nostril. Irritated sinuses. They need to get happy again.

    All best wishes to you.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lovely sunny day here. Pollen flying in clouds but if I sneeze and drip from the nose, it is a sign of the season! I will finally get out on the deck to finish washing windows and screens. I was interrupted in that chore earlier with a drinching rain.

    The virus news is all bad here in our county. Makes John and me very nervous. We have had so many people connected, tracing is a nightmare. The call is out in the community. Come in for a test kit if you want tested. We might do that so we can see our son. He is going to get a test kit as well.

    Anne: you are right about upended families. Our son worked in films and TV as a special effects annimatior. Hollywood has shut down! A few things still in production are being trotted out. Not much however. So our son has been retooling his career. We have all had life changing events and we were uncomfortable but we lived through it. The virus is another matter. A mean and vicious bug on a mission to kill us all. Your soup sounds world class delicious!

    Lin: growing things, anything, is good for our mental health and physical health. Your projects sound fun and very positive. It has been so cold here, our yard is a bedraggled mess. No plantings as yet, the decks etc really need attention. Had to giggle at your friend concerned about her hair. I cut my own these days. I have not colored my hair in years. Can you just imagine what kind of fashion statement I make? Scary!

    Barbie: we also live in a small town but because we are on the coast, there is a lot of activity. It is great when things go well. But when there is a problem, we all feel the pain. Out of work fishers, loggers, fish processors, tour boat business. On and on it goes. We will adapt and adopt and eventually move on. Right now, Katie the labradoodle, does her best to keep us positive and busy. She is very accomplished at her job!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    Whoops, error
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Lin, I wear some fairly expensive New Balance shoes for walking and other New Balance shoes for dancing. I have to replace the walking shoes slightly more often than once a year. I bought the first pair in a shoe store and now that I know the brand, style #, and size, I order them online from Amazon or Online Shoes. My indoor shoes last much longer.

    :) I stay relaxed by not following the news. It's amazing how much I don't need to know.

    :) I have a perfect place in my yard to plant zucchini but when I last went to the store, the seeds were well picked over and there were no zucchini seeds. Today I got an email from my friend who walks the dogs with me in the morning that she had shopped somewhere and found zucchini seeds for me. It's still too cold to plant them, but it won't be too long. I'm very excited.

    :) Here is a scene from walking in my neighborhood today (that's not my house).

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The friend of Buzz I met last year has emailed me on her request to let us know she is receiving great care day and night as required. Unfortunately as she thought might happen, she's struggling with her iphone but also the landline so communicating isn't possible at the moment. Apparently she is sharing a room with another resident who becomes a little irritated when calls come in for Buzz so friend Judy thinks that might be why she is saying the landline is a problem, in fact has asked that friends don't call. The email is sent to put our minds at rest as the medical facility is brilliant and Buzz is in the best hands.

    <3 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Great news JACKIE. If the friend contacts you again please tell Buzz she is very much on my mind and everyone else's. We love her, wish her a speedy recovery and hope she's back in her own home soon.

    LIN, horrified about your nose bleed. The inside of your nose must be very sore indeed!
    BARBIE, thank you for the information you gave Lin about your walking shoes! I need walking shoes badly.
    SANDY and JERI way back on the previous page, but thinking of you both and
    PATSY dodging the pollen!

    Great news for me! I managed to get groceries delivered for this coming Sunday, BUT, I've found another window open for the 15th and grabbed it! Just made out a smaller order. Yippee. Things must be easing off!

    All for now,
    Happy hugs to all!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good morning.

    Jackie, thank you for sharing the update you received regarding Buzz. ❤️❤️ I am thankful for some news. 🌷🌷

    Barbie, ooooooh, beautiful. Thank you for the photo. The mountains 🏔 are amazing. What a wonderful background to your lives. ❤️❤️ I went online to hunt for Skechers last night. They are too much a fashion shoe. Styles change every season. Did not have that issue with my orthopedic walking shoes. Always the same year after year. ❤️❤️

    Anne, yes, grab those spots when you find them. Excellent! How was the soup? I am at the end of my beans and cornbread so will think about cooking a batch of something in the next several days.

    Sandy, me again, I made several strategic errors with my Walmart order. I was so surprised to get a spot that I just took it. But it is on Mother’s Day this Sunday. Everything I like seems to be selling out, like fruit and fresh vegetables, I rescheduled the order this morning when spots became available I am now on for next a Thursday pickup and hopefully more of my items will be back in stock. But it will not allow changes after the original cutoff time. I will learn! Maybe.

    Patsy, many businesses are allowed to open up today after our governor was called to the White House. Change in strategy, get the economy moving so people get back out there. The infection growth rate in my area is reported as the 4th fastest in the nation right now. Yes, this all makes no sense to me. My behavior will remain the same. ❤️❤️

    Time to move it.

    Hugs and all best wishes. 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Teapot? Yes, it is!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2020
    Mmmm, Japanese Lin? Their glaze does tend to have a bluish tint and they love their birds and flowers. There again so do the Chinese and A-ahem, we English... so what do I know? 😁.
    I’ve continued to avoid watching news but did hear on the radio we are to continue our lockdown for another 3 weeks with just a slight relaxing of certain aspects, probably more than one daily walk to be increased. Buzz’s friends are concerned Florida is opening up too and apparently their facility is looking to do the same in stages. One resident contracted it and a member of staff who was immediately sent home to isolate along with any colleagues who might have been in contact so It sounds like Buzz is safe where she is. My neighbour just dropped round to fuss the dogs and told me a shopping trip she did last night was as bad as it was at the beginning of social distancing with a child running about and someone leaning across her to pick something up so I certainly won’t be going too far for quite some time, just stick to my quiet store.

    Anne, I did ask Judy to send our hugs to Buzz but will certainly expand that. I’m so sorry to see your grandson and his girlfriend both lost their jobs. That has to be extremely unsettling for them. Although it’s going to bankrupt Britain I’m sure the government policy to pay the wages of anyone furloughed rather than deal with millions of unemployed is a thoughtful one. Didn’t Canada follow suit? So many plans out the window for millions around the world but as another anniversary of VE Day is recognised today I have to think we can sit at home to be safe whereas back then nothing protected you when bombs and rockets were falling!

    Barbie, such stunning scenery to admire as you walk. That must lift your spirits every day. I used to buy Sketchers on Amazon until a pair arrived that was obviously fake and uncomfortable too. As I type I’m thinking with China shut down and hopefully their fake goods with it I might look to see if I like any and try again!

    A bank holiday for us today since they moved May Day from Monday to coincide with VE Day celebrations... more plans gone awry. It seems even quieter than usual and as I sit with my afternoon cuppa taking in the scent of a nearby azalea there are a million seed heads floating by off a nearby willow tree so I’ll begin sneezing any minute! 😳

    Time to think about an evening meal so I’ll say hi to Sandy, Patsy, Jeri, Diane and any other sneakers visiting us. I must first check on my 2 broody hens Misty and Mizzle to hoick them out of their house where they sit all day and encourage them to eat and drink.

    Take care

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is started and later cleaning and sanitising before a zoom call with friends. Our weather has changed for the worst and a freeze warning is on for tonight. Rain expected on Mother's Day so if the weather is decent tomorrow, Lisa will bring the kids for our balcony visit. Otherwise maybe a zoom call where the kids love changing the backgrounds. lol

    Jackie, our lockdown is until the end of May which isn't making people happy. I understand about getting back to jobs but our peak has not hit yet and I don't understand why people want to take the chance. Bryanna, my granddaughter is still waiting on her stimulus check and unemployment. I hope your chicks are ok, there is too much sadness. Thank you for the update on Buzz, please keep us informed and tell them to give her our love.

    Lin, you should be able to make changes until the day before your pickup. I am not sure how it works when you change the date of pickup but hope you can still add items. I started another order today, yesterdays order was out of stock on 5 items. I put them back on the list again and unless Bryanna can find them elsewhere I will keep trying.

    Anne, I too, am sorry about your grandson and his wife or is it girlfriend, sorry I forgot.
    Happy to hear you are finding some spots for grocery delivery and good luck on the items being in stock.

    Barbie, I agree with everyone about your beautiful surroundings. I was happy to walk in the forest preserve the other day for a new view. Only problem was other people had the same idea. Keep on walking and staying healthy.

    Patsy, when my son lived in Oregon it was the most beautiful views. Living in Illinois everything is flat. They rented a house on the ocean one year which is where I am visualizing you live. I think Barbie might not be far from you but I have never been good with geography.

    I still have to eat so I better get moving to get everything done.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Our part of the vortex is the heat. We are not used to heat at this date. All the pollen is drifting in clouds. The deck chairs and table are covered in it as well as our car. John has to wash off the car to be able to drive to the post office. I can not describe how intense the pollen is right now. It is hard to breathe outside. Odd!

    Just to let you know, Yes dear Buzz! Please stay in place and stay safe. It sounds like it would be dangerous for her leave her quarters right now. We care about you so much and need you to get well, be safe and tell your room mate you have rights as well and have every right to talk on the phone to your friends and family. What nerve she has!

    We each have friends and family in difficult circumstances. It seems to hit our young people the hardest. We will be amazed at our new normal and the changes that will persist.

    Mother’s Day here will be a “childless day.” I hope to chat by phone with each of our kids. Our son is in the middle of packing and moving to his rental house and his boat. Our daughter is dealing with her health issues. I wish I could swoop in and take care of her. Our family is lucky, none the less. We are basically healthy. We have a place to live. We have food and we each have our furry friends and a way to communicate with each other. There are those with none of these blessings.

    Oh did you see that moon last night? Wow! I also loved the photos from around the world in BBC. The one of the big moon behind the stature of liberty was otherworldly stunning! And the new super photos of the moon were incredible. A new process by NASA
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Starting with a teapot. Most often there is no accompanying information. But this one does have a caption. (from a public post)

    “ Currently my oldest teapot - Copeland-Spode small sprigged pot circa 1887.”


    I do like this one 💙💙
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good day. Honestly I don’t want to get up in the morning lately. But my little seedlings need the light turned on, sprouts need rinsing, and those hydroponic attempts need to be sprayed. So I get up.

    I have been doing chores including changing baking soda in the refrigerator. So, rather than throwing out the baking soda, I put it in the kitchen sink drain, dumped in some vinegar and covered it with a cloth as it foamed and foamed. After a bit of a wait, I poured boiling water down the drain. I used to do this once every week or two, I should do it more often. Good for the drain.

    Since I am not a mom and all my lovely female relatives are long gone, I will stay low this weekend. No one to reminisce with. I am sure most moms and grandmothers are quite sad this weekend since few in person celebrations are possible. I am sorry ladies. ❤️❤️

    Our part of the vortex is cold. A friend wrote this morning that there was a thin layer of ice on her bird bath. That is cold. But the sun is out right now and it is warming up. Rain later perhaps. At least the advice this morning was to mow the grass early today. I hear no mowers here. 😃

    Patsy, stay indoors until that storm of pollen subsides. That is amazing, not in a good way. 😕

    Sandy, I hope you are well and that your next order with Walmart contains your missing items. The updated app is nicer, but the last day to make changes to my order did not advance with the change in pickup day. Oh well, one last look tonight!

    Jackie, yesterday’s teapot had no information with the photo. It looked Japanese to me and actually not an expensive treasure of any kind. I liked the design though. I don’t know if any Skechers are manufactured anywhere except China. They are still available for order online from a number of online stores. Thanks for sending our wishes along to Buzz. ❤️❤️

    Anne, any visits from your boys in the offing this weekend? Keep up the good shopping! Grab those delivery times.

    Hello Barbie, Jeri, Diane, Shirley, Judy and all our other lovely Sneakers.

    Buzz, BIG hello to you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Be well my friends.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday. :) It's going to be a nice day so Lisa is coming with kiddos for a balcony visit after their naps. It will be too cold and rainy tomorrow. I got my house cleaned so today is a day of rest. Just want to leave you with something someone posted on facebook that I just love.

    ● I want you to know that I am educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.
    ● No, I don’t “live in fear” of the virus; I just want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
    ● I don’t feel like the “government is controlling me;” I feel like I’m being a contributing adult to society and I want to teach others the same.
    ● The world doesn’t revolve around me. It’s not all about me and my comfort.
    ● If we all could live with other people's consideration in mind, this whole world would be a much better place.
    ● Wearing a mask doesn’t make me weak, scared, stupid, or even “controlled.” It makes me considerate.
    ● When you think about how you look, how uncomfortable it is, or what others think of you, just imagine someone close to you - a child, a father, a mother, grandparent, aunt, or uncle - choking on a respirator , alone without you or any family member allowed at bedside.
    ● Ask yourself if you could have sucked it up a little for them.

    With that thought, have a nice day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny and very warm and humid. Aaaaaaaargh! I will close the curtains and blinds, turn on the fans and remember fun times with my mom. If I can hear some music over the fan, I will listen to some cool mellow jazz.

    I will phone the kids on Sunday, Son Damon is so busy moving and cleaning up his house that he just sold, and setting up in the rental..I don’t think he knows anything about Mother’s Day. The poor guy is dealing with a lot these days. Our daughter is also dealing with her health issues okay thes days. I will call her. I doubt she has life together enough to call me, so I will be making the calls on Sunday. I don’t feel ignored or unloved. I don’t expect or demand tribute. John is always the hero. He remembers and usually tries to do something special for me on Mother’s Day. I am totally blessed. The pandemic has put celebrations on the back burner. As long as we are safe and healthy, I am happy.
    Be well dear ones, we will get through this....
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The Royal Canadian Snowbirds are doing a formation flyover across Canada and today it is our turn. A nice gesture, they started off flying over the eastern provinces.

    I went to the mail box this morning and walked home in a blizzard! However the tulips looked pretty!

    I've no idea if the offspring will pop by tomorrow. At least the weather will hit 12 C or 56 F. It was 30F this morning on my walk. Actually I am always surprised when the offspring do show because I'm still in UK mode where Mother's Day is tied in with Easter. It was always a scramble to find the exact date when my mother was alive so she didn't miss out with her friends. Not the same having flowers delivered 2 months later!

    Mike sent me a video to watch which I won't share because it was very depressing! Very interesting mind. And that's what I did most of this morning, watched Mikes video. I expect Derek will be over at his Moms (MJ) tomorrow because it is Mother's Day whilst Bev will be with her Mom. No, they aren't married yet. All plans on hold now, re house rebuild etc.

    I'm just hoping the groceries I ordered three weeks ago show up tomorrow! THAT will be a super Mother's Day gift! Bean agrees as quite a few items are for her! So, you can guarantee there is no pollen flying around here today. The odd snowflake, but no pollen! The Bean found a fly today and I don't blame it rushing inside!

    Anne, sitting with the furnace blasting away in her red and black plaid fleecy lined lumberjack shirt!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day in yet more glorious sunshine. I can always find something to do in my garden and also have seeds and beans shooting up so ready to be planted out at the allotment. I spent a couple of hours there late afternoon when it was still 20c then to cap it all my neighbour who had joined me there drove into town having heard a rumour the local fish and chip shop had reopened and after a long wait in a queue brought me a large portion of their chips. Delicious!

    Just watched a late movie about Ted Kennedy and the Chapaquidick incident with all that went on behind the scenes to cover up his behaviour and now 1am so must get to bed.

    Will catch up properly tomorrow but just have to say the points made in Sandy's post should be handed out to everyone because they say everything we need to know about how to think and behave in these unusual times.
