Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฉ Dogs welcome Anne! ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ˜
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I know, that's what struck me, dogs are welcome! One happy day we can all go and meet with our furry friends. They will need two bowls though, lol.
    It's minus one here, BUT it is said summer arrives on Friday!
    Think I'll concentrate on housework and cooking today so I can enjoy it!
    Happy day to all,
    Annie and Jillo.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, On our morning stroll I pass a couple of properties that leave bowls of fresh water out for dogs being walked; it's a thoughtful idea although my 2 fusspots won't drink if another dog got there first!

    In the middle of the night both George and Betty got me up for garden visits then first thing George eat a lot of grass so something upset him. The sky was clear so it was very cold but the northerly wind has died away and we are now enjoying a lovely day. Lots of washing hanging out! George just had a shower and is lying in the sun to dry and I'm planning to construct a second compost area with posts and chicken wire.

    Lin, I thought of you as our morning walk brought us past a garden with an unusual bird table, at least that's what I think it is. I can't make out what the sign says but think it might be a message for the magpies!

    Happy Tuesday everyone. Stay safe or as our PM Boris now says, stay alert! Mother used to say mind how you go when sending us kids out to play and I somehow prefer that.... too old to stay alert!! ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿคช

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    When it gets hot hot, I leave a bowl of water out JACKIE. One or two neighbours do as well and downtown one or two shops put them outside their doors. I can just make out magpies on the sign. Magpies, the curse of Roy who loved his garden, alas now in the care home so the magpies will be having a field day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Wow, what a great photo. First I had to get my eyes off the greenhouse. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Golly, I wonder what the sign says. So a bird feeding station of some sort? I love it! Thanks.

    No one around here leaves water out for passing dogs. Everyone is expected to go home. The suburbs here are quite in lockstep. Same types of houses, no outrageous colors, lawns, nothing unusual in the front yard. Dull I guess.

    Usually quite calm however. Last night I had gotten to sleep when a huge boom woke me up. I thought we were under attack. I didnโ€™t get up. Just stayed put with heart hammering in my chest. No more noise so finally went back to sleep. This morning on our streetโ€™s Facebook page there was a discussion on the event. It was around 12:30am, and others thought it was gunfire. A neighbor with a Ring camera posted video of a strange car turning onto our street and a little later the huge boom and a big flash of light.

    So must have been someone cruising around setting off fireworks ๐Ÿ’ฅ in quiet neighborhoods.

    Well, I finished my card and will drive it to the post office this morning. And having looked at the calendar I had better start a few more!

    A bit of sunshine this morning, still cold with rain, hail and more promised for later in the week. I would like more optimistic weather forecasts please! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Off I go.

    Hugs and best wishesโค๏ธโค๏ธ


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    No one can use this tea set ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ˜

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Nowhere near as interesting as LINS miniature tea set. I've made three enormous containers of veggie and bean stew to conserve in the freezer from all the lovely fresh veggies I received on Sunday. I still have an awful lot of fresh left. It's been either feast or famine here!
    Sounds as if someone got bored with the quiet of lockdown LIN!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited May 2020
    Just checking in. I had a busy morning on the phone with Comcast, Hallmark and a car alarm going off every 5 minutes. I picked up my groceries from Walmart with only one item out of stock and three items with substitutes that I gave permission. Bryanna went and got me other items that Walmart did not have so like Anne I am set for a while. I don't think I will need to start a new order tomorrow but will see. I rode my bike and playing bingo on zoom tonight so I have to eat dinner and get organized. Will talk to you in the morning.

    On a side note my house always smells like bleach when I get groceries. I spray most things that are not edible with a bleach solution. (no I do not drink it as trump has suggested)

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Jackie, from Facebook,this just cracked me up ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…

    Caption: Babe, babe, babe... my chickens need a chicknic table

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A quick good morning from me because Michael is coming over with a Mother's Day treat for me which actually is for Jillo being doggie treats! Guess I don't have to pay for them which is indeed a treat.

    Our Justin is giving all us wrinklies an extra $300 in our pension this month, bless him! This is to pay towards the delivery cost of groceries. Hope the orange man (ginger nut to me) does the same!

    My sweat pants arrived and sad to say I look like a carthorse in them! Made in - guess where - and so awful that I daren't wear them in isolation behind the bushes in the garden!

    Must away in my Marks and Spencer's pants which make me look less like the old grey mare!

    Your friend in isolation Anne. ๐Ÿด๐Ÿถโค๏ธ

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear Anne,. I just paused after a late lunch and read your post which has had me laughing out loud about your sweat pants! ๐Ÿคฃ. They sound similar to a pair I bought untried to wear after my hip operations that bulged out so much I looked 20 stone heavier. They were thrown out! Iโ€™m still awaiting my parcel of summer tops from Germany nearly 3 weeks after I ordered them. The courier service is appalling but the seller just emailed to tell me I canโ€™t cancel. Huh, they obviously donโ€™t understand about PayPalโ€™s back up!

    George has been groomed and looks sooo cute Iโ€™ll take a photo. Back later... jobs to do in the garden although finished creating another compost store.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Tea (pot) time.

    โ€œA brace of Brown Betty teapots - these pair were both manufactured by Price & Kensington in their Longport works, Stoke-on-Trent. The larger pot on the left is circa 1960s and the smaller one around 1990s (not long before the company went into administration, the factory closed and production moved to China)โ€


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, I wear casual pants all the time. Yoga/active/athletic/sweat/leisure. Pick a label. ๐Ÿ˜ I did order from a new company and unfortunately that merchandise did not work at all. They ballooned out quite alarmingly and were so heavy you could barely walk around in them, but luckily this was one of the few companies accepting returns.

    Anne, treats for Jillo, a good gift for everyone in your home. I read that you would be getting a little boost. That is lovely. We were to receive stimulus money but I never saw a dollar. I am sure there is some issue with my taxes disqualifying me. Whatever.

    Jackie, looking forward to a photo of a groomed George. While I donโ€™t care about getting my hair cut, after my shower this morning odd bits started sticking out. Thatโ€™s not happened before when I have gone a long time without a trim. Time for a cap or the attempt at a bit of styling with the hot brush thingy.

    Need to work on cards and pay bills.

    All best wishes.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    Maybe we should all lay off ordering on line whilst this isolation continues! The sellers are probably having a field day unloading their unsellables and saying we can't cancel. The grey sweats took almost 4 weeks to arrive and I can't be bothered sending them back! IF I was allowed out to do so! Put it down to experience......again! So sorry you had the same experience JACKIE.

    Meanwhile, I think I'll rejoin SANDY and JACKIE on the pound a week club and retrieve my rusty scales out of the garage! After all, I'm up to my ears in veggies right now and seeing I'd rather look like Bugs Bunny than a big bummed back end of a pantomime cart horse I might as well have another go at shedding unwanted blubber.

    Jackie is barking her head off which means Michael is probably about half a mile away. I've just done a half hour trot around the house, all's well so far with our little world.

    Anne and Jillo Bean. ๐Ÿด๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿฉ Christmas?๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฐ

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚ predictive text Anne? Not to say I don't bark my head off!! Good to hear you are receiving some form of compensation from the Canadian government for doing as you're told. I'm sure world leaders can't ignore the fact recession is inevitable apart from one so why not assist their citizens!
    I've weeded one flower bed and watered a few pots as the sun has disappeared behind clouds but it's now tea break time.

    Lin, at the moment a rolled scarf through my hair is just about keeping things under control although I could be kidding myself because I often see shadows of waving bits of hair when the sun is behind me! I visited the potteries in Stoke in Trent just before they went bust because China could produce much cheaper... not the same quality though. Who knows, perhaps we will all return to producing all sorts for our consumers. If lack of PPE wasn't a lesson I don't know what would be.

    I watched a frightening documentary on BBC last night about how a London hospital dealt with early days of the virus. I had tears for the doctors and nurses trying desperately to save lives without knowing what symptoms to expect next. It was a truly chilling report and not for the faint hearted.

    The sun has popped out again and George came to ask if he can sit on my lap. ๐Ÿ˜

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I KNOW I wrote JILLO Jackie.!!!!!! So sorry, b......y machine. Jillo is swooning over handsome George's photo! What a gorgeous boy! Mike managed to sort of clip Jillo's nails, and he brought her treats and he walked her twice, and he cut the front grass! I guess he's gone home for a nap!

    One of the neighbours, another Mike, told me his two daughters have had the virus. They are in university normally.

    I DO apologize Jackie! But it is rather funny!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Don't apologise Anne, that's 2 good laughs you've given me today! ๐Ÿคฃ
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) No dog grooming or human hair cutting here. I trimmed my own bangs and trimmed a bit of hair around Sasha's eyes so she could see better. Jake usually gets his hair cut every three weeks and his last haircut was early March. He said it was the best haircut he ever had and no one ever got to see it but us because he stopped going out.

    :) Today Jake ventured out to the grocery store with me. I told him had to take his own list and his own cart and stay away from me because it was too stressful to deal with social distancing, one way aisles, checking the list, and another person. It was a highly successful trip. There were only two things on the list we couldn't find (disposable gloves that aren't available anywhere in the world, and an obscure frozen vegan item that I like). The only items in the store with a sign about limits were eggs (limited to 2 dozen) and hand sanitizer (limited to one bottle). We have a big freezer so there was plenty of room to store what we bought and we buy only a limited amount of perishable items with short shelf life.

    :) We have ordered several things online. I just had to order a new pair of walking shoes because the ones I bought six months ago weren't keeping my feet dry any more. Six months is a long time with all the walking I do. We ordered some disposable masks that are coming on a slow boat from China. Since we ordered them, we've been given several washable masks so we're doing fine. We ordered several items from Amazon that would have required our going to a second or third grocery store and it was smarter to order them than to venture into more than one grocery store.

    :)Jackie, George is really darling and what a ham to pose for pictures like that.

    :)Anne, I don't think the orange man cares one whit about anyone but himself.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I really don't know where the morning went but I was ordering gifts for Robby and Charlie's birthdays in July. Deliveries are more than slow during this pandemic so I wanted to get it done sooner than later. I also changed my yearly physical once again and my mammogram. Why take chances if I don't have too, I think I am healthy at least I pray I am.
    It is a beautiful day here and hopefully I can get outside for some fresh air. I really don't understand where my times goes, the days go by quickly which seems impossible.

    Barbie, I still haven't been in a store since this started, going to have them load my trunk is the closest. Bryanna also does some shopping for me so that is also helpful. I do a lot of online shopping but mostly from amazon. I did order an American Girl Bitty Baby for Charlie.
    All my other granddaughters got them when they were small so I didn't want to break the tradition.

    Jackie, what a handsome boy you have, I am in love. <3 I also laughed out loud with Anne's remark about you barking and happy to see Michael. At least we haven't lost our sense of humor.

    Anne, keep us laughing we love it!! It hits close to home when you know someone who had the virus. We have member of our meeting who has lost a close friend do to the virus.
    It just makes me angry that so many people think it is just another flu and won't stay home or keep social distancing. >:)

    Lin, I am like you and wear active pants or sweat pants depending on the weather. I like comfort and since I am just staying home that is all I wear. Even when I was sitting I wanted comfort so dressier or jeans were for bingo and dinners.

    Speaking of shoes, I ordered a pair in April of course from China. Once I got the confirmation email I noticed I must have hit the wrong size and tried to email them to tell them. After they were shipped they emailed and said too late and if I returned them I would have to pay for postage. They finally arrived yesterday, I wear a size 9, these were a size 5. The thought of returning them was just too much so when Bryanna was here I asked if she knew anyone who wore a size 5 and she said they might fit her younger sister who I think it 10 or 11. So she brought them home and Isabel loved them and they fit her perfect. Now do I order another pair in my size? Not sure but they were cute shoes.

    Now I know where all my time goes, too much on the computer. Have a great day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers. Our day is partly cloudy with rain predicted this afternoon. It is very cool and there is a diffinate chill in the air. However, the rhododendrons are showing off. What a wonderful flowering bush. So hearty and cheering in the late spring. We all need a bit of cheer.

    Our statis here in this little county isnโ€™t good at all. We are now up to 38 known cases and that does not include the tracing and testing going on right now. It started in two fish processing plants. Each day the news lets us know how many more cases overnight. It is fortunate that I have much to do and so does John. Our property is about 5 acres with at least 3 acres of forested land. Katie trots around in her forest and the back yard (her ball playing area) is very large. She is a ball playing champ. I am pretty good at throwing and I have one of those wonds to pick up the ball and really get some distance when I throw the ball. Katie has never really liked freebie catching as much as ball chasing.

    We only have one grandson and, sadly, rarely see him or hear from him. I always thought I would have loads of grandchildren. Our son โ€œdatesโ€ a lady with two older children. They all get along famously but I have not heard the big MARRIAGE words. I wonder at this point if that means it is just a very nice friendship. As John says....butt out, my dear! Let your adult son run his own life. Harrumph!

    We order stuff all the time and most of the time, it is just fine. However! Like with you all, there are times when the order is just unacceptable. I get rather OCD and send stuff back, I fuss and whine and reorder. It is better than trudging along in hot, noisy, crowded malls or department stores. (That was long ago, before the pandemic.)

    Confession time here...Katie and I both bark! Seriously! I have a soft voice but there are times when I MUST bark!