Senior Golden Sneakers



  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Good evening sneakers....

    Finally got caught up on all of the ones I needed to read. Just about have them read then get busy and find I am way behind again. However I do enjoy following everyone and with everyone living in such a variety of areas it tends to make the conversations extra interesting especially when our Anne and Jackie come up with some of their words I have to puzzle on a bit. Sweetbreads came up in a conversation between Jerry and I. Had to look up the word and as expected found it likely was mentioned by my British grandmother at some point.

    Glad that everyone had a good Mothers Day. Like Patsy I never quite know what the day will bring because we too have a daughter that is so off and on again with conversation. One is forever guessing what did we say now ?. She surprised me arriving with a pretty plant. Because we have been staying in place trying to avoid the virus it was a nice surprise to see her. Caught up on what was going on with our 3 grandkids. The youngest, the one we looked after for a yr, is having a hard time living a sheltered life. She is normally very busy between gymnastics and Cheer and has neither now. Her mom has just returned to work. If it weren't for the virus warnings we would have her over to break up her day. Miss her and the others also.

    Our son called to wish me Happy Mothers Day also and I spoke with my dil. They are in the midst of going thru things and packing because they have bought their first house. The big move is this weekend, but we won't be helping . Besides the fact we aren't physically as young as before we are trying to keep our distance right now. Kind of hard when my bil and wife dropped in on Mothers mask, but we kept our distance and enjoyed our short visit.

    Allergies....we know all about those, but thankfully they aren't too bad for me this year. Is it the Scotch Broom (?) plant that is yellow...very pretty but has lots of pollen ? Don't have one around here, but suffer greatly from that, jasmine, almond blossoms, pine tree pollen and field brown weeds. Thankfully found something to help with my allergies.

    Also have had a Sears repairman come two times during the last few weeks. A refrigerator and a dishwasher problem. Simple fixes, but without the part and having a service contract on both they were resolved quickly.

    Thinking of Buzz as everyone else is as well. Hopefully they are able to get her medical condition under control and she is able to return to her room shortly.

    As for the restrictions with the virus we were just told we could now start to utilize the restaurants and some stores will be opening again. Jacque, our dog is delighted. He will now get a hair cut on Friday. Gave him a much needed bath yesterday; He gets quite depressed when he is past his grooming appt. Poor guy is 10 now and has an enlarged heart and on his first medication. His vet wants him to see a cardiologist now too. Though he has clouded eyes he seems to get around quite well. Can hardly wait until they tell us the hair salons can open up. Talk about looking shaggy with lots of grey coming up at the roots. Really tired of the dye jobs anyway, but I have aged about 5 yrs now. And I look more and more like my mother. Common problem I hear. Ready for life to move on and in this northern part of the state we have done really well controlling the virus, but the southern part is fighting it. Their stay at home has increased 3 wks. They can't be happy. Still we will stay out of crowds, avoid a lot of places still and wear our masks. Suspect this will take a while to fade away if it ever does.

    Well I am thinking of everyone though I don't write often. Stay healthy and away from the evil virus. No one wants it for sure....

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning fellow isolators, well, I didn't chuck out the sweat pants after all. Partly because I can't bear waste but mainly because I did a bit of research. When I tried them on yesterday I pulled the drawstring tight to fit my waist and that's why I ended up looking like a cart horse with fabric bulging everywhere. I have to join the 2020s it appears. This is hard because I was a teen in the era of bouffant skirts, wasp waists and poodle hair cuts. I'm used to being pulled together you might say. Apparently these pants should be worn below the waist with the drawstring pulled tight so they don't end up around your ankles when you bend to get the mail out of the mailbox. Of course I've got the bottom mailbox! So here I am, sat writing to you "more with it" folk trying to get used to pants at half mast.
    I'm wearing them with an over long top because I refuse to wear something that rides up and exposes my belly button to all and sundry like today's young! Damn chilly as well if you ask me! I actually may end up liking these "drawers". I am considering a hoodie next which would be perfect under my winter anorak hood! Might deter would be vagrants as well who are out to snatch little old ladies handbags in these difficult times.

    Took Jillo out with Mike yesterday and got long distance waylaid by an unknown gentleman with a natty curly white beard. "Hello Anne" he said and it dawned on me it was a neighbour from further up the street. I think he had been with his fingers in the cookie jar during shut in because he was decidedly tubbier than before. Looked good though, the beard suited him, a veritable Santa Claus.

    And that's about it from me and my super exciting life!

    Hope today is good for everyone whatever they are wearing!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good morning. Back from picking up my Walmart order. A number of things weren’t available. Actually more the fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits than anything but a few other odds and ends. I asked for no substitutions but got one anyway. The person who came out didn’t speak much English so I had no idea what she was saying. Well, the local health food store does the best job on fresh produce and has more things in stock. A lesson learned. Happy to get the supplies.

    Time for my coffee but offering up a teapot. 💕💞💕💞

    “Though it's got a surprisingly modern look, this teapot was made in the 18th-century in Staffordshire—the heart of Britain's pottery industry. The area’s limestone yielded prehistoric fossils, and potters often turned them into whimsical motifs for teapots.

    🎨 Teapot with fossil decoration, ca. 1760–65. British, Staffordshire. Salt-glazed stoneware with enamel decoration. #MetAnywhere #MetBritishGalleries

    Image description: A black and white teapot covered in whimsical abstract designs resembling fossils.”



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another partly cloudy day with occasional showers. It is quite cool as well. Wearing a light sweater this morning and it feels like I could maybe get a heavier one. Today will be a major grooming day for the Kate. John will “man” the vacuum and that is always a huge job after we groom Katie. Her hair fills the air and floats about the house. But when we decided to raise a labradoodle we had NO IDEA! Good thing we are totally in love with this little scamp.

    Our neighbor that is rearranging his property is building a huge playground for the grandchildren. It is colorful and looks like a happy thing for the children. The neighbor has worked so hard on this. A part of me is worried the kids will not appreciate the effort. Funny story Christmas when our son was a really little boy, I decided he was now old enough to enjoy opening wrapped boxes on Christmas. Then on Christmas morning He opened a couple of boxes then set aside the toys and played with the boxes. Children have this wonderful ability to imagine.

    Still working on my patio furniture. After this current rainy period is over, I will resume the project. I would love to apply a sort of antiqued look finish. If my resolve doesn’t disappear, that would require several different applications. Since I am the queen of unfinished projects, I need to constantly assess my ability to focus. John is my task master. He looks at my grand designs and offers suggestions like...” that would look great but each chair and the table will take longer to finish than the whole summer. I think you should paint them all a nice color and be done with it for the year.” There are times when he is disturbingly practical.

    Wonderful to hear from Diane and Barbie. Love Anne’s fashion show, her new sweatpants sound cute to me. Lin’s tea pot of the day is wildly interesting. I love them all! Sending love and best wishes to Buzz. Wishing Sandy GOOD LUCK with her bingo. Jackie’s photos of the fur family serves as inspiration. I hope I can give Kate a haircut as classy as George’s. But as we all know, Katie does not cooperate, so it will be a challenge.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s already evening and I’ve just enjoyed a haddock fish cake with steamed veggies. The pooches were walked first then I drove to the nearby town for fresh veggies and a few extras at the quiet supermarket I now use. I wore a standard face mask in the store although I only saw one other shopper wearing hers but must say it has a good effect on the people who still do not appear to understand social distancing. Each time someone got far too close I stopped, moved backwards and peered crossly at them over the rim of my mask. It worked a treat and a mumbled apology was offered as they scurried away! I found everything I wanted including a couple of things my neighbour asked me to get and the biggest joy was seeing George’s brown wholemeal rice was back on the shelves. White rice is too starchy and I doubt holds much goodness. Apart from mucking out the hen house for my broody hens I’m not sure where the rest of the day went but here we are heading for another Friday! It’s still quite cold in the wind but bright too and I understand we should get back to May temperatures by the weekend.

    George’s groomer wore a mask and plastic face shield when she arrived yesterday but told me a couple of clients had said she was over reacting so I let her know I appreciated the effort she was making especially as she would be visiting so many people in a day not knowing what they had been doing or where they’d been. Normally I sit in her mobile unit so we can chat but this time she led George away on his own so I was all the more surprised that he didn’t put up much of a fight when the clippers were used and returned looking, and obviously feeling, so much better.

    So good to hear from Diane. Rather worrying when visitors arrive at your door but I imagine it’s that sort of thing we just have to get used to and deal with in our own favoured way. For me, after all these weeks of isolation I don’t intend to throw it all away by taking risks of any sort.

    A busy teapot Lin with that strange design but knowing a friend who lives just outside Staffordshire finds all sorts of tiny fossils in the poor soil in her garden, I feel the designer must have collected similar treasures from his that gave him the idea!

    I’ve tried to be good about thinking healthy eating this week but am not at all confident so will approach setting down my scales in the morning with trepidation!

    Another cup of tea and a book to read is how my evening will continue.

    Stay safe and well everyone. As ever, thinking of Buzz. 🌹🥰💕
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited May 2020
    Happy Thursday! :) Spent most of my morning trying to balance my checkbook and then it was time for my meeting. It is a gloomy day but the sun is trying to peek out. However, more storms are scheduled tonight. I wonder if spring and summer will ever arrive.

    Jackie, I also try to eat healthy but boredom sets in and snacks get eaten. I am glad your groomer is using common sense and keeping both you, George and herself safe.

    Patsy, you are a busy bee which is good, it keeps you focused and away from the news. I didn't win at bingo but it is still fun. She is having a big game on the 22nd. That is the one I would like to win. lol

    Lin, I might try a different store for next week since Walmart seems to be out of items. This week they were only out of stock on one item but forget to give me my paper towels so I had to call for a refund. Still better than going in the store since there parking lot is always so full.

    Anne, there are different kinds of sweat pants but I also prefer a longer shirt with them. I also wear a cami shirt under most of my sweat shirts or other shirts for the same reason of not wanting my shirts to expose any body parts. lol

    Diane, nice to hear from you and I saw that you saw that hugging video I posted. I want my son to build one so I can hug my grandchildren but it is doubtful.
    So others know what I am talking about here is a video.

    I hope you all have a nice day and hello to those I missed. Hugs to Buzz.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2020
    We are blessed with another beautiful day, around 60F, so the pooch walk was enjoyable with my neighbour taking charge of Betty. It's still very quiet on our roads but everyone in the area is concerned there will be a massive arrival of tourists who think easing lockdown means they can drive hundreds of miles to our beaches. Police can only do so much but my neighbour told me a temporary Nightingale hospital is to be built locally so the health authority must be anticipating problems because our population is on average senior. She has made me a beautiful face mask with a smiley cat design, done on a child's mini sewing machine not much bigger than a can of coke.. so clever! Lin, perhaps she could make my hens a picnic table similar to your photo with tiny hammer and screwdriver. I'll suggest it!!

    Coffee time then another day in the garden.

    Have an enjoyable and safe Friday everyone. 😍

    PS Sandy, I couldn't view your video as it disappeared when I tapped it. 🤨

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning. My Internet service is on and off. Not stable. So here’s a greeting and teapot for today.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    PS Sandy, I couldn't view your video as it disappeared when I tapped it. 🤨

    My guess is that is because it is a USA youtube video. Sorry. A family made a plastic shield with farmers gloves for the grandma to put her arms through and smaller ones for the children to put their arms through. They each got to hug each other and stay safe. <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good news from Buzz that I’ll copy from email sent to me from the lovely friends I met.

    I just want to let you know that I had a call from Barbara yesterday and she is feeling a lot better. She is getting treatment through our House doctor and also a pain management Doctor. They have managed to get some inflammation down ( she said she is on a 21 day course of prednisone), amongst other things. She is under the care of our especially good rehab team in the medical unit of Edgewater. Her legs and feet are doing a lot better.

    She has also been able to gather some more information about her next steps. Her aim is to get back to her apartment, but eventually to go into assisted living ( which is situated in our medical wing, called Willowbrooke Court). That will be down the road, and as long as she is able to take care of herself, she would prefer to be in her own place. Wouldn't we all? Hopefully, when the medical people have got her to a certain level, she will be able to manage that, as you are so much more independent in your apartment .. But no good if you can't walk and do things for yourself.

    Otherwise, things are ticking along here in Edgewater. We are still sealed off from outside life in Florida.

    There’s a lot more about the virus situation in Florida and America generally as they see it but a bit personal even when we would all agree so I’ll keep it private!

    I thought I will ask for a postal address for where Buzz is currently staying and send her a get well card from us all if that’s ok?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Sounds wonderful Jackie, I do have an address but not for the medical floor, I have been sitting on my balcony getting some vitamin D. Now it is time to ride my bike. Will check in tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Sounds wonderful Jackie, I do have an address but not for the medical floor, I have been sitting on my balcony getting some vitamin D. Now it is time to ride my bike. Will check in tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time

    Same here, I have an address but not for her current location. If someone would PM me the updated address, I would appreciate it.



    P.S. I actually did a bit of deck gardening today. 🤗

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's great that you met Buzz's friends JACKIE and through them we all know how she's doing. Thanks for the info.
    We are reaching 60 F today so should be able to enjoy a bit of time in the garden before we get rain again tomorrow. So hopefully more from yours truly later in the day.
    Hope LIN and SANDY are getting the same because we appear to be on the same weather track only here we are a bit later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Doing my bedding this morning and it is another beautiful day, so I will either go for a walk or sit in the sun on my balcony. I am still working on my VHS tapes, I only have about three to go and I will be done. After that I might and that is a big might go through my loose pictures and put them according to date and then into albums. As I have said before I have probably 40 albums of pictures who no one will want but I keep them anyway. You would be surprised how many times someone has asked me do you have a picture of so and so from this date?? And I do. lol On another note, my cord for my vertical blinds broke and it is impossible for one person to fix it. They at least can open and close but not be pulled open to open the patio door. I will just leave them until my son can come to see if they can be fixed or I will order a new headrail. Exciting stuff isn't it???

    Lin, I love that set, is a coffee or tea set?? I have nothing to garden but noticed yesterday the lady across the court from me has railing planters and I think I might invest in two of those.
    Probably will wait a little while since my landlord told me they were going to be painting the balconies this year. I will believe it when I see it.

    Anne, it sounds like we are in the same weather zone, we too are expecting rain tomorrow and Monday. We better take advantage of it today. <3

    Jackie, we are all grateful you got to meet Buzz's friends and keep us up to date with Buzz. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a wonderful day and keep safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After washing my hair in this morning's shower with a new L'Oreal shampoo it feels wonderfully silky soft but totally out of control, even wearing a head scarf so having just finished my afternoon cuppa sitting on the swing seat, I checked online for headbands and have ordered a couple of what they call 70's style but I think more 40's. It's going to be an age before hairdressers will be open again, understandably, and although I wore longer hair in my 20's and 30's it seems to have a life of its own.
    Good news too from the company in Germany I purchased summer tops from that the courier has either lost or can't be bothered to deliver. This morning an email offering a refund which I've accepted with a comment if they change couriers I will buy from them again but not until!
    Had an enjoyable doggy walk and met lots of others on the quiet lanes so lots of political chit chat about our government's performance!
    More gardening at a gentle pace and now contemplating a healthy evening meal.
    I'll check back on information Buzz's friends have given about her location in Edgewater as I'm sure it's been mentioned.
    Have a good Saturday and please stay safe. I can hear neighbour's have visitors again who, lucky people, must all be immune to the virus!!! 🙄😏😖
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hello, I have been busy puttering around with all my little experiments. I finally have hatched the mushroom spawn in the kit I purchased. Oyster mushrooms and I am interested in how quickly they will grow. That is a one time thing, it is too expensive and I am not willing to invest in lots of stuff to make up my own ‘kits’.

    One of my three little zucchini plantlings (as the company calls them) arrived with a partially smashed stem. Not good for a zucchini. Poor thing, I planted it but it is all wilted with just a hint of a new leaf. Can’t plant them deeper than they were growing so, I will likely only have 2 to offer up to the insects. 😂🤣

    The tiny tomato seedlings under the growing light are trying to get beyond seed leaves. I am misting them and talking to them. They don’t seem to be growing any faster. 🤗 I have ordered some little plastic pots and will move them to individual spaces soon. If I remember, you aren’t to fertilize them immediately when transplanting. Jackie? Anne? Oh wait when moving them to their final spot in the garden, I did use some type of fertilizer to get them going. Wow, gardening was a long time ago.

    I have sorted through the few seed packets I received. Very disappointing. My one packet that was to be seed tape (so you would have properly spaced plants) was not included in my order. They said nary a word but put in two packages of regular seed. Not happy. Another order substituted a packet of wildflower seeds for my carrots again without mentioning it. I know beggars can’t be choosers this year but I have no need and no place for these things. Oh well.

    Fingers are crossed that my little live tomato plants will ship on schedule next week. I did not get to select a shipping date. They are shipping based on growing zone. I am getting impatient.

    My other order for growing containers and a few onion sets never shipped. Did I mention I tried to call the company and cannot get through? If they ever ship the onion sets, they will amount to nothing this year as we will hit hot weather and they will sulk. And I have the soil to fill those pots that are in limbo. 🙃

    My other experiment is a new try at sprouting out a celery bottom. This one is looking better. Much fresher than the other one I tried. It is growing up from several spots and I mist it a few times a day. If I see some roots it is going in a pot!

    Well, let’s see, yesterday was make a pot of soup day. Pea soup. Yum. Since I received the wrong potatoes, I will likely boil them up and make some potato salad. They are tiny so no peeling needed. But that may be tomorrow.

    Time to start making a salad with some of the lovely broccoli sprouts from my latest crop. I wonder if I could just grow sprouts and eat those for my greens each day?

    I really need to stop fussing over the little growing things and get back to cards. Some needed very soon!

    Sandy, I think that is a teapot I’m the background but it can be anything you want it to be. I would like a couple of those deck pots for the railings but will probably not go ahead this year. It is getting overcast and rain is on the horizon according to the forecaster.

    Anne, enjoy the good weather. We need every bit of it. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, I hope you are having a pleasant day. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Patsy, Barbie, Diane, Jeri and all our Sneakers, wishing you the best each and every day.

    Hugs. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have rain, but in truth, this is the PNW! What else can we expect? It is a slightly warmer rain however.

    Katie’s hair is growing so fast. I really cut it short when I groomed her last. It was thick and the undercoat was about to start the evil matting. We caught it and she had a bath and a “lube job.” Meaning skin and hair conditioning rub with emu lotion.

    I am going to bake carrot bread today. It is a favorite around here. It is a savory carrot, onion, mushroom and garlic bread we often eat with our salad dinners. Not too bad on calories.

    Sandy: John is doing the same with all of our photos and memorabilia. Organizing and trying to put a date or event. Gasp! Some of the photos are of people I can’t remember. I must have thought I would remember everyone and every event...WRONG!

    Jackie: it is so comforting to know Buzz is recovering. Thank you so much for your caring and thoughtful message. There is a strength in our bonding friendship. We will persevere and so will Buzz.

    Lin: my tea pots are so heavy and for the most part, hand thrown pots. Seeing those delicate tea pots and accessories makes me well aware of my clunky lifestyle. Elegance is a delightful but foreign lifestyle to us. I know I would have broken the entire set just trying to make the tea, let alone serving it.

    Anne: a day in your garden sounds perfect. Jilly will keep you safe from threats.

    The weekend begins and as usual we are tucked into our house, alone and trying to keep the virus at bay. Each day brings amazing developments, both good and bad. My fondest hopes are that you, my friends, stay safe and sound. And all friends and family of course!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin, my understanding from advice offered by friends in the past who grew amazing tomatoes was to not feed the plants until the first little tomato appears otherwise all energy goes into developing leaves.... not what you want! I follow this in growing cucumbers, peppers and courgettes too. 😊

    Shoes back on as I head back outside to water pots and recently repositioned plants. Very little rain since lockdown started... could that be a million years ago? 🙃😞😖

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Lovely warm day here. Much to our surprise Michael turned up and the three of us went for a long walk. After that we sat in the garden so although busy this morning, a very lazy afternoon and forget gardening! Mike had had a go at cutting his own hair! The front looked okay but his hand slipped when he shaved around the back of his neck and he'd skidded up almost to the top of his head. About a two inch wide bald path! I daren't tell him how awful it looked but mentioned a lot of men are wearing baseball caps! Hope he takes the hint! Especially as he's popping into work on Tuesday!

    It's just been announced here that a vaccine produced at one of our local universities
    has been approved for clinical testing. That will be a good thing if it works because although keeping distance everyone seemed to be out and about with the shorts appearing! The golf courses have opened here for our long weekend.

    Air Canada is laying off 20,000 workers! We really are going to have to adapt to a very different world.
    And the pandas are returning to China because it is difficult to obtain bamboo to feed them. Big demand for humans - tea, coffee, and flour.

    And that's about it. Stay safe everyone despite the lure of a lovely day. Rain promised tomorrow.
