Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    Quiet day yesterday mainly spent writing and hauling out the easel and paints.

    Mark and Mary Jo are picking up our groceries on Wednesday which means we will have managed with food from the last order for 17 days. I'm ready to eat the garden grass cuttings for veggies! Maybe I can get out to cut it today. 70 degrees!

    And that's about it from up here. Hoping things will liven up today and they should with Mike probably showing up and Bean bouncing between us in the garden.

    Have a happy Sunday Sneakers,
    Nice photo SANDY. Your grands look a happy bunch.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, a drizzly morning but livened up briefly with a wonderful intensely red Cardinal in a pine tree. Sooo beautiful. I wish he had stayed. Later we are promised some sunshine. 🌞

    I feel horrible for those doing without while I was able to get a Whole Foods order for delivery this morning. They were out of some things but I am to get my mixed salad greens and oranges. I wish I could share with you Anne. ❤️❤️

    Perhaps later I will see if I have the ingredients for vegan cornbread. Would be nice with the leftover cooked baked beans. And I did have a few yesterday and did not have a recurrence of the reaction on Friday. My sinuses on the other hand are going through another cycle of bother. It will get better again.

    Oops, must run. My order is here!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm doing okay LIN. One got a little spoilt in normal times. Plenty to eat just a little bored. Fresh veggies are the biggest problem which I prefer to frozen. I've two bananas, one onion and three carrots left in the fresh which isn't bad after 15 days! Mark and Mary Jo keep offering to do a quick run for me and I'm having the very devil of a job convincing them that me and Bean aren't going to starve in the next three days. My own fault, people don't always get my humour. When they said Wednesday shop, I remarked as above, I'd be eating the grass cuttings by then! I never learn, which is disheartening after 84 years!

    However, good news at last. I read today that people they thought had caught the C virus twice haven't! It was all to do with dead cells in the lungs giving a false reading and that means there's a chance that one is immune if unfortunate to get it in the first place.

    Our temperature is a whopping 63 Fahrenheit right NOW at 10:08. Wow. Doesn't that make the spirits soar!

    Just cooking the last of Jill's chicken, rice, and carrot and then out into the great outdoors where the tulips and grape hyacinths are blooming, not to mention the dandelions!

    Annie the contrite.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Well Anne, only a bit greens showed up, rest out of stock. A few errors. Why do I always feel so let down by these little things? Because the order is the most exciting thing going on? And I have a very difficult time relying on these services. Argh.

    Didn’t take long to put away! 😂🤣😂

    Hugs my friends. ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Another teapot. 🌷🌷


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Now that's a pretty teapot LIN. Apple blossom?
    Didn't take long to put your greens away? Well, every cloud has a silver lining I guess.
    Roots tell me they have shipped my sweatpants but the post office say it will be days and days before they plonk them in the mailbox, which considering the warmer weather I guess they will be nice to wear in the frosty air of autumn instead of this week. Something to look forward to in the fall?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We had a torrential rain last night. I worried about any possible leaks but I guess we came through okay. I know John and I live in a different universe but I wanted to to say this about keeping your cupboard somewhat stocked. Since we have lived here in Oregon (30 years) we have gone through several events that have us really glad for our supplies. First an ice storm that cut all power and blocked the roads for a week. Another year we had massive floods that not only blocked roads, caused huge home damage, loss of life and death of many animals, and cut power as well. Then there was our hurricane that cut power, distroyed hundreds of homes, blocked roads and caused flooding. We lost 911 service! We had food during that time and lots of dog food. Our son said that his friends had parents who ran out of supplies and the result was almost disaster. So for everyone’s sake...order a little extra each time you place an order. Rotate your supplies so they don’t get too old and need to be discarded. Everyone will breathe a bit easier! Just my thoughts on emergencies......
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooooops! Sorry about my earlier post. I know I sounded bossy and pushy. I just worry about all of you dear sneakers and am loathe to think of any of you in need. Forgive my rudeness, please. We are all doing the best we can under these crazy circumstances. John thinks the earth will stop turning if we run out of Patsy’s coffee. True story!
    Patsy☘️ again!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Busy day today with mass, sitting in the sun on my balcony and just got done riding my bike. No time to chat as I am hosting a zoom meeting at 4, then have to eat and at 6 playing house party with some of my family. I will be back in the morning.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A quiet day after so much garden work yesterday. Low cloud and mist greeted me when I got up so no point rushing to take the dogs out and anyway they were still sleepy after all their excitement helping with all that pruning. I must have soaked under a hot shower for 15 minutes to ease my creaky joints then made porridge with sultanas before going for a short walk. Enjoyed 2 long phone calls, one with my friend in London I went to school with. We started the conversation saying we wouldn’t have much to talk about as we are stuck at home but then chatted for nearly 2 hours. She can arrange weekly deliveries of food which surprised me since she lives in the city but in my rural area there aren’t enough supermarkets to cater for all of us.

    Patsy, No need to apologise for saying what you feel. My mother lived near the Thames river in London where there was a constant risk of major flooding before a flood barrier was built. Her cupboards were crammed full of tins and packs of food even after the barrier was completed. Unfortunately we in Britain are mostly restricted to no more than 2 of any item, I expect because of the initial panic buying but I am trying to gradually restock my cupboards on my fortnightly shopping trips.

    Back later... phone call.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    George’s groomer called to say she has checked with authorities and can work in her mobile unit so long as clients don’t expect to be in there with their dog. That’s fine with me because I prefer not to take a risk with my health or hers and just as important she can tidy poor George’s forehead my neighbour ran her clippers over a couple of weeks ago!!

    That is a pretty teapot LIn and another of your selections I could happily live with. For me this ordering food on the internet or phone is too precarious for my liking, especially when items are substituted but of course we are all doing our best to deal with a variety of situations. Like Anne it’s fresh produce I can’t live without. After a visit in the morning from the carpenter to measure up for my new oak staircase I plan to take a trip to the Aldi store I found so quiet 2 weeks ago and stock up on fruit, veggies and salad.

    A warm day for Anne finally! Great news. 😎 I’m expecting my order of new tops bought online that turned out to be being shipped from Germany. I don’t mind that but the courier they use isn’t efficient so last Thursday around 7pm they sent a text to say it would be delivered that day. I doubted it since it was late in the day and was right. Friday morning at 10 another text, this time telling me there was a delay then near midnight a text stating it would arrive... Friday!! I’ve tried tracking but that tells me nothing beyond it leaving Germany last Wednesday so I’ve had a note stuck on the door all weekend asking the courier to leave it in my log store should I be out. And so the saga continues but at least it’s cooler now so no rush much like you, but the other way round with the Roots order!

    Nearly midnight so off to bed. 😴😴😴
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning ladies and John, yesterday was a lovely warm day to sit in the garden, in fact I am now my usual pink with a white strip from the watch. However, it's down again today to 53F I think. A really yo yo of a spring. A very uneventful day really although I did cut the back lawn. The front grows a bit slower.
    In fact the highlight of the afternoon was when I sat in a light weight garden chair whilst Michael took Bean for a trot around the block. When she got back she ran excitedly to me to tell me all about it, reared up on her spindly legs against my spindly legs and down I went, garden chair and all. I'd been balanced on an uneven bit of ground. Very undignified I can tell you to be hauled overend by my gallant son.
    As for the other son I finally convinced him I wasn't about to succumb to hunger before Wednesday and he and MJ spent what could have been a glorious day outside inside painting their cavernous (compared to mine) kitchen. I'm going to have a cheesy omelette today with different assorted frozen veggies.
    I try to stock up on flour, sugar, beans, oatmeal etc PATSY but when your favourite food happens to be fresh Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, brocolli and all the other wonderful veggies too numerous to list its hard to keep them fresh and one is reduced to freezing. Not the same, and I'm not keen on canned, but beggars can't be choosers as they say. Good tip of yours though to stock up what ever you can because I think we are in for the long haul. My mother had what she called her Christmas box. Full of bits and pieces hoarded throughout the year in the war for Christmas cake and pudding.
    Well, my coffee (with hoarded milk powder) is almost drunk and I must start my day! The local dogs must be off on their morning trot because Jilly is barking, grumbling, etc. (Oh do pack it in Bean I don't want to start the day with a headache, lol.)
    Group hug to all,
    Anne and the now quiet Bean. I guess the morning dog and owner parade has moved on!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Carpenter and mate have visited although were lucky to find me here because they were an hour early! I had just returned from walking the dogs and was flitting a duster round surfaces in my bedroom. George let me know strangers were in the area long before they phoned from the parking area to see if I was here and then checked them over with lots of barking before they were allowed into his garden. Betty did her usual large eyed climb up a trouser leg looking rather like a Madagascar monkey! They were careful to keep a good 2 meters away from me and were finished in less than 20 minutes so having checked if my neighbour required anything from the store I set off to the Aldi about 15 miles away. It was amazingly quiet again and I managed to spend a small fortune but happily found everything I hoped including a 2 week supply of fruit. We also have a lot of rhubarb growing at the allotment.

    I've just seen the lunchtime news and weather and it looks like tomorrow we will be back to Winter with talk of high winds and possible snow flurries so I'll make sure everything in my garden is tied down.

    Happy Monday dear friends. Another week of lockdown but with talk of plans to ease us out slow but sure. By us I don't mean my generation who are threatened with a longer lockdown as we are considered vulnerable but Lady so-and-so who speaks on us oldies' behalf in England has said the government would do better to look at keeping obese people locked down as they are at much higher risk!!

    I can hear the wind picking up already so will walk round my garden to see what needs securing. Unfortunately my beautiful Rhododendron is already dropping petals across the lawn so I fear she will be naked by tomorrow.
    Take care and stay safe. Thinking of Buzz and sending big hugs winging across to Florida. 😍
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Teapot set of the day....


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Chilly day today so no sitting on balcony. I asked Rob and Lisa if I can take Ewok for a few days just for some company. It might be hard but I am at least going to try.
    Lisa said to take him Thursday and then he can go home on Sunday, Mother's Day so we can see each other. To be honest I am having second thoughts so will let you know if I go through with it or not. The hardest part would probably be the first morning walk as I am not a morning person, but neither is Jackie and look what she does. <3 I also hope he is well trained because the girl before me had a dog and I wouldn't want him to mark his territory.
    What is your opinion???

    Will check in later for your responses. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hello again. I have been doing my little daily chores and a bit of some odd cleaning. Combs, brushes and the like. And cutting and trimming down pattern paper. I need to finish some cards, I have a load of simple card fronts but far from completed.

    Sandy, I got a spot on the Walmart grocery pick up app. Next Sunday morning. So I haven’t used this in eons and it has changed a lot. So you can make changes to your order basically all week long? They took my out of stock items out of my cart. I was hoping they would leave them in case they are back in stock by next Sunday. How do you strategize this? And if I make changes will they keep removing out of stock items?

    Patsy, I have loads of certified gluten free staples, rice, quinoa, lentils, oatmeal, different sauces, vinegars, pasta, etc. And some frozen vegetables and fruits. I come from a long line of stock-up-everything people. And always have a spare of everything. I consume a lot of fresh produce and am doing my best to replenish those items. Problem right now is back filling items as you deplete supply. My grandmother would have dug up the entire backyard and would have planted a big garden for the summer. She was a gardening expert. ❤️❤️

    Anne, so no more odd people coming round your house I trust? Good golly, little Jilly is a dynamo! You are not injured are you? It is a bit chillier here today and overcast. Rain later I guess but not a day to sit outside.

    Jackie, wow, so glad you happened to get home in time to meet the people that came to measure things up. Well done. And I hope your package(s) show up. Shipping has been a bit more odd the last few months. Amazon, when Amazon’s actually ships, is getting better here with some backlogs cleared out. Anything purchased from a 3rd party vendor where they are doing the shipping, for me at least, has been problematic. I too would like to select my own produce. This metro area is very busy in every grocery I am acquainted with. So many people either not working or working from home seems to translate to no pattern of non-busy hours and of course supplies are never assured. My handyman who came to mow the grass mentioned he couldn’t get any type of strawberry on his last visit, before that it was potatoes. Your trips to Aldi’s sound marvelous to me.

    Buzz, thinking about you and hoping you are seeing some progress. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Miss you.

    Barbie, hello! Are you doing any type of project in your yard this year? Best wishes to you and Jake and your doggies. ❤️

    Jeri and Diane, sending happy thoughts and wishes your way.

    Hugs ❤️❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Lin, yes you can add items up to midnight the day before your order which I do as I think of them. Some items out of stock might not be found until the day of completion. I have an order for Thursday and I have added lots of new items. The only problem is each time you add an item it of course goes on the payment you selected. So last week I had the original total and then like ten small purchases added as I added them. The day of pickup you get a receipt so can check to see if the total is correct. Not sure I explained that right but I do like the idea of adding up until the day before as the other apps didn't let me do that.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    I have change my mind about taking Ewok, the weather is supposed to be chilly and maybe some freezing. I think I was just lonely yesterday but I am fine today. lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Sandy, I see that you have already decided not to have Ewok at your house. I would have advised against it based on how careful you have been about who or what is allowed in your home and how you disinfect the groceries that are delivered. We don't allow anyone but us to pet our dogs and we don't pet anyone else's dogs.

    :)Lin, so far, the only project I'm doing in my yard is cleaning up and pulling weeds. We are enjoying all the flowers from the bulbs we planted in the last two years.

    :) Jake went to the chiropractor today. It's the first place he's gone since the beginning of March. The chiropractor has a great system for keeping patients for interacting even in the waiting room and they disinfect everything in the treatment rooms. He felt very safe. On the way home he went through the automatic car wash that just reopened this morning.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Over here we are advised that no one pets our dogs but the owners. This is because a virus left on the pets coat could transfer to the owner. No one pets our Bean anymore, not even Mark and Mary Jo, but Mike does because he's sort of part owner and he stays home isolated for five days before he visits us.

    Problem for Mark and Mary Jo on Wednesday because no one is to be allowed into their favourite grocery store anymore without a mask and masks are difficult to find. Maybe MJ can construct? Apparently some staff at their stores have been taken ill and they are protecting the remaining staff. This is worrying because this "thing" obviously isn't going away any time soon. Oh, the newscaster says masks will be given to folk who don't have them.
