Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good morning. Another beautiful day and once again I was out with the pooches early. Headed for the moors and found a light breeze on the very top but certainly by the time we were walking back to the car we were all panting in spite of several sips of water. Not a soul about and only a police vehicle to wave to as I loaded the dogs in to drive home. I’ve enjoyed a long coffee break on the deck under the umbrella and will now find a few light jobs... always plenty of those!

    When considering where I might go away from my home my first thought is to check how many people are there and how close are they likely to get. Any risks and I return home empty handed. Certainly no gatherings since I follow scientists’ advice rather than politicians that have their own agenda. This virus is too deadly to feel pressure from others to move on or join in. I’ve heard enough from my friend who’s a frontline nurse to know I do not want to be dealing with even one of the ghastly symptoms. We are all in our own way being sensible and that’s a comfort to me.

    Lin, there must have been something in the air yesterday to set the both of us on a tidying and putting away task. Mine didn’t last long but sounds as if yours will be a long term thing! You will feel better for doing it I’m sure.

    Anne, care homes have finally been unmasked In many countries so hopefully good will come from all this tragic and upsetting news. I despair at society some times!

    My neighbours just popped round to check if I need anything from the stores they are about to visit.... dog treats top of the list!

    Early lunch for me.
    Happy Wednesday.
    🥰 Jackie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Anne, I have been going to the grocery store and Costco early in the morning on rare shopping trips. Our town is small and the stores are not crowded. Also people wear masks and are very respectful of distance. My walking friend shops more widely and has brought us tomato plants and some seeds. We were fortunate to see that our grocery store had potting soil and cucumber plants in front of the store so we were able to buy those desired items. I don't plan to shop any more widely than that for a long time. Costco has limited the canned dog food we buy to one case at a time (a case will last us 12 days). I have been able to avoid returning to Costco thanks to two friends who have purchased a case for me twice each. I had to send Jake to the bank drive through to get more case so I could pay my friends for the dog food. That bag of flour looks like the ones they have at Costco.

    :)Jackie, I am fortunate the Sasha and Bessie are very happy walking in our neighborhood every day so I don't have to drive them anywhere. Right now the robins are entertaining them and they'll pull on the leash to get to them.

    :)Lin, congrats on all your organizing. One of my favorite books on that topic is called "Outer Order, Inner Calm"

    :) Our new red and black checked blankets arrived and they are beautiful. We washed them before using and they are soft and obviously easy to launder.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good morning. Another overcast and muggy day. We are assured no severe weather is expected today. That is good news. Apparently there were 4 tornados in this section of the state yesterday. Luckily no one was killed or injured. Lots of trees taken down and part of a rooftop torn from an auto dealership. With so many cameras these days, there was a video of the storm whipping metal around and the roof section coming down. One employee said he witnessed a Chevrolet Suburban lifted off the ground. Not tossed about like we’ve seen in the movies, but definitely in the air. People who live in this state are so odd, when there’s tornado on the ground you are to be sheltering away from any glass, in an interior room without windows or in the basement not out saying ooooh a tornado. Well, Facebook was filled with videos taken by people outside filming the storm. Crazy folks.

    Well, back to my project today but I will take it at a more moderate pace. It is not a race, other than with my endurance for keeping at it. I find it extremely difficult to rid myself of anything I believe could be useful or used in an art project at some point. As I have said before, I am at least third generation in the habit of keeping things that might be useful. So I come by it honestly as my grandmother would have said. ☺️

    Barbie, what great friends you have to help keep you in dog food. Many stores have limits on purchases of certain items but most limitations I have run into are 2 of an item. Finding soy milk has been very troublesome at times, I found a store that often has both 32 oz and 64 oz aseptic cartons. Recently they have had both sizes so I order 2 of each and keep my fingers crossed that one or the other will be available when my shopper hunts for them. That has been working lately. I have gotten at least one carton of one size. So much strategy involved in shopping these days!

    Jackie, and strategy involved for you as well. Driving by the shops and deciding which stores are not busy. You seem to find gold mines in your local store as well as at the nursery. Congratulations on your new plants by the way. I loved your photos yesterday with the beautiful sky. What happy dogs to have a walk in such wonderful surroundings. It must be good for you as well. Stock up some happiness! I searched online for a cold frame by the way and looked at quite a few of them. Too costly for me and many bad reviews for most of them as being flimsy and difficult to assemble. And the lids wouldn’t stay open at various levels as they are supposed to. I guess you have to just prop them open with a stick. 😂

    Anne, wow, what a sack of flour. That is large! Is the small bag equivalent to our 5 lb. bag? I did shopping for my grandmother and she needed 20 lb. bags every time we went as she baked so much each week. I do hope it is a suitable flour. And does Jilly bark at it since it is so large?

    Sandy, what are you doing today? Oh my, Wednesday already. Is there another visit with the grandchildren in the planning stage? I must say that backyard movie set up is fabulous. 👍🏻👍🏻❤️

    Patsy, I love to hear any and all Katie stories. Bouncing around, chasing things, playing with toys. Is she always boundless energy? You have quite the task to manage everything she needs. Are you finding things to nourish your supply of happiness? I am finding that difficult myself. What works one day may not work on another day.

    I had to take a break. Dumped over my coffee mug. It is cleaned up now but I am sorry for the loss of my morning coffee rations! I will make a cup of tea. I hear the kettle, back in a few minutes.

    Okay, back again! Now the tea is too hot to drink. ☕️

    I just looked at my mail deliveries for today. I hope that it is correct, I will finally get my red onion sets that were to be shipped weeks ago. My tomato plants are still not shipped. I check everyday online. ☺️ my tiny ones from seed are still very small since it was so late when I finally got my hands on a packet of seed. Hoping for a long and productive growing season.

    I sure miss Buzz. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Well, must move along. I am so happy to see you here every day.

    Hugs long distance.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BARBIE, your neighbourhood looks a lot like mine (only a large lake and river instead of mountains). I take young Jilly Bean out around 7am when few people are about, otherwise she's in the garden or inside until another evening walk now the sun sets so much later. My big problem is finding chicken to cook, but fortunately I have found one brand of canned dog food which she will eat......if forced! Son Michael picks up her treats and he pops into Costcos occasionally. I rely on the Gateway grocery delivery when I can get a free spot otherwise second son Mark helps out. What a carry on!

    We met Harry's wife on our outing earlier with her tiny dog Jake, yes really, Jake. Inherited at the age of 11 when his owner died. Long distance yelling and I gather the virus coincided with Harry's 65th so he's retired now.

    The Anglican Church on the corner have a hopeful sign saying "we'll meet again" and grounds full of dandelion puff balls. I think the volunteer gardener is isolating!

    Oh and Mikes friend Sandy phoned to say she is about to retire and was looking forward to travelling in her golden years and now can't. I tried to console her; telling her she would be all the richer sitting in the grand kids paddling pool in the back yard.

    Yours from up here,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh, forgot, today’s teapot. No description provided.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    You snuck in before me after I posted LIN and so in answer to your query - The bag of flour weighs 25 lbs and was milled just down the road in Canada.. (Cambridge to be exact). Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    25 lbs Anne! Good grief, that's over 10 kilos. No wonder you struggled.
    I've spent an hour potting on my tomato plants grown from seed and even after giving my neighbours a half dozen I will have some left over. Some tumbling and the rest baby plum type now hanging on a back wall.

    I hate to throw spares out after nurturing them so probably will find a home for them amongst allotment holders.
    I see my brother is home trying to Skype so back later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Will be picking up my groceries soon, so far one item out of stock. As long as the important items still come I will be happy.
    Poor little Max cut his knee yesterday and had to get two stitches. He is a trooper.
    He is fine today but no swimming for ten days until stitches are removed.

    Jackie, love the picture but are you saying those are tomato plants?? You can tell I am not a gardener. lol I also loved the pictures from the Moors they were beautiful as usual.

    Anne, 25 pounds?? You will have flour for years, although I don't think it keeps that long once open. I didn't realize Harry was so young to have alzheimer's, how sad. As long as Jilly has her treats all is good, can't Michael find chicken at Costco??

    Lin, no visit planned as yet, but the weather is looking good for the weekend so I might pay them a visit then so I can stay outdoors.

    Barbie, so happy you are back with us on sneakers.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Harry hasn't got Alzheimer's SANDY! I meant his 65th birthday coincided with the coronavirus which meant he would have been at home shut in anyway retirement or not. He might have carried on a bit longer with no virus because he's self employed. Tony at 70 on my other side has the disease.
    I keep flour in the fridge but not this sack. It won't fit in my cupboards never mind on a fridge shelf.
    Poor little boy Max! Very brave little boy! Will grandma take him a special treat?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Oh my apologies to Harry and poor Tony he is still to young. Hmm, I probably won't bring Max a special treat unless I bring him fruit snacks from my house. I still don't go in stores but maybe I will look on amazon. Now see what you did. lol
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning...almost noon here. A lovely warm spring day. Katie and I are on the deck. It is a bit hard to see the ipad but great to be outside. I see a wasp buzzing around the eves so he must be hunting for his new spot to build a nest. Drat! Wasps and me have a very bad relationship. I declared WAR! I mean business, go away or die!

    The grass weaving might work out but I must decide if it is interesting enough to go through all the extra trouble. Some of the damp grasses are coming apart in the bucket. I might look around for other natural plant matter to weave. That adventure is fun. Walking about looking at various bushes, weeds, reeds, even stems of various flowers as potentially a basket.

    Also it is interesting to note the activities of friends and family during this isolation. My friend in Alaska is watching all the seasons of Outlander. She has a puzzle going on every flat surface and she is making a quilt for a new grand baby that is to be born in October. Our daughter is watching a science fiction series, I can’t remember the name. She is designing a sweater made with areas that look like old fashioned doilies. It is very unusual looking. Not sure about this one. But I love the idea. Another friend in Colorado just ripped out all of her front yard and planted a huge veggie garden. She and husband are vegan. But a warning came from her about maintaining a proper amino acids balance. I am sure Lin knows all about this. Lots of different activities going on. No one is really suffering from being in isolation if it is possible for them to dive into a project or two and have contact with people they care about. I need contact with my children, even if they are no longer children! Phone chats and Skype!

    Our friend, the musician, is still with us physically. He just had cataract surgery. It was very scary for him and he had a panic attack. We were not allowed in to help calm him. He made it through but this is going to be a rough healing process. Eye Drops..,he hates them, wearing a clear eye covering at night and in the shower. I never thought about normal everyday things as being scary and threatening if you can’t understand what is going on. God bless and keep this dear old man.

    Katie has found some icky old stick she want to bring into the house, it is a piece of rotting wood. Yuck! Must convince her to give it up. Have a great day, friends.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    More bad news for me after MJs auntie and David's recent deaths. Roy, my deceased cousin Val's husband and I think of as a relative of course had an operation a few weeks ago to relieve a burst blood vessel in his brain (caused by a fall) and is in a recovery hospital where he was doing pretty well has now caught coronavirus and is in isolation. He's the first person I know personally who's very ill with this dreadful virus. My cousin Tony (his stepson) says he's a tough old lad, and he is, so we are all praying he makes a full recovery. I am worried though because the previous operation was very serious.
    Sorry to start the day on a worrying note but these are the times we are living in so I beg you dear friends to please take extra care when out and about. The update news from the US was dreadful yesterday.
    Love from Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm so sorry Anne, that's really sad news about Roy but I'm sure everything possible will be done to get him well. There have been some amazing stories about older folk coming out the other side of the virus even when it's followed on from surgery but still a big worry. ❤

    Another walk on the moors this morning and I've just finished an early light lunch so I can get on with a few jobs. Another beautiful day with more of a breeze so not too hot. My hair seems to be growing by the hour and I'm feeling I look like an ageing hippy. A scarf is just managing to hold the mop off my face. 🤦‍♀️

    It's been a good week so far watching what I eat but tonight I'm popping next door for my neighbour's birthday and fish and chips. I will weigh in the morning and hopefully at least maintain.

    Take care and keep safe everyone
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Anne, sorry to hear of this development. Sad news indeed but I am with Jackie. A number of older people have recovered. So it is possible. ❤️❤️

    Another rainy day here.


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Vintage English breakfast set which include a teapot, sugar and creamer, a cup and a toast rack.
    Royal Winton Grimwades pattern.
    Pinterest, The Sale Room, Flippity


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) It is gloomy and humid with rain expected. I have my meeting today and nothing else on the agenda except for riding my bike. Hmm, maybe I will try organizing those pictures again.

    Anne, it becomes so real when you actually know someone who has contacted the virus. I personally do not know of anyone but one of the ladies in our meeting knows someone who has died and another an older cousin who was on life support and has made a full recovery.
    There is good news so think positive. Will keep him my prayers.

    That's all for today, try to have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, I am woefully ignorant about the holy days and traditions of other faiths. I did run across this today on Facebook and immediately thought of Buzz and Barbie. ❤️❤️. I hope this does not cause offense to anyone.

    “Shavuot begins at sunset on May 28 and commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.
    Happy #Shavuot (Sundown May 28- sundown May 30, 2020)
    #ShavuotSameach Manuscript ca. 1322 Germany (at British Libary).”


    With love and respect ❤️❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just to add to my earlier post. Our street is buzzing with police cars. Maria distraught, husband Tony took off whilst she was upstairs. When the phone rang I thought it was about Roy, but no, a very upset Maria instead. Just checked my garage but no sign. I can hardly believe I was living a very quiet life only a few months ago! Jilly is going potty with all the activity.
    The last time Tony took off he was walking back to his old house 30 odd miles away.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Excitement over. He's been found inside the local elementary school. Which is supposed to be closed.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Wow!! Just Wow, Anne!!