Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    Bless you for another update on Buzz JACKIE.

    Hope nobody minds but I feel I'd like to reflect on an old friend.
    I met David at work more than 40 years ago when he and family arrived from the UK. He was super. I've never had a car so he got me to work for twenty years because I wouldn't have been able to continue there without a lift. Then after 20 years his beloved wife Barbara became very ill with cancer and he took early retirement to care for her. I was so lucky, another lovely man, Scotsman Bill got me back and forth to work for years until I took early retirement. One day David showed up on my doorstep devastated because Barbara had died. From then on we formed a good friendship. He lived quite a fair distance away but he would show up every Wednesday, take me grocery shopping, take me out to lunch and then I'd give him his tea before he drove home. He became friends with my other 3 friends and we would all go on outings together, the theatre, restaurants etc. A few years back he showed signs of altzeimers and his children placed him in a Mennonite care home near his home town. And now he's gone. Very sad, but then, he left us some time back with the dreadful disease. Nice memories of very happy times. Very involved with the Presbyterian church I like to think of him sitting on a beach today with Barbara.
    Today life is still good in a different way. New friends, the Sneaker girls and I've really got to know my children as friends and all the lovely pets, the latest of course being little Bean.
    If we remain in good health all stages of life are so good,
    So stay well dear Sneakers,
    Hugs from Anne. ❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷❤️❤️❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2020
    Anne, Thank you for sharing your memories of your dear friend. Lovely times together ❤️❤️ but also times filled with sorrow. ❤️❤️


    Out in Facebook land, there is continuing anger and upset over almost everything and anything. Today it is outrage that we are not just remembering those who served our country and were lost in that service. I was raised to believe we should remember all who went before us. And it was Decoration Day, we made trips to all the cemeteries and placed flowers and other remembrances on the graves of our relatives, taking time to think of them. It was a nice tradition.

    I picked up my little order at the grocery store this morning. All went well except they didn’t have everything. I should be ready for that. ☺️

    Another day of potentially stormy weather. There were several tornadoes North of here yesterday. Fingers crossed for a safe day.

    Well, I should tackle some chores. Funny how I can avoid them.

    Sending all best wishes to my friends. ❤️❤️🙋🏼‍♀️❤️❤️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Teapot morning. No information about this one.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday/Memorial Day! :) Movie night was wonderful. I wore my mask and when I saw the kids I had to hug them. They gave such big hugs it made me cry. Charlie was not to happy with my mask but it was so great just being close to them and watching them play on their play structure in their backyard. I did take my mask off when I was distanced from them and while watching the movie which was the Abdominal Snowman. It was just what I needed to rejuvenate me and get me out of my funk. I know Lin sees all my photos on Facebook but I still had to share with the rest of you.

    Anne, friendships like you had with David and others are hard and few to come. I am glad he was in your life and you have wonderful memories of him. You did make me tear up but those are tears of happiness for you. I treasure my closet friends and now that we are up in age time is of the essence but because of the pandemic our time is limited. I am glad we have each other, the sneakers, to comfort each other and to count on through thick and thin.

    LIn, most of the posts I see on Facebook are hidden because I just can't take all the political garbage. I enjoy those who use it for social posts and for sharing family pictures.
    I have an order from Walmart on Wednesday, not too big this time so hopefully they have everything I need.

    Jackie, our Buzz is a strong woman, I hope she mends and gets back to her old self soon.
    Thank you for the address I will look for a card today in my box of cards or maybe even make one for her like she does for so many. Movie night was more than uplifting. <3

    Barbie, what a beautiful area you have for your walks, our's is more like city streets. I do enjoy the forest preserve although there are always a lot of people there.

    The sun is peeking in and out but maybe I can grab a few rays today. Rain is in the forecast for the next few days. Let's all pray and hope that being with the kids and family was safe for me to do, I just really needed a boost.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Sandy, how great that you found a way to be close to your grandkids. I know how much you've missed them. My neighborhood is about two miles of streets like that plus some gravel paths and lots of big green spaces to accommodate the septic system and provide lots of fun places for the dogs to walk. We have tall trees and a good view of the Olympic Mountains. I am grateful every day for how privileged I am especially at this time that is so difficult for everyone.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I'm a happy camper on a very hot day. Both sons showed up and installed my big window a/c. Bliss. Jilly was over the moon.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A misty chilly day here but still warm in my heart, thinking of friends and loved ones who are gone. I remember a line from a lovely poem I wish I could recall more than just a few words. Something about a loved one not gone really but just in the next room. It was really beautiful but I have lost the name and author of the poem! Unlike Anne, who remembers and can recite poems easily, I have never been able to do that.

    What a happy little gathering for Sandy and her family. How lovely and indeed uplifting! I read that outdoors is safer for visits. In our case, our son is up to his eyebrows in packing and moving to the rental house. It is a bit sad for him. He has to downsize his life and he has not lived in a rental house in years and years. But all in all, he is still very lucky. He is healthy! Our daughter is doing okay. She is as healthy as possible within the possibilities of her existing health complications.

    Barbie’s neighhood looks beautiful, well kept and peaceful. I can envision her with her doggies walking along those streets. And with a view of the mountains!

    Thinking of dear Buzz, I am grateful she has good care and medical staff right there at her residence.

    Lin, we did the same thing in our family on Memorial Day. We also called it decoration day. I am not sure why, but we always assembled bouquets of peony’s for the cemetery. I remember yards of ribbon and small vases of flowers to place on the graves of family and friends. Lots of memories as we walked from grave to grave. It was a strange experience for me as a child. It was a warm sunny day, full of flowers, walking in the cemetery which was like a park, and afterward we would come back to grandmothers house for a big picnic lunch on her front porch. Instead of music and laughing, there was quiet talk of remembering.

    Jackie, I did an experimental weaving of the grass to see if it dried and stayed intact. This basket weaving material may not work, but it is worth the effort to see if it can be used. I know sometimes basket material is preserved with some solution. I wanted to go natural and avoid that. Interesting experiment so far.

    Thinking of you all today. On this day I can honestly say, I feel each of you at my side. Thank goodness you are there.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our glorious weather continues. I took the dogs out early to avoid the heat then home for coffee on the deck while I made plans for the rest of the day in my head. Of course only about a quarter gets done but lockdown mode is slow. George ended up in the pond late afternoon so had to be showered, something he is getting to love! After a rub down with a towel he runs to the toy box, grabs anything that squeaks then dashes into the garden for zoomies!
    I had a wasted journey into town because the local post office website stated it was open until 3pm but the doors were locked and lights out! Oh well, this must be the new norm that is often mentioned.

    Patsy, I think that poem you are thinking of is called death is nothing at all or at least that’s the first line. A poignant poem that’s incredibly comforting because the words about memories are so true. There is willow on our allotment that I’m determined to use this year to weave something, not sure what! Your basket certainly sounds interesting.

    Sandy, you look so happy in that photo with the little puppy Ewok!! 😆 It must have been all those hugs.

    Lovely memories Anne of thoughtful, caring friends. The words in the poem Patsy mentioned are appropriate for you too. Hooray, air conditioning and only a week or so ago it was snowing!

    An interesting tea pot Lin that looks alabaster but then I imagine if it was, tea stains would soon spoil its look.

    Gone midnight so I must get to bed.
    Take care.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2020
    Henry Scott Holland.

    Death is nothing at all
    It does not count
    I have only slipped away into the next room
    Nothing has happened

    Everything remains exactly as it was
    I am I, and you are you
    And the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged
    Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

    Call me by the old familiar name
    Speak of me in the easy way which you always used
    Put no difference into your tone
    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

    It's rather long this poem/sermon so I won't continue. I didn't remember it PATSY, rather found it on the internet to jog a faded memory. Poignant indeed, JACKIE.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning! Just to say humidity and heat warning here as we reach the nineties this afternoon. Boy am I glad the lads put the air conditioner in! Thunder and a downpour last evening which admittedly the plants needed, bye for now,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, severe weather on and off today. A tornado was in the area yesterday early evening. This pattern is expected to continue. Meanwhile, here’s the teapot for today. Back later. ❤️❤️

    “I think this is going to become my new every day teapot! Hand thrown pottery is cool, no two pieces are identical so every teapot is unique. My latest teapot shown here is a product of The Village Pottery, a small studio pottery located just outside Bristol. My camera hasn't done the colours justice, the main colour isn't shown very well here, it's supposed to be 'raspberry rust' which has a slight purplish hue (to my eyes anyway).”


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Under the garden umbrella cos it's hot but not complaining. The garden is desperate but all I can do is continue watering at the end of each day. Began with an early walk having driven me and the pooches to the moor just behind us.

    Betty made me laugh and laugh as she ran bigger and bigger circles so she was definitely pleased with the change of scenery. We heard the cuckoo calling and I videod George listening and watching... will try to post it later.

    I remember teapots in that style Lin with earthy colours, possibly 70's or 80's which rather tells me I should have held on to everything! There again I've just wheel-barrowed a couple of hefty items to my garage destined for a charity shop whenever they open because I kept tripping over them as I did some decorating so maybe not! 😉

    That's the poem Anne! I came upon it during a visit to England soon after John my partner passed away. It was on a little card amongst books and leaflets at the back of a tiny village church and I kept it in my purse for years.

    I'm going to visit a garden centre this afternoon if not too busy. Also check the post office is open. 😬

    Stay clear of storms everyone. I'm guessing when our weather finally breaks it will be with a bang! 💥💦💨

    Happy Tuesday... I had to think then what day it is!! 😳🤪🙃


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I thought of you JACKIE when I read and typed the poem because I suspected it had comforted you.

    My groceries should be here soon. So away for now. The heat hasn't built up yet, still only 68F.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That was exciting! First into town to visit the post office but the queue was so long and knowing how slow the service is, I returned to my car and drove on to the garden centre. It’s only about 20 minutes drive away but one of my new car’s longer journeys! 😁. Their car park looked very busy but there was no queue and inside lots of room to keep our distance so that was a treat. My neighbour told me this morning that something has eaten our courgette plants so I bought a couple more that we’ll have to protect. I also found a white Japanese anemone I’ve wanted for a long time and a plant called Agastache purple haze that should look lovely in the newly cleared area. Apparently the bees love it! It’s my neighbour’s birthday on Thursday so I bought her solar lights for their new deck and a book for her arrived from Amazon while I was out so that’s a relief. Before driving home I checked for a queue outside a Lidl and was amazed there wasn’t one so have stocked up on fresh salad, veggies and fruit. I do hope you are pleased with your delivery Anne

    I’ve smoked salmon and salad for my evening meal then I’ll go to the allotment to water.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I didn't get the flour I wanted but instead the biggest sack ever of an unknown make of flour, so big I had to drag it into the house. Honestly, so big that if I divide it between me and Mike and Mary Jo I will still have more than the normal amount I usually buy. Too big for the cupboards its draped across the sideboard. Two other substitutes in the order but on the whole can't complain.

    Big row going on here, government level. The army was brought in to help out in five hard hit long term privately owned care homes. They've reported appalling conditions for the poor residents. So bad our premiers eyes were tearing up. Dirty homes, dirty old folk, cockroaches, insect infestation, rotten food, dirty syringes, not exactly Buzz's home for sure. Untrained staff, well a list as long as your arm. The military are also helping in Quebec long care homes so more reports to come and I'm sure it won't only be these two provinces. The virus brought this to light because inspectors only sporadically go in, whilst the military are in full time and for another month to come. Hard to hide conditions on a permanent basis.

    No, I ain't never ever going into one !!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I don't know what I have been doing but the day seems to be disappearing before my eyes. Soon it is time to ride my bike and I still haven't paid bills like I planned.
    Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

    Anne, I don't know where I read that today but it made me ill. Who is too blame for such deplorable things?? I'm with you, I do not want to go into a nursing home by any means, so I hope one of my children will take me in if things get to that point.
    Sorry about your substitute items, I check substitute only on certain items but not all. My order will be picked up tomorrow.

    Jackie, sounds like a good day for you and all your finds. Enjoy!!

    Since my state is opening slowly on Friday Restaurants will be able to serve outdoors with masks, gloves etc. My friends made a reservation for Monday but today I told them I am not comfortable going to a restaurant yet. They live together so it is fine for them to be at the same table. I explained I am trying to stay as isolated as possible so that I can go visit my grandchildren again. Since my son has been working at home since February and the kids aren't in school I feel we are safe to be together while still trying to keep social distancing.
    It won't be easy with the kids but it should be fine, at least once a week. (I think)

    Time to exercise. Have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I am so shocked and upset by the reports on the five care homes conditions that not only will I never ever live in one it's actually made me nervous of ever eating out in a restaurant again. When I've visited various friends in care homes in the past all seemed well so are these present "care givers" a new breed these days? Which makes me wonder - are there a new breed of cooks in the restaurants as well with less than hygienic habits?
    Sorry to sound so paranoid but the TV news actually made me want to weep as well - along with our premier.
    Poor, poor neglected old people who once were loved and cherished and now ending their days in squalor.
    This virus is sure bringing out all sorts of injustices to the light of day.
    Well, it can be put right now, so we move forward in the hope for a new and better world.
    Happier me tomorrow.........I hope!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Sandy, I applaud your decision to not go to a restaurant yet. Seeing your grandchildren is your top priority and it makes sense to limit anything else that you do. Too many people are rushing to do too much too soon.

    :) A few people are encouraging me to push to start up my line dance class again. I'll be waiting a long time before I do that. A group of 20-40 people in a big room exercising makes no sense especially since more than half of the dancers are over 65 and quite a few are over 80. We all need to stay home and be patient.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good evening friends. The weather forecaster was right on the mark today. On and off storms all day. A period of hail, pounding rain and also another tornado. More storms are expected tonight but our area is now out of the watch area.

    After doing my errands this morning, I started a huge project. I have no idea how long it will take but I have made a start. I have made more and more piles of material for various projects and it has been handy to be able to just pick up what you need when moving from project to project but it is eating up all the space in my house. Reorganizing, consolidating and generally putting things away is on my agenda. I know it will take longer to start projects or to switch from one thing to the next and I will suffer for a while from having moved things to new locations. I believe having more of my space freed up will be the big reward.

    Anyway, I have been working on this all afternoon and am at a point where many things have been pulled out but nothing is completed. So I am all in! No turning back. I am extraordinarily tired, probably as much from the sorting as from toting things around.

    I really need to soak my tootsies and fall into bed.

    One comment, I agree with Barbie and Sandy. Go slow on doing more things. I still have done nothing. Not even popped my head into a store. I am thinking about doing some of my own grocery shopping at some point. Just thinking about it.

    I corresponded with a friend today. She and her husband were out all day shopping, drug store, Menard’s, Sam’s Club etc. Her granddaughter is visiting them this evening because she needs to use their computer. Tomorrow she is off to visit a friend. That is what she is comfortable doing but that is way too much for me. I think my decision is a more cautious and prudent approach.

    Hugs all. Sorry to be so tired. Back tomorrow.

    Lin ❤️❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well after my comments of yesterday I definitely need to lighten up. Fortunately I just can't stay down for ever and I thought I'd post a picture of the bag of flour! The one next to it is Robin Hood, large size. So here goes you lucky gals.
    It doesn't look all that big in the photo, but believe me, Dorio who delivered it and is a huge, young, fit man staggered up my front steps with it. I think the store must be running out of flour and are stocking big sacks to keep us all quiet.

    LIN, wow, I'm impressed with all your efforts. This is a great time for assessing our lives and making changes! Like you, BARBIE and SANDY, I've no intention of mixing with masses of folks bouncing around without face masks in their shorts. Besides Bean needs me and who would cook her chicken etc if I'm looking sorry for myself. However, I do envy JACKIE and her visit to the garden centre. Love garden centres! Now, where's our PATSY and JERI?

    It was uncomfortably hot yesterday and we are promised the same for today, oh joy. I'm trying to remember all that snow of two weeks ago!

    Well, brekkie time. Jillys had hers and she's crawled back into her basket.