Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our heatwave has arrived along with Sue the gardener. She is currently cutting my grass again while I do some housework. Yesterday I finally began to unpick one of the 4 chairs I've been meaning to reupholster for probably 2 years. I think if I approach one a week they won't become a chore and it will give me time to think about what I need to do. Taking the old cover off the frame I can see they have been upholstered many times and as first thought they are probably Georgian although which George I'm not sure!!

    Back later...... happy Tuesday!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just a short note from me for now. Just to say our heatwave has arrived as well. Still raining on and off though which means the mosquitoes are happy little souls. I must try and tackle the jungle. Even Harry from next door lopped off the top of a young maple tree growing on my side, I might add. Trying to catch him. He might as well finish the job properly seeing he started it! A climbing rose which grows on Marie's side has done very poorly for years but is covered in rosebuds this year and the Apple trees are loaded with baby apples.
    Bye for now,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Hello, sunshine is now a memory with storms rolling in for the morning. The forecast is for sunshine later, rising temperatures and storms this evening. Then repeat that for a couple of days with higher temperatures. Summer summer. We also have scads of flying beasties.

    Today will be a busy day. Early Tai Chi, then Mah Jongg and finally to the library to hang out with the papercrafters for a few hours. Unusual time for the paper crafters but summer includes a few additional things for adults. That makes me happy.

    I spent yesterday sorting through some tiny things in a box. Took a while for me to figure out what they were. Time really flies when I try to research. So one group of pins are US Naval Reserve items. My dad was in the Reseve in WW II after having an extreme medical issue and emergency abdominal surgery while an Army rifle instructor somewhere in the Southern states. I believe he was sent home to recover. Somehow he ended up in the Naval reserve. I never heard the entire story of course.

    The other bits were from my mom’s uniform. She joined the Cadet Nurses program in the 1940’s that offered tuition assistance for nurses who served in public health assignments.

    Worth hours of time? Yep.

    Must move along. I am already looking forward to my reflexology session tomorrow.

    Jackie, wonderful project. I hope the chairs turn out just the way you envision them.

    Anne, I do not understand why your neighbor is hacking away at things now. Was the Maple tree a volunteer tree causing problems? Hummm. Try to stay cool my friend.

    Sandy, did I ever mention that I think your appliances look great? Did the gas line get fixed?

    Buzz, I hope you enjoyed your dinner although after lunch after tails, I don’t see how that could be topped.

    Patsy, good day!

    Must run.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone! I am up early but still very sleepy. I might just sit wrapped around a hot mug of coffee and wake up verrrrrry slooooooowly. My personal batteries are not charging at all this morning. As for neighbors who mow and chop...we have so much to prune and try to take care of, we would never notice if a limb was lopped off here and there. There is much to do and our energy level is not near what is needed.

    Our weather has been very chilly. It remains quite chilly this morning. Odd. Here it is almost July and we are still in sweaters and warm socks. Well Katie is up and ready to tour her outdoor domain. She will have to bark at all bugs and slugs. Ugh! Early Mornings are hard. I know some of you sneakers are up early every morning. How do you do it?

    More coffee and a piece of toast. Then I will see if I can begin the day.
    Later alligator,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Beautiful day here and I do not have to watch the kiddos today. The parents are playing volleyball tonight so Lisa's mom is coming since she lives closer and they want me to rest my foot. The kids should be in bed for her so it will be easy peasy. That makes my day free and guess where I will be? Let's hope the weather cooperates and the rain comes after dinner.

    Patsy, I am not a morning person either and sleep to 8:00 or 9:00 o'clock most mornings. Today it was 8:00 but as long as I get at least 7 hours of sleep I am good.

    Lin, my landlord came Sunday and figured out the problem and now I have gas. Unfortunately, one of the burners does not work so we will see how long it takes him to fix it. My cleaning girl was funny when I told her and said it doesn't matter you don't cook. She explained she can tell who cooks by how clean their stoves are. I laughed because it is true, I use my grills and/or microwave for most meals but I do make my hummingbird food on my stove. I still would like the burner fixed because it does create a problem if turned on and things have to be reset because of the electric start.

    Anne, was Harry trying to be nice by removing the branch on your side of the fence? I must watch too much of Judge Judy who always says trees and bushes on your side can be cut if it causes a problem.

    Jackie, good luck with the chairs and don't forget before and after pictures. I am so happy for you that you have the lady to help you with your gardens, she is a God send.

    Jeri, hope all is well with you, I know you have a very busy schedule.

    Buzz, I hope your birthday was as fabulous as you. Did they sing to you at dinner?

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    No SANDY, Harry the Lad (my name, he's at least 60) wasn't trying to be nice he was just protecting his truck. He said the wind bent the saplings branches and showered rain drops on it. I did catch him this morning at 8am as he set off for work. I said "seeing you've started the job and because I haven't the strength or tools to finish it would you mind please chopping it completely down." I was very polite. He promised to saw it down when he's got "the time". Of course that could mean Fall. And he DID find the time when the poor thing bent in the wind and dropped the rain drops. Meanwhile I have quite a thick trunk rearing up with a few leaves. He's a very interesting character, Harry the Lad. I don't think he's a nature lover although he's not adverse to driving "up north" with his beer and the boys to take shots at things that stir in the forest. Does that count as being a nature lover?

    We managed a wee bit of gardening but we had to stop when Janice and then Marie dropped by. It looks as if it could rain again, right this minute so I think I'll wander off and prepare a salad for lunch.
    See ya'all.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a laugh I had with Sue this morning. She was having one of those days, you know the sort when nothing seems to go to plan. She began well when at her suggestion an Acer that was suffering from sunburn (hard to believe!) was removed from it's large pot and planted in a shady bed outside the dining room window then offered to "wash" the grass when she meant cut it. That set us giggling! Out came the electric lawnmower from my shed but Sue couldn't get it started so first I checked the extension lead by plugging in a lamp then swapped the fuse in the mower's plug but still nothing until I watched her trying to start it in an awkward way. There's a start button on the handle then a bar to squeeze and she was pressing and squeezing the wrong way down. She was so surprised when I started it without trouble so I pointed to the instructions on the handle and she laughed and said she didn't read instructions.... well I can relate to that!! She ended the session losing her car keys but finally found them after a thorough search and left saying a visit to my garden always set her up for the rest of the week! 😄

    Naughty Harry Anne although not sure I'd have a response to his concern about splashes of rain on his vehicle. Our bi-laws allow cutting overhanging branches if they come into the garden but anything chopped off must be given back. I'm guessing he didn't return the top of your maple!

    Sandy, I have taken a few photos as I pulled the old seat cover off with its million staples. What a job removing them! Looking at the close up pictures today though I'm not sure what they show but hope doing one chair at a time I can work things out. Enjoy the pool! 😎

    Patsy, I'm rarely in bed before midnight but usually find myself up and about by 7.30. That's more than enough sleep for me especially now I'm pain free. Energy levels have to be talked to seriously by me to show willing but once I get going I surprise myself.

    Lin, if you are out and about to Tai chi and library I'm guessing you are feeling a whole lot better? Isn't it a shame we can look back and wish we'd had a conversation with a parent about past experiences but too late. You will hang on to the pins won't you? When I was a small child my father showed me a couple of wood carved elephants he'd brought home from India or Burma after the war and kept in his garden shed. I would love to go and find them but think a house clearance has already taken place since my step mum died. Oh well, just have to keep hold of those memories.

    Buzz, I do hope those bruises are beginning to ease off along with accompanying aches and pains. Slow but sure lovely lady. 😍

    Time to feed the hens their corn then something for myself.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No, JACKIE, he didn't return the top of my maple which had seeded itself. Lol. Actually, nothing was overhanging onto Harry's drive and why on earth would a few raindrops blown over from the leaves onto his truck bother him. I mean isn't he going to get rain on his truck anyway?

    The truth is, Harry doesn't like trees, especially ones that grow close to his drive. Maybe it's something to do with all the logs he starts acquiring in fall for winter burning and piles up next to my fence. I'm not sure of his thinking but although a shame, it's best IF he cuts it down because it is rather close to the house and it's foundation and maple trees do grow big.

    I don't mind him at all really because most of the time he's an okay guy. He was born in Germany and his parents emigrated just like we did and on the whole we've got on for the last thirty years. Joyce his wife, was born in Holland, our Mary Jo in Mozambique to Portuguese parents, grandson Derek's girl friend is Canadian but born to parents from Hong Kong, Marie on the other side is Croatian, we really are a mixed bag aren't we and despite cultural differences we all jolly along together with no major disputes, indeed, if any. Wish our renowned leaders where the same! I know I can be awfully English at times but they all put up with ME!!!!

    Anne (trying to subdue the Yorkshire accent, eh).

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Oh Anne, I misread your post with Harry and the tree. I thought it was on his property and he was being nice. I apologize. He shouldn't be messing with your tree if it is on your side.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yes, my friends got a beautiful chocolate birthday cake with too many candles a nd the chocolate dipped fruits I ordered came on time and dinner was lovely and today I'm swollen and exhausted! It was a lovely day! Enjoyed reading your posts and wish I could go to sleep now instead of dinner!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Happy birthday Diane


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just been for a long walk. Phew, it's already HOT, HOT, HOT out there. Cooking Jill's chicken before it gets worse.
    Bye for now,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A humid day although not too hot as the sun is hidden behind high clouds. An early shop for groceries then I took the dogs to the woods where I had interesting chats with a variety of visitors. We went further into the area and climbed a steep path so I could stretch my legs more. Lunch eaten so I'm now going to potter in the garden and pull any weeds that grow tall enough for me to reach! After that I'll get on with taking the dining chair apart!

    Hello Diane, are you still with us? Happy birthday 🎂

    Happy Wednesday everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited June 2019
    Happy Wednesday!! :) I had a wonderful day at the pool and today I hope for an instant replay before going to bingo tonight. Another win would be great but we will see.

    Happy Birthday Diane, I know you are on Facebook but not sure you still follow us here.

    Jackie, it sounds like you are getting back to your "old" self. Soon you will be running marathons. :p

    Anne, no complaining about the heat, remember the snow and the rain?????

    Buzz, your body still needs rest, so just rest.

    Hello to everyone else, nothing exciting going on here.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A partly cloudy but lovely morning. Everything is growing and it looks sort of like early summer but it is chilly like early spring! Holy cow! We are going to have a bumper crop of blackberries this year. The deer family drops by daily to munch on the blackberry blossoms and my rose buds. Katie has reached an accommodation with them. She is bored with them and they calmly eat while standing in the middle of my disappearing flower beds.

    I am looking forward to the debates tonight. It will actually be in the nature of a chaotic spectacle. With that many people there will be very little in depth exploration of individual views. The take away will be how each handles public pressure.”This American Life!”

    Buzz: Our doctor would be prescribing gentle and non-painful activity each and every day. I freeze up and have more difficulty when I sit or lie around too much. Just stay alert to remaining stable and supported. Would your doctor suggest PT? That was a terrible scare. You were so fortunate not to have suffered any broken bones.

    Sandy: you are such a devoted sun and pool kind of girl. How wonderful that your condo complex has a nice pool. I have difficulty lying in the sun. I Am a pale Irish person that does not tan. I freckle and then the freckles burn, then I peal. Sincerely unattractive. There is no amount of sun screen that will work. We are all interestingly different, there are sun people, snow people, high altitude and low altitude folks and swamp people. We are rain and cloudy people...rather like human mushrooms.

    Jackie: I have several projects sitting around like your chairs. I have had them for years. Nothing seems to be happening toward refurbishing them, yet I can’t let them go. It is a great feeling to have so many projects lined up ready for my attention. I can’t do them all in my lifetime but there they all are........

    Anne: I confess that heat makes me crazy. I can’t breathe and my energy just evaporates. Then I get cranky. John contends that the reason there is so much unrest in the desert countries is because the heat has caused brain inflammation. And the sand has caused a skin rash. Hummmmm this is why we will never go to Sedona, Arizona, but it sounds extraordinary to me.

    Dryer beeped and my coffee pot blinked off. Must go. Love to all you beautiful sneakers. Drop by for coffee and toast and blueberry jam.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    It feels like early summer PATSY? Really! On my way for toast and blueberry jam!
    I'm like you in colouring methinks. Our colouring is happiest in temperate zones. I flourished this lovely rainy May and June. My highest happiest temperature is 75 Fahrenheit and that's pushing it. My lowest temperature? I'm okay as long as I'm not navigating ice. So you see SANDY, I rather like a nice drizzle. No really, my umbrella comes out, my raincoat gets an airing and my lank locks become a bushy frizzy Afro. A very blah in between gal, me. I've just been watching a program about the Yorkshire moors and dales and all the beautiful wild flowers that flourish there in what I remember as temperate weather. I hope the British isles can remain temperate, but reading of the rising temperatures yet again all over Europe, I somehow doubt it.
    John could be right, add to the sand rash, brain inflammation, water shortage, maybe the odd flea bite, camel dung, and problems with maybe more than one wife, I think I'd be a bit restless as well living in a desert country.

    Meanwhile back in our house the Bean and I are cooling off with dollops of ice cream. I know, little dogs aren't supposed to have ice cream and she doesn't have much to be honest. It's too warm to garden and I so want to do a bit of gardening. Good excuse for Harry the lad this heat. I'm still looking at my stick with a maple leaf here and there. Maybe he's just patriotic and waiting until after Canada day when maple leaves and maple flags abound before chopping down my poor contribution.

    Well, seeing I can't garden, the Beans snoozing now and no fun I'll get back to the book I'm reading.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello friends.

    Yesterday turned out to be a mixed blessing. I do not know how, but I sprained my left ankle. It is very swollen with a huge bruise on the side. Looks like my activity wings are clipped even more. I did go to my reflexology session and it was lovely. She was able to help a bit with the swelling but not a lot. I am to contact her if it is not better by Friday morning, if not, she wants to work on the ankle again. She doesn’t want to wait until my next appointment on Tuesday.

    So I will be icing and elevating. Oh joy. I don’t think I will even be able to get in my usual steps etc. today. I was told to not be concerned about that, just take time to heal. Since I have been on limited Tai Chi since sometime in May I will admit I am impatient. But the ankle is uncomfortable.

    It is overcast and hot today. I think the heat wilts all of us with the exception of our pool lady.

    Take care everyone. Must move, drink fluids, and do my best to heal.


    Linda with no good leg to stand on
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    Oh LIN, how awful for you and especially in this heat. Don't try to rush healing!
    This really is turning into an awful year for accidents, bone problems, bone repairs etc, and dare I say it, we are only half way through.
    It's 79F in the house now even though my window A/C is going full blast. Could be worse. It's 86F outside. 30 Centigrade.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    All that talk of ice cream has me pausing for a choc ice! The chair seat is almost all removed and uncovering the old springs explains why all 4 are so comfortable to sit on! Imagine!! 😲😲

    It's a beautiful warm evening and although 8.30pm bright enough to continue out in the garden room removing staples then I'll cut out foam to replace those rusty springs.

    Lin, follow your own advice lovey.... rest! 😉

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Don't know where my day went, but here it is, time to dress and go down to dinner again! Accomplished nada today and don't feel guilty at all! My make-up concealer is all used up, so I go down tonight in all my purple-blue and figure our which blouse will be most flattering! There will be an interesting history lecture tonight about early American spreading out to the west, and I'll bet that was not an easy time, either! I expect tonight's debates will be overwhelmingly confusing! And the BIG question in my mind will be which one will be able to deal best with the Orange Bully's mud slinging and name calling? Will I ever get over Hillary allowing him to stand over her shoulder without saying a single word? I don't want anyone descending to his gutter-level, but at least contain his nastiness!
    SANDY, I'm in your class when it comes to loving pools and sunshine. I never freckled and soaked up the warmth and now I never go out!!! The air conditioning seems to suit me fine now, though most other women carry heavy shawls around! I must say I have quite a collection myself now!
    JACKIE, how amazing your recovery and attitude are!
    And LIN, your memory!!!
    PATSY, I do feel I have about a year's sleep to make up for, and I keep trying for before midnight and haven't managed it yet!
    ANNE, sounds to me like you truly still miss your moors! Dream on!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...............................