Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday. Right now we have high clouds and mild temps. Who knows what the day will bring? Sun? Rain? Wind? All of the above?

    We had a very nice Father’s Day for John. The paella is a lot of work preparing all the different ingredients. I am not sure the prep is worth it. I have other recipes that John would enjoy as well. So simple is best! I am just not good at thinking of simple first. Both of our kids called and our son chatted for at least a couple of hours. This pleased dear John. Our daughter has such health and emotional issues, we felt lucky to have a very pleasant chat with her. No drama or trauma.

    I am so inspired by Lin’s determined clearing out of items in her home that is no longer useful for her. I will try to get going on that this week. It will be a years long process. I kept most of the things from long ago. Stacks and stacks of stuff! Sort of fun to go through it and remember my mom and grandmother. I suspect they never got rid of anything either. This is going to be a big job!

    Jackie: do you have special exercises for your new hips? I have heard about different kinds of replacement material require different healing requirements. Your gardening helper sounds like a treasure! I have thought you have been extremely lucky when picking trades people. Your garden room looks so well done from what I see. Having someone help with the garden who is knowledgeable and just does the right things at the right time, Wonderful!!!

    Laundry is calling and I will need to attend to the usual housecleaning chores before I can get back into the dungeon. I also need to brush dear Katie. She is standing in front of me with her yellow ball in her mouth, wagging her tail. A clear invitation for a ball game.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well at least it isn't raining today. Bright sunshine if a little on the chilly side.

    I had a can of black beans in the cupboard that needed eating up so I made Mexican black bean, onion, rice, various spices etc omitting the tomatoes (because I don't trust them for joint pain) and substituting frozen green peas instead. It was amazingly tasty with lots left over for tomorrow.🌵🌵🌵 This is part of Anne's fitness campaign to remove four pounds in weight off her legs which are still not happy particularly at night time. Goodbye sugar, crusty bread, lamb chops, fish and chips and hello beans and lots of veggies. I shall try and find a sombrero to jump on.

    All this rain has the potatoes I planted a few days ago over a foot high with luxurious foliage. Truly amazing.

    And there you have my exciting Monday life!
    Maybe things will liven up as the Bean and I go off to the mailbox and an afternoon ramble and sniff.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Stopping in to say hi! Doc ordered new X Rays for right shoulder and arm, though I think they are simply bruised. Sleepy more than usual, and have 3 cards I must get done, so See you!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Good morning, we have been promised rain today and this evening as well. Hasn’t started yet but I will take my umbrella today. Doing the short Tai Chi class again this morning followed immediately by Mah Jongg (won 2 of 3 hands last time—I was amazed). Then home for a bit of lunch and on to the library for an afternoon of brain puzzles. Should be fun.

    Buzz, your Doctor is being very cautious which is much better than benign neglect. Or not being able to get in for an appointment.

    Anne, rain for you today? Amazing growth of the spuds. What kind of fertilizer did you give them? Doesn’t it seem any time you start with a can of beans when you make a dish/concoction that you are guaranteed leftovers. That is always fine with me as I won’t have to cook the next day.

    Patsy, you do make the most glorious recipes. I seem to have lost all desire to make much of anything that takes effort. Too many other thing to do? I cook veggies, clean fresh veggies and punt for the rest. Yesterday as I was doing other things, I let the Instant Pot prepare some quinoa and then some oatmeal while the countertop oven baked red sweet potatoes. I went all out and prepped some fresh veggies so now I am set for days of yummies as a I also purchased a peach, a few Rainer cherries, a piece of cut watermelon, and a few grapes. This is my maximum effort right now. So really I do envy your culinary creations. Wonderful!

    Sandy, you are a trooper. Helping out with kids even when the duty is lighter than usual is so loving and kind. You are a very caring person.

    Jackie, you and your gardener are creating quite an oasis of calm and beauty. I am so glad you found here. Hello to all of your dear creatures. And very considerate of you to post the condolence cards. Hoping things work out without drama.

    Jeri, happy days to you. Busy days for certain.

    Laura, are you okay? Haven’t heard from you in a while. Pop round and let us know you what you are up to.

    I must move although it is pleasant to sip coffee and type.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2019
    Home after a walk in the woods with George and Betty. Of course it began to rain as we got out of the car but it did remain gentle and under the tree canopy we stayed pretty well dry. It is supposed to be a dry afternoon so I will get out into the garden because I need to plant some drawf French bean plants in a tub and also an outdoor bush tomato that my neighbour gave me. Apart from that nothing much planned. Tennis available to watch on the tv if I wish!

    Patsy, my exercises are gentle and I do them a couple of times a day, usually when I'm in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil. Combined with my increased walking they do ease the stiffness and any aches. A few more than shown on this video but you get the idea!;t=3s

    No harm in double checking for injuries Buzz then listen to your body telling you to rest.

    Time for lunch so I'll wish everyone, Sandy, Lin, Anne, Jeri and any other sneakers looking in a happy Tuesday.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) As it turns out I did not sit yesterday, Lisa's mom's plans changed so she was able to go. I am going to go today and see how it works out. The kids might watch more TV than they are normally allowed but we will see. I am tired of staying in and wearing this boot but I have no choice. I might go to pool for a couple of hours before sitting if I get the energy. Sorry, I might sound a little cranky because I am. :s

    Jackie, my exercises for my knee replacements was very similar, all good for motion.
    Riding my recumbent bike was another and I will never forget the first time I pushed the pedal all the way around and let out a scream. My friend Jen was outside and my door was open so she yelled up and said don't be a baby.

    Lin, not sure I am a trooper but I miss seeing the kids so I am going to give it the old college try. Enjoy your class and game, I know how much you love them.

    Buzz, let us know what the X Rays revealed. Listen to Jackie and listen to your body it needs rest.

    Anne, June showers bring July flowers? Just a couple of months late but now it is time for warmth and sunshine.

    Patsy, I knew you would make Father's Day special for John, you are such a good wife. I am glad you got to talk to the kids and your day was wonderful.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just lost an enormously long post full of pearls of wisdom. Haven't the heart to repeat, and the Bean needs her mid day trot. Boo Hoo !!! 😢
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So much for promises of a dry afternoon. Not only has it been pouring but the tennis was off too because of the weather so no tv viewing! 🤨
    Grocery shopping yesterday I discovered a variety of sustainable fish caught in British waters now available. The political angst surrounding European countries taking our fish is complex so I won't go there but being brave I bought Gurnard and am now google searching how to prepare and cook it! Haha, I think I'll have to save that meal for tomorrow, give myself more time to research.
    Sandy I'm not allowed to get on my bike for a couple of months and will be very wary when I do... expect a scream or 2 from me too! 😁

    So my Plan B evening meal will be a spiced sweet potato burger and yet more salad!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another somewhat cloudy day. Might have a shower later but not so far. Mild temps, thank goodness. Heat just puts me in almost a coma. All I can do is sit and try to breathe. You can plainly see we are not desert people. No going to Arizona EVER! Although Sedona sounds interesting.

    My cooking is because John enjoys it so much. If I cooked just for me, it would be very simple. John enjoys an evening meal, no TV, he is supportive and helps clear the table after the meal. It is how he grew up. My mom was like the Julia Child of her family. Big pot luck picnics with very delicious food from mom and her sisters. We don’t eat out much any more because John doesn’t like fast food or fried food. He avoids cocoanut oils etc. he is very particular about food. I am Like a goat, I eat any and everything!

    My search for shoes and insoles continue. If I ever find something that is just right, I will quickly order a lifetime supply before they quit making them.

    I watch YouTube comedy shows to keep me in a good mood. Some of them are very funny...some are uncomfortably rude. Why? I also look at dog grooming and training shows. Not that Katie would cooperate in any way. She looks at me quizzically as if to say, “I am not in the mood to do tricks or anything you find amusing. I play ball.” And that’s how it goes!

    We are also having veggie burgers tonight. Topped with guacamole and black bean chips. Pretty easy to prepare.
    Be brave and wear bright red lipstick.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Our rainy weather seems to be bringing out the worst in my aches, and today the hips started hurting. I had to have landed on them when I hit the ground. The purple is also covering both jaws. I feel like digging in somewhere! I am NOT cleaning up for my cleaning lady coming tomorrow.Goodnight, lovely friends....oops, frozen screen. <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning ladies, we are stuck in waiting for on line grocery delivery. Jilly is not happy being stuck in. The delivery guy phones 5 minutes before he delivers and if one doesn't answer he doesn't deliver. We have a window of 9 - 11 am so poor Jilly Bean could have a long wait. That is the downside of grocery delivery. I could have whipped around a store much faster, however on the other hand sticking to a list means I am not diverted by the sight of cheesecakes and sticky buns. This is a great help in the battle of the bulge. To make matters worse from the Beans point of view I have an order from M&S on the way later in the week of two polo tees specially ordered ironically for taking the Bean on her early morning summer walks.

    The weather is just perfect today. Yesterday we met Carol who's a volunteer with the humane society. She had in tow her beautiful rescued German shepherd named William Wallace or Willie for short. His mom was tethered to a chain all of her life and when she had puppies she couldn't look after them as they grew. Someone happily reported the owner and mom, puppies and Willie ended up at the shelter.
    One wonders at times why some people acquire pets. He pleaded that Mom was a security guard. Not sure how she could guard his property permanently shackled! Sigh!

    I think I'll go and make a nice cup of coffee as I wait. No pearls of wisdom to be eaten up and disappear before I even go near a save button.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good day. Overcast, a bit of fog and some rain possible. Doing a bit of laundry right now, left a message with my doctor’s office about my Rx having run out. Several errands on tap after the dryer has finished. I ordered a tiny item from Walmart and got free shipping if I pick it up at the store. Thought I could do that this morning with other errands in that area but it did not arrive.

    Jackie, thanks for the video, good exercises for all of us to work on flexibility. Did you get your beans and tomato planted yesterday?

    Sandy, did you get out yesterday? I am sure you are tired of the boot. I do hope you are healing up as you put up with the inconvenience. I saw a lady walking out of a store the other day, carrying a big bag of groceries and limping along on a boot. She was doing well with it. I probably would have used a cart to lean on rather than carrying the bag.

    Anne, I hope we are treated to some of your pearls of wisdom today. But MFP is still unpredictable. Crashed for me this morning and I still only have a news feed on the main page from time to time and sometimes 8 or 9 hours go by and it will not refresh. I see the same postings there and the indication is they were posted a few minutes ago. Fingers crossed!

    Patsy, if you find the just right shoes and the perfect insoles, by all means, order your lifetime supply and then let us know what has worked for you! I am always hunting.

    Buzz, darn weather making every ache and pain worse. Glad you did not try to clean up for the cleaning lady. And I also hope you got some rest. Very difficult when you are hurting. Hugs.

    Must check the dryer.

    Hugs and all best wishes for happy days.


    P.S. Yes, all the things I attended yesterday were lovely and very enjoyable. :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Great to see the kiddos yesterday. When I got there they were all playing in the little swimming pool Lisa set up for them. After getting them all dried and dressed I was giving them dinner when Lisa texted and said her swimming pool was closed for some reason and she was going to skip her meeting because she felt bad for me in my big shoe. She really is a considerate DIL and I love her lots. I did let her go downstairs and exercise on her machine and I put Charlie to bed. I left earlier than usual so it was a good night.
    I came home to a phone call from Babe who said he just had the worst fight ever with his son and he might need me to take him to the heart doctor for his appointment today. As it turned out he called this morning and said he still didn't know because his son was still sleeping and then called again to say his son insists that he is taking him. Believe it or not I knew this outcome last night because I know him all too well. So grateful to be out of all that drama.

    I have a teeth cleaning today and the dentist will let me know what he can do for my chipped tooth which is a crown. It is my front tooth and although not really a big chip I would like it fixed. I see many dollar signs in front of me but I got this card that the dentist office recommended which lets you pay off with no interest for a year. That I can handle.

    Bingo tonight, would love to win some money, this has been a bad month for spending.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    What an odd morning. First Dorio with the groceries, then Mark rolled up and cut the grass, and now a clowns just walked past the front window with a huge stack of balloons.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Wednesday. My day has also gone in a different direction to any plan. The morning walk in the woods was damp but by lunchtime the sun was breaking through and it's now a beautiful evening. A sofa I ordered for the garden room was supposed to be delivered tomorrow so I postponed a booked hair appointment but around midday the courier phoned to let me know he was on the road at the end of our track looking for me. When I walked out to meet him he told me his beautiful spaniel sitting in the cab had terrible diarrhoea and wondered if I had some spare poo bags since he'd heard George barking in the background. While I was back in the cottage picking up spare bags he delivered the boxed sofa to the kitchen door and walked back to his truck! The fun started when I tried to move it but realised I'd have to cut open the box, remove the sofa and drag it through the kitchen. Luckily it was cleverly folded into itself but heavy so the best way forward was to roll it over and over through doors and across floors until I manoeuvred it into the garden room. Time then to stop, but my legs up and rest sore hips! The good news is it's now put together and I'm sitting against comfy cushions sipping a cuppa. I can see I'll be competing with Brady and Hebe in future for some room on it!

    It didn't stop raining yesterday Lin so beans and tomato shrub still waiting patiently... tomorrow!

    Oooh Anne, I hope that wasn't Stephen King's clown walking past your window. A ghastly movie I seem to remember!

    Time to cook the fish I bought on Monday and it seems baking is the best option.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    What an odd morning. First Dorio with the groceries, then Mark rolled up and cut the grass, and now a clowns just walked past the front window with a huge stack of balloons.

    Excuse me, clown????

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes LIN, a clown! A very weird morning. The clown stuffed his/her balloons in the boot of a car and drove off, thank the Lord!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone Liz has come and gone and she insisted I climb into my lounge chair, raise the legs and GET SOME SLEEP! First I'll have my yogurt and blueberries and then nap. I could sleep standing up today!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: just a guess but I think someone in your neighborhood is having a birthday party. Isn’t it funny how clowns have such a bad reputation? Children often are just terrified of them. I always loved them. I did a series of paintings for a pediatric clinic and one of the sketches was a clown. They told me they could’nt hang that one. The kids would be afraid of it. Oh well.

    People often don’t like ventriloquist’s dolls either. I am always fascinated by them as well as dolls in general.

    I woke up almost crippled! Every bone in my body was complaining. It is a bit better now but just a bit. Not sure why but this is going to be a strange day. I have a few errands and now we are going to replace the fuchsias that are croaking on the front deck. We had several really hot days a couple of weeks ago. They wilted and have never recovered. That deck got over 100 degrees. The sad hanging baskets of dying fuchsias are not very welcoming on the front deck.

    Limping off to change for my trip into town.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, up and getting ready to leave for a morning of short Tai Chi class and then a long visit with our former library ladies now meeting at a large table in the Grille area of a local grocery store. And finally my little something has shown up at Walmart so will go there today as well.

    I slept a lot last night. Went to bed very early, had a nice long nap, up for a while and then more sleep. In all, the most sleep I have had for weeks. And thank goodness for a heating pad with an automatic shutoff. It is a lifesaver for me.

    Question please. I can no longer find the birthday message under announcements. I have to click on display all messages and then it appears in the list. It says it is an announcement and I starred it but after looking at the message it disappears again. I have tried through the app and also MFP through Safari with the same result. Hummmmm.

    Buzz, good for her. You need your healing and restorative rest. Hugs.

    Patsy, I am sorry you had a pain-filled day. I hope today is a better day. The weather really does have an effect on everything. We are starting out with an extremely foggy day. A bit of rain later. Of course, I just broke down and got a lovely car wash. Oh my!

    Jackie, oh my goodness, I cannot believe the sofa project. Goodness, would he have brought it in if you’d been at the door of your house? You are amazing. Enjoy that sofa.

    Sandy, how did the dentist’s appointment come out? Chip fixable? I have had an actual tooth veneered but not a crown.

    Must move along my friends, albeit slowly.

