Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    RIP Cinders! After spending the night in the warm greenhouse away from bullying it looked as if she passed peacefully with her head resting gently on her chest. Sue the gardener has taken her away for me.
    Comparing our weather in February when I was walking on crutches to this June it's wetter and colder to the point where I've just been online to order a delivery of smokeless fuel for the fire! Even George and Betty are curling up into their beds looking for warmth. Apart from a bit of light dusting and quick whiz round with the vacuum cleaner not much else has happened although I have rummaged through my freezer for bits and bobs to make soup and a quorn mince spaghetti sauce.... anything to warm me up!

    Patsy, your Penny sounds very similar to my bantam Daisy. Before George the chooks had free range in my garden and when I sat to sip a cup of tea in the afternoon sunshine she would fly on to my knee to sip the last drops from the cup. She talks to me and flies on to my shoulder when I'm cleaning out their house in the run and makes me laugh all the time. It never ceases to amaze me how each has such a strong individual personality. I can believe the gay swans because last year a couple of male penguins at a local rescue centre set up home together and even stole an egg from other penguins when they weren't looking. They did a great job of raising their chick too! Wouldn't we all love to see the current President's choice of Airforce One decor!! :D

    Another lovely photo Sandy. Is that your niece with you? There's a definite family resemblance. I hope if you attempted hanging your new blinds it was done safely.

    Brrr, I'm getting cold sitting at the desktop so had best get some lunch and move around more.

    Happy Tuesday.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Poor title Cinders Jackie. Just like Michael's little puppy Cinders who got run over because of the little child holding the extended leash, no longer with us but never forgotten. That's how we got little Jill of course with the loss of our Cinders and of course Hobbes the giant puss replaces my little 17 yr old Tabitha. The beloved chicken in my memory is Monica Mary - very similar to your Daisy. She lived to be nine years old and her and her pals must be the only chickens in the war years to die of old age. Jimmy and his sister Rebecca the eider ducks also lived to be nine years old. I think the neighbours thought my dad crazy to be feeding them with scraps in the lean years of the war. I took for granted my childhood, didn't everyone have elderly fowl, dogs and cats?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another beautiful day, too bad you live on the other side of the pond Jackie or I would invite you to float in the pool. I did get my blinds up with a lot of sweat and they look great. The second window is bigger so I had to reorder a bigger size. My foot is still hurting and I can't figure out what it is and don't seem to have time to go to a foot doctor.
    Of course if I gave up pool time I would but I think I will wait one more day.
    Babe told me today that his son and dil are going to go for counseling and so are his granddaughter and dil. She has had enough and if this doesn't work divorce might be in the future.

    Jackie, I am so sorry about Cinders, how old was she? Maybe your weather is what is taking longer to heal your hip than the other, dampness doesn't help anyone.

    Anne, I remember that story of Michael's Cinders, so very sad. He broke up with that girl didn't he? Look at all the happiness Jilly brings you, things happen for a reason.

    Hello to everyone else and have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Indeed SANDY, Mike did break up with his Sandy. That was three years ago at the time of Jilly's birth. However, he often said over the years how much he missed Sandy and how she made him laugh. Finally I said "Mike you really like Sandy don't you and I know you miss her. It was an accident that will never happen again to a dog in Sandys care, for goodness sake phone her and test the waters".

    Meanwhile her youngest daughter said exactly the same thing to Sandy, "you miss Mike, for goodness sake phone him". Well he went home to think about it and on the way home his phone rang. Sandy!!
    A long talk later they are friends again although he tells me it is purely friendship now.

    She's been over here to meet the Bean and I could tell she was very uncomfortable at first but I think I quickly put her at ease and The Bean certainly did. Anyway to cut a long story short she now phones ME regularly and she was the friend Michael drove to Buffalo. She had a choir convention.

    While she was there Mike got friendly with a security guard who was ex army and he told Mike he had 15 guns at home. What! 15 guns! Mike explained hardly anybody owns a gun in Canada and it's hard to get a licence to legally own one. A few farmers maybe and of course the gangs who get them from the states illegally. The guard could hardly believe this.

    I tell you life is never uninteresting however old one gets,!!

    So the moral of this story is, we all learn from our mistakes, we can all say sorry for our past mistakes and we all need a friend who makes us laugh.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! Summer is here. Warm and sunny. Now, of course, John is being a very typical Oregonian. By that I mean, we complain about the rain, fret about wild fires and drought if it isn’t raining. Father’s Day this Sunday will be a time to consider getting our two kids together and having a picnic on the deck. We beg for our children, “Please! No gifts!” They often refuse to listen.

    Sandy: there are times I wonder if divorce isn’t the best idea. Then again, I have seen many times when people work so hard to separate, could they have worked as hard to stay together? I know that our personal relationships are the joy or misery of life. John laughs that I would indeed torture him to death rather than divorce. Sounds reasonable to me!

    Anne: I am glad Your dear Mike made peace with his Sandy. Life is hard and dark without a friend to share the burden. My son needs to learn from Mike. Our son lives an interesting life but his personal relationships are not deep friendships or lasting romances. Yet he is creative, dynamic, busy, fun, and current on everything. We keep saying, find a lady and MAKE A COMMITMENT! He has busybody parents, as we all know.

    Jackie: we are often blessed/cursed with unseasonable weather. I think that is very stressful mentally and physically. I can deal with cold in the winter and hot weather in the summer. But the other way around is distressing. RIP sweet Cinders. Our Creatures add so much to our life. I comfort myself by thinking about how I try to provide a good life for the creatures that share our life. I know you do this as well.
    I hope you have interesting diverting activities while you heal. Sports on TV, chatting with friends on the phone. I would be cuddled up in a heavy sweater and in my dungeon with my foot propped up on a foot stool, listening to wonderful happy music.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yes Anne I certainly do remember the tragic and heartbreaking accident inflicted on the gorgeous little Cinders. A bad error of judgement for sure so I do admire your forgiving nature but of course the most important thing for you now is Mike's happiness.
    Ahh Patsy, I'm sure you've peeped through my window this evening to see me sitting with feet up wrapped in a cosy throw watching the USA ladies soccer team well and truly beat Thailand in their World Cup match!

    Sandy, if your pool is heated I might just dream tonight of floating in it especially if I dig out my hot water bottle to cuddle up to! 😄

    Time for bed... nite, nite!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good evening,

    I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Little Cinders. So difficult to lose a friend. My friend lost her very old dog last week. He passed in his sleep. She has been in shock even though she knew he was quite old and had health problems. There is no easy way to handle the loss. Just forge through one bit at a time.

    I realize there have been many wonderful posts today and I appreciate reading them but I am going to retreat up to my room and the lovely heating pad. After a kind of difficult start, I found a combination of foot wrap, thin sock, different pair of shoes and started driving my SUV rather than my tiny car and the day really has ended much better than any in the last several weeks. Fingers crossed, onward to some heat and lovely foot salve.

    Hugs to all Sneakers.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Aw, gee, LIN, tiny cars are purely for fun, though they surely save on gas! So use the SUV until the limb heals, hon! It will pay off!
    JACKIE, sympathy for you on the loss of brave little Cinders....have your pups noticed her absence? And I'm trying to figure out how to share some of my 90 degree breezes with you!
    PATSY, both of you became our friends when you joined, and we care about both of you, quirks (your word, not mine) and all!
    SANDY, indeed I too noticed the resemblance, though I cannot place your niece. You look fabulous, as always! As far as Babe's clan, what a crazy outlook! And you 2 separated because of this couple! I just hope his addicted son doesn't move in with Babe!!!
    ANNE, funny how things work out, isn't it?
    Must run...or walk quickly, to the Loo so have a good night, my dears!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Fun day with the kiddos but my foot is killing me. I am seeing a foot doctor this afternoon because it seems like it is getting worse. Babe seems to think it could be gout but I would rather have a "real" doctor look at it. Not sure about bingo until I see the doctor.

    Buzz, you must have missed some posts where I told you that Babe sold his house and is living with his son in their big house that no one can afford. He is miserable there but he made his own decision. The niece I was with is my brother's daughter, her name is Leona but we call her Lee. One of my favorites, she also used to do my hair but she lives to far and I got tired of driving.

    Lin, I tried ice but the more I walk on my foot the more it hurts and I am too busy to be in pain. lol Hopefully the doctor will give me a quick cure.

    Jackie, the pool is heated to about 82. It feels good when very hot outside but if it rains of course it gets cooler. I am not a big swimmer, just a floater in my chair float.

    Patsy, sometimes I think my first husband and I should have worked harder to keep it together but I am a person who believes things happen for a reason, all part of God's Plan. So many good things have happened from the bad things it makes sense to me.

    Anne, I think I remained friends with all my exes, especially my ex husband and of course Babe whom I am legally still married.

    Have a great day, it is a cloudy day here with expected rain.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    Same for me SANDY, heart broken at the time, but I've had so much fun after the devastation I honestly wouldn't change a single thing in my entire life if I could live it all again. I've had so much joy, been to all the places I wanted to visit, dabbled a bit in amateur dramatics, worked in the aircraft industry, enjoyed the ballet and opera, met so many wonderful and talented people, and loved all my pets to bits. In the past of course one had to marry to get the sons and grands I'm now blessed with. To be honest, if it wasn't for the sons I think I would have been perfectly happy to have been a spinster of the parish!
    I was thinking only last night in bed of all the lovely experiences I've enjoyed funnily enough. When I told my dad I intended to marry my one and only (we're not friends today, but cordial) his response was, "what on earth for, you've got a good job now, but the next thing you'll be down at heel, broke and shoving a pram". Guess dad knew a thing or two, lol.

    So move over Miss Marples and all you other delightful single ladies I know or have known like my lovely auntie Kath. And.........
    Here's to our little band of contented sneakers, married or not.!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Good afternoon. Still doing better today, knock on wood. The ankle compression thing I am wearing is stopping the walking on the outside of the foot which seems to be making most everything better. Still some pain along the tendon etc. but not going crazy with it right now. Yes! Hoping it remains better.

    Sandy, I have no time for injury and pain either but hey, I did not get a choice. Good luck on a miracle cure. Those never seem to come my way. Babe really is in it isn’t he. Oh gosh, so hard to watch these things go bad. Wishing him well. And I hope you do not have gout.

    Anne, your dad was a wise man wasn’t he. But glad you are pleased with the way things sorted themselves. I also may miss my ex from time to time. But we are totally on the outs, his decision. He wanted me erased. But overall, I guess it is for the best. Always some good and some not so good as fallout from any decision or course of action.

    Well, I am off in a little while to meet one or two people (fingers crossed) to sell a couple of things. I am continually in trouble with Facebook Marketplace for prohibited items or for violating their commerce policies. Some algorithm keeps flagging my items for words in a title—like ceramic dog, or stone critters. Live animals cannot be listed. I have to fill out a request for review form each time. This morning they took down a listing for UGG shoes as violating policy. I asked for review as these are not fakes. I do not know what else the problem could be. Everything is electronic and no one to ask so??? This time they said if I persist I may be banned from Marketplace. Grrrrr. Anyone have insight on this?

    And Jackie, no car boot sales here. Just garage sales.

    Time to move along. And hopefully to move along without the horrific pain returning.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lin! I suggest you look into selling some things on Poshmark. I have sold some things there and I am very pleased with their whole arrangement. It is a bit of work but not as bad as Marketplace. And no going to some meeting place only to have the other person not show. I have sold some pretty expensive things there. Not sure about collectives and antiques. I did sell some antique cigarette lighters from my grandfather. Good price. However, they always offer a bit less!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Evening sunshine is brightening my spirits although I know more rain is on the way! I did manage to walk both dogs round the block ever so slowly earlier and am doing my best to gradually Increase the distance so apart from a few complaining muscles I do see improvements. All the rain we've had has turned the garden into a jungle but I'm still not allowed to bend low so it will just have keep growing. At least the bees love it all 😊

    Buzz, the hens have settled down and George does seem to realise Cinders has gone but since his initial manic terrier interest was more predatory I'm just happy she passed away peacefully without drama. Betty lives in her own bubble where no creature seems to get her attention unless it appears on the tv screen then she barks and bounces, even at cartoons. 😁

    Sandy, could you have broken a bone in your foot, maybe dancing the light fandango at the wedding? Certainly appears an x-ray is needed to see what's happened.

    Lin, those Marketplace rules, although for good reasons, do seem OTT especially if you are being threatened with a ban. Someone needs to tweak the website. What a shame car boot sales don't run in the States. They are great fun as well as a good way to have a clear out and make some money.

    Oops, nearly lost my post so finishing before it all disappears!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Doctor said it is a stress fracture and I have no idea how. He said it comes from many things including osteoporosis, diet, etc. I have a "charming" shoe to wear for three weeks and then go back to see how it is healing. This getting old is getting ridiculous.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Charming shoe known as a boot Sandy? So many end up wearing those.....
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I have a charming boot and crutches downstairs Sandy. What can you do with a charming boot once a fracture is healed. Fill it with soil and flowers and plant it in the garden? Hey, this is turning into some week for healing bones and aches and pains! I'm SO sorry for us ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☹️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Sandy, time to pause and look after No.1 for once <3

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Sandy, what are you allowed to do? And what must you avoid in order for this to heal properly?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah yes, no one warned us about the tarnish in the Golden Years! My sympathy for all the aches, pains, fractures, and I'm glad it's not GOUT, SANDY! Don't stress the fracture, either! I've always been leery of selling my things, so I just give them to whomever is interested! Like ANNE, my 1st marriage which lasted 27 miserable years, gave me my 3 wonderful children, so no regrets ! The second lasted 5 sad months when my new husband died of a brain tumor. And #3 was a mostly wonderful 39 years, so I've no complaints. However, I have news tonight.My DD#2 went to the hospital last night to be readied for her brain cancer biopsy and this morning, her head was partially shaved and she was put to sleep before the MRI was taken. When she woke and asked how the biopsy went, she learned it was never taken, The MRI showed absolutely no growth of any kind!!! It had disappeared in the weeks she was waiting in despair until her meditations helped calm her down and her "self-compassion" groups added to her serenity! A miracle? Prayers? Something else? Whatever cured it, we are supremely grateful. The next item is a first for me: as I was headed to my favorite lounge chair tonight to enjoy a bit of TV and get my legs up, I grabbed my walker incorrectly, turned it over right on me, and we both went down, with my head bouncing on the floor several times! I had to alert the nurse since I was unable to get up. She arrived quickly, felt me and called security and an ambulance since it seems I had a "hematoma" the size of an apple on the back of my head, and she worried I might not wake up in the morning! I didn't want to go to the hospital, but she frightened me somewhat, so I went, had a Cat Scan of my head and XRays of my left arm and I was bruised but nothing more so here I am, back home! I insisted on cold packs from that lump, and the ER doctor said it was the right thing since the the thing had disappeared by the time he examined me! I had not been dizzy or anything like that, simply grabbed the walker with only one hand and put it off balance! I think it was my 1st fall since I was a kid!
    The hospital gave me nothing, so when I returned home I took a couple of Tylenol and I guess bed sounds good now! And I'm thinking it's a good idea to keep a small bag ready packed with things one might want or need just in case a hospital stay is necessary in our future. All I took was my cell phone!!!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Dear BUZZ, so happy and relieved that you are okay after such a terrible fall. My friend fell or rather tripped when her leg caught on her walker and she ended up with broken hips. Sometimes these aids cause our downfall instead. Dear lady please, please don't let it happen again!
    A miracle indeed that your daughter is cured. Absolutely wonderful! You must be totally on top of the world. Again, so very pleased for you.

    Meanwhile I couldn't sleep again last night because of the ankle and leg pain. I found my old ankle brace used after the boot was discarded from the previous broken ankle. It appears to be helping. I'm beginning to suspect that when my knee gave way a few days ago I might have sprained it. Whatever it is it's darn painful. Marks galloping over today and I hope I don't end up in Emergency!

    Groceries delivered today early and I don't want Beans favourite delivery man to find me in my jam jams so must fly.