Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,363 Member
    :'(Sandy, I remember at the beginning of the pandemic that you stayed home and interacted face to face with almost no one, but now that you are accustomed to being with family, this must be very difficult for you.

    :)Jackie, You derive so much joy from the care of your home and the adventures with your dogs. What a great life.

    :)Patsy, I, too, cannot imagine living with someone else or moving to another place. We've moved often enough for me to have a clear idea of how much work it is.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello everyone and especially PATSY my fellow elder! I thought being an elder would be pretty neat. Me - the kindly old woman dishing out wise advice but that isn't the case at all. Instead I've turned into the only elder I know in person yelling at Realtors who want to sell the homestead for an enormous profit thus lining their pockets for when THEY become elders.

    I find that the majority of elders around here are clinging to their old homesteads for dear life. In my case I don' t have to contend with the rubble downstairs at the moment and the upstairs is done with a flick of the Swiffer in no time! but when I do need help the trick seems to be to find a very good cleaning lady, usually some poor soul from a third nation who is quite happy to flick a duster around, give you your mid morning coffee, tell you the latest gossip as she matily sips coffee with you and maybe is even prepared to cook your midday lunch. This didn't work too well with Mary Jo's father after her mother died because being Portuguese he wasnt tuned in to Polish cuisine.

    It means breaking into the savings of course but after all isn't that what we saved up for AND it makes the "children" much more inclined to go to the stores to buy our surgical socks, geriatric pills, or take us to renew hearing aids, walking sticks, virus jabs etc. when they don't have to muck us out occasionally.
    So all is not lost as we survey any new wrinkles in the mirror the cleaning lady forgot to clean.

    Anyway, that's what I hope to do and I hope this is helpful!!!!!!!!!! Hope your knee is feeling better by the way. I find a good moan is very helpful if only to Jilly and you lot. Ha. another thought, a cleaning lady who loves adorable little dogs!

    Even the Queen must have age related problems, not cleaning ladies of course but her kids must be a source of anxiety to her, something that so far we seem to have avoided.

    I Will shut up for now, explain to Jilly that speedy dogs pulling old ladies on icy paths is not a good idea and go have a hot shower.

    Love and kisses to you all from your own Shaman,
    ANNSIE the not wanting to be elder of the tribe. xxxxxxx

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,408 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Wednesday! :) Frigid cold again but at least the sun is shining. Well I am feeling good today and although I said I might stay in another 5 days I am going to go sit later this afternoon. Robby did not go to choir yesterday and although it was not my fault I felt guilty. I know Lisa likes to grocery shop on Wednesday and Robby has RE so I am going to go and do my usual on Wednesday. I also bring them Mc Donald's so I am sure they will be happy about that. It has been 8 days since my first symptoms so I know I am not contagious. I won't see them this weekend for movie night as they are spending the night at the other grandparents. Again, thank you for all the good wishes but I am fine.
    Anne and Patsy you make it sound like you are ancient, I am right behind you and will be 80 in March. Age is only a number don't let it get in your way. I also hope to live alone for the rest of my life, but only time will tell. Babe is making sounds likes he wants to come live with me since they are selling the house.
    Long story but can't give you and ending as I just don't know it yet.
    Going to finally take our new phones in to get the data transferred and hand in the old phones. Bryanna is still off from school so I will have to go to her house to get her old phone, so better not dawdle today.

    Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    In Canada we have to isolate for 14 days at home after testing positive however well we feel because our medics say we can still pass this thing on, being still infectious to others however well we feel. There is some consternation that a number of small children have died especially in Quebec. Different countries seem to have different rules don't they.

    No I dont feel ancient at all SANDY, just joking around which probably and hopefully means I am on the end. Must be, I found myself singing today much to Beans astonishment because I make the most dreadful sounds when I sing!
    I'm 86 but when I get rid of shingles and back to some normalcy, certainly don't feel it. Mary Jo and I are already talking of digging up the lawn and planting veggies this spring and I'm looking forward to that.

    Back to corvid. Two people have tested positive in Michaels work. Fortunately Mike has his own office, plus mask, plus plexiglass so we should see him on Saturday, cross fingers.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,503 Member
    edited January 2022
    Wow, it is super cold today. Colder all the time as the wind has been getting stronger all morning. I just got a warm lap cover due to the cold air but I guess I have good ventilation in my house. 😉

    Jackie, I watched the webinar and they were full beyond capacity. Only 500 people were admitted but others can watch it later. Unfortunately it is not their usual program. This is part of a series on rematriating heirloom seeds. The entire series will be about Indigenous people and how the company is helping them reclaim the seeds of their ancestors. The speakers all spoke about raising The Three Sisters which I have known about for decades. The only interesting thing is each group is raising them differently. I had only heard of the original method of hilling up dirt, putting a fish in the middle of it, planting corn and beans around each hill to run up the corn stalk and squash seeds between the hills to run along the ground so keep down the weeds and help the soil stay more moist. I left before the end as it got somewhat political about non-Indigenous people having no right to possess anything of their nations, seeds, clothing or images, language, etc. I just wanted to know about heirloom seeds that will be available to all people. The last couple of years this company has been pretty much sold out of heirloom seed. It seems to be something many people want to raise. I doubt I will attend another one of these. I have ordered from Baker’s Heirloom seeds and that little order just arrived. I don’t plan to plant as many containers this year. Many seed varieties are sold out already. Good gosh, it is January! Do you have continuing supply problems for garden supplies?

    Sandy, well, nope, I guess you are not staying home for an additional 5 days. I hope you get the phones straightened out. And as far as the switch from 10 days down to 5, I guess most people will still test positive. Just because they change guidance doesn’t mean the virus is cooperating. I don’t know why they changed other than people cannot be away from work that long and they think this is a milder virus. Truly, they can’t have had enough time to really test this change. But you are fine and they have already had Covid in that house right? All will be well. Do not feel guilty, stupid virus is our culprit.

    Anne, well, I do hope you are getting better. Deciding what to do about medical problems is difficult. I just spoke to a friend who has had extreme pain for several years. She has been to a number of doctors and has been told lots of different things, nothing worked. Cortisone mini injections, physical therapy, taping, icing, Biofreeze and more. Anyway, a new doctor reviewed her imaging (MRI?) and other tests from a while back. She had been told at that time she did not have a tendon injury, maybe just a tiny nick. Just gut it out. The new doctor told her the original doctor was entirely wrong and she had a 2” area of tearing in that tendon which should have been fixed. Now she has enough medical conditions that she really cannot consider surgery and the doctor said there may be little they could do at this point depending on the scars. So, while she is trying to decide what to do, her sons immediately said she should sue the original doctor and settle for a ton of money. She is quite upset that she doesn’t know how to live the remainder of her life with this pain level and is very upset that her kids can only focus on suing. How does that fix her pain and quality of life? Sometimes family is not entirely helpful. Meanwhile, keep on singing. 🎶🎶🎵🎵🎶🎶

    Barbie, hello. 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

    Patsy, I hope you find a way to stay where you are and please send along any suggestions. I would like to stay here as well but have no support other than delivery services and for right now, lawn mowing and snow removal. There is so much more to staying on your own (particularly in a multilevel home).

    Well, I had waaaay to much to say today.

    Be safe everyone.


  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    LIN, I really feel SO sorry for your poor friend, and have to admit having little faith in doctors after my right wrist was set 25 degrees out of shape by a doctor who was showing off to the plasterer when he pulled it into shape without any pain killer and didn't even mention pin surgery. Later I was told to leave well alone by a bone surgeon if I didn't want future arthritis if it was broken and reset. Don't have arthritis but it is awkward to use when I draw, write etc. This, followed by the pills that broke my blood vessels in my eye, nose, legs etc I avoid doctors as much as possible. I still wonder if the vaccine caused the shingles to break forth from dormancy and I've met one or two others who also contacted shingles two weeks after being vaccinated. Just a thought, I didnt sue my firm either when I broke my wrist at work, their fault, but if your friend did, maybe she would have enough cash to get things fixed by a true professional?

    Isn't it a shame that countries can't cooperate on rules about isolation after testing positive. I don't see much chance of it going away as we travel and follow different guidelines.

    Liked what you said about indigenous people and native seeds. The three sisters etc. Many years ago Flo and I went to a longhouse and the native guide explained all you mentioned to us. That plus a demo of native beadwork made it a most interesting day. I've always loved native art. Wish I could have afforded it to decorate the old homestead!


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my! Rain and dreary cold. But the worst for me is that I am to have a wheelchair temporarily while I try to recover from two large tears in Bursa ligaments, I guess they are ligaments. This is unbelievably painful and debilitating. I wasn’t even doing anything. I was sitting at the grooming table for about 2+ hours. It was cold in the room because I knew Katie gets hot when I groom her. I got up without stretching or warming my legs and those cramped ligaments just ripped. It could happen to anyone. I confess that this has really got me down. But I am planning a resurgence!

    A multi-level house is great until the stairs become your enemy. If I had it to do over, I would avoid them for this very reason. I know they help you with conditioning and it is a way to have separate living areas that provide more room, quiet, and privacy. But the moment one has a mobility issue, all bets are off! That is where we are. Right now, life got smaller and more problems to consider.

    Okay! Enough of my whining. I have ordered the rapid home tests from the gov. They are free and there is a link if you google Covid tests. Get them! You will be ahead of the game if you are wondering if you have a cold or omicron.

    I am doing the chair exercises and flex stretches for my knee while listening to Aretha Franklin. Natural woman!🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 ooooh Baby!

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Just heard on the tv news that England is scrapping all restrictions on the pandemic, masks etc. People told to "live with it like you live with the flut". Will we be next? Probably because "uplifting news to be announced soon".
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh and all our mounds of snow will be like concrete blocks tomorrow as our temperature plummets overnight to -16C. Aint life grand. Glad the two Ms dug out the snowbank across my drive yesterday because as Mark said if they hadn't it would have been there until Spring.

    Glad you've found out what's wrong PATSY and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Yes, it would get you down, I know the feeling. Get well soon!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,980 Member
    edited January 2022
    Lin, about 20 years ago, during a visit to a long house in Ontario built by indigenous people, I bought a Three Sisters recipe book; still have it. I must familiarise myself with the recipes again. If I didn’t have to travel home on a flight I would have also bought a dream catcher but didn’t hold out much hope of it arriving this end undamaged! I tend to forget that your history doesn’t go back too far before meeting First Nation traditions but also bad feelings about the past, understandably.
    With cost of living increases, especially for food, I’ve been thinking we need to concentrate this year at the allotment on producing more crops to sustain the store cupboard and beans are easy enough to grow. Hair is another source of proteins to place in the soil and I keep meaning to grab a handful of George’s when the groomer has finished, to place round rose bushes. Our heirloom seeds tend to go back to Victorian times up to post WWII when some varieties were passed down through families so were a bit of a mystery to others, especially at local fairs when competitions for best in show took place. Last year it was difficult to obtain seeds of any sort because so many people had taken up growing their own veggies during the 2020 lockdowns but it would appear that here in England our government is about to drop every Covid related restriction, even wearing masks, so not so many vegetable gardens will be dug as everyone heads for pubs, restaurants, nightclubs, cinemas and probably hospitals as the infection rates go back up!! I for one will continue to wear a mask in shops and any other crowded place.
    That’s a beautiful teapot and mug that looks like Denby pottery.

    Ouch Patsy, that injury sounds awful but so easily done. These days I have to tell myself when I get out of a warm bed not to stretch for anything until I’ve moved about a bit otherwise muscles are innocently waiting for an excuse to go PING! Follow all instructions and take care of yourself. There’s nothing else to be done right now. ❤️

    Guess it’s bedtime for me.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Morning all. Hey JACKIE just as I I wrote earlier you must have visited the same Longhouse Flo and I visited around the same time. Small world.

    Good luck with restriction lifting in England. Hints here that we will be following you.

    Mike has mixed feelings because staff are going down with Corvid where he works, but I would guess Governments can't afford to keep giving us free vaccination, and therefore its every man for himself from now on.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Great news here. As restrictions ease my grandson and Bev have found a two bedroom apartment in a nice part of town near the harbour. Close enough for us all to visit each other easily but give Mark and Mary Jo their house back to themselves. Things seem to be on the turn all around. I finally slept through the night and although still itchy, less so. I'm beginning to feel a shingles free future is in store! I just wish our PATSY a swift recovery from her knee injury which are always painful.

    What with seed shortages, I've decided not to dig up the lawn after all although I do love to garden. Mary Jo has offered me her garden table and umbrella as my shady apple tree slowly dies. So sad, but if I get the garden set they are rather nice and I quite fancy sitting out there with a nice cool glass of something. Time to smell the roses for:
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Anne, I’m not sure exactly where the long house was but definitely not far from London because we were dropped off by my friends and I think we later caught a bus back to their area. We also visited a pioneer village that was fascinating so had a great day out. That’s wonderful, you’ll be surrounded by family and have a younger member to call upon for any heavy lifting!!
    I’m guessing western governments have got their heads together about lifting restrictions and I wouldn’t put it past Boris to have used us as guinea pigs this past month!

    I sat listening to a tennis match at the Australian Open over breakfast so we were late leaving for our walk. A bright and frosty morning but I’m obviously sheltered here because when I parked and tried to open the car door to get out I had a battle with a freezing wind pushing against me. George lives cold, dry weather so enjoyed lots of zoomies while Betty stayed close to my feet. I moved as fast as possible in an effort to keep warm! Back home for soup and a sandwich then off I went again, this time for pets supplies and thick carpet tiles I had spotted before Christmas to lay on my small landing. I tucked them under my arm to carry to the car and found myself covered in fluff… more than anything Betty leaves on me! They weren’t expensive so if they continue to shed I’ll look for an alternative. When I got home I found George out in my garden very pleased with himself so he must have squeezed through Brady’s cat flap again, naughty boy! Nice neighbours were cutting the hedge that runs between our properties so no doubt George wanted to join in the fun, again!

    Fire is lit and it’s time to cook an evening meal but I’ll drop back in later to check how everyone is.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,408 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) We got our new phones all set up and the old ones are in the mail. I also got free Netflix with the new phone so I will be saving money since I won't have to pay the subscription for Netflix and their prices are going up next month. Score!! It was great seeing the kids although I did no hugging or kissing. They were mostly on their devices so kind of an easy sitting day except for putting Charlie to bed who fools around for an hour before finally falling asleep. I am staying in and staying warm today in my pj's. I had cataract surgery years ago but since yesterday I am seeing a floater and wondering if it was from Covid. I have an eye appointment in February so hopefully will be able to correct it if it doesn't go away by itself. So annoying with a little black speck in my vision.

    Jackie, I seriously don't know how you and Barbie walk in freezing weather. I do remember when I had either my back or knee surgery walking in the forest preserve with Daisy with snow and did have a million warm things on so maybe when health is involved I did it but I was at least ten years younger then. Of course now that I think about it, you and Barbie are probably ten years younger than me. lol That George is a character isn't he??

    Anne, great news for Derek and Bev, finding an apartment not only close to you but to the harbour. I bet Mark and Mary Jo are very excited to get their house back. Also happy to hear you slept through the night, something I can't do without getting up a couple of times a night. Sitting in your garden with a cuppa and/or other beverage sounds wonderful. We have not heard about any restrictions being lifted as of now. People are very upset that they have to show vaccinations cards to get into restaurants in Chicago but not in the suburbs.

    Patsy, you poor dear, I am so sorry to hear about your knee. Were you able to go to urgent care for x-rays? Did they give you anything for pain? Just rest and take it easy until you feel better, everything else can wait.

    Lin, you are most contagious two to three days before the first symptoms and two or three days after first symptoms. So staying in for five days is what is recommended with wearing a mask five days after that. Since my son and his family all had covid they have antibodies for up to three months so they felt safe with me coming. Most people who are vaccinated really do get a mild case of this new variant but I am sure there are exceptions. I felt bad for two nights but fine during the day and now I feel perfectly fine. Again grateful I failed at Wordle today and not happy.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,503 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello. Woooo, super cold again today. Should be better by Saturday. Sunny, windy and cold. Definitely winter.

    Patsy, I am sorry for what you are going through but I am glad to hear you were able to see a doctor/other medical practitioner to find out what was wrong and what you could do to start healing up. These injuries just come out of nowhere but most certainly take a lot of patience to resolve. Wishing you all the best.

    Jackie, my goodness, a visit to a Long House. That sounds interesting. We have one tribe that lives on a settlement in this state. They run a casino and until Covid, ran an annual PowWow where people (not just members of the nation) were able to attend. I love to watch the dancing and found many videos on Facebook over the last year or two where there were dances for health and healing. Other videos were challenge dances for a certain event and prizes were awarded. But no gardening. 🙂 I found some heirloom green bean seeds to purchase this morning. I think I am all set now. Carrots, lettuce, green beans, flower seeds, purple seed potatoes and tomato seeds and a few plants. George is a character and an escape artist. He made it through the cat door? Yipes! I am more like Betty, stay close, stay warm and when home take a nap. Hummm, those carpet squares shedding may not be a good sign.

    Anne, well, congrats to Derek and Bev! So glad they have found an apartment and close to you sounds even better. I hope you feel better each day. Maybe you and MJ could have some pots of veggies and flowers? And maybe you don’t have any seed shortage in Canada.

    I hope that everyone who lives in soon-to-be areas without restrictions or lowered restrictions remains safe.

    We don’t really have lots of rules here, masks recommended, please get vaccinated. But, the number of prayer requests for people with Covid being hospitalized or not doing well has really picked up at my church. Higher than at any time since this started.

    I texted with my friend who had Covid, was in the hospital and has been doing rehabilitation at home. She finally told me that about 3 weeks after first getting Covid she lost her sense of smell. Entirely. She can still taste but has no interest in many of her previously favorite foods and beverages. She is moaning now about it as she is afraid she won’t be able to smell the flowers this spring and summer. She is seeing her cardiologist today and said she would let me know if anything has changed. I am not exactly sure what she means but I wonder if they will be doing some testing. She has a faulty heart valve and has steadfastly refused surgery.

    Thinking of everyone. I must have missed Sandy. Hello to anyone I have missed.


  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm not sure if all restrictions are lifted on the 21st or 31st. Mark thinks 31st. Canada usually follows the UK in all things. We are told to "act sensibly" ha! meanwhile Mikes friend Rob and his new wife have been sent home from work because nearly all the folks at their place have the Corvid.

    I think it is the same longhouse and native village and garden that we visited JACKIE. The native guide who took us around was very interesting indeed. Further down the road there was a sanctuary for injured and recovering birds of prey. Vultures etc with flight demos by the hawks. I particularly felt sorry for an eagle who had lost his power of flight by flying into an electric pylon so was there for life. Beautiful bird close up.
    The biggest laugh was years earlier when we first arrived in Quebec and we were taking the young sons to see a rain dance. By the time we got to the reserve it was raining heavily and all we saw was a lone man under a large black umbrella with a sign that read "Rain Dance cancelled because of rain".

    Lots of happy memories of past Ontario trips with Flo, the agawa canyon, Tobermory, Manatoulin island to name just a few. I loved Tobermory, it reminded me of Cornwall! Sunken ships from past storms which one could see through the clear lake water. Heavens I could go in forever, we went everywhere! Sorry to bore you all!

    Yes LIN, I will grow a few veggies in my very large containers, just not dig up half the lawn which I can't do by myself anyway. I think seeds are in short supply here as well.

    Mark was here to collect a returnable to Home Depot. I hope he remembers I need electric light bulbs!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We had rain this morning but it is only cloudy right now. My knee is a very tiny bit better. I am stretching and doing slow exercises every hour. Seems extreme but it does keep it from seizing up. I have been following the minimal advice given at urgent care. Seriously? Plus NIH advice for seniors with knee injuries. Are we really ready to remove all restrictions? We had 136 new Covid cases yesterday in our small county. The crazy thing is that people are coming down with the bad Covid not omicron. I honestly feel we should all stay as safe as possible and continue all the safety measures until spring.

    John wanted to get me a wheelchair to use to help me get around easier but it will not fit through our doorways and hall. So I am really working on these stretches and exercises. I tried to get a PT person to come help me but he is booked solid through the winter. Life is telling me that I need to be self reliant and do my research and my own PT. Okay! I guess I can follow the the voice of the universe. I am listening to universal wisedom.

    Katie is very concerned about me. She never leaves my side. She still plays a little bit of ball. Today I am going to try to walk a bit more.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,363 Member
    <3Patsy sorry to hear about your injury ❤🌻
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    So glad you let us know how you are doing PATSY. Have you a walker?
    I'm on a mite improve daily as the huge red [thank the good lord for pants] rash which stretches from just below my knees to the top of my feet is ever so slowly receding. I have great hopes it will be all a memory come gardening weather and I very much hope the same for you. Like your Katie; Bean is concerned for me and tries to lick whenever she gets the chance which means sock wearing, long sock wearing! The bit of normal skin appearing is actually like baby skin! Every cloud etc etc.

    The folk next door are still feverishly working on what WAS the internals of Harrys house. They all arrived this morning at first light and minus 17 degrees. I suspect a FOR SALE notice will go up in March. I know Harrys beloved wood stove is no more along with all the logs which adorned his side of my fence. Its been exchanged for one of those modern wall electric/gas fires. I wouldn't mind one of those myself for chilly nights which are in abundance now its January.

    We will continue to be very cautious now Corvid restrictions are being lifted. Mike of course is the most at risk. An enormous number of folk are in our hospitals with figures reported daily on the news. He has to work today but will be over tomorrow hopefully. I'm hoping he will drive me to the nearest shoppers drug mart because I am running out of face foundation despite frugal use. Dont bother with it when it's just me and Jilly but I like the family to be under the illusion I am still young and fair. Dream on Annsie.

    So, I'm sat here waiting for the washer to finish its cycle and the grocery order to arrive and it won't hurt to flick a duster about. Looking forward to reading about everyones doings.
    Be Safe,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,408 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started but other than that nothing else going on today. It is frigid out so a good day to stay in and stay warm. Will pay some bills and ride the bike plus too much time playing games on my computer.

    Anne, glad you are feeling a little better and you sound much better. It sounds like they are gutting Harry's old place and should make a great profit when they sell. Maybe that was the intention in the first place. Our restrictions still haven't been lifted and I haven't heard that will be any time soon. Poor Mike having to work amongst all those cases, but he is smart and cautious. Funny, I do the same, if alone I could care less what I look like but even if just Bryanna comes over I throw on a little makeup. Good luck with grocery order.

    Patsy, did you go into urgent care? Were any x-rays taken or did you just do a virtual call? Try not to put to much weight on that knee until it heals. We worry about you and want you to heal quickly.
    Too bad the wheelchair doesn't work with your doors and hallway although you could probably rent one from one of your pharmacies.

    Lin, my niece's daughter has the same after effect as your friend. I found this out after my brother's funeral while we were at the house. We were talking about vaccinations and she said she would not get one because she was trying to get pregnant with her third child and she already had covid and now has no taste or smell. She is now indeed pregnant and still no vaccination. Blows my mind.

    Hello to Jackie and Barbie. Hope all is going well for everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,503 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello Sneakers. Very cold today but a bit warmer than yesterday with the wind chill up to Zero! Time for a trip to the mailbox.

    Patsy, I hope you will be a mite better each day. It is troublesome when we could use something to help us get around but our house limits us. My folks lived in a 1-story home for decades but the washer/dryer, freezer, shelves for canned foods and the ironing area were in the basement. The garage was also a tuck under and to get to it you had to go to the basement for entry. They got an electric chair lift and that worked well for my mom to getfrom floor to floor. She used a cane from time to time but I don’t think a wheelchair would fit through the doorways in that house. Little by little❤️❤️

    Sandy, enjoy your day. I am in with you and Anne. No makeup except when I have to do errands and I will likely be face-to-face with people even if I plan to keep my mask on. I wear a bit of makeup to the dentist which is ridiculous. It is pretty much all removed through the cleaning x-rays, etc. But it makes me feel better.

    Anne, so, fingers crossed that you are able to replenish your supply. I did that last year with a trip to the mall since my old items had been discontinued. I have lots left as I haven’t used it much.

    My friend said her appointment with the cardiologist went well. No concerns she said but they pushed up her test for the ejection fraction. And they put her on a diuretic for swelling in her ankles and feet. She thinks there has been no loss of heart function but I guess the doctor wants to check it out. She also has a bicuspid aortic valve and I am not sure how they monitor that.

    Jackie, hello! What’s up today? Did I miss you today? I seem to have missing posts almost every day now. They emerge later 👀

    Well, time to move along. I was addressing valentines last night and I cut my production too far, it looks like I will be back to making a few more soon.

    Take care everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,980 Member
    A beautiful morning but bitterly cold and heavy frost so I waited until about 10 am before driving to the moors with George and Betty. We walked for nearly 2 hours and halfway round, sat on a granite stone to admire the views. I could even see the sea sparkling on the horizon. It was definitely a day for cheese on toast and after lunch I spent a couple of hours gardening, even dragged my lawnmower out of the shed to tidy the lawn close to my cottage. A washing load dried in the sunshine so a productive day.

    Lin, you are ahead of me in buying seeds this year. I’ve a box full of leftovers from last year that I need to look through but I’m not inclined while it’s so cold. That probably means I’ll get caught out when the time comes to grow! My neighbour Debs lost her sense of taste when she developed Covid and six months in still can’t taste much. Also my hairdresser only enjoys cornflakes for its texture and finds other foods disgusting with no taste!
    George’s adventure this afternoon was to attempt to push through 2 layers of wire mesh to say hello to Debs and a friend gardening in her place but he got stuck in the middle. I tried to encourage him to return the way he had gone but in the end he had to get himself into Debs only to be carried straight back through the gate, poor boy!

    Anne, you do seem more positive so I hope that means less itchiness. A table with chairs is a perfect addition to your garden and a couple of tubs to grow some veggies or salads will be less work but still enough to enjoy.
    Quite a project next door but it does make more sense than anyone wanting to live in it in the state Harry left it.

    Sandy, I always like to read that you will have a day at home doing whatever pleases you after those busy weeks although I’m aware how much you love to be with the kids. To be honest, there are days I would rather do anything other than walk when it’s freezing but I know it’s George’s favourite kind of weather so long as it doesn’t involve rain. Once I’m dressed appropriately i can tolerate most that gets thrown at us!

    Small steps Patsy and please don’t push yourself. Katie and John will be worrying about you as do we sneakers, so give yourself time.
    Working in the community before retirement, I met several seniors, mostly female, who told me they should have downsized or thought more about the problems that come with getting older before it actually occurred but even knowing that I’m minded to visualise small changes required in my cottage that will enable me to stay. I can imagine you and John attempting to sort, pack up or throw out so much that holds a million memories would be too distressing so I’m sure between you, you will come up with the right plan to stay put.

    Brady has just come in from his nightly garden stroll and placed freezing paws on my lap. Looks like an evening in front of the log fire is planned by him too.

    Heard this evening a new Covid variant has been discovered so continue to take care dear friends.

    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and cold. There was an early shower but so far that’s the precipitation for the day.

    We are going through tough nights here. I think I am not sleeping well because I am so physically idle during the day. I had a very difficult time going to sleep. Nap later if would assume. John had a similar night. Nap for him as well.

    I have a kitchen stool that I can sit on while I put the cauliflower pizza together. I know this sounds totally nuts but John gets anxious and actually a bit depressed when our regular routine is out of whack. He doesn’t mind doing things for me but he isn’t really great at doing things around the house. Loading the dish washer and our clothes washer was mystifying for him. We married so young, he has really never had to do the day to day household stuff. But he is a trooper!

    My knee is still very painful but I am wearing a brace and tape for support. I do hourly stretches and a small set of exercises. I have pain pills that I am avoiding using but will if I get in a real jam. I am now now looking into a home health nurse but I know this will be rather fruitless. Every hospital, clinic and doctors office is crying for nurses. Hope springs eternal, as they say.

    It is true, we all think that nothing like this will happen to us……….but it does happen. And we can ’t live for a disaster but be prepared if it comes. I did buy a walker. Hate using it but I must. Also bought a cane. Now we need a cleaning robot that also carries heavy things and isn’t too scary. I hear they have such robots in Japan. Amazon? Hummmmmmmm!

    Still using masks over my makeup. Silly I know. I order thru Amazon. Huge choices and reasonable prices.

    Thank you dear ones for your concern and friendship. I have said it before but it bares repeating. You mean the world to me. You are my only friends and as you might guess, I need each and every one of you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,363 Member
    :) I bought a 16 pound turkey in November and just took it out of the freezer so I can cook it next week. It will make many great meals and a giant pot of soup that I can freeze for later. It will be fun project. 🦃
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Goodness Barbie, your Turkey weighs the same as George! A scrumptious Winter project that finishes with a pot of soup sounds perfect… enjoy! Meanwhile I’ll take George, along with Betty, for a morning walk. 🐶
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    And the turkey weighs 7 lbs more than Jilly Bean BARBIE! I watched a bit of USA news the other night and the topic was rising grocery prices in the USA with detergents like Tide being the worst hit. You can be sure Canada's will go up at the same time!

    PATSY, you sound as if you have everything wonderfully under control, except maybe John, lol. If you can't find a home nurse advertise for a nice homily woman in her 50s like Mary Jo's parents did. Theirs wasn't a great cook as I said earlier but she was very good at everything else. Choose wisely. When my friend hired a delightful jolly lady from the Caribbean all went well until Ellen thought the rugs on the wooden floors looked a little odd, lifting one up she found the jolly lady had been sweeping all the dust and bits and pieces under them rather than sweeping up onto the dust pan. End of jolly lady but by then Ellen had recovered from her op and didn't need help anymore. Glad you've got the walker, you will be running around after Katie and John very soon if you are a good girl now and don't overdo things. Just be the cook!

    We've just got up. Momentarily guilt at such a late hour, but I AM retired after all and me and Bean can learn to live a life of tardiness.

    Planning spud containers in my head. Must be on the mend! I do hope so, enough is enough! Mike is supposed to be over later. He said he will cook lunch which turns out to be bought crusty bread and a tin of tomato soup imported from the UK. So you see PATSY all is not lost and God bless Mike [and the UK] for thinking of me!

    Everyone, take care, this thing isn't over whatever our governments and meds say.

    ANNE, still on the itch.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,980 Member
    It turned out to be a short walk that didn’t even take us round the block because once George and Betty did what was required, George did an about turn so we came home. Neighbour Graham, who lives at the far end of our track, was tidying recycling bags in his garage so I stopped for a chat and fuss for the pooches. He admitted he and wife Polly are becoming slower in the morning as they read internet news over breakfast and sip tea but I’m with you Anne, no reason to feel guilty about a late start although I do struggle to stay in bed past 8am on dark Winter mornings after a lifetime of early starts. A different story in the summer of course.

    I’ve enjoyed a coffee and toasted sandwich for early lunch and will now clean the kitchen and shower room while George and Betty snooze. It’s a cold day and overcast but I might wrap up later and do more tidying because at some time in the night I remembered I hadn’t checked if Cyclamen plants in my wild bottom were surviving and was disappointed when I looked earlier to discover there’s no sign. Died back Crocosmia leaves were lying across the area so I fear they’ve rotted away and must now get on to clear dead foliage elsewhere.

    Anne, you probably know from the BBC news App that our cost of living is soaring and I think it’s far more than our government statistics indicate. What with that and heating fuel costs skyrocketing I think we are in for more strife.

    My good news story this morning was the monkeys that escaped when the vehicle taking them to a laboratory in Florida was involved in an accident. GO MONKEYS!

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Yes, I do know prices are sky rocketing in the UK JACKIE. Mike thinks a lot of it is with unscrupulous vendors taking advantage of the situation.

    SO HAPPY for the monkeys! Just keep away from alligators in the everglades little ones.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,408 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Saturday! :) Another chilly day but no plans on going anywhere. No movie night or family video call today as the kiddos spent the night at grandma and grandpa's and my son and his wife are on a road trip with my DIL'S sister and husband to Florida. They should arrive at my daughter's on Sunday The four of them will spend two nights there and then head to Disneyworld in Orlando.
    I might try to order a few groceries but it is hard to get times at Walmart and Target doesn't always have what I want so maybe I will try another grocery store.

    Anne, yes prices are skyrocketing here as well. Still have confidence things will come back down sooner or later but it is hard to adjust to the high prices as far as heat, electric, gas and groceries. I see only 4 of 100 monkeys got free, too bad.

    Jackie, I guess George wasn't in the mood for a walk around the block. He is spoiled by the Moors.
    I never feel guilty about a late start but I really don't have anything urgent to do so what is the difference? It's the cold dog days of winter, can't wait for summer.

    Barbie, sounds like a plan with that big turkey, enjoy!!

    Patsy, you should probably take that pain pill at night to help you sleep. Just be careful not to cause anymore damage, knee pain is just awful.

    Lin, I don't wear any eye makeup when going to eye doctor and no lipstick when going to dentist. I wear very little when sitting for kiddos but doll up when I am going for lunch with my friends. lol
    Reminding myself I need to find a new doctor since mine has left the practice. So question to you ladies.
    My old doctor was a Geriatric Doctor and now I want a doctor in family medicine or an Internist. Can I ask what kind of doctor do you ladies see because the last doctor only took blood and talked to me, no kind of physical except for checking ear, eyes, throat and lungs. (but not during covid) Is that good enough?

    Well, I guess I should step away from the computer if for nothing else than to clean the coffee pot.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A sunny clear day! What on earth is this? Some sort of truck? Anyway Katie has been out several times and has no interest in playing ball.

    In reading everyone’s post, we too have been scandalized by the rising prices. It certainly punches a hole in the weekly budget. We adjust, replan, and maybe decide to skip certain purchases that we used to buy. We are certainly fine but alarmed at the prices. I don’t mind cooking and while this knee recovers I can sit on my kitchen stool to cook. Unhandy but possible. I can hobble to the laundry and load and unload the washer and dryer. Minimal cleaning however. John is up for a certain amount of that and he gratefully puts away the clean folded laundry.

    We have been trying to locate a housecleaning person, home health nurse, PT person and a orthopedic doctor about my knee. The scary thing is that there seems little options available currently. I must research and oddly, the best self care is a UK site and our Native American site from dept. of internal affairs. Or something like that. This took hours of research and our usual go to sites all are run by hospitals and doctors who are categorically against self care in any fashion. UTI that’s the only current option. It is like that movie, Groundhog Day.

    Sandy: I do have experience on finding a different doctor. Our doctor does exactly the same as the one you described. There is a big difference in attitude and mission of the medical profession once to get 80. They provide comfort and emergency care. If one has a serious health issue, care for that is handled in a different way from the way it would be dealt with if one is younger. It is infuriating that the medical community writes us off as we age and need them the most. Yet I wonder if I would agree to some of the extreme measures offered younger patients. Our doc is an internist. But he still does the minimal twice yearly checkup.