Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Just a quick good morning as I have to go and let Ewok out and then wait for Lisa and the kids to get home. She asked me to stay so she could unpack without the kids bothering her and she might possibly want to go to her gym to swim. As long as I get home to shower for bingo I agreed.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello all sneakers! Well! Today the huge living room plant that reached the ceiling had to go. John chopped it up into pieces and hauled it off into the forest. I had named him “frank, because it isn’t easy being green....”. You know the song. It looks so empty in the corner where he watched the goings on here for over 30 years. I wrapped fairy lights around him every Christmas. It was a house warming gift from a dearly departed friend. I think I will buy a Frank jr. I don’t know what kind of plant it was but I’ll know it when I see it.

    Anne’s delimma has me searching YouTube for exercises etc. for balance for seniors. This my real bugaboo. I am also looking at some way to have a dumbwaiter installed to help with hauling stuff up and down stairs. I think that’s what they are called. Sounds awful, does t it? I am really serious about retro-fitting our house for easy senior living.
    Cloudy and rain is predicted.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    Oh. PATSY, I'm so sorry Frank had to go. Maybe he will resprout in the forest and take over Oregon? Vivienne, my old friend who returned to Yorkshire about 30 years ago gave me Violet, and Violet is still going strong and will probably outlive me as well as Vivienne! But then although as big as a Savoy cabbage she will never hit the ceiling will she, lol. Well I hope not. The agave is doing his best! I've just checked on YouTube and they can grow to 8ft ! What !!! What !!!
    Good luck with the retrofitting. Actually it's rather fun isn't it. Outdoing the inevitable as it were. I was starting having trouble perching on one leg like a stork whilst I put the other leg in my pants. So I've hauled an old dining room chair (from the basement, don't tell Mark) into my large spacious bathroom, the one with the bidet. Once one adapts to bodily changes it's not half bad as I sat on my chair this morning like the queen hauling up my pants and putting on my socks. I wonder if she puts on HER socks like that?
    Mark thinks the portable washers look complicated and yes, I can see me tripping over one or the pipes. Maybe not a future purchase after all. A dumb waiter installation? Sounds good for you and your art dungeon but for me I just chuck the washing down the stairs as I gingerly follow. Actually, I'm now banned from the stairs but I can't see me taking much notice! A dumb waiter has got me thinking of Agatha Christie, butlers, cigarette holders and oak panelled mansions. You will be ever so posh with a dumb waiter! VERY impressed.
    Well, I didn't get the grass cut, partly because it did its usual daily rain storm this afternoon. Jilly is still sleeping and I think I nodded off as well because Ive lost the page of the book I'm reading.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another busy day this time after our walk in the woods I travelled to my hairdresser for a cut and blow dry then shopping at a Llidl store for supplies to stock my cupboards for a few weeks. Home for late lunch then decide what needs doing.
    Here's our fresh green tree lined path we walked earlier.

    Back later hopefully
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    Beautiful JACKIE. Our trees are similar now. Blossom out on the pears and apples and the lilac in bud.
    I've just got back from a walk with Beanie. Gorgeous out and we are promised 74F on Monday.
    Mark will be over soon to take me to look in the special store that stocks everything from hospital beds and walkers down to magnifying glasses and tweezers etc. Interested in shower stools IF they are steady inside a bathtub.
    Now, where's our BUZZ! She didn't post yesterday.
    Have a good day everyone,
    Hugs, Anne. 🙃❤️🐶
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Meeting day, will be back later.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well I came home with a very steady shower stool, a raised toilet seat with heave yourself up handles and a magnifying glass for use on coloured food and pill boxes with minute black print so I can now read what me or Jilly are consuming. The servers in the special store, which was crawling, literally, with old folk, couldn't believe I was 83 until I started moving I suppose, lol. I treated Mark to lunch and he cut the lawns for me.
    Big discussion followed on what to do with dear old Mom. That's me.
    Options, I can stay here realizing it will get more pricey as time goes by. snow clearing, grass cutting and aids, etc.
    This very old "many repairs needed" house is pulled down, I move in with Mike for 6 months and then move back into the new house with same problems, snow clearing etc.
    We sell this old house and buy a condo with the proceeds, preferably in Michael's building where he can keep an eye on me. I wouldn't mind this as he lives in a nice building with nice grounds.
    I have decided to keep quiet for now. Everyone is saying it's what I want to do, but at the moment I haven't a clue!
    Well I have BUZZ, but your option didn't come up alas.
    Anne, the confused.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you for noticing my post was missing, ANNE, but I did post, and saw it appear, but it's completely gone now! And since it wasn't long, more or less a "check-in", I won't fuss. Worse than that, your post re: your fall did not appear in MY computer until today, when I went back 3 pages, and found it after all! And I must share with you, 1 fall may be an accident. But a repeated fall is not, and you were indeed very lucky! Nothing broken! I would not want to see you fall again, so make an appointment fast a you are able, and get to your doctor to find out WHAT is giving way! Is it hip, knee, femur ankle? Do it before another fall, please, ANNE :o . We love you, and so does Jilly and so do your kids and they will have a problem if you fall again! I live with people every day who ignore weakened bones or balance problems, and actually I can feel my balance changing!!! So far, I have not fallen ever! Check it it out, dear, please!
    I recall one balance exercise was walking in a straight line, heel to toe, around a room.
    I think another was that sitting and standing, no help from arms exercise. Try for 25 at a time. I can do 18 before I falter. It strengthens those thigh muscles in a fairly short time.
    Do ay of you wear an "alert" button? When things happen, it's usually without warning and if there is no one around, one can lie where fallen for days without help! I saw this happen right here where a friend disappeared for 3 days after a fall, and she was not wearing her "bracelet" (which we all receive)when she fell.Friends assumed!
    she was with her family who live close by.
    Once she was discovered, she had to be in Rehab (3rd floor of our Medical building) more than 6 weeks! It did not cost her extra since she is a resident. For a non-resident or one of our few renters, the cost is exorbitant! AND PLEASE! Don't shirk using a good heavy 4 wheel walker once you have fallen. And use it in your home, everywhere, all the time. You do NOT get advance warning before you fall!!! I worry about you "kids" (anyone under 90!)!
    JACKIE, your walking path is unbelievably magnificent! I can certainly understand wanting to stay there forever! Your life reads like a book by a wonderful British author whose name eludes me. Come to think of it, I think I mentioned in my missing post yesterday that I must consider choosing between Gabapentin (which affects memory and make me very sleepy) and neuropathy in my hands. With Gabapentin, they still have a little feeling even though numbness is strong. But they no longer burn, and the pins and needles have simmered down, so giving up Gabapentin is no easy choice!
    I must do a few chores before I go th dinner. Missed a desperately needed bus to Target as I have nothing left for breakfast, but remembered too late I had to make a birthday card for my sister in CO for the 20th! It now takes me forever to make a card but I do make every one very personalized so I'm running out of time again.
    PATSY, SANDY, LIN, I send my love(I feel I have left someone out?) , and more to all of you! You really are all so special to me!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen................................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! Anne, big decisions in your household. In our experience, the really important thing is to embrace the changes that are inevitable. Life is full of interesting new experiences. This is an attitude that John preaches but he often settles into that comfortable arena of avoiding change. Don’t we all?
    The things you have added to help your life be safer sound like really good ideas. By the way my brothers and I bought a small house in a gated community that included lawn care and snow removal in monthly fees. It was bought in all our names. We gave permission for one brother, in ill health, to live there as long as he wanted. After he passed we family split the proceeds from the sale. He loved living there. We loved that he was safe and comfortable during the last years of his life. The little house appreciated in value at the sale almost double. Just something else to think about.

    Rainy day. Our daughter had her dental appointment at long last. Whew! I am thinking of rearranging my dungeon. Good day for sweeping away cobwebs behind the furniture and in the brain.

    Jackie: That photo of the path in the woods was pure magic. The little doggies walking along sniffing everything was familiar and funny.
    Be bold.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I love Johns philosophy whilst actually avoiding change PATSY. Think I'll do the same, stay quiet, and let's see what another winter brings in this old house.
    Very grateful to BUZZ though and her advice. Definitely will try the sitting and standing no arm help exercise.
    Sorry to be such a wet blanket.
    One bit of good news which I'd forgotten and I'll mention later. It will help me down the road.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well dear friends to throw my two penny worth in, this conversation about staying safe, on our feet and as agile as possible is so important for all of us but especially Anne right now. You are not alone and it is apparent none of us is when it comes to dealing with everything from getting in and out of a bath to using stairs. Ive found muscle weakness has crept up on me this past year, not helped by a sedentary period after the hip replacement and another about to start so am well aware my balance isn't as it should be at 70. For all that I continue on pretending to still be 21 and ignoring the signs because frankly I hate them with a vengeance!! I've always said I'd rather go out with a bang than a whimper but when was life ever that accommodating?
    Anne, I've reordered from Occupational Therapy department the loo seat with arms for use after the next hip replacement and know you will find yours extremely helpful. I also think now you are finally out of the winter weather walking Jilly regularly will strengthen your leg muscles which in turn should steady you. All the other options and decisions can hopefully wait until you have slept on them many times then can make an informed choice but wouldn't we all love to move in with Buzz!! 😉😉

    Nearly midnight and I'm very aware another thing I hate about getting old is grasping for a word that one minute is on the tip of my tongue then whoosh, it disappears into the recesses. Seems to happen a lot when I'm tired so on that note I will stop typing and retire to my bed.

    Hugs to everyone.... we will not be downhearted!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Anne the confused, I hope you have some time to sort things out and don’t have to rush into big changes. I have no wisdom whatsoever. I just know you are a wonderful lady and so want you to be happy with your little pal Jilly while being safe. I have no answers for my life either.

    You all mean so much to me.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Final goodnight thought from me.
    JACKIE describes exactly what I'm experiencing and like she notes, it was a horrible and extremely long winter and could merely be me being out of shape. At least I can now well imagine what everyone else is experiencing. I think you are very brave indeed Jackie having the second hip replaced and now knowing exactly how the first one felt initially. And that goes for EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU! a very courageous little band of ladies. Incidentally I share the "thinking I'm still 21" mindset problem.
    LIN, I have had a good old think and have decided to stop whining, stop being a worry and a burden to the sons, (that really bothers me) and so keep quiet, and hopefully just carry on here in this little old house. Oh, and get a mobile phone, I only have a land line. Here I know the neighbours. Jilly knows all the dogs, Lol, and maybe the summer will have all of us feeling more like our old selves. I sincerely hope so.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Up early this morning because my hen house door is not opening and closing properly so back to the good old days of trekking down to open and close up manually. Hopefully I'll get a chance today to take a good look at it. Anne that reminds me to say a small mobile phone is the best idea, just a little thing that you can either phone out on or text. As ever I used to poo-poo suggestions to carry one when daily I was slipping and sliding down the garden to the hens but now it's the first thing I think of to pop in a pocket when out and about. Even in the home I like to know where it is just in case I can't get to the landline. A friend carries hers in a money belt so it really is close at hand.

    Our morning walk was as glorious as ever because so far promised rain hasn't appeared and it's relatively mild. Housework to be achieved and possibly a trip later with my neighbour to our allotment. Also, having learnt last time the hospital is slow to give out information about surgery, I must spend time on the phone chasing them for a time next week so that I can arrange the voluntary transport. Don't want my blood pressure going through the roof again!!

    I find nature is very good at catching up whatever gets thrown at her and even an Azalea that had been buried under a mound of brambles for a couple of years has this week offered 2 beautiful blooms because the gardener carefully pruned round so it could offer its face to the sun.

    Patsy, poor Frank, what a loss after so many years but a brave decision! I suppose rather like a pet, you have to say to yourselves he had a great life with you!! Frank jnr will be out there somewhere.... keep looking.

    Buzz, it's a bloomin' balancing act this struggle with what meds to take and what side effects we can cope with. It turns out my gardener is into homeopathy in a big way so when she noticed my recent limping and grimmacing as I did my best to run down the number of potent painkillers I'm taking she brought me a little pot of Arnika pills to place on my tongue to dissolve slowly. It might well have the placebo effect and nothing else but I certainly had a better night's sleep after taking a couple and I'm not pulling so many "ouch" faces! Also a friend who last year had half a lung removed after a cancer diagnosis has talked to her GP about CBD and he suggested it was worth her trying it to ease discomfort in that area as well as the Osteoporosis she has to deal with on a daily basis. Are you still taking CBD? Not one to rush into anything I'm going to spend my sedentary time after the op researching homeopathy.

    Guess what? This isn't getting my housework done!

    Hello to all sneakers, have a great day.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    Morning, JACKIE I will look out for the Arnica pills at the organic garage store today. Oh and I'm starting the no hands rise from a dining room chair right now BUZZ. Won't manage 25 rises at first though. Busy day so more later. We reach 60 this afternoon and, wait for it, a predicted 77 on Sunday!
    PS. Managed 9.5 rises. Well it's a start!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member Mike pills. Anne
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Dang, I gained 1.2 pounds this week and not happy. It is my own fault of course because I have been lazy about riding my bike. I must get back to a routine but with how busy I am this month it might have to wait until June. B)
    Sitting for the kiddos this morning while Lisa goes for an MRI. She either has a hernia or a lymph node causing a bump in her groin area. If a hernia she will need surgery so let's pray for no surgery. Have to run.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just started reading The Alice Network by Kate Quinn if anyone's interested. It seems so far that it will be a good read
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi Ho! Everyone. It is high thin clouds today and we might have a few showers but the temps are mild.
    But since I had one of my crazy sleepless nights, I am sure I will be dragging around most of the day. I get those nights occasionally when my brain will not turn off. There is nothing wrong nor am I uncomfortable....

    I looked up the arnica pills. Mixed reviews on it but then everything has mixed reviews. We are all hunting for a better way to deal with pain etc. so far I certainly don’t have a magic bullet. I might try any thing for a limited time after a bit of research.

    Our son is sailing this weekend so we will probably not hear from him. Since he broke up with his very young girl friend he is headlong into his sailing and his side business of the escape rooms. It is really quite funny how I am the only one who would like him to find a steady serious relationship. I hope some sweet girl hooks this old bachelor soon.

    I am still reading political books and now since we are at the 100th birthday of Einstein’s relativity theory, I am reading about his life. Wow! Dare I say it...the man was a jerk! But I am continuing my read on him. Maybe he will look better later.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm bleary-eyed after a day of website hunting for the best care for my DD#2 She called me from the VA hospital with the worst news I would ever want to hear and I'm as devastated as she! She has brain Cancer, but I don't know how advanced yet. I think it's called a low grade Glioma-astrocyte glial cell, non-metastasized. Right now, I'm good for nothing , but I'll recover! I don't think it's what my 2nd husband, Douglas, died from as his was in the brain stem. Hers is quite large and right inside much of her brain! She is concerned about quality of life if she survives surgery, requiring a metal cover on her skull. I don't even know really how to calm her down. Rough seas ahead!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen?................................