Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello ladies

    Sorry I’ve been lost in action. Feeling much better and getting busy again. Have my post surgical checkup tomorrow.

    Buzz. Sorry dear lady, I just read your post. About the two organs. One is an old organ that was given to Mel and Sean by the kid’s piano teacher but had belonged to her DH, who passed away a few years ago. Melanie has a piano teacher come to the house 2x a week. Much easier that way. The other is an old piano Melanie’s in-laws gave them. Five of the kids take piano lessons and love it. Mostly they play the piano. I think the organ is a bit cumbersome.

    I’m sitting here tonight while Ed went to watch Heather play soccer. I am using some common sense and not playing myself completely out. 7 of Mel’s kids play soccer in the Spring— busy family.

    Oh here is Ed, must run.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Nice hearing from our wandering Mom, SANDY! I'm thinking perhaps my stormy weather kept away from the northern part of the state.
    JACKIE, I certainly DO remember May Day, Labor Day, etc., but there is no longer one word about here! I'm certainly glad you avoided the idiot drivers and got home to push the mower!
    ANNE, I'm thinking you needn't have to choose between the safety of a shower and deep soaking in a tub. My son's favorite possession is his Hot Tub, which is off his porch in the back yard. He put some kind of tenting enclosure around it and is able to use it even on the coldest winter days!
    LIN, you are truly zipping right along there with your sales. One of the things I lost in yesterday;s post was reminiscing about your devotion to your Dad while he was still alive, though suffering from a hurtful and difficult dementia.....Your life seems filled with a joy that was sorely missing back then!
    PATSY, you'll have to share this with our dear JACKIE! I am far from a Royalist, but when I saw Harry announcing the birth of his and Meghan's, with a grin as wide as could be, I felt a tear or 2 for Diana's missing this utter joy.! Had she been alive at their wedding, I always felt Meghan's Mother would not have been seated by her lonesome self!
    JERI, dear JERI, good luck with your checkup! ANd thank you for explaining the 2 musical instruments! How wonderful of you to have the grandchildren take their lessons at your house! You are truly a devoted "Nana"!
    Here I am, past my bedtime for a change!
    Safe trip, dear SANDY!
    By the way, I lost this post 2 times while typing! But tonight, I kept copying to my notepad!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!...............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Cold weather continues so poor George was shivering this morning in his new coat! A short walk then home because Sue the gardener was due. She has broken through the jungle at the bottom of the garden to create a window of a view of the fields beyond... first time since my cancer treatment!
    The power was off for an hour so that was a good time to walk and apparently will go off again from 2 until 4, which is in 15 minutes time so I'll make this a short post and hopefully return later.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Alas, no gardening today. The chilly rain is back. Mark and Mary Jo won't be enjoying their hot tub for a while yet, BUZZ. But for me today called for another venture into the bath tub and here I am, out of it to tell the tale.
    Wasn't prince Harry's face a picture of joy as he announced his little sons arrival. I've got a feeling Meghan's Mom will be spending a lot of time in England's green and pleasant land. I wouldn't be surprised if she makes the country her permanent home.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Last day to have my coffee on the lanai which is just wonderful with all the sounds of nature. It has been a fun and restful vacation unlike Lisa with the kids at Disney World. I bet her parents are exhausted. 😂

    The weather has been great, rained all day Sunday but we watched movies all day. Spending time with family is always enough.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello friends. A busy day. Mah Jongg morning which was very pleasant. A stop for a prescription refill then to the drug store for discount day. Spent the rest of the day getting an item boxed for shipment and checking on prices. I contacted the purchaser, she agreed to the shipping charge and I will be dropping it off tomorrow. I also listed a few more items after researching prices. It takes me so long! And I do not want to have a garage sale. Way too much work and prep time and no one to share the watching/selling/answering questions. A bit at a time, maybe taking things to the consignment shop if they don’t sell with no expectation of receiving anything for the items. A friend told me there is also an auction place where you can bring things and they are included in a big auction and you pay a commission for their services. Many ideas. The lady who told me about the auction house sells on eBay and Craig’s List more than anything. She and her husband are comfortable with shipping items. I am not yet.

    Tomorrow is the day of Tai Chi, morning and afternoon.

    And tomorrow Sandy will be back home and hopefully she will get some rest tonight.

    Anne, it was chilly here today as well and kind of humid. I guess tonight we should start to see rain again. Maybe a couple of very wet days. I had better dig out my raincoat. And yes, Harry was just so very happy, it made my heart glad. I hope they have much happiness in their lives.

    Jackie, wow, what progress on your gardens. Wonderful! Sorry George was chilly. Short coated and sleek, a handsome guy, but the weather is not cooperating is it.

    Buzz, glad your post made it through this time. I don’t know how happy I am but I am so relieved to not have someone fighting with me all the time and not feeling guilty that I might not be doing my best to care for someone. At this point I have not actually removed much from my house. At this pace it will be a few years to get my possessions down to a more manageable level. I would imagine that when you moved you got things accomplished very quickly.

    Jeri, how did your appointment go today? I trust it was very positive. Good for you as well in not using up every last bit of your energy. Very wise.

    Well, must move along again. So wonderful to hear from you. Sending hugs.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited May 2019
    Hello all

    Buzz you are so nice. The organ and piano are at my daughters house not ours. We are lucky that Mel and Sean host most of our big family dinners. They have an older house with an L shaped dining and living rooms that allow for adding two or more tables together. We need that for our big bunch.

    Jackie we’ve been having cold weather too. I’m home alone rather than watching soccer. Too cold for me.

    Anne I loved Harry’s look too, so happy. We have rain and cold here too. Brrr

    Sandy. Glad you are having a good time. I’ve loved your pictures.

    Lin. What a job getting rid of things. We need to do a lot more of that.

    And as for my doctors appointment, good news.

    A review of my file shows that the cancer was so small and caught so early that over the next 15 years my chance of getting cancer is about 2% or 1% if I take medication. So no treatment is recommended. Sounds good to me.

    Good night

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Jeri, tremendous news. <3<3<3<3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Kind of a wasted day for me. I'm thinking the Gabapentin for neuropathy (only some
    help or relief) versus Gabapentin making me need sleep all the time
    should be a no winner, but I guess I'm afraid to stop!
    I will start investigating companies other than Comcast since they announced to me there are "no promotions" to bring my rate down!
    Just woke up, guess I didn't realize I was nodding off. Problem is, once I get to bed, I lie there wide awake for ages!
    Please excuse my boring post. I forgot to mention the beautiful Chinese troupe dance I attended after dinner!
    LIN, Just had 6 weeks to pare down, so I just gave stuff away, selling nothing! In the long run, I really didn't regret it!
    SANDY, I totally agree: DISNEY WORLD is no vacation! It's exhausting work for seniors! Glad you had a great visit
    JACKIE, pretty darn descriptive note about your garden! Good thing you allowed yourself to get help!
    ANNE, You DO put things into perspective! I meant eventually! Goodnight y'all
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!..............................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    JERI, wonderful news indeed! I bet Ed is walking around with the same look of joy as Prince Harry !!! ❤️Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    JERI fantastic news and exactly what you deserve after such a worrying time. Rest up a while longer then throw yourself at life!!

    Hugs <3<3<3
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning....good grief! I certainly have not had enough sleep. The air seems stuffy and it is impossible to sleep. John is snoring away. I am glad one of us is getting the rest we need.

    First and foremost! Jeri : your good news is good for everyone. You occupy a special place amoung us and the people who love and need you are the lucky ones. Continue to take good care of yourself.

    I think the only reasonable thing to do is sip a mug of herbal tea and try to get more sleep. 21/2 hours will not be enough. I am really not an early morning person.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm making bread while I wait for the wild life catcher. Something is clumping around my attic and can't get out judging by the frantic scratching. Of course I might need an exorcist instead if we've acquired a friendly ghost. Friendly because Jilly isn't barking just looking at the ceiling with a quizzical look on her face. She had a look of panic on it yesterday when a chap who passes by picked her up. He'd caught a bat in his house and looking at it couldn't believe how pretty it's little face was and he said exactly like Jilly's! Jilly was not amused.
    Must away, he will be here soon, the wild life catcher.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well I haven't got a ghost or raccoons in the attic, I've got squirrels in the what's called a Soffit that runs around the house supporting the gutters. Squirrels AND babies. Holes everywhere and we have to have some sort of seal around a huge area. This being a bungalow. Expensive job! It should have been installed when we had a new roof, but the roofers (who have done loads of jobs for us over the years) omitted to tell us about this modern addition and just installed the new roof the same as before.

    So....tomorrow, very early the wild life guys will be here to pop the babies in baby boxes and temporarily block the holes. Moms will hopefully either cart the babies off to trees or feed them in the boxes on the tiles. I've told Mark to forget new showers and decks! This will be very costly! Then the roofers will have to come to install the seal. Story of my life this. I get enthusiastic about new decks and showers and something else has to be done instead. Not complaining, just resigned.

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, Mark took off the new shower head which kept uncoiling and almost braining me and put my old one back on.

    At least the bread machine seems to be behaving itself, happily kneading away.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) I am home and freezing, I even had to put my heat on. :s I had a wonderful time and even though my daughter tells me to move to Florida I am just nor ready and would miss the kiddos too much. Lisa is still traveling, they plan to drive back and stop in Mississippi to visit her brother and his family. Vacations are nice but it is always good to be home.

    Seems like a lot is going on with you sneakers but the best news is Jeri!! So happy for you and glad all our prayers were answered. Anne, sorry about the squirrels and it does indeed sound like an expensive job but maybe the boys will still surprise you with the shower and deck.
    Jackie, the pictures you posted were beautiful and poor George feels like me, cold.
    Lin, glad the sales are going well and Buzz maybe mention to the doctor the effects the meds are giving you. Patsy, I am not a morning person either so I hope you got some sleep.

    I have things to catch up on and figure out how I am going to do all the things on my calendar. Just so much stuff going on with showers, parties and social gatherings.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Welcome home Sandy.

    Cold, stormy, windy, hail... everything being thrown at us so after an early grocery shop and quick walk I'm staying home and just like Sandy heating up the home. George is delighted!!
    I even had a snooze mid afternoon after a disturbed night with Brady and George chasing something, goodness knows what! Dogs and cats now telling me it's time for their evening meal.
    Happy Wednesday everyone.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My heats on as well. 3C can you believe! this morning, it's warmed up a bit now. Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JERI, COULDN'T ASK FOR BETTER NEWS! After all these years of worry, you are a survivor!

    ANNE, Although there is nothing funny about squirrels instead of new showers, your writing had me in stitches. What a joy to see life as you do! What a joy to know you!

    SANDY, Glad you are home safe. You will have many years and opportunities to make a decision to move, and when that time comes, you will recognize it! You have years to enjoy the "babies", and perhaps when they are older and their lives start going in different directions will be the perfect time to start thinking about your own changes, too! You have really handled your life beautifully and mostly serenely and through really rough decisions, so we will simply cheer you on your own way!

    JACKIE, happy snoozing to the entire household. What a lovely scene...and fireplace! Love your warm abode!

    PATSY, I also feel sleep-deprived, but we DO slog on somehow! I start waking up in time for dinner, but just realized I forgot the darn dryer load! That means wrinkles, right? I'd better dash as save a couple of pieces
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!..............................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Haven't done much today after this mornings shock. Well I furtively removed the bird feeder before Mark sees it and puts two and two together. This is because the bird feeder is on the tree next to the house and guttering which means the squirrels only have to jump a wee distance before having breakfast and then back into the shingles to feed their babies and settle for a nap. I trust you gals will keep this bit of information to yourselves in case I get told off, or worse, evicted. I thought old age was for sitting in the rocker with your crocheting and placidly watching the world go by, not for looking for ways constantly to get out of trouble. Somehow with all this expense I don't expect a Mother's Day pressie this coming Sunday!! Could be worse. I could be a squirrel packing the suitcase.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Quick note here....squirrels are no joke! Around here they have gotten into weekend beach cottages and have caused amazing damage. Chewed up electrical wires in cars and houses, gotten into cupboards and chewed into everything. At first it was assumed it was rats. They do this kind of damage as well. But when it was traced down, it was a large family of squirrels. Here in the USA they can carry rabies, haunta viruses, other problems. I love to look at them. But we don’t feed them. They did get into our garden tractor and eat some wiring and some filter or something. John saw one sitting on top of the tractor, big as you please. Anyway, those cute little guys can be troublesome.