Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear Laura, I thought
    the sun always shines in California so what's going on? Hopefully it will soon brighten up for you.

    Lin, so your bike is winging it's way to England! I know nothing about mountain bikes but it does look amazing.

    Anne, Assange looks 20 years older rather than 7 since he disappeared into the embassy and more than a little unstable but I see the embassy staff are glad to see the back of him. A good chance I think he will be extradited to the States.

    Buzz, the whole Brexit saga is proving to rock our parliament and apparently recent polls show the public think all our politicians are self serving and not interested in doing the democratic thing. It's going to drag on forever and change many times so best ignored for now! Glad you found your hearing aid... thankfully not down the loo!

    My hospital appointment took a couple of hours but now I've got a health all clear for my next hip replacement and might be offered an even earlier date if there's a cancellation. I have been warned by the consultant not to overdo things for another 6 weeks so point taken!

    Surprise, surprise... Alexa is listening!!!

    Nite, nite
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I finally got the courage to listen to Rachel Maddow tonight, which in turn gave me courage to listen to the following hour and I'm feeling very positive again! Looks like Trump's sister, the judge, has been caught up with for tax fraud regarding both their inheritance avoidance taxes for billions, which also proves the orange wonder was never a "self-made man"! And it appears his tax returns MUST be turned over to Congress, and I am hoping this is the beginning of the unraveling of the long sad story of how this phony got to be President! Now I can sleep peacefully!
    Are any of you exquisite photographers aware of Apple's program for making beautiful books using your iPad, of photos and other memories? My Australian friends introduced me to them via their own photos captured by these lovely books, with help from Amazon. They even have book covers protecting the hardcovers! Check it out with Apple.
    JACKIE, bless your heart and courage! My memories of the first replacement have kept me from attempting the second bone-on-bone replacement. Recovery from the first surgery never happened for me, and I now have scoliosis! I will try the gel injection.
    SANDY, I admire your ability to stay serene. Wish I could learn that lesson! Enjoy the babies!
    LIN, how fabulous! That bike must be a real collector's item! You must have enjoyed riding it! I had an Italian racer which I simply included in the stuff I sent up to my kids, where it's probably sitting in a dark spot in their basement! I should mention your success to them!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..............................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I have spent a great deal of time trying to get Celine Dion tickets to no avail.
    The cheapest I found available were $200 each and although I love Bryanna I am not spending that kind of money. I saw her in Vegas and she was wonderful but too rich for my blood.

    I am sitting for kiddos today which I hope is a better day than last week. lol It is to windy to be outside so I think this time I will stay upstairs where there is no carpet. Doing laundry now so I can be ready for my son and his wife tomorrow.

    Buzz, thank you for the information and I do hope something comes from it. I can't even think about him winning his second term. :s

    Jackie, you made me laugh with Alexa because I have one, so I asked her who is listening?
    She said she didn't know that one. lol I like her because I tell her what I need at the grocery store as it enters my mind and she makes a list for me on my phone. I have nothing to hide so it is just fun for me.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again! It is foggy but I think I see blue peeking through. After this fog burns off we might have a sunny or at least partly sunny day.

    As you all are aware I am a news junky. I also feel the noose tightening around the great orange one’s neck. After this debacle I know we will have years of catch up and will need to reenstate important priorities. In a way, the coming “do over” might be a wonderful energizing National effort. Think the French renaissance.

    We are getting excited about our anniversary party/Easter Sunday event. Katie’s hairdo might be presentable by then. Not so sure about my hair. I look decidedly “shopworn.” We always take a lot of photos. I need to spark up for spring, I think a couple of new tops and and a new pair of jeans. Hoping for nice weather so we can throw the frisbee for the dogs, no Easter egg hunt. Our son will be bringing his two dogs. Katie will be so happy!

    Speaking of concerts...the most memorable concert for for me was Aretha Franklin at the Red Rocks amphitheater in Denver. She sang all of her famous songs and we were so caught up in that rocky bluesy music. For John, it was the Eagles in Telluride, Colorado. We were young and we went with a gang of friends. Mom baby sat. The tickets punched a hole in our very small household budget. Happy memories! Amazing talents! Nothing else has come even close to those concerts for us.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2019
    It has been a typical April day but without the showers so one minute pleasant with a splash of sunshine then cloudy and cool as a wind picks up. After the usual walk in the woods I stopped off at the farm shop for a couple of pasties because my neighbour had promised to help me convert a plastic garden container into a new chicken house. Measuring out we then cut sections for a door and air vents and I said we could sell our design on ebay at half the price of these new Egloo houses and still make a profit! I did manage a half hour on my swing seat in some sunshine with a cup of tea and my book I'm trying to finish before lighting the fire and watching Masters golf highlights.

    Sandy, that's so funny you asked Alexa the question but she didn't have an answer when apparently humans are listening to conversations in the room through her 24 hours. I bet your question got their attention!! You are probably sitting kids and puppy as I type and hopefully no puddles today!! 🐶

    Buzz, my understanding from watching documentaries about the man is he prides himself on never having paid taxes but I'm betting he will fight all the way to avoid his returns being made public. It's probably just luck my hip replacement has gone so well especially when I pushed too far at times. I will definitely take fewer risks next time!

    My favourite gardening programme coming on soon so I'll wish everyone a great Friday.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Funny day here.
    April showers on and off but we reached 58F.

    Jilly almost over her "confinement", so I baked muffins amongst other things and she barked on and off most of the day. Usually it's just passing dogs, but today it was BIG garbage day including garden waste so she had a glorious time barking 4 times on my side and 4 times on the opposite side. I don't know what she'd do with a garbage truck if she caught one!

    Then this afternoon I played scrabble with a friend. Won every game so not popular!

    Mike worked today so no grocery shopping until tomorrow, and I have to go to the bank because the Gvt. doesn't accept cheques anymore, you pay them through the bank and I have to pay back the $100 I owe after the Gvt. paid me too much. Their mistake. Isn't it ironic that here I am a "poor struggling pensioner" and I keep getting letters informing me of the little I owe and the boss of the country next door is dodging millions! I think there was a song years ago about the "rich gets richer while the poor gets all the blame, and ain't it a blooming shame". Something like that. Anyway friends don't get too excited, I think the orange one will wriggle out of any inquiries. I have been known (often) to be wrong however.🤞
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My carpets were cleaned today, and I'm having trouble breathing , also, suddenly SANDY's texts are back!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. Sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. I got up late and had to run to get to Tai Chi on time. Then was off to my friend’s house to visit. She is still not recovering and had lots to share on her medical situation. We worked on a puzzle and I stayed way too long but it was a nice visit and the puzzle was finished.

    Finally returned home and dug into follow ups on banking issues and other little time consuming tasks.

    Selling the bike is not over. I need loads of info to purchase the shipping label and fill out what is needed for the customs paperwork. Very uncertain of how to proceed with the needed shipping date when I have no idea when the bike shop will have it ready for pickup. Anyway in time it will all be sorted.

    Anne, I am so sorry the government is hounding you for that money. Shameful.

    Jackie, wow, I am impressed with the chicken house design. You are amazing.

    Patsy, not long and your celebration will be here. I hope the day will be wonderful, a memory for a lifetime. My only really memorable concert was the Beatles. I was very young. My friend’s dad dropped us off, we were just bouncing off the walls, the screaming was deafening. But we enjoyed it so much.

    Sandy, I hope your day with the kids went well. I asked Alexa the same thing and got the same answer. Haaaaa.

    Buzz, oh goodness carpet cleaner fumes. I hope that clears up soon.

    Must try to get more accomplished today.

    Hugs all.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful Spring day, perfect for a visit to a charity open day to walk round an old estate called Tregothnan full of flowering Rhododendrons and Azaleas. The house has a gothic design, mostly built early 19th century but from the size of many of the trees I'd guess the gardens go much further back.
    The owners have a popular tea growing business and you can see the plants growing in rows in the foreground of this photo.

    Home now enjoying a cup of my favourite common brand tea and contemplating cutting the grass although having walked for a couple of hours common sense says rest!

    Trying to remember but think my last concert attendance was Simon and Garfunkel farewell tour in London late 70's!

    Lin, my first job at the local tv company entailed amongst other things getting film crews safely through customs on foreign trips and all equipment was listed on a document called a Carnet. Don't know if it would be the same from the States but if so very easy to complete.

    Going to finish my tea and the rather long epilogue at the end of the novel I've been reading.

    Happy Saturday to you all
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Yesterday went much better than last week, thank goodness. Lisa didn't leave the house she just wanted to deep clean. We stayed upstairs where all the floors are hardwood but Ewok didn't have any accidents. The only accident happened when Charlie stuck her hand in Ewok's water bowl and I washed it in the sink. Lisa had a bucket of water on the counter and before I knew it Charlie grabbed it and knocked it down to having water all over the kitchen floor. Otherwise things went pretty smooth although I didn't get home to nearly 8pm.
    John and Laurie should be here around 3 today so I am chilling this morning before dusting, vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms. Babe is a little panicky that the tax man has not called to pick up the tax papers to be sent to IRS. He has until Monday to get them done but unfortunately I have to pick them up because I have to sign them as well. I would prefer today or Monday as we are going to Rob and Lisa's tomorrow.

    Sometimes I feel like I am writing in a diary when I post here, sorry to bother you with my life stories. Lol

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Still cloudy and foggy. I think we are to get sun next week. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

    Ran out for a sandwich and a drive just to get out and about. Still very early spring here. It is calculated that our season is at least one month late. The farmers are saying this is very worrying. The growing season has been shortened by late planting. The dairy across the road said that even the new calves are late in arriving.

    Sandy: My heart goes out to Lisa and her active little family. It would be so difficult to handle everything at once. She is lucky to have you willing and able to babysit. My mom left me with my grandmother at an early age. She went traveling with my dad who was a petroleum engineer. My grandparents were ranchers. I grew up like a weed. No special care or attention. I just tumbled along. Hearing about your care for your grandchildren is breathtaking.

    Just a note here about spiders...I got bit on the cheek by a small house spider. I now have a large swelling and angry blister like bump on my cheek. Lovely!!!! I would love to be like Jackie and Anne when it comes to all creatures. I put my foot down on wasps, spiders and mosquitos. Dreadful creatures.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not much from me although a nice day so far.
    I paid off the government at my bank and finally thought I'd be free of them, but no. Checked the mailboxes on return home and found another letter from revenue Canada. What!!!! This time they've awarded me an extra $9.96 because of yet another miscalculation. I now await to see how much they will grab back of that. Unbelievable! I've never had this trouble before! Are all the old civil servants at retirement age, hence all these mistakes with maybe new, young employees?
    JACKIE, I read that tea is now being grown in southern England. Something to do with the climate being comparable to Darjeeling.
    Me and the Bean feel a nap coming on. Slept badly last night,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2019
    Oh dear, governments and errors and never-ending communications - for the middle class usually! So sorry , dear ANNE! Just be patient, since you know eventually it will end up just fine!
    Watched a Korean Movie award winner this afternoon: "Poetry",...An elderly woman takes a poetry class at around the same time she learns that her teenage grandson is involved in a shocking, tragic death of a young girl..........very slow moving story in which this 66 year old woman (elderly!?) is diagnosed with early Alzheimer's condition. I found her to be lovely, as was the photography. We have a light lunch first, then watch the movie, followed by a discussion. A dear friend said to me afterward that she was stunned by my commentary afterward since I snored almost all the way through! She thought my remarks were the most pertinent of all the discussion! I just hope I didn't drool! I do love attending these foreign movie afternoon Saturdays, and wish I could avoid the napping during watching these fascinatingly different culture introductions! So embarrassing!
    PATSY, so sorry about that reaction to the nasty spider bite. Do you take any medication for it?
    SANDY, are you sure you are retired? I'm exhausted just reading about your schedule! By the way, your accountant can request an extension if necessary. It is often done because investments results don't get sent on time.
    JACKIE, how totally enchanting it is to me to imagine looking at the history that surrounds you! Your photos are magnificent and thanks for sharing them!
    LIN, I forgot how complicated the shipping could become, but I know you will get it done !

    I chose vienerschnitzel from the menu tonight and though hardly a "fit" dish, it was delicious! Since I had no previous plans, I phoned a new resident (originally from Scotland) and since she was free, too, we enjoyed a lovely dinner hour together, just the 2 of us!

    I think I will finally get some earlier sleep tonight, and wish you all a lovely Sunday.

    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Hi >:)zryxvoma66ul.jpg
    this is my Misty He is great company. I can not see how the orange ever got elected I hope they do get his tax returns I bet he has hidden most of his money
    Have a good Sunday
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello Sneakers

    I have been hibernating. LOL. I’m doing good but having a very hard time making myself take it easy. That’s hard. If I stay home and try not to over do my walking and everything else, I am fine. Other days when I have appointments and such over a half day or so, I find I really need a nap. Some days I need a nap regardless. I’m just surprised at the amount of rest I need.

    I read all the posts and like everyone else was very worried about Buzz. Big hugs my dear.

    Sandy Babysitting little ones is a real challenge and without proper instructions as what to do, frustrating.

    Patsy can’t think of anything scarier than a spider bite.

    Jackie loved your pictures.

    Lin I agree with Sandy that must be quite the bike. So nice of you to spend the time with your friend. Hugs

    Anne I like playing Scrabble too. It was a fun game we grew playing. Mom, Dad, my sister Val and me, always competitive.

    Oh I see it’s time to get ready for bed. Have a wonderful day.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member

    Here I am, smile on my face.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JERI, you look fantastic! Such a lovely , welcome smile! Naps are great if they work for you. I can't seem to deliberately sleep during the day. So I catnap in an embarrassing manner while I try to appear alert! People see through it!
    LAURA, Misty is beautiful, reminding me of my Ditto who resembled her mother, except both of them had purple eyes...and sweet natures!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    JERI, what a lovely picture and you do indeed look fantastic. Do you ever play the scrabble game on the computer with random opponents? I do.....but it can be soooooooo slow!
    Misty is a gorgeous puss LAURA. You will probably gather by now that I love all creatures great and small, even spiders PATSY. Sorry you got bitten but she probably thought you a lovely tender morsel on the plus side.
    JACKIE, making me homesick but in the nicest possible way, keep posting those photos girl!
    Buzz, nothing wrong with taking a nap - for all you know everyone else might be nodding off as well and keeping quiet about it. SANDY, after all this exhausting activity I hope you take some time just for SANDY and our LIN thinking about everyone else as always, have a peaceful Sunday with the church friends.
    Here it's raining and much cooler. No prob. After yesterday's long walks with Mike here's a photo of Amber. She's 8 months old and belongs to his friend but Mike had her for the day,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited April 2019
    Happy Palm Sunday. Nice service this morning. I prepared lots of communion but attendance was not up so I had lots of cleanup afterwards. The kids were having an Easter egg hunt after church so I wasn’t close to the last one out the door this week.

    My what lovely posts! So happy to see everyone.

    Jackie, what a wonderful old estate. Gorgeous. I would have tired myself out trying to see everything. Thanks for telling me about the customs paperwork. I haven’t started yet! I need to have a better idea of the shipping date but apparently I am to fill out everything online with the shipper including anything needed for the customs portion. My buyer has given me his phone number and the value to state for customs purposes. :D I am stopping by the bike shop tomorrow to see if they will put the Jersey in the box with the bike. And if they will give me a hint of the date to use. One of the first questions online has to due with the contents, one option is bike only, another is bike and clothing. So I stopped in my tracks.

    Sandy, we love your stories so please don’t stop! I see you had some snow. I am so sorry about that. It missed us entirely. Just cold but the sun is out now.

    Patsy, I am not a spider fan. I have had a couple of spider bites in my life. I think I want to call them stings as they burned and were swollen like bee stings. I hope you are getting better. Glad you got out for a bit yesterday. Crops will be late here as well. Some locations may not be able to plant at all this year due to standing water that won’t go away.

    Buzz, apparently you still absorb the film, maybe you are only barely asleep? Glad you enjoy the movies. Lovely.

    Laura, what a gorgeous kitty. I am not entirely certain the photo was appreciated!

    Jeri, you look wonderful. And a beautiful smile as always. Try not to push too hard. It is always difficult to know isn’t it? When you get to too much, then you know but it is a bit late then. Hugs.

    Anne, hello to you. May the rain end soon. And may the warmth return quickly. What a darling dog. Did Amber visit you and the Bean? I hope you are enjoying your day. I have never played Scrabble online. I just use the app on my computer. Just me and the computer playing at the beginners level.

    Hugs. So very happy to have you as friends.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and a promise of showers. I console myself with spring thoughts. As I tottle along I see the odd little striped budding spears of bottle-brush ferns. I love the lacy look of those ferns when they fluff out. The daffodils are almost done but the huge Dutch tulip festival in the Wallamette valley is this Sunday. Acres of blooming tulips are an amazing sight. This is one of our big flower seed/bulb companies here in Oregon. People are allowed to go into the the big tulip fields and pick armloads of blooms.
    More later.....things to do and chores to attend to.