Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi my dear dear friends! I'm sure I'll be OK and I did concentrate on making up some sleep last night and today while pumping my legs this afternoon. The wheezing sounds better, and my walking seems less peculiar, so perhaps its just that I developed such poor sleeping habits and 3 hours a night just doesn't fix what ails us! I also think I need my head higher instead of flat, so I will look into a wedge for under my mattress and simply use 2 pillows for now. I use a wedge under the legs and that may affect my lungs. One by one I'll eliminate the problems!.
    Received a most welcome call from our dear British friends who've just returned from Singapore for a 2 month trip with family. They are going to join my table for the Seder that our culinary staff is planning for the 2nd night of Passover! It is virtually The Last Supper seen in so many paintings. They have never attended a Seder before so I think they are in for a treat!
    I am overwhelmed by all your expressions of caring and truly it is returned to you all! You are a very special part of my life and I hope I never let you down!
    I can't imagine SANDY not checking batteries, but I have overlooked them several times! Nice to picture Babe and Daisy together with you again! Thank you for the graphics!
    JACKIE, what a lovely rose; thank you , dear friend, and it's such a delight realizing how Betty has simply blended into her new home.
    ANNE, I loved Marley and Me, and the fellow who wrote it used to live here and was a newspaper writer. He always made remarks about the "Boca Babes" (I live now in Boca Raton) that I found very amusing. They are noted for snobbishness, though perhaps not any longer. He moved to Pennsylvania and I still miss his columns! Your salmon pie sounds delish!
    LIN, thank you, for your concern, and PATSY, too, for giving me a swelled head! I promise to listen to my body's alerts from now on, as I realize how precious life is and I really don't want to "screw up"!
    I must grab a supper bite now and plan to start getting to bed at reasonable hours from now on.....And eat more sensibly so these extra pounds no longer affect me!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    A delightful quiet walk in the woods this morning with not a soul about then as we returned to the car park there was a hubbub of chatter, laughter and dogs barking as holidaymakers arrived, no doubt having enjoyed a late breakfast wherever they're staying. Our schools Easter break has begun so I will have to be up early every morning if I want to miss the crowds! Housework for me today and since the window cleaner has just been so they are at least sparkling on the outside I had best take that as encouragement and get on.

    So relieved to see you are feeling much better Buzz and planning to take care of yourself. Just don't go scaring us like that again!! <3

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ditto BUZZ! .......Don't go scaring us again!....... Enjoy the Seder with the Brits.!
    Porridge calling. All for now,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Just been reading the BBC UK news. Apparently this Indian lady living in the UK had written on Facebook in a message to her now ex husband "you dumped ME for this HORSE!!". The husband later had a heart attack and died and she travelled to Dubai with her 14 year old daughter for his funeral not realizing the second wife had reported her to police for calling her a horse. She was promptly arrested and faces two years in jail for nasty comments. The daughter had to travel home alone.
    The moral of this story, be very careful what you say on Facebook.

    It did strike me though that if all the thousands of Arabic dumped first wives wrote the same on Facebook in support, the jails wouldn't have room for them all.

    I tell you we live in such weird times that I think we are all joining Alice down the rabbit hole.

    Right now though I'm safely "back in the past" giving my daily bread a second knead.
    Cheers gals,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited April 2019
    Happy Monday! :) We have a beautiful forecast with temps in the 70's. I have a bone density test this afternoon and I am thinking of maybe going to see the kiddos but might reconsider. My landlord sent a guy to look at my garage door and it has a broken cable. Hopefully they fix it today but I am grateful it is warm out rather than winter. Celine Dion is going on tour in my area in December, the tickets go on sale at ten this morning. I am going to check out the prices because my granddaughter has always wanted to see her and it would make a great Christmas present if affordable.

    Buzz, you gave us all a scare so please take care of yourself and get enough sleep. We want you around for a long time because we all plan on being here for years to come.

    Anne, wow, with so many people insulting each other over politics we would have no room in our jails either. Didn't our mother used to say if you can't say anything nice about someone don't say anything?? Our mothers were smart ladies.

    Jackie, at first I thought it might be batteries but it would only go up about 5 inches and then go down. Things in this condo are old, the new landlord is nothing like the old landlady but then she had a plan in store to move in herself. My refrigerator needs a new seal because it doesn't close well, you have to push it to make sure it closes tight. I did tell the guy to remind my landlord about that as well.

    Have a great day, I personally can't wait to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes, "discretion is the better part of valour" to quote a very old saying SANDY.
    Just about to put my hand-made bread in the oven.
    Fingers crossed. Should be okay, it's risen well.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm waiting for the kitchen floor to dry so I can go and put the kettle on but having left the back door open to the elements am now having to listen to George barking at the builder next door.... yes, he's still here although has apparently promised today is the last visit!!
    My new blue and silver trainers arrived and fit perfectly so now it's a case of waiting for summer weather. It's been dry but cold today.

    Anne, that lady who is now in a Dubai jail has been on our national news and I did smile at the thought of just how many would fill our prisons if our Bobbies arrested every person to have sent an abusive facebook comment. I stay away from it still! Did you also see the big cat story on the BBC news page?
    Harrowbarrow is less than 10 miles away so I need to warn my little family to avoid all large pusscats just in case!! :o

    Sandy, of course I should know you would check everything being so into modern technology... it's more the sort of thing I would forget to think of! I hope news is good from your bone density test and imagine all that vitamin D you absorb from enjoying the sunshine will see you good!

    George continues to bark but I think the floor should be dry now so I'll make that cup of tea then do a little more tidying before I light the fire.


    and woof, woof, woof from George!!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Just read the beast of bodmin moor JACKIE. Good job our Hobbes is an indoor cat because he is HUGE! However he is a real big softie and although twice Jilly's size and more, the two of them cautiously circle most of the time, or at least he does, Jilly wants to sniff noses. I also keep well away from Facebook.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. Foggy and wet today. As usual. but I see leaves on bushes and trees. Clouds of pollen everywhere and my hay fever is in full bloom along with various plants and trees. I have red icky eyes, runny nose, sneezing and coughing constantly. It is my spring fashion statement. It is a sure sign of real spring.

    Katie’s grooming session was sort of successful. Her hair is cut, cleaned, brushed. It looks rather strange and a bit uneven with various tufts of hair sprouting out in odd places. She is happy and she has no idea I didn’t do a great job. Bless her little heart. She has little interest or time for fashion or beauty. Comfort, cuddles, health, playtime and treats. That’s the good life according to Kate. I continue my grooming tutorials.

    Yea Buzz! One can see, once again, how important good rest is for good health. I struggle with that every night. Insomnia is my challenge and I often lose the battle.
    Take your zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs every night!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hello everyone. It was an early Tai Chi morning and it went quite long. Then a stop at the health food store to hunt for something my stuck at home friend wanted. Thy didn’t have it but they did have lovely organic red grapes. Yummmm.

    After a snack I did get outdoors and cleaned up all the sticks and branches as well as the dried material on the foundation plantings. All broken to bits and in a lawn waste bag. The reflectors along the driveway and the sidewalk have been removed and put away. The trash is bagged and at the curb.

    Tried to make progress on the online banking changes. No luck!

    I did a load of laundry and I made a little pot of chili.

    There you go, my busy but not that interesting day. It was sunny, hot and windy. And I am a bit tired now. Looking forward to Mah Jongg tomorrow morning.

    I hope we all get plenty of rest. Hugs to the Sneakers. <3

  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Buzz I hope you have gotten some help and are feeling better sounds like the pills are not right for you
    have a good week everyone
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    After a horrible night of wheezing and gasping for breath, I loaded my walker onto my wheelchair (Wish I had taken a photo of that!) and managed to find my transportation to my dentist for the final visit for my new permanent bridge. While lying in her sparkling clean chair, I mentioned how well I felt, suddenly, in her office. We chatted a bit and she asked if
    I had ever had vents cleaned or checked for mold, since she thought it sounded like a severe allergy reaction... Well, I never thought of that, and in her environment, I had absolutely no wheezing at all. Anyway, when I arrived home, I got the balls rolling for checking and cleaning my apartment, and our director said she would hasten the project since mold is quite dangerous! I'm off to bed (for the second time!) And will see how I do.
    Happy to hear spring has sprung for many of you.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mold !! Who would have thought !! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh my Buzz! I hope they get that remedied immediately. <3


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) My friend and I are taking another friend out for an early lunch for her 80th birthday so I really need to get in the shower.

    Buzz, I too, hope they come and check your apartment immediately because mold is very dangerous. Please let us know the results asap.

    Have a good one everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    FINALLY!! Occupational Therapy department arrived at lunchtime to collect the high stack of aids they had given me to get through the first few weeks after my hip replacement. I had been told I would receive a phone call first but no such thing. Luckily I was home after a morning working in my garden. A cat can now be swung easily in my dining room and no more tripping over the leg of a stool or raised toilet seat!! It has uncovered another area of wallpaper that has been badly scratched by Brady so another chore!!
    My garden is beginning to look so well managed I hardly recognise it and although still lots to do I'm feeling in control which is something I hadn't felt out there since my cancer diagnosis... onwards and upwards!! Blackbirds were nagging as I cut back brambles but I don't think I was too near their nest site, they were just letting me know that area of my garden is now their territory!

    Buzz, let's hope the culprit has been discovered and you will soon be breathing easy again. A friend of mine lives in an apartment by the sea in Plymouth and has a constant battle with mold appearing on the walls above her windows and a nasty cough so it certainly sounds feasible.

    Gentle rain sent me indoors for a cuppa and I'm now going to plan my evening meal. Tomorrow I have a long appointment with my hairdresser for highlights and although she is thinking blond streaks I'm looking at silver, not that I have any intention of growing old gracefully but it does seem to be colour of the month in the UK!! So that's where I'll be if I don't check in until much later in the day.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm being very cautious today and so far, not feeling bad. Tonight is our birthday night dinner, and I had my 6 week haircut, which looks great. JACKIE, since giving up the bottle (the one for hair :D ) I feel so free, and yes ...silver is definitely IN! It must be kept shining, though, or it looks drab! SANDY, wish your friend a Happy eightieth from us, too! Hi LIN and ANNE, LAURIE and PATSY, and all our friends. I must start the making up of my face, which I never did just a few years ago. I just sat out in the sun and the bronze suited me just fine. Now I need to cover all the spots and Mohs surgery I earned in the sun! But I did enjoy it back then,...I no longer sit in the sunshine, though it's too late to worry about it. It takes at least 25 years to see the damage, actually it takes a lifetime!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Buzz, unfortunately at the moment, under a few fading blonde highlights my natural hair is what I call Badger grey and not at all attractive so even becoming silver will be through a bottle. My hairdresser is genius when it comes to colouring but I'm not sure she will agree with a look I have in mind. I've downloaded an image to show her but expect to be talked out of it... perhaps it's for a younger head, not mine!

    In my youth I too loved the feel of the sun on my face but boy, am I aware of the damage done to skin and eyes today! It was never going to happen to me of course but there's no turning back the clock so I have to accept the shock of what I now see in the mirror, especially since gaining 20/20 vision after cataracts were removed.... Hindsight is a wonderful thing!! 😫

    Gone midnight so time for bed.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dearest friends. Spent some time on YouTube tutorials on dog grooming. I brushed Katie and ordered new clipper blades. I see that is part of the problem. So while I get new equipment, Katie looks a bit strange.

    Jackie: right now my hair is salt and pepper. I really don’t like that at all. I am thinking some sort of color but not sure what and how to deal with my white streaks. I know that it takes time and dedication to “glam” up each day. I would not do it daily but if I go into town, why not spend an extra 15 or 20 minutes to smear on some color? Anyway, I do and I think I look better for it. It gives me more confidence and I don’t feel like such an old biddy. Do what makes you feel good!

    Remember.....80 is the new 60! There are times when it is the new 50. I am amazed when this old woman sneaks into our house and looks back at me in my mirror. She needs some lipstick and a new haircut.
    Be good to yourself! I’ll try to help you.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my, JACKIE, I absolutely LOVE it! I'm fortunate in that my color is fine when natural, but I feel the back is much thinner than just a few years ago. I know my neck hairline is not as nice as the models! If your hairdresser can do this cut and color, Go For It!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................