Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Aw JACKIE, I love all creatures. All my past pusses, Judy, Jenny, and Jilly my past and present dogs. If I was a rich girl I'd rescue donkeys with their beautiful velvety eyes.
    Meanwhile, I content myself feeding the wild life. Glad to see Jill your friend is back with Scruff. I was a little worried that Scruff wasn't around any more!
    We've just got back from our walk and feeding the birds I noticed my snowdrops are through!
    Double yeah! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Happy Happy Birthday Barbie!


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Soggy and chilly today. But we are to have a clearing trend and warmer spring-like temps. Yea! I hope we can get outside to start the season! Clean the deck furniture, wash the deck and prepare to repaint it. And so it goes......

    I am feeling disgruntled about the Mueller report. I feel the two years of investigation and all the indictments, and yet no collusion or evidence of of wrong doing by this president? There seems to be something wrong here. We were given a watered down final report or a flat out doctored report. But maybe I have just lost my mind. I keep thinking of that Warren report from the Kennedy era. No one believed that either.

    Well I am in bad need of an attitude adjustment.. speaking of education, there is a program here just for seniors. It is called the encore program. There are on going classes on the most interesting things. I hope to do a few of the classes this year. There are special physical education classes, yoga etc. everything from investment ideas to basketweaving. These are usually taught by seniors as well. Education never really stops and it it doesn’t happen inside a classroom. It happens inside a persons brain. True fact!

    Our sweet labradoodle is due for her spring hair clip. She is very patient for everything except around her face and her front paws. She even tolerates her ear cleaning. However the monthly toenail cutting is on ordeal. I do that when she is relaxed and sleepy. I try to keep the toenails short. She is always trying to climb up into our lap. She is a huge furry, very active 50 pound baby. As I have said before, interesting choice for senior citizens, because of grooming requirements. I don’t really trust the local groomers. I have heard some really awful things happening at the grooming salons here. Katie has a wonderful personality, we try to make grooming a pleasant time for her. What would we do without our pets?
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE what do you think of the "Norway Plan" for the UK. From what I've read on BBC news it looks a feasible compromise to me. Title - "What is common market 2.0" on BBC, UK news.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, don't clip Katie's nails, grinding is best and shortens that vein that runs through the nails. While I used a Dremel on my clients poodles, there is now a special grinder made just for grooming animal's nails, and I think it does not cause the heat a Dremel produces and is much easier to handle! I've seen it on TV. And don't forget to empty her anal glands before her shampoo! (Yes, I had my own grooming service many years ago, and many of my dogs were shown)...
    The Premium Painless Nail Clipper for Pets is completely safe and easy to use. With the precision emery filing wheel there's no need for manual cutting. The emery filing wheel does all the work for you by gently removing thin layers of nail smoothly, gently and efficiently. You don't need to be a professional at clipping your pet's nails. The trimmer does all the work for you unlike manual clippers that, if used wrongly, could result in bleeding or pain. Price: $19.97 FREE Shipping
    You Save: $20.03 (50%) SALE
    By the way, I keep hoping that when the entire investigation is supplied, The House will follow up on all the strange things in the report! It was a 2 year investigation that the Justice managed to read and digest in 2 days ! And it only examined the Russian connection to our vote. There is no conclusion on many of the other things. Keep up your hope.
    I read in today's paper that the UK is having similar problems with Brexit, and suddenly, thanks to JACKIE and ANNE, I understood what their problems are! Complicated world we live in, isn't it? Possibly back later.
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen!..............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, as I understand it the Norway option looks a good way to go and would you believe was offered to May and her negotiating team 2 years ago but she never mentioned it! Another option is what's called the Canada Plus option that I think is similar to Norway's arrangement but has less ties to the EU. As few ties as possible is my hope but the Ireland border issue is always going to be difficult.
    I see on the news Parliament have voted to take away Theresa's control of Brexit negotiations so all up in the air.

    Buzz, George's groomer uses a nail grinder similar to the one in the link you posted for Patsy and gave similar advice when checking Betty's nails. They were clipped at the shelter and feel sharp and scratchy against my skin so next time they need shortening they should be smoother.

    George hates any form of grooming coming near his face and his paws aren't much easier... I think it's a dog thing!

    Time for bed for me. 😴😴
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Buzz: thank you so much for the information on canine nail clipping! I am ordering a device that you suggested immediately. Katie sends you a bark of approval and about a thousand licks on your nose and ears. More on this later.

    I remain hopeful that we could see a return to some sort of integrity n the Oval Office. We are living in strange times. However, this kind of coverup and sneaky double dealing has happened before and we came through it. We can do it again. Not fun and not easy but there are still good people in government.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Just a hello. Nothing interesting here. Nice Tai Chi day, trip to the hospital for a routine blood draw, home to work on cleaning stuff out of the refrigerator, reviewing tax forms that arrived in the mail, cleaning out my electronic inbox which was quite clogged up. Some online banking, more documentation submitted regarding a disputed charge, sorting out documents for a reimbursement submission that I hope to complete soon. Some research on feasibility of trying to sell a few things this year.

    Enjoyed reading all the information included with today’s posts. Still avoiding as much of the craziness as possible.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Quick comment for now before I slurp my porridge. JACKIE, could the sun be actually peeping out from behind the clouds! I think I would go with the Canada plus and put an end to all this nonsense.
    BUZZ, I thank you for the clipper info as well, and Jilly says a woofity thank you.
    LIN, thank you for being thoughtful LIN.
    PATSY, with spring maybe the gloom of winter, Russian spies peeping from under the bushes, ginger hair dye, etc etc will soon be in the past.
    God bless,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning, still photocopying, writing checks, stuffing an envelope to send back to my accountant and I did get my electronic reimbursement claim filed this morning! Still cleaning out folders in one of my email accounts. Then I need to start on the other account. The tidying started when I received a notification that my iPad was nearly full. Lots of apps removed, documents deleted and some apps totally deleted which led on to cleaning out photos etc. I did it to myself as I downloaded a lot of music onto my iPad so I could listen offline. I could only access music when connected to WiFi as this device has no option for a cell connection and if it did, I have no plan for it. My phone plan does not allow tethering.

    So, overcast and chilly this morning. I leave soon for a morning of Mah Jongg. If the weather and my body are in the mood, I should cut up all the twigs and branches I gathered up the other day. I have a yard waste bag to stuff them in but the pieces must be quite small to fit. We will see.

    Anne, I hope the porridge was yummy! I had a little bowl of frozen blueberries and almond yogurt with a few hemp seeds and some cacao nibs. It was lovely although a bit frozen. Haaaaa.

    Patsy, Jackie, Sandy, Laura, Jeri, Buzz, Diane, Karen, Barb, waving a hello in your direction(s).

    Best wishes and many hugs.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just read that some young mothers are returning to cloth nappies (diapers). Yeah!! A plus, kids are potty trained quicker when nappies have to be washed and dried. Is the world actually waking up? It said on our news that Pyrex have changed the manufacturer of their glass casserole etc dishes. The old dishes (mine) have Pyrex printed in capitals, the newer ones are printed in lower casing. Anyway, if you have the latest versions watch out. They are exploding in hot ovens apparently or on removal.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Tea break time so I'm sitting on the swing seat enjoying the sunshine (The only sort at the moment Anne!!)
    Washing is drying outdoors and I've just spent an hour emptying the wormery of several litres of compost.
    The community page was unavailable to me this morning, weird things happening, but hopefully I'll pop back later after planned bonfire now that I can get in!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Yes site was unavailable! Love the back view of your cottage JACKIE. In fact positively GREEN with envy. I've offered to move from my little place come summer. Marks just been over and he tells me that Derek, my grandson and Bev will be a couple late summer, and at the moment are planning living with him and Mary Jo to save for a house. It seems a shame that I am living alone here with Jilly when I can apply for a senior apartment. (Jilly welcome) It's never easy living with parents. Anyway there'll be a discussion I expect. I've lived here 30 years next summer. There's a long waiting list for the senior apartments so they had better be quick if thats what they would like to do.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! 😄 I am in my room just chilling! Did not do well at gambling yesterday, so giving myself a time out! Hope things improve today!
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Our Residents' Board Meeting tonight was almost as maddening and crazy as Washington, D.C. and London! No one could agree on anything!
    So happy the information on nail grooming helped!
    I meant to post this last night before retiring; notice it did not self-destroy!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen!.............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The Physical Therapist Evaluator is on the way. I had not picked up the phone as this was the 38th unrecognized number that rang today! I guess if it's legitimate, they leave a message...
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen!.....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm back but only to wish everyone goodnight! Pushing a lawnmower about then spending nearly 2 hours burning all the pruned shrubbery has left me exhausted and aching so bed is the best place. The gardener messaged to let me know she will be here in the morning so I'm hoping the garden will soon be back to the way I love.

    Anne, I do hope it's your decision alone if you do move, especially after 30 years in your home.

    Must get dogs into garden for a last break then we'll all get some shut eye.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Yes, it would be my decision alone JACKIE. Wanting to give the younger generation a good start and knowing when children and parents live together it can cause stress.
    However, I did a lot of research yesterday and didn't like what I found in accommodation I could afford. So yes, I do rather hope I can remain here for as long as possible, BUT would honour my offer if it's taken up.
    The good news for me is it is an old house and even if I love it, D and B have both been brought up in posher accommodation and I'm not sure they'd adapt to Anne living. They would have to pay out more as well than if living off parents and saving up for a newer house.
    So, I will sit back and wait and see.
    Thanks for your concern.
    Anne ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2019
    Good day. We are expecting higher temperatures today, which is lovely, but winds gusting to 30 mph. Ooops. May not feel that warm.

    Jackie, what a day of accomplishment for you. Wow! And my outside day crumpled when I got home and was eating lunch when the lawn care people arrived and sprayed pre-emerge weed junk and fertilizer on my lawn. I will not work outside the first several days after that. They do out a warning sign which cannot be good. Well, the city is not picking up filled lawn waste bags yet so no worries I guess. And I know this now since yesterday was trash day and several of my energetic neighbors had filled bags at the curb which are still there now. I went to Whole Foods and got some lovely organic lettuce and a couple of tomatoes instead. I hope you are okay this morning.

    Anne, you are so very kind and caring. Such a generous offer but if less than suitable accommodations are the choice, oh my, I am concerned you will take something not so good just to keep your word. Many hugs. Life is complicated at best.

    Buzz, how did your appointment go with the physical therapist evaluator? Is that related to pain management or a separate thing altogether? Hugs.

    Sandy, did you get luckier? I did not have a good luck tile day yesterday at Mah Jongg. Luckily no money involved!

    Did I miss Laura, Patsy, Jeri and other Sneakers posts? Hello out there!!

    Oh and I forgot, Jackie, I adore your yard and house. It is very appealing. I do not know if it is noisy often but it seems so serene.

    Well, must run, Tai Chi day! I will expend all of my energy today. But in a happy way. Grabbing what I can, the Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon classes are suspended each summer. That really is not far away.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2019
    MFP will not let me edit my post, hummm, sorry for errors.

    Ha, now it will let me edit after leaving the page and then returning. :D