Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Back home from taking Babe to dentist. I met my friend and had coffee with her while waiting for Babe. He goes back in a month. Quite pleasant outside with the sun shining and temps in the 40's. I have nothing else planned except for riding my bike and try to catch up on my recorded TV shows.
    Our corned beef and cabbage was not good at all, we were all sorry we chose that restaurant.
    I am not a fan anyway so to have it not be good was even worse. We didn't stay out late which was good as I had to be up early today.

    Nothing exciting going on, just a busy week with a hair trim, sitting for kiddos, doctor appointments, speaking at my meeting and then resting for our annual spring trip to the casino next Monday through Wednesday.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Monday Monday! Lots os chores but it is a sunny day. Yesterday was HOT. I was out on the deck doing exercises and having coffee.. I actually had to come in, it was so warm. Instant spring/summer! One day the furnace is on and the next we are dragging out the fans.

    The great news is that our daughter is feeling much better. Thank goodness! She isn’t a cooperative patient and certainly doesn’t even take the prescribed meds for her condition. But she persevered and is “up and chugging along.”

    We finished watching Green Book. Loved it! I don’t see why Veggio Martinson didn’t get an Oscar. He was great in this movie.

    Eeeeeek the spiders are hatching. Lots of tiny spiders coming out of eggsacks glued to various spots up under the eaves of the house. They have one littte silk thread as a parachute to drift off to new opportunities. In the sunlight you can see them floating along on the breeze. I am okay with them if the stay outside and off of me! They never do, of course.

    I am not a history buff. But when it comes attached to art history, I am fascinated. I blame it on really bad history teachers. Our kids and John are of the same opinion. They each enjoy history when attached to their specific interest area. Did you know that history is rarely taught here in our public schools? Our public schools are starved for funding and are in trouble!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good day my friends. I was zipping off early in the morning to Tai Chi. It was kind of an off day for everyone. It happens I guess. After class I stopped by the credit union, post office, library and the gas station. That is getting to be pretty standard. Haaaaa.

    When I got home I started to dig into the pile of correspondence I had received. So now electronic bills paid, some paper invoices paid, read all the new endorsements for my Homeowners policy and talked to my agent about one of them, the appointment for my air conditioner service is scheduled and my checkbook balanced. I feel so happy about the progress.

    Must review the information I sent to the accountant later this week before my appointment. Oooh, I forgot, I still owe her a 2019 income projection. Ooops. Something else to do. Later today.

    And my new battery for the old laptop is not holding a charge and will not recharge. When I powered off the laptop and then plugged it in the next day and fired it up, the battery had gone down about 5% from its current level. How does that happen when the laptop is totally shut off? Anyway, I have no idea what is wrong with my laptop but it is the laptop, not the battery or the power cord. I guess as long as it works when plugged it is working.

    My new iPad is okay. It charges, when I power it off, it holds a charge, and the screen is a nice size.

    I got caught up in some drama yesterday. It upset me so much I tossed and turned all night. My friend with the memory problems has really deteriorated. It is complex but she is like family to me, her late son was my best friend, her granddaughter and husband are good friends of mine, many other family members were friends. Few family members are alive.

    Anyway, my friend has pretty much lost touch with reality. She has no idea what month or day it is, one minute she believes her first husband is still alive, a couple of minutes later she believes her second husband is still alive. She will be anxious that Bob went to work and hasn’t come home yet. She believes people are breaking into her house every evening and they take all her food and prescriptions. Her car battery is dead and her granddaughter and husband went over to get the car started but she refused to let them touch the car because Bob would be home soon and he would take care of it. She told me no one had been to her house yesterday. No one knows if she is eating or taking her medication properly. Who knows how her bills and money are being handled. She tells everyone NO and she does not have anyone appointed as durable power of attorney or a medical power of attorney. No one wants to cross her as she has a temper.

    I was on the phone with my confused friend yesterday (she called me) trying to get her to order some delivery food. It was just a crazy mash up of dead battery in the car, no problem is a flat tire, Dale will fix it, no Bob will decide what to do, don’t know why he’s been gone so long ( whoever that might be). It just went on and on. I talked to her grand daughter and they don’t know what to do. I said I could take her groceries every few weeks as I know she wouldn’t let me take her shopping bit I cannot afford to purchase her groceries every week. I said I would go this afternoon but I did not hear from her.

    So I guess I am somewhat distraught by this. I wish I could just back away and maintain some distance from the mess. I think I will not inquire how things are going. I will wait and see if I hear from them. Reasonable? Or cowardly?

    Okay, that’s about all of my ranting for the day. I think I should just wind it up for now.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN what you are describing concerning your friend is exactly what is happening to my neighbour Tony next door who thinks his reflection is a thief AND to Roy over in the UK who is looking for his long dead wife.
    You won't want advice from me being the very kind person you are, but I think maybe you shouldn't get too involved apart from keeping in touch and loving her. I say this because she has family and if you step in too much the family, being distraught themselves, will rely on a willing friend to take over their responsibility. "We can relax a bit because LIN is making sure Gran is eating etc." I hate to say this but also you are pretty vulnerable if your friend has a temper. It sounds, like Marie next door, that it's time for the medics to step in as well as the family. Tony is classed as in the "middle" of the dementia path but already Marie is showering him. I'm sorry to poke my nose in love, but I am concerned for you if you take on the family's responsibility. I know Tony doesn't want any of his sons and grands visiting but Marie has been told by the hospital she can't do it alone and must ignore his wishes.
    Oh dear. The above is sent with love because I am concerned you may get in too deeply and of course the condition worsens with time.
    I'm tempted to delete the above but we've all got very fond of our LIN you know. You are NOT cowardly, maintaining the distance is the reasonable thing to do when a family has close relatives.
    Anne. ❤️
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just finished my next to last dental appointment, made several phone orders for new hearing aids appointment and groceries, unpacked heavy Costco deliveries, and am exhausted. There will be a film and discussion o Global warming (fake news!!!) tonight so I will try to get an earlier reservation and get back to read your posts. Being without my car has become a challenge!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, Portsmouth is somewhere I've never visited so you've got me thinking I must add it to my bucket list in order to investigate the Mary Rose museum. I clearly remember watching the ship appearing on the surface of the sea in 1982 when I should have been on my way to work, it was too enthralling to switch off the tv! Don't worry, I usually think of you when a fascinating piece of history pops up!

    Lin, to put my 2 pennies worth in, it's obvious your friend is in dire need of help whether she recognises it or not. Your laws may be different to mine but from what little I know, her next of kin should be seeing a lawyer to obtain an emergency power of attorney so her affairs can be sorted and also get doctors involved. Perhaps she has had a stroke or some other condition has compromised the blood supply to her brain but definitely a matter for the family. You are not being at all cowardly Lin if you take a huge step back because apart from listening there's probably little else you can do. You care and that's everything.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I would agree with Jackie, having no real experience. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s but early on we designed a rotation of family to care for her even though she was in a residential facility. John’s family all worked together to make her care run smoothly and seamlessly. That was the key. Stepping in and doing the hard work before things became really tragic. Only family or some other agency with legal ability can force change. These are heartbreaking circumstances. I really can understand your sadness. Our musician friend brings us such sadness because of his deteriorating condition, we can hardly make ourselves go visit. But we do, to help his wife and family.
    Thinking of you, dear Lin, and your dear friend.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Lin, I agree with Anne, Jackie and Patsy. Just be her friend but don't get in the middle of the situation with her family. If they want your help they will ask but really it should be up to them to take care of her. Pray for her and if she calls listen to her, that is all you can do.
    You have such a generous heart but you have to protect yourself as well.

    Love you kiddo.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Thanks everyone.....I will do my best to stay far away. They feel like family but they are not. This is best for my mental health, it has been dredging up so many sad memories.

    Love you my friends. <3<3

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2019
    Isn't it amazing how much better we feel when waking up to sunshine and some warmth. A lovely day here and promise of a dry week so of course I have a million plans.... maybe one or two will be completed!!
    Enjoyed a pleasant walk round the woods then stopped at the little farm shop that sits in the car park to buy locallly grown carrots, leeks and kale. They also had a plate of delicious looking cakes but mindful of the pounds I need to lose I looked the other way. o:)
    It warms my heart when I see once again what a caring group of loving friends we are. <3

    Lin, sometimes friendships can be stronger than some family ties but if it helps, it does appear your friend won't remember any conversation you have so try not to burden yourself too much with feelings of guilt. <3<3<3

    George's food has been cooked, washing is out on the line and coffee is brewing so I'll get on with my morning chores..... once the coffee is consumed of course!!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Well JACKIE WE woke up to a sprinkle of snow on the ground after Great hopes yesterday. Good old unpredictable spring. The bread I threw out last night is gone, the bird feeder is empty so I guess there are some happy, full, little critters around!
    Hope you slept last night LIN. Jackie is right, don't burden yourself too much. ❤️
    More, maybe later, because we got up late again!
    Afterthought, do you have Meals on Wheels, (hot lunches delivered for seniors), in America, LIN? If so, maybe the family of your friend could arrange to have them deliver for now to ensure she is eating. I volunteered as a cook for a while, the men amongst the volunteers delivered.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh, MFP cleared me out, time up. Just wanted to add we cooked in pairs to nutritionally approved menus. Just a thought but the next time you speak with the family maybe you could mention this to them if of course you have this service in the states. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hello. A bright and chilly day here but rain is promised later so I am enjoying the sun right now. My neighbor is getting a new roof today. The shingles were delivered yesterday and actually placed in a stack on the roof. Wow! A crew has arrived and I would imagine it will be a day of hammering. I will miss some of it as I am going to play Mah Jongg a bit later and make a couple of stops on my way home.

    Anne, thanks, yes there are Meals on Wheels and many services for people with low incomes. My friend has refused to apply for any help and will not even eat congregate meals which are served at a center about two blocks from her house. So again thanks, her family knows about these things and when her son was alive he consistently pushed her to get food from the food pantry, apply for food stamps, eat at the senior center, sign up for assistance with home repairs. Pretty much everything, no go.

    Jackie, how lovely that the farm shop has such delightful veggie offerings. Enjoy your pleasant day and the week of dry weather. Lucky George as his food is cooked and ready. How is Betty coming along? So you are awash in eggs. My goodness, feast or famine isn’t it. I am thinking of egg custard. Oh, naughty.

    Again, thank you for your kindness and responses. I so appreciate you all.

    Hugs and best wishes.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Last comment from me LIN. If your friend is so stubborn then it's time for the doctor to step in to assess her. If it's merely holding you and her family to ransom and on a guilt trip, definitely, definitely, definitely step away. Voice of experience speaking here girl. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) The sun is shining here as well and the temps going to the 50's. I am going to get my hair trimmed at noon and then to see the kiddos later. Tomorrow I have to be at the hospital at 7:45 for two tests, the nuclear stress echo and the nerve tests for my hands.
    I don't mind the tests, just the early morning wake up. lol
    More traveling plans in my future. Monday for our casino trip, Florida the end of April and Minnesota the beginning of June. My granddaughter is getting her Masters and some of the family is going since she invited us to a party in her honor. That will be a long weekend kind of trip. The following weekend is a family wedding which is more than an hour away so I will need a hotel room. I guess I will be busy the next few months.

    Lin, I think Anne is right but it is up to the family to have her doctor assess her. It sounds like she should be in an assisted living home but nothing you can do to convince her so just be her friend. Enjoy your Mah Jongg, a game I played so long ago I forgot how.

    Anne, more snow? I hope we are done with it for good. I would like to take the cover off of my patio set on my balcony but still don't trust the weather. It will be nice to grill on my new grill once the weather stays warm.

    Jackie, how is Betty doing with her housebreaking? The new pup in our family has had a few accidents but they do keep him in a crate at night for sleeping. He seems to like it as does my grandson who goes in it with the pup.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2019
    Pausing mid-dig to rest my hip although I must say gardening is already so much easier now I can bend without joints locking.

    This morning when I got up, Betty for the first time ever went straight to the door into the garden to ask to be let out so real progress and she seems to have copied George's toilet habits on walks too, even cocking a leg!! I dont trust 100% so still have a puppy pad available but am happier and planning carpet cleaning in the next week. She is a little madam and has me laughing all the time but poor George has had to accept he's no longer top dog!

    A quick comment on people with dementia not eating, I was aware when doing community work some were extremely crafty, convinced we were trying to poison them or just not wanting to eat we would find food hidden under a cushion or in a vase, even thrown out a window when we weren't looking so it is a thankless task.

    Ha, Betty is snoring on the door mat by my feet and George stretched out indoors so I will get back outside for another push at the weeds.

    PS love the photo Sandy! These 2 loved up kids were on my bed last night
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Super photos all round. I swear Betty has lost a bit of weight Jackie. I'm getting the impression that Theresa May is doing everything in her power to avoid leaving the EU despite the people's vote.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Got it in one Anne. If not intentional then our Theresa really is incompetent... What a mess!! I'm hoping the EU gets so fed up with us it throws us out on the 29th whatever!!

    Betty has firmed up and taken on more of her Pug shape but not sure about a weight loss. I've now moved her on to a special digestive care kibble so she is less gassy and when it comes to weighing out her daily portion she gets enough for minimal activity (The packet doesn't show for couch potato!!) More flea treatment and wormers required by the end of the week so I'll take her to the vet with me and pop her on their scales.

    Time to steam my fresh veggies to have with a Haddock fishcake.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    March winds! Would be a great day to fly a kite. Many spring breakers (young students) hit the beaches to fly big kites and it is also whale watching time here. The big grays and other species travel along the Oregon coast on their way to Alaska with their babies. We have seen them a couple of times and it is very exciting. They will often come close in the deeper water to look at us weird beings looking at them. I have heard of them coming close when people toot their car horns. Anyway, it is a fun afternoon. We usually pack a picnic lunch and a pair of binoculars. And a good strong leash. Katie isn’t well socialized. She is a basket case. Some dogs she likes but some are instantly enemies. who knows what she uses to determine the differences.

    I had a restless night because of the wind. John and Katie had the same problem. I suspect we will not be very productive today. It happens....

    All this concern about dementia has me nervous. How do we deal with our own diminishing capabilities? I guess an addition to our will or something. At any rate a discussion with our son will be next. A just in case, sort of discussion.

    We will enjoy the day. Do as Jack Reacher, in the Lee Child novels. “Hope to the best, plan for the worst!” John loves Lee Child novels. I like some of them but I am fickle when it comes to my reading.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Sounds like SHE needs chucking out. It's not one woman's decision surely whether Britain goes or remains. It's the people's decision. Why did parliament allow someone who was personally opposed to leaving the EU be in charge of negotiations and thus stalling? Beats me, not enough info to judge. Meanwhile I think Justin could be out on his ear come elections in the autumn. Jill doesn't care as long as she still gets her chicken!!