Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    Still snowing, and The Bean and I are still squelching our way across the soaked carpet! Today was an interesting day to say the least. Goodnight all. Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My sympathies to all! What a winter; perhaps this will be its last hurrah?! Our day was a rainy one, and my hip really reacted! Since I was not phoned about the X Ray, I doubt anything was observed so it must be good old arthritis plus bone -on-bone joint. No surprise there!
    Last night we had a buffet called "Thai night dinner". I saw how hard everyone worked and the food was plentiful, but Thai? Except for cod with a delicious sauce, the Pad Tai and other dishes were bland and tasteless! I whispered to the new manager they had better hire an Asian sous chef before the next attempt! Even the dessert, a mango sorbet with lychee nuts was marred by soggy canned lychees! I used to make many Asian meals when my kids were growing up, as it got them to eat many different vegetables and we all loved Chinese and Japanese food, including my poodles! The proper spices are an entirely new learning process, and understanding how to thinly-slice meats or poultry for stir frying (semi-freezing ) take practice, but I do hope they will try again.
    PATSY, listen to JOHN and stay clear of the flu! Also, I wonder if the ice will melt on its own if temperature rises in a day or two. That extra energy shoveling or hacking at ice can be unnecessarily straining!
    SANDY, (text still missing!) , I suggest if you must visit BABE, be extra careful around Phil; who knows what his reaction will be in your presence! Perhaps you can send BABE grocery orders through Instacart or some other service!
    JACKIE, if Betty was used for breeding, she indeed may have developed a run down immune system, poor dear.
    LIN, hope your tea was still warm and I'm glad you made wise decisions regarding driving on ice! Ugh!
    ANNE, poor dear, do you find troubles come in threes? That tax code seems unfair since you are a permanent dweller! However, we all endure what others deem fair when it comes to tax codes. Our infamous dictator -lover favored the poor over-taxed super rich in his infinite brilliance! Forgive me, but I watched the Congressional grilling almost all day today and I have
    no stomach for "the other side"! They were nastily intent on destroying a man who seems to finally feel responsibility for his past behavior, while forgetting the reason for this hearing. Oh my boiling blood!
    Oops, past my bedtime.
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2019
    ANNE, the picture looks cold and gloomy! I usually love snow.
    I could not go to bed without once more attempting to find out why SANDY's texts on her posts are showing up blank! Only SANDY's, and every post she enters! I'm afraid of creeping problems: other members suddenly disappearing, too! I again emailed the mfp powers that be, to ask for their help!
    Now to bed where I will listen to MSNBC to put me to sleep!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2019
    Rain showers and cooler today but still not too bad. This time last year we were dealing with freezing temperatures and heavy snow so anything else has to be a bonus. I drove for the first time this morning, filled the car with fuel, visited the GP nurse to check the incision which has healed up then picked up basic supplies. Muscles complaining now so another sign not to rush things and after walking George round the block I'll have a restful day.

    How disappointing Buzz. Seems the chef didn't have Thai spices in the cupboard! I remember tinned lychees being offered up as the only available dessert in Chinese restaurants back in the 70's so went without!!

    That snowy scene is bleak Anne but perhaps you'll enjoy sunshine today to brighten it up.

    Coffee finished and rain showers seem to have stopped so I'll get George out.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    Woke up to a still soggy carpet and -19C or -2F. Not only bleak but ruddy cold out there. Not much chance of suffering from prickly heat methinks. By the way, that was a colour photo, not an old black and white! That's why I showed it. Think I'll buy some flowers tomorrow to remind me the world is still colourful elsewhere!

    It's my cousin in Australia's birthday, well really the 29th, so I emailed her, and hoped she was enjoying her favourite chocs, except I realized later the machine, bless it, had changed chocs to crocs! Nothing like a crocodile wandering in your garden and no crocodile Dundee to save you, lol.

    What a day yesterday was! Everything personally that could go wrong, did. Even all the programmes on TV gone in favour of the Cohen briefing, a political scandal maybe brewing here, and Pakistan and India beating the war drums.

    Brian turned up at 9pm to clear the 15cm of new snow and I paid him which makes me ask for advice on what a fair price is? He seems content with $30 for each clearance but it is a six car drive. Any advice? I know I'm getting off lightly not having to pay professionals. He tells me it IS a fair price because he uses his new snow blower and not a shovel, plus being a born Canadian, "strong and free" seems to enjoy watching the snow banks grow. However, there is also the bonus of the Bean having a good old bark and exercise from leaping joyously up and down at the back door screen. I turned all the lights on, opened the blinds and back true door so he could see what he was doing.

    Well, lets see what today brings. Just going to eat my porridge, och aye. No exotic lychee for me BUZZ! There are some sad looking grapes hanging around though.
    PS, just opened the blinds and there's something round and yellow and shiny in the sky to the east!!!!🌞🙃
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    Yesterday's scene from my bathroom window TODAY! We have COLOUR!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello! Another cold day with snow flurries expected again. Cold snap apparently is a done deal with frigid temps flowing towards us. It is not over.

    Anne, well that scene looks familiar. Good to see color again! Flowers would be an excellent idea.

    Jackie, what a busy day. Thumbs up!! Driving again. Marvelous. But oh poor Betty. I wonder what the problem might be.

    Buzz, sorry the special menu was a bust in comparison to your excellent experiences with Thai cuisine. Maybe they are a bit too ambitious in their offerings? Chefs not trained in so many international offerings?

    Sandy, hope you are okay. Tick tick. Your trip is coming up soon. How exciting.

    Patsy, I know you want to help but I am sure you are doing what is prudent. I pray your daughter is getting better and will be home soon.

    Jeri, thinking of you.

    Hello Karen, Diane, and Marie.

    My iPad died over night. Am trying to get it going and backed up to iTunes. Either the battery is failing and/or the connecting plugin isn’t working. I have tried two cables and I sometimes hear that connect sound over and over as if the connection is not good. I see a trip to the Apple store in my future but the weather is miserable.

    Using my phone right now.

    Must run along. Sending hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today, a stop at the bank and then a mani/pedi. Later I will download some movies on my IPad to watch on the plane and tomorrow laundry and packing.
    Phil is home and Babe is driving him to the doctor today which he really shouldn't drive. Babe said Phil is miserable and in a lot of pain but sorry I don't have much sympathy for him.

    I need to eat something and get moving once again. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh drat! My post just went out into otter space.......oh well, later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. Well, my iPad is toast. They were able to run all sorts of diagnostics from long distance with just my serial number and me pressing a few prompts. Frightening really! Some problem with the pins where you plug in the cord for charging. Something is bent or ruined in some way and Apple does not replace these. I can surrender this iPad and get apparently a refurbished model for around $250. I am not interested in refurbished. My friend got one when her battery went bad. Nothing but problems so she and her husband went to the Apple store and raised all kinds of loud protesting. Their iPad was pretty new though. They finally got a new replacement. Mine is too old. Sooooo, I found a new one on sale and have ordered it. Should be here on Saturday if all goes well. Then to figure out how to set it up and port stuff over to the new device. Oh joy. I guess I will figure it out.

    Lovely Tai Chi lesson this afternoon.

    Cleaned off more ice when I got home. Charged up my Kindle reader and my old Fire device.

    Sandy, you keep very busy! Stay away from Phil please.

    Patsy, darn, lost post. Very frustrating and we did not get the pleasure of reading what you had to say.

    Going to finish reading a book I have been enjoying but it is time for me to discover who killed the two librarians. Smile.

    If no snow or ice, I will go to early Tai Chi tomorrow. Maybe I will also visit my friend again afterwards. She was too tired after her physical therapy this afternoon to do much communicating.

    Hugs again.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Just checking in. I’ve been busy as a bee taking charge. Was able to see my cancer doctor on Wednesday to answer questions. Scary thing we booked my surgery for March 29. Tuesday I checked in with my family doctor and investigated options about the miss diagnosis of the first biopsy. Today I took the initiative to book an appointment tomorrow with a foundation that provides support for cancer victims from start to finish. I’m afraid this go round is much scarier. I’ve elected to have a double mastectomy with reconstruction later not at the same time as surgery. ✔️✔️✔️ I’m not sure how I will handle this, thus looking for help. They provide assistance with the pathology reports, any decisions to be made and after care advice. They operate on a donation basis. Recommended to by my doctor and my neighbor.

    Just came back from a delicious supper and a glass of wine. I could make that an habit. LOL

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Jeri, I can’t even imagine what you are going through. The decision for the double mastectomy had to be the hardest thing but I agree with you one hundred percent. I am so happy you found a foundation with support and therapy. Prays for you and for your family. You will get through this with their love and support. God Bless.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, the last photo is such an improvement, warm and sunny snow scene! My TV is still blasting commentary on the Cohen revelations; although is there much we did not already know really? Con artist, phony, operates like mafia? Well, his Israeli pal, Netanyahu, got indicted today, and perhaps we'll see something similar here! I was surprised to see you refer to the Bean as "he"; I think I always assumed the little one was a female
    SANDY, I can't believe Babe is driving, but happy to see you won't allow yourself to be dragged into that scene! Stay firm!
    JERI, excellent move. My sister was in a CA support group that was not only comforting but extremely helpful, too. She still keeps in touch with several of the people involved 18 ears ago!!! That glass of wine sounds like a super idea!
    JACKIE, I spoke to or sous chef at dinner tonight, and she said that coming from the Philippines, she really does know how to spice up Asian foods as I know them, but she worried about all those residents who complain about any spicy foods all the time. She plans to make available the low spiced dishes alongside the correctly spiced ones next time!
    PATSY, drat those lost posts! I seem to have them all too frequently! Are you glued to your TV the past few days? I think of you!

    I used my walker twice today to go downstairs, once for the dermatologist for a clean bill of health and then for dinner.On that last trip I became dizzy, I guess, and had to just stand a moment to clear my head. Seems to me that happened not too long ago, and I''m not sure why; perhaps a medication I'm on. Dinner was so delicious tonight, with one of my favorite soups, Albondigas , containing tiny meatballs. My entree was fabulous boneless duck breast with some kind of berry sauce (I think raspberry) and for dessert, along with all the different ice creams which I resisted, was pecan pie, which I could not! The best thing was eating with only one other person, so we could have meaningful discussions, and I learned more about her fascinating background. She was born in Mississippi and spent all her summers in Connecticut with the family of her father, who was killed in Belgium in WW2. She never knew him! She's a mix of New England "smarts" and Southern graciousness, including that accent I cannot resist, and I recall feeling a bond the moment we met! Her Father's sister (her Aunt) actually bought her entrance to Edgewater Pointe on the condition that she help her and her dear "friend", a brilliant former female engineer who now has dementia, but reads the NY Times every day! My friend takes her commitment very seriously and devotes most of her time to the 2 ladies. (Although they are younger than I, they seem of another era as they pretend to be life long friends rather than a loving couple!) Both now are living in the Dementia area, though their levels are different.
    The renovations appear to be nearing an end, and we are awaiting the delivery of new furniture. It seems it has taken years! I'm late, as usual so I'll bid you all a good night's sleep.
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. Well another cold day but I will venture out for early Tai Chi.

    Jeri, thank you for giving us an update. You have been on my mind quite often the last few days. You have really take charge and moved forward. I think it is brilliant that you are seeking help with experts as you proceed through the process. Some clinics here have something called “nurse guides” that serve a similar service I think. They provide information, will help talk through decisions, etc. Anyway, very good service and I think the support sounds invaluable.

    Prayers flying your way. Much love and hugs. <3

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    BUZZ, the BEAN is most definitely a girly girl. I did not express myself very well. I turned all the lights on so Brian the snow blower could see what HE was doing at 9pm in the dark as he dug us out. Of course my little girl benefitted as she watched him! Sorry!
    Haven't we got a bunch of nefarious individuals leading us towards.....what? Big scandal up here with our boyish leader who is looking a little less boyish as he explains things. Not sure how that will unfold. I enjoyed reading about your dinner companions fascinating life.
    JERI, I can't imagine what you are going through either. My thoughts are with you and the support group sounds just what you need at this difficult start. My prayers are with you as well. You are there along with my small family as I give thanks.
    Must close. For some reason this infernal machine is acting up again.
    Take care girls,
    Annie and Jilly the Bean.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2019
    March 1st.... White rabbit, white rabbit!!

    Expected rain and high wind haven't arrived yet and in fact it's a pleasant day and I managed to walk George for 40 minutes with coat unzipped! Apart from a small amount of housework I'm planning a day of rest because yesterday's exertion took its toll... no one's fault but mine!

    A brave decision Jeri and I admire you so much for meeting this latest news head on. Your support group sounds a great idea whether you want advice or maybe meet others with a similar diagnosis to chat to because I think we are all agreed the surgery is beyond scary but it's a life saver so hopefully you will meet the many survivors in your group that will boost your already positive attitude. You are in my thoughts every day. <3

    Buzz, it's fascinating just how each Asian country uses different spices in their cooking and I remember a lovely girl one of my brothers dated for a couple of years some time ago introducing me to her Sri Lankan food that she'd spend hours preparing. It opened my eyes to the diverse flavours available that didn't have eyes and nose streaming from their heat! What a wonderful mix of people you find yourself surrounded by and so interesting. I'm guessing however much attitudes have altered for the good, some older same sex couples have spent too many years hiding their true feelings from others. An adorable male couple of friends of mine met during National Service in the army in the 50's and have shared some awful stories about what they faced at the time but happily have lived together openly for a few decades.

    Not long now Sandy before you fly off to that beautiful wedding. I can't wait to see your photos!

    Lin, that's not good news about your ipad but I'm with you when it comes to anything refurbished.... what went wrong in the first place and what's to stop it happening again? It's annoying that we have to shout loudly to receive our legal rights when it comes to faulty purchases and that's something I'm never good at. Instead I tend to write it off as a bad experience and move on.

    Our British politics is in such a mess we hear nothing but the next appalling episode so maybe we're lucky to me missing the latest American drama. We did see news of the get together between Kim and the Orange man which just proved again that diplomacy is not in either man's vocabulary. What a waste of time!

    It's my lunchtime and then possibly feet up for another hour, something I'm supposed to do at least 3 times a day but that does go against the grain as frustration kicks in. Never mind, I saw 2 different friends on my walk with George who thought I'd had an accident when they saw my crutch but commented how well I seemed to be doing in just 3 weeks so I will do my best to follow the medical advice.

    Happy Friday. Hugs to you all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is going, bills will be paid and packing to be done. I did not make my goal weight, but will not think about weight this week. I am leaving early in the morning so behave yourselves and enjoy your week. I will try and check in but might be busy.

    I did get my refund from the China company and although I wrote a nasty message they did indeed get the new suit delivered in time as it arrived yesterday. I did write another message apologizing for my rudeness. In the meantime I ordered another swimdress form Amazon so I now have two black and white swimdresses which I love. I don't think you will see a picture of me in either but just know I think I look "okay" in them.

    Rob and Lisa are adopting a puppy it is a Husky mix. (Lin's favorite I think) He had some health problems and they were told he had toxic poisoning and might not survive. It turns out he didn't but was malnourished and is on the mend. He is 7 pounds right now but they want him to get to ten pounds before picking him up. He had low calcium so right now he is on raw food diets eating raw beef, chicken and eggs. Rob talked to the foster mom. She has a 6 month old and a 4 year old and says EWOK doesn't nip them or chew their toys. They are hoping to get him next Wednesday. They are very excited as I am.

    Have a wonderful week, be kind to each other, love you!!

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I do not know why I keep losing my posts! Very exasperating. I will give this another try.

    First, the weather report. Cold, gloomy and possible rain/snow. How about a little sun now and then... for an occasional variety? Please!

    Katie started our day with one of her hysterical bark sessions. There appears no real reason for this performance. She steadfastly dashes about barking at a sound level equal to a jet airplane take off. She creates headaches and irritation for both John and me. No amount a urging or distraction deters her. Outside around the yard, inside all about the house, quick slurp of her water, a nibble of her kibble and she is off again. At this point, I am amazed at Sandy’s son taking on a puppy. I remember the potty training days, the chewing with those little needle teeth, the training that never really worked for our wild child. All that and with 3 little kids in the family. It is a delightful time but it certainly took the “starch out of the sails” of this old gal.

    Trying to put together a little booklet for our kids and for John and I to look and giggle at on our little anniversary party. It is in April so I am coming up with a menu to please John and trying recipes of sugarless cake for our anniversary cake. No gifts! Just family around the table looking at my anniversary booklet, music, food and wine. John has decided to give up sugar, so the cake is a challenge.

    TV and the hearings almost had me on the floor gasping for breath. I was ready to sell out and move to a tropical island. But where? John would have to take all his tools and we would need to take Katie so that seems to be an unworkable idea. I am thinking of planting nasturtiums this spring instead. Head in the sand therapy,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Beautiful little puppy SANDY, but the same as PATSY I'm amazed Lisa and Rob are taking on a puppy with three such young children. It will all work out, but be prepared, you might end up with a young husky! Jilly is still full of beans. She loves to play "catch me" and she and Mike thundered around the house at top speed earlier. I was exhausted just watching! Mike went home exhausted and the Beans been asleep ever since he left.
    We enjoyed a cold but beautiful day. Actually it was quite warm in the sun. However snow expected yet again on Saturday and Sunday.
    Time for the 6 o'clock news. I wonder what "they've" all been up to today.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Rob and Lisa adopted a greyhound before they were married and were excellent fur parents.
    I know this will work out and I will be there to help when needed.
