Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm not sure what the send a chat is all about. Ignore!!!!! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,503 Member
    edited July 2021
    Amber looks pretty good in that photo. Happy day for everyone.

    And a happy day here as we had rain overnight. It has been a number of weeks since we received rain and were in a drought. My neighbor across the street posted a picture of their rain gauge and we received a bit over 3 3/4 inches! That explains why my sump pump has been running a little bit. A friend North of me in another suburb received an inch of rain. What a difference!

    I have been paying bills online and balancing my checkbook. I watched my usual Saturday Facebook Live morning program and have been working on a few dozen cut and glue together cards to have on hand for a get well, hello, thinking of you type occasion. I won’t put a sentiment inside until I am ready to send.

    I picked a number of tomatoes last night for several reasons, yes, they were turning but severe weather was expected last night including strong wind and hail (didn’t want to lose any), and because the birds have been picking into them ruining them. Of course they chose the largest tomatoes. I think I have a few weeks worth of tomatoes but not many left on the plants and they stopped blooming in the extreme heat and drought. I will enjoy what I have. 🍅🍅

    Well, I guess everyone is busy today. I have lots of options so I will get busy!

    Be safe everyone.


    “ c.1928+ earthenware teapot made by Arthur Wood & Sons at the Bradwell Works in Longport, Stoke-on-Trent. It is decorated in pattern no. 5090.”

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Odd overcast today. It must be from the smoke from California wildfires. But it is cooler, however.

    Anne: interesting about the little doggie, Amber. When Katie got a UTI infection, she was diagnosed with the same thing. Too much protein and a deficiency in enzymes. I bought these VERY expensive enzyme granules to sprinkle on her food. Miss Katie took one look and a sniff and let us know she was not going to eat that! So I cook carrots and green beans and broccoli along with her chicken. She likes that. I was never to give her corn or anything with corn in it. Carbs should be brown rice. This was the advice from our friend the Vet who has a labradoodle also. I try to sneak the enzymes into her food occasionally. Adorable little white dog, by the way. She is a real beauty!

    It is interesting to see so many people in town. The tourists are flocking here. It is cooler and I guess this is their last chance at a vacation before school starts. Most people are in masks now. There is still a dramatic need for workers in every business and line of work. We wanted to get yard work help as well as some help with window washing. We must do it ourselves or let it go for now. Every place is begging for workers. It is not a scene we are used to seeing here in the U.S. we may become a whole country of cottage industries. Might be a good thing….maybe.

    I will be cooking a fillet of salmon to serve cold on top of a salad or in a sandwich this weekend. John will love that.

    I saw another of my painted rocks in the bank on a desk. I did place one in a planter out in front of the bank. I think I will paint a few more for later this fall. I also want to construct a few tiny fairy houses to place in a couple of places in city parks. I use twigs and leaves etc that I coat in preservative and clear acrylic. I use seeds and dried berries as details. I will try to remember to take photos. It is fun to place the little houses on the picnic table in a park for kids to find.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    On the photo Sandy sent of Amber to Mike who sent it on to me, I couldn't understand the word chat on the bottom. Mike said Sandy probably put it on Facebook as well and that's probably why.
    Love the fairy houses PATSY. You feed Katie the same way I feed the Bean but I substitute peas for the beans which she ignores.
    Gorgeous cooler day here.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A pleasant day with some sun to keep us warm but not hot. Off we went on to the moors first thing where not another soul was to be seen while both Betty and George did zoomies. Phone calls and emails took up some time then I decided to make the most of the weather and work in my garden. This evening I’ve visited the allotment with my neighbours and came home with more potatoes, peas, beans, kale and rhubarb. While I was there my brother who lives in Spain and has MS messaged to tell me he finally received his 2nd vaccination so, considering his underlying health problems, is a great relief because infection rates are increasing in Spain as in most parts of the world.

    Amber is a cutie Anne and proved if needed, a second opinion is always worthwhile. Years ago I had a cat that had a similar diagnosis who I’d regularly find licking coal in the skuttle by the fire. I was told he sensed a supplement he needed was in it. Not that I’m recommending Amber be offered coal to lick!

    Patsy, Businesses are struggling to fill vacancies here too, some of it due to so many being “pinged” by an App that advises people to self isolate because they’ve been in contact with someone that tested positive for Covid. We are also finding lockdown and the pandemic generally has encouraged a lot of people to reassess their life so we do have a lot more cottage industries. Very easy now to find a handyman, gardener, window cleaner… you name it!
    Love that you still place painted stones about and the fairy house sounds fabulous so I can just imagine the excitement when discovered.

    That’s a lot of rain in a short time Lin but if you’ve been suffering a drought it’s not a bad thing. As I walked toward my greenhouse I noticed a baby robin hop through the open door that must have been viewing my bite size tomatoes! I didn’t chase it out but waited by the door so when it saw me it decided the better option was to fly out. The tomatoes survived!

    Time to let the dogs out for a final time tonight then off to bed we go.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,408 Member
    Just a quick hello. Arrived last night and had a busy day playing games and celebrating my son’s and his wife’s sister birthday with pizza and cake.
    Time for bed now.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,408 Member
    Happy Sunday! 🌞 it's a beautiful day here in Edwardsville, Illinois. We might go to pool but we might go for a drive through this beautiful place.

    Tonight we will go out for dinner for my son's birthday which was July 26th. Hope you all have a wonderful day and keep staying safe and wear your masks.

    One Day at a Day
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another very odd morning. The hazy sky is keeps us cool here. It does seem to make me cough and wheeze. It is from the California wildfire smoke. But I will keep the air purifier going on high. And send positive thoughts to those fighting that fire.

    I had a very disappointing conversation with John. He is absolutely against our son coming to visit. The delta variant has John in a near panic, mainly because of me. He is convinced that it will kill me and he has to take every precaution. This pandemic has really made life a misery for him. His paranoia is nearly off the charts! Much calming chats with news and info might help.

    We will have our salmon again for dinner. Not sure in what form. Maybe over pasta and veggies. Depends on the temps later in the afternoon.

    My favorite vet, Dr. Jones from BC on YouTube did a little presentation on using rosemary to treat doggie allergies. Licking paws is often a symptom of doggie allergies. Strange? But not always just one little clue.

    I will admit to a bit of sadness about not seeing our son. I do get lonely even living with my wild and crazy John. Time to return to my projects and think positive thoughts. Coping ideas will happen while I do something creative. Something I learned years and years ago. Creative Solutions often come when doing other creative things. It is like we switch on the idea button. I think I have a few ideas cooking in my brain to deal with this “delta monster” and a way to visit our family.
    Love you dear sneakers!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Love you as well Patsy. I'm not posting today, but hang on to dear John who loves you very much. Everything passes and you will see your boy soon.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,503 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hello. It is sunny and the temperature has climbed to just around 80 degrees F. The wind changes from very light to gusty with no warning.

    I attended online church this morning and am trying to get some stamping completed so I will have the pieces to assemble cards from (a week ago) Saturday’s class.

    Patsy, I am sorry that your son’s visit is being canceled. I understand John’s concern about the Delta variant. And I know he wants to keep you safe. Very tough decisions. Some of my local friends are still getting together with close family who are vaccinated. Other friends are making no changes and are going to public events and generally just living their lives. Only two people have told me they are wearing masks indoors again. I would love to see your fairy houses whenever you have some to share. I have always been interested in them but have never made one.

    Sandy, enjoy your day and evening.

    Jackie, I am glad your brother received his second shot. What good news! And what a haul of veggies from the allotment. Delicious! The ground squirrels, birds, bugs, and bunnies are all trying to decimate the remains of my tomatoes. I wonder why they are so attractive this summer? Right now I have about 8 bell peppers growing in a pot right outside the door and so far, no pest is interested in those. Of course having said that, something will run off with them! 😁

    Anne, hello, are you visiting with your boys today?

    Well, I should get back to stamping.


    I cannot remember if I posted this particular hummingbird teapot before.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A pleasant day although a bit chilly for August. We had a walk across the moors then I visited friends to drop off some rhubarb from the allotment. Actually I visited them twice because on my way home I realised I’d left my phone behind so back I had to go. Finally finished painting my snug and moved everything out so I could mop the floor then spray my antique pine cabinet with woodworm treatment. Decided I’ll paint it, probably pale green eggshell. Tomorrow I’ll move furniture to make it cosy in there then be ready to start on my buttercup and green grass dining room.

    This Delta variant is a pain and I feel we all have to keep to what we’ve been doing to avoid infection. The vaccine double doses do seem to be helping enormously, certainly in England, so more often than not symptoms are mild and it’s the unvaccinated that are taking up hospital beds.
    John loves you Patsy and wouldn’t forgive himself if he felt he wasn’t protecting you. We all love you too and want you to be safe.

    I don’t think we’ve seen that pretty teapot before Lin although you did find a run of hummingbird themed pots not so long ago.
    My bell peppers are only now thinking of producing flowers so I imagine peppers for Christmas!
    We are asked by stores to wear a mask and I certainly don’t have a problem with it. We are supposed to be using common sense to combat Covid but I’m not so sure there’s a lot of that about these days!

    Well, with Betty snoring and George tucked up on a blanket next to me I’ll now have to disturb them and get myself to bed.

    Take care and stay safe. Nite, nite.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good Happy August Bank Holiday Monday named Civic Holiday over here in Canada.

    I won't hang around just now because Michael will be over to give Jilly one last long walk before he takes off on the 600 mile trip to Quebec. A bit of family business to attend to and which has had me off posting much the last few days between it and the Amber saga. He will be gone for 2 weeks in Quebec and two weeks before and after the two weeks with work. I'm not sure how Bean will survive such a prolonged absence from her favourite human!

    So, I will hopefully be back later and I hope everyone has a joyful Bank Holiday. No washing for me today anyway, YEAH.

    Yours grubbily, Anne. ❤️🙃🐶
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Monday Monday , so good for me! 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 It looks like another somewhat coolish day. The haze is still with us. I am feeling like a smoked ham. It does make my eyes gluey and a rough throat but every day I think of those firefighters. God Bless them.

    There is a very large deer that is dining on the green apples from our sad apple tree. It is the crabapple tree that had been grafted to some other kind of apple. The crabapple part died but the other kind of apple has been with us for years. The apples taste awful! So we let the creatures have them all. We have squirrels, deer, mice, and raccoons make good use of them. Then there are the birds including a whole flock of crows. They must be quite tasty for the wildlife.

    Oh dear Anne! I know you will be missing Michael enormously. Jilly will be trying to cheer you up while patiently waiting for his return. Katie is in love with Damon but has little expectation of visits. They are too infrequent. Family drama can give you headaches and stress. It is a constant around here. Michael is so devoted to you, I know he will be missing you and sweet little Jilly. Thank goodness for texts and phone calls. Hang in there and plan a celebration when he returns! In the meantime, would it help to just sit down and write out your thoughts and concerns? Journaling is so beneficial in times of stress. You can be angry, unfair, wistful, or strong and answer to no one. It is just your private feelings at any given moment. That’s what I do. John says he would never read my journal. He said there are strong scary vibrations coming off my journal. True story!

    The day begins with my plans for stuffed bell peppers for dinner, a load of towels in the laundry, watering and tending to my house plants. They need some TLC!
    Take good care of yourselves, dear sneakers.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Quite a day so far. Michael arrived and we had a salad cold lunch. In the middle pf eating Mark rolled up to wish his brother bon voyage, which meant Maria peering out of her window saw the two brothers together and promptly thought something had happened to me. No, it hadn't but it turns out Maria is recovering from concussion after bending under the Kitchen granite counter top, standing up and smashing her head against it. She also told me that when she was getting Tony out of the back seat of her car one dark evening .a strange, dark, thin man wearing a hoodie walked past her drive and was waving and blowing her kisses.
    Some very unusual things going on here at the moment . Is there a full moon? I have decided I won't be going very far as the evenings get darker.

    A sign has appeared on the late Harrys pebbly weedy drive. It proclaims a drive is about to be installed which will be a vast improvement.

    The only drawback to neighbours from Afghanistan so far is when Mike and I sat in the sunshine on deckchairs to enjoy the peace of a summer day some very unusual wailing from a high pitched male voice accompanied by eastern music was coming from the direction of the neighbours lawn. I said to Mike I supposed the Rolling Stones would sound just as bad to them IF I played the Rolling Stones that is. We quickly came inside for an early lunch.

    Mary Jo sent me a book to read. It looks interesting, but are books being printed smaller and fainter these days?

    Jilly is fast asleep having had two long walks as a goodbye gift from Mike. She sits at the back door waiting for him on the days she thinks he will come. I am dreading the next four weeks!

    And that's my day - so far.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,503 Member
    Hello! It is a pleasant day here with sunny skies and a high temperature of near 90 degrees F. When you raise plants in small outdoor containers, a big rain doesn’t keep the plants watered. I didn’t water the containers last evening and everything is wilting today. Ooops!

    I put together the dozen little notecards from that weekly class I have been attending. I really have no need for them but I had the supplies so decided to put them together. Maybe I can find someone to give them to—someone who can use them.

    I pulled out some Christmas work for a change of pace. Just started stamping foliage when I realized I needed to re-ink the pad. Darn, the only color of refill ink I do not own. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It is ordered now and may arrive by Thursday. I guess I will be putting that project aside for a while.

    The critters are acting like fall is coming. I just had a small flock of birds attack my veggies. This is quite odd. But then what is not a bit odd these days?

    I am having problems get a few things. Water softener salt is one of those. My shoulder is happier with me if I use the 25 lb. bags. I had some ordered and then received a notice canceling the order as the item is not available. I called the grocery store where I used to purchase it, they said the item is no longer in their online catalog. A local hardware store said they would be lad to order some from their warehouse WHEN it is in stock again. I need to call them every Monday morning to have them check their warehouse. I will try again.

    I saw photos from the two weekend birthday parties. One for a youngster turning 6 and one for a teenager turning 15. This coming weekend is the bridal shower I mentioned last week. She posted more information on their wedding event page as well. Their venue is outdoors so she is hoping for good weather in October. You never know. I would imagine she will be worrying about it, among other things.

    Anne, my goodness, it will be a long wait until Michael is back. I hope he does message you and I hope you see Mark more often. Jilly will need to be very patient. Poor Maria. A sore head and someone skulking about the neighborhood. Yes, please stay closer to home at dusk. Large print books are a wonderful selection by the way. I am able to check out some titles in that format and my eyes are pleased.

    Patsy, we have the haze on and off. In a recent report, we were told spending time outdoors in our area was equivalent to smoking 3 cigarettes. I am not certain how much time was involved. The news was kind of a shock. Are you working on any art projects? In need of additional supplies? What is the filling in your stuffed peppers. On the farm, way back when, it was a rice, tomato sauce and hamburger mixture. Today it would likely be rice, tomato sauce and tofu. 😃

    Jackie, making excellent progress on getting your home all finished and snug and cozy. Tomatoes will be store bought again soon I am sure. Meanwhile, I am getting my fill of fresh ones right now. Today I just washed them, cut them up and ate them, no seasoning at all. Very tasty.

    I hope everyone is safe. Must get the trash together and out to the curb.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A dry and mild day, perfect for a long walk across the moors. Visitors all around but being local I know the paths to take that keep us away from the crowds. Naughty George did bully a sweet Labrador that was walking past minding its own business but it’s owner thought him amusing so he got away with his macho act.
    The lady that wants me to take in her 2 hens phoned to tell me she has seen a dog on the internet in Romania she wants to adopt so I will pick them up at the end of the week.
    Moving furniture into the snug I’ve sprained my wrist so that’s going to slow me down whether painting or gardening. I did manage to finish the move before it became too painful so for the first time since early March I’ve sat in a comfortable chair to watch tv, the Olympics of course!
    Anne, I see Canada ladies got through to the football final Friday but the match will be 3am our time so not sure I’ll be awake to cheer them on!

    Sandy, I followed the link you posted and thought what a wonderful idea to place all religions in one park. A shame the world can’t be as all encompassing! It does look beautiful and fascinating.

    Tomorrow morning after walking I will meet up with the lady who had issues with the man running the allotments…. Coffee and cake at a local reservoir where we can sit outside.

    Better get to bed.
    Jackie 😴
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Cooler today and last night we went close to single figure centigrade temperatures! We are told to expect more heat later this month so the weather rollercoaster continues.

    A shorter walk first thing then I picked up the lady from the allotments and drove to the local reservoir to chat with coffee and delicious cake. I went for a plum crumble while my friend had orange and spice. A sparrow joined us on the table and flew off with a beak full of crumbs! Lots of families with children playing in the park which was lovely to see but not everyone wearing masks. We sat outside and I was told I didn’t have to wear one when I went inside to buy extra coffee but with all the visitors from out of the county there I continued to keep mine on until back outside.
    I’ve emailed the man at the allotments who seems to be on his own mission and suggested a meet and greet for all members on site. Wait and see time!

    I noticed as we walked this morning that the Himalayan balsam (Pink Peril!) along the side of the road that’s usually covered in buzzing bees is very quiet. Few flying insects generally which is worrying for farmers needing pollinators.

    The sun is trying to shine through high cloud so I’ll put a jacket on and potter in my garden for an hour.
    Happy Tuesday everyone. Keep safe.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I've been on one of my move days. Decided to migrate back to the master bedroom after sleeping at the front. Mainly because the younger family members of the new folks next door favour motor bikes. They don't leave until quite late, after we've gone to bed anyway. This meant Jilly taking a hasty retreat into the "garden" room at the back. Keeping a beady eye on me meant she is now exhausted and having an afternoon nap.
    We are warming up. Did anyone see the swarms and swarms of grasshoppers in Alberta, so many one couldn't walk without wading through them.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The same in Australia Anne with millions of locusts and mice…. Mother Nature telling us something!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,503 Member
    edited August 2021

    Jackie, I didn’t know Himalayan balsam is an invasive plant and I did not know it was also known as Pink Peril. Now I am quite curious as to your screen name here. You are not invasive! 🤣😂 How is your injured wrist? Good luck in dealing with the guy in charge. A meet up for everyone would be wonderful. It has been cooler here as well. It will be hotter by the end of the week.

    I still have some buzzing companions outside but there were more when the temperature was higher and I had more blooms on my plants. This morning I was out removing Japanese beetles from my marigolds. They were all tucked into the layers of the flower petals. About one beetle for each flower. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Oops. Just took a break to rid my flowers of more bugs. I am hoping for a few more things from my containers if all the pests allow some things to survive. A few carrots, a few potatoes, a few sweet potatoes, a couple of winter squash, a tiny watermelon and some bell peppers and maybe another zucchini. 🤞🏻 I have some hopes but not any actual expectations.

    Anne, you do migrate from bedroom to bedroom but not necessarily with the seasons right now. I have not been tracking the hordes of pests this summer. I did see one quick photo and quickly averted my eyes. Oh, I did hear Boris and the Missus are expecting a new baby. I hadn’t followed that closely and was unaware of an earlier miscarriage. How is your Justin? I haven’t heard anything about him lately.

    Well, back to my tiny chores and my continual new hunt for those bags of softener salt.

    Be safe everyone.


    “ This beautiful tea set was made by Zeh, Scherzer & Co. (Z.S. & Co.) in Bavaria, Germany c.1880+.”

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,408 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Had to be up early to sit for the two little kiddos while Lisa took Robby for his yearly physical. Then it was Charlie's turn in the afternoon. Came home to try to straighten out the travel agent handling our Jamaica trip because she was all confused on who was paying for who. Got my checking account straightened out from charges on on weekend away and now it is finally time to relax. Tomorrow I plan on going to the pool to keep my tan. We had a great time visiting with my son and dil and extended family. Played lots of games, celebrated birthdays and just enjoyed each other's company.

    Have a great night and keep staying safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning. We had a drop of rain last night but today has been beautiful so far so we’ve walked on the moors and I have loads of laundry out to dry on the rotary line. It’s probably a perfect gardening day so I’ll change into appropriate clothes after my coffee and decide which corner to attack!

    Thanks Lin, after wearing a pressure bandage yesterday on my painful wrist it’s beginning to feel much better but I know to be careful what I lift for a day or two more.
    Our allotment secretary took umbrage at my gentle email telling me he doesn’t know who I am because I’m not on the tenancy agreement Debs has with the council. I’m getting a whiff of intimidation or even bullying on its way but continue on with my own pleasant approach about his lack of consultation with members. I chose the name Pink Peril because the plants are tall, willowy and more than a little rebellious! Not so willowy these days!! Some plant experts call it a punk!!

    Welcome home Sandy. Back in the old routine I see so have a lovely pool day. 😎

    Anne, moving bedrooms again while dear Jilly does her best to protect you from noisy bikes! If I could have fought my way into the spare room last night I would have happily left my 3 pets sleeping on my bed just so I could stretch out my legs. Instead I was scrunched up between them!

    Gone midday so must get going. Have a safe and pleasant Wednesday everyone.
    Jackie 🤗
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    We had a very good sleep back in the master bedroom, not a bike, or a bark or a hoot to be heard. I had to laugh when I woke up, Jilly was stretched the length of me with both our noses peeping out of the sheet. we then simultaneously stretched. Talk about dogs and "owners" resembling each other! Except she shot out to pee and I stumbled to the bathroom.
    More hopefully later, as the day has barely begun.
    Glad everyone is home safe and sound.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PS. would two double beds pushed together help with the pets JACKIE. !!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,408 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Spending a lot of time figuring out finances and updating a phone list for my meeting tomorrow. I plan on going to the pool but need to get done with this paper work. Finally got the travel agent straightened out so one less thing to worry about. I still haven't eaten breakfast and it is nearly lunch time so short post but wanted to say hello to everyone.

    Stay safe,
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good late morning all! I am also pampering some sore muscles (bones) these days. Not sure what or when but I seem to be creaking along with great difficulty today. Might be just high humidity or a barometric change. It is still quite hazy and a very pleasant temp at mid 60s.

    I wrote a long post yesterday and again it just evaporated right before my eyes. Annoying but I really could not recreate any thing that I wrote. The main problem is that I have needed to ditch my coffee for awhile. It was started to hurt my tummy and keep me up at night. Because of no caffeine…I am just walking around in zombie mode.

    I will try to be awake enough tomorrow to read, with interest, your adventures and share a bit of my uneventful but safe life.
    Have a wonderful afternoon.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,503 Member
    Hi, busy day here. Waving hello and sharing a teapot! 🙋🏼‍♀️

    “ This earthenware teapot was manufactured by Gibson & Sons, Ltd. in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, England c.1950-74. It's glazed a cobalt blue with a heavy gilded pattern of floral designs. It is marked with the pattern no. (illegible) and the c.1950+ Staffordshire crown and ribbon.”


    Be safe everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,408 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Another beautiful day. Meeting today and then I hope to take my car to be cleaned and vacuumed. I will be sitting early evening for their volleyball game. Robby has requested Mc Donald's chicken nuggets so naturally I will comply.
    It seems we are having less and less posts, everyone must be busy this summer. Last summer we were all homebound and had more time. It is already August and soon summer will be over, our pool goes to abbreviated hours in two weeks.
    Did I mention my son from Arizona bought a house in Ohio and will be moving by September 1st.? He is very happy as is his live in girlfriend. I am too as it will only be about 5 hours from me. More road trips in my future.

    Lin, you seem extra busy these days, I hope some of them are fun days.

    Patsy, sorry you are hurting, the weather does make a difference at our age. They do have a half and half coffee that you could wean yourself off of the caffeine. I had to stop caffeine as well for tummy issues.

    Annsie, glad you got a good night's sleep with peace and quiet. Are you missing your Michael?

    Jackie, I am glad your wrist is better but it does sound crowded in your bed. lol They love you and want to cuddle.
    I hope you straighten that guy out with the allotment, if anyone can you can. lol

    Haven't seen a post from Bob in a long time, is he okay?

    Have a good day my friends and keep wearing those masks indoors.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone! It looks like another warm one. Still sort of hazy. Our air quality isn’t very good. We are lucky that here on the coast we get sea breezes that push the smoky air away. Is was very humid and warm yesterday. I just wilted! Confess to doing only the very necessary chores and the rest stayed undone. Today I must get back to my routine.

    We are still dealing with a huge surge of variant cases as well as Covid. I hope we get this under control soon. The kids need to go back to school. We need to line the kids up of an appropriate age and vaccinate them. More and more kids here are turning up with the virus. We will have a generation of uneducated people who can barely read and can’t even do rudimentary math. Terrifying thought. I really miss seeing our son. I understand how Anne must miss her son Michael.

    I will get back to my exercises and my beloved coffee. I will make my version of half and half coffee with milk and half coffee substitute, pero. It doesn’t taste too bad if I have to abandon coffee for a bit longer.
    Thanks for the tip, Sandy!

    Yes I have noticed that the posts are getting shorter and shorter. Not sure we are any busier but it seems we are. I am still out of the social whirl. Sadly things are still in pandemic mode. I think I remember Bob saying he had some doctor appointments, tests etc.

    Katie has her yearly physical and we are going to have her nails cut. That will be terribly traumatic but they need to be shorter! They put her in a muzzle because she really might bite a stranger messing with her feet. I feel so bad for her. I will try again to cut her nails but she is very badly behaved when I try. I am fearless! Katie on the other hand is very fear ridden. A test of strength, will and confidence on my part. I will report my progress later.

    In our case, we will be more or less home bound again. Things are sort of opening up again. Lots of homeless roaming the streets. I read Chicago and Toronto are dealing with similar problems. I think We all need to wear masks and social distance when ever possible. Not easy because I do love my kids and need to see them regularly.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oooooops I didn’t sign out, sorry I sound so glum but I think I am suffering from caffeine deprivation! Things aren’t really so bad. We will go to Home Depot for a new house plant….something blooming!
    I am thinking of you all and wishing you well, dearest sneakers.