Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good morning. Oh my about 7 inches of snow and it is still snowing. At least the temperature is in the 20’s F which is a mercy. My church cancelled services this morning so no guilt for a change.

    Buzz, what horrible photos. Both of them! Argh.

    Jackie, take care.

    Anne, I am glad you got out and that you were able to order your replacement toaster oven. Sorry about the emergency with Jilly Jaws. How wonderful that your wallet was not emptied. That is just amazing. I don’t think I have ever heard of such a thing. Yippee!

    Well, going to try to start some homemade pea soup. Haven’t made any for a long time so we will see what we will see.

    Hugs all. Snow shoveling likely in my future.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) It is snowing here and the plows have not done the streets yet so I don't think I will be going to Church this morning. :( There is a 6pm Mass but will have to wait to see how weather is. I hate missing Mass but hate driving in snow more. I also need to get two movies back to Redbox.
    My day was quite exciting yesterday with Max being sick. He laid on my couch for the whole time but couldn't keep even water down. Luckily most of the time I was able to catch it in a paper towel but there were a few misses because it came so sudden. In the meantime I was changing Charlie and had her on the couch when Max started to throw up again. I grabbed a paper towel to catch it (just liquid or flem....sorry) and heard a thump and yes Charlie rolled off the couch and hit her head on my table. She also peed on my couch since I was just going to put a new diaper on her. She has a nice goose egg and her hurt cry broke my heart. lifk8sjtnh0l.jpg
    Luckily her mother was understanding but I felt like a failure.
    I have made another decision with more traveling. Lisa is flying with the three kids to Tampa to see her mom and dad. They will all drive back together and stop and see her brother. I just think Lisa will have a hard time with three kids so I told her I would fly to Tampa with her, have my daughter come to meet the kiddos and then I will drive back to Jacksonville and stay with my daughter for a week. This will happen the end of April so after my Hawaiian trip.

    Still snowing hard so it looks like I might be house bound today.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After all the activity yesterday of managing to get in and out of my car as a passenger, walking for 20 minutes on a path above the beach the dogs were having fun on then shopping at our farm shop i decided to take things easy today. George and Betty have been to the local lake this afternoon and are now snoring in their beds so im nicely relaxed.

    Sandy, you take on a lot of responsibility with the kiddies and accidents happen so try not to feel bad. Charlie is giving you a beautiful little smile in that photo so obviously doesn't blame you!

    Anne, it seems dear Jilly is loved everywhere she goes and thank goodness no harm done. Not too long before that snow melts and Spring arrives.

    Lin, no pressure to go outside so don't! Pea soup sounds good. Perhaps I'll make myself a batch tomorrow.

    Buzz, I particularly loved Maggie Smith's stories about working with Lawrence Olivier and how cheeky she was when he got too stuffy. Four great Dames! It's so good to read you are feeling better these days... long may it last.

    Time to cook an evening meal so I'll wish you all a happy Sunday.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! We have sun! It is very chilly out. I had a notion of getting out and about today but honestly, I am not that steady on ice. The decks are a sheet of thin ice. Maybe the sun will take care of that soon.

    I truly understand Anne’s panic about Jilly’s bleeding mouth. When these fur babies become more than companions, they are real family! Their good health is paramount in our life. I am lucky to have a vet as a pretty good friend. Still, the vet bills can be staggering.

    I am trying to change up some of our tired old food choices. I think John has winter blahs as well. I have been chasing down some veggie recipes that might be delicious and nutritious. Rearranging our furniture and vacuuming dust bunnies and finding lost dog toys under the couch etc.

    I found (and lost) a site with brain exercises for seniors. I did a few last night and it was fun. But now I can’t find that site again. I didn’t bookmark it because my iPad was running out of juice. Hunt and peck until I find it...I will consider it part of the exercise program. These were designed to create new nural pathways in the brain.

    Both John and I are doing specialized strength exercises aimed at the hips as well as other core exercises. BORING! Must have exciting music going just to keep on. Can you tell I am ready for spring? I am fussy...

    Sandy: you are indeed a wonder. I don’t think I could ever have dealt with three grand babies at once. No baby bed or safe play pen to lie them in while you help the other one. I would be sitting in the middle of the floor in tears with all three of them also in tears. Believe me, you handle all of these family traumas with good natured grace. God bless you, dear beautiful grandmomma.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sweet, sweet posts from you dear people! SANDY, you have the fortitude and love of a saint! Just don't catch anything before all your travel plans. Everyone should have had a Mother-in-law like you!!! ANNE, That vet deserves a special bread next visit! What good luck. And of course you know the "Old guy on the right" is the mess guy on the left! JACKIE, I had such a crush on the early Larry Olivier; think Wuthering Heights! Today, I saw Bohemian Rhapsody. Am I the only one who never heard of Queen? Did I love it? No. Nor do I think it Academy Award quality. On the other hand, I stayed through to the end. Afraid the music is not my taste, but my sympathies were somewhat conflicted. Some of the lyrics reminded me how negative a view younger generations have grown up with: mushroom clouds, wars and role confusion. Not easy! PATSY, good for you 2, seeking out brainiac exercises , etc. Have them on my "eventually" list! LIN, hurrah, a totally relaxed INDOORS Sunday! Hope the snow stays lovely and is not too deep!
    Approaching midnight; perhaps tonight's my earlier night!
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good day. Going to try to go to Tai Chi this morning and then a couple of errands. More snow flurries overnight. I think we are at about 8 inches of new snow now. The total on the ground, I have no idea. Next snow expected to start Tuesday evening into Wednesday, another 5 to 8 inches. Oh my. My handyman removed snow yesterday afternoon and his snow blower could barely handle this. I wonder what will happen next time round.

    Take care all. Back later.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    And it's snowing here as well. Deep from what I can see from the comfort of indoors. I'm making Cornish pasties today. The good news, it's a holiday in Ontario so few folks on the road.
    The bad news, people with Indian accents still bugging me about my Visa card being used.
    More of the same old same old with a different twist.
    Off to bake,

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member

    Cornish pasties made in Canada by Yorkshire born Annie. Lol.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2019
    A beautiful day, quite Springlike so the birds are singing again. An awful start though with poor Betty being sick on my bed (I now know what sick as a dog truly means!) So first my duvet then it's covers were into the washing machine. Meanwhile she continued to bring up the most disgusting mess in a number of places which wasn't easy to clean with a bending restriction so I put her out in the garden room until things calmed down. My neighbour took me with George to the local woods before lunch for a walk so I've done my 30 minutes and progress continues. Betty is staying in the warm for 24 hours.

    Lots of snow for most it seems but I know as pretty as it looks, it becomes an inconvenience quite quickly. Please everyone stay safe.

    Time for a cup of tea for me. My neighbours are going to clean out the hen house... I'm so lucky I know!!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited February 2019
    Happy Monday! :) The sun is shining but we also got another 3 or 4 inches of snow. I was able to return my videos to RedBox yesterday but never made it to Church. Lisa took Max to urgent care and they gave him something for nausea which was good because Robby also started throwing up. I sprayed my house with so much lysol after they left I am hoping I am safe.

    Jackie, it does look beautiful outside but I am so done with snow. I am getting nervous it will snow when I leave for Hawaii and my plane will be delayed or cancelled. Sorry about Betty, I really had a hard time with cleanup when Daisy got sick, I made Babe do it. I am so happy that you have good neighbors/friends to help you.

    Anne, you should just block those numbers so they quit bothering you or report their number to your credit card and they will handle it. Those pastries look so yummy especially since I am not eating any sweets or bread. A little less than two weeks to go to lose 3 pounds.

    Lin, when will it end? At least with it being a holiday today the plows are able to clean the roads. Our guys have been at it for hours.

    Buzz, Bohemian Rhapsody was the movie I watched Saturday night. I loved it!! The music was so good and brought back so many memories. I cried like a baby when they did Live Nation.
    The second movie was the Wife and I think I fell asleep for some of it but it was just okay for me. I would like to see Green Book but will have to go to a theater if I do.

    Patsy, maybe because I had four kids I am able to watch the kiddos. Believe I am exhausted when I am done but life is too short not to take in as much time as I can with them. I really wasn't thinking when I was changing Charlie, I should have changed her on the floor but lesson learned the hard way.

    I am going to enjoy my day today by doing nothing except for riding my bike. I hope you enjoy yours as well.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good afternoon. Getting to Tai Chi this morning was not difficult. Good steady slow driving and wahoo, I arrived unscathed. I decided to skip most of my errands as I had stayed so long. Although the library is closed today, I did drop off my books in the outdoor drop-off. Then home to start knocking down spiky icicles and putting melter on the ice on my front step and in front of my garage where some melting had occurred.

    Then I had a nice long conversation with one of the Mah Jongg friends. Yep, we are off, the calendar again tomorrow. One lady can not attend and other lady is not going out when walking on ice is a possibility. So, not enough people to have a game tomorrow. So I can do my errands tomorrow.

    Finally worked on cleaning up the snow on my deck. It was really deep and I need to get out on the deck to check the exhaust of my energy efficient furnace. I am now tired. Picking up a shovel filled with snow and lifting it over the deck 3 ft + rail was a strain. I kept thinking this must be how you develop a hernia. Ouch. Glad that is done. And I hope I do not not do that again many more times this winter.

    Sandy, I have no idea when this will end. Soon I hope. You are quite the trooper when looking after the kids. Little ones often take falls and they seem to bounce lots more than older folks. I am sure she will be fine. Glad the doctor was consulted and that you sprayed the apartment down with germ killer!

    Jackie, oh my, a springlike day. Wonderful. At least we do have sunshine today which is very good. The temperature is around 20 degrees F so not cold as we have no wind today. But not really springlike. It gives us a day or more to clean things up before the next round starts. Plows have been busy trying to push snow further away from the road so there’s a place for new snow. They haven’t done that on our street so our two lanes are now more like one and a half lanes. Haaaaa. Very sorry to hear about Betty’s illness. I wonder what she ate? Or do you think it is a doggie bug of some kind? I hope all is settled now.

    Anne, what a lovely picture of your culinary creations. Much nicer photo than more outdoor white plague. Argh. I hope it has stopped now. I don’t often answer my phone now. Your post reminds me why I leave it alone.

    Buzz, I remember Queen. The music was quite popular in its day. I have not seen any of the Oscar nominated movies. But that’s okay with me. I tried to find some of the movies you have mentioned on the library’s web site but some were not there yet. Still not worried.

    Patsy, well done. Changing up so many things. Good for you. I hope you find the brain games again. I think it would be good to do some brain exercises each day. Trying to learn the structure of new forms is my brain game! Excellent work with core work. You are doing all the right things. Wahoo!

    Well, need to bundle up the trash as this week I do need to get the cart out to the street. It will be full with this week’s offering.

    Hugs (again)

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    AAaaarg! Fell asleep at my desk again and just woke up. Felt much better yesterday so went to a program about a team of 2 men who traveled the Antarctic with dogs an sleds! Wow, wjat courage. Then we had discussions about getting out of our regular routines, and various other subjects. I always enjoy the discussions.
    Forgive me for leaving without commenting on your wonderful posts, but it's too late :o
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. It's a bit cooler than yesterday but I still enjoyed a 30 minute dog walk in local woods with my neighbour who drove my car. Betty's tummy is calming down so the chicken soup has worked well and she's getting back to her cheerful little self. Plans today include gentle housework but nothing else!
    I've managed to contact a gardener who is RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) trained who sounded very nice on the phone and will visit tomorrow after lunch to see what she can do to help me get the garden ready for Spring. She should know what she's doing and hopefully her rates aren't too high. The staples in my hip will be removed tomorrow as well and that's 2 weeks gone by already!

    Perfect pasties Anne. I wish I could invite myself round to taste one! :p

    I've been following a story on BBC news about a man who witnessed an American bomber crash near his village during WWII when he was 8 years old. The crew sadly didn't survive but he's never forgotten them because as they circled they indicated to him to move away and every year returned for a private memorial. After tv coverage this year's visit has expanded to include a fly pass by crews from a local US airbase and it's thought hundreds of people will turn up. It brought a tear to my eye to see the man's reaction to everyone's interest... I'll be watching on Friday!

    The jet stream is doing weird and wonderful moves that's bringing us warm air from the Azores but I'm aware it's still mid winter so not getting too excited!!

    George is demanding his lunch so must move.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hello, off for lots of errands as I have no idea what the remainder of the week may bring. Snow storm tonight and into tomorrow, snow and freezing rain expected Saturday and Sunday and perhaps more snow next Tuesday. The snowfall total here from January 1st through yesterday has broken a record established in 1886. Oh my. It is blasted cold here today. Darn. I would take some warm breeze.

    Jackie, glad Betty is starting to feel better. And my gosh, two weeks already! Tomorrow good bye staples. Wahoo. Your lead on a gardener sounds promising. I hope that works out. I believe I heard a short news story about the event you described, the man said, I believe, that he feels responsible for the deaths as he believes the plane didn’t land in the open space initially as he was standing in harms way. That would be a terrible load of guilt.

    Buzz, good yo see you. Your discussion group sounds stimulating. I hope you got some rest.

    Time to start organizing.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We get freezing rain this afternoon. No time to be bored with the weather. I'm doing Mondays wash and iron.
    A similar story for me JACKIE but no guilt, just sadness for an American mother who lost her son in the North Sea, a foreign sea. Us children were sitting on the lock gates fishing for tiddlers. The tidal creek runs past my parents old home. I must have been seven or eight. We spotted what looked like a person coming down with the tide. Old Jim who must have been in his early eighties but brought out of retirement for the war years came over with his long boat pole with a hook on the end for catching the old wooden lock gates door rings. He caught and brought the poor American airman to the banks. Thankfully us children never saw his face because old Jim laid him on his stomach before he was taken away. I remember being hauled home by my mother, but she's never erased the memory. We and our descendants must never forget. To think the young man was probably only 10 years older than me, and I'm still here!
    I'm so glad Betty is more like her old self. Hope she didn't eat pond scum, or worse, a frog! The beautiful fox passed by this morning when I opened the blinds. Guess we will have more playful Cubs come spring.
    Actually I AM rather pleased with the pasties. Tasty, and another one for today's lunch!
    So, duty calls.
    A big hello to our little gang,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) We too, are expecting another snow storm tonight into tomorrow afternoon. I am hoping to take Bryanna and her boyfriend for lunch tomorrow for her 24th birthday so I hope we don't get snowed in. This afternoon I am sitting so Lisa can go to her meeting. They finally got all the snow cleared in my area only to have it snow again. What a vicious circle.

    Nothing exciting going on, I did book my trip to Florida so I can fly with Lisa and the kids.
    I have been so good on riding my bike but the scales have been going up instead of down?
    Muscle??? Very discouraging.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! Soggy and cold today. But lots to do and feeling soooo ready for spring. Under normal conditions we would have daffodils peaking up and crocus...not this year. Late spring for us.

    I am so impressed by Anne’s baking skills. Also impressed that she can stop eating just one of those pasties for lunch. They look so good, they would invite a PIGOUT for me!

    Jackie you are an inspiration, we are so glad everything is going well with your hip surgery.

    Buzz: I love those kind of discussion groups. They make you think and consider other points of view.

    Lin: glad to see to you are not deterred even in the slightest from attending your groups. Your are like that old saying about the postman...neither rain nor snow....can keep you from your appointed rounds.

    Veggie soup and a whole wheat bun for us plus black grapes as dessert.

    Have a great day, my sneaker loves. You are the best friends a girl could have.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    At dinner tonight, I sat with my 2 closest neighbor/friends and 2 very recently moved in couples, 1 Russian couple, and 1 couple unmarried, he born in Israel but educated elsewhere while she seems very soft-spoken, beautiful and speaks a bit hesitantly, as though perhaps recovering from a small stroke. My female friend mentioned how aggressive and rather nasty several of Trump's admirers have been---and we learned then that all 4 of our fellow diners were Trump voters! Especially in view of recent discoveries, I cannot understand how anyone can still support this liar bully!
    I actually took our bus today to Trader Joe's, ending up with (of course) their 72% dark chocolate Belgian bars! Beautiful apples called Envy, which taste somewhat like my favorite Braeburns, which I can no longer find anywhere. The size of the slices is perfect for smearing with my favorite peanut butter!
    JACKIE, hope by now the staples are successfully removed, and you are miraculously recovered from a surgery I cringe from! Do you think it possible Betty's physical stress was due to your absence?
    I must get up from sitting. I get cramps that are debilitating in this position too long. Lovr you all, back tomorrow! PATSY said it all: "You are the best friends a girl could have.
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    Oh my goodness, just been reading ratings for take out food in the UK and half the ratings are zero! Makes one wonder how hygienic food preparation is over here!! What with poor ratings for take outs, mucky planes, and people going blind from drinking doctored vodka in Greece, well it makes a girl want to hibernate in a cave and wonder how we've all survived this long, lol.

    Meanwhile, here in the frozen north, the Bean and I are sat waiting for the next ice storm this afternoon.
    We are also waiting for the toaster ovens delivery tomorrow. It's somewhere between here and Nova Scotia at the moment. Hopefully the driver will be able to plug it in if his truck gets stuck in ice or a snow bank!

    All of the above written with tongue in cheek of course. Quote: Laugh and the world laughs with you, sort of thing.

    Bye from your little ray of sunshine Annie! 🙃
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, my morning Tai Chi classes are cancelled due to weather. Afternoon classes are still on so I hope I can get the garage door up and my vehicle out of the cul de sac. We had much less snow than anticipated (yes!) but more freezing drizzle (ack!). The gutters and downspouts continue to be filled with ice. When the sun produces a bit of melting water drips on the concrete below and produces thick ice. The front steps are horrendous as well as along my garage door. I apply ice melt daily and if there is any melting I try to chip the ice away but I am not winning. My, what a winter.

    Anne, I hope your toaster oven is delivered on time. I have had delays on most of my packages. But that’s not surprising, I have packages go runaway even when the weather is much nicer.

    Buzz, oh my, what dinner companions. I hope no fist fights will erupt. Hey, Trader Joe’s!! Love that store. I seem to come home with all sorts of things. Usually raisins or other dried fruit or unsalted nuts. Yummy.

    Sandy, what are your travel dates for the Hawaiian wedding? I would probably be a bit concerned about traveling given our lovely winter weather. But maybe everything will be sorted by then.

    Patsy yummy, veggie soup. Sounds delicious for a cold and soggy day. I hope your weather is nicer today. Hugs to you, John and Katie.

    Jackie, I hope you are back home now sans staples.

    Time to move along.

