Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning…it is almost 11:00am but still officially morning. We have a cool day with another marine layer. It might burn off this afternoon.

    The family news is good, our daughter realized that she is going to have to “lean in” and put real effort into her health regimen or it will be the nursing home next. So she has done research and devised an exercise regimen to strengthen and promote flexibility. I am so thrilled. She sounds so much better. She is bombastic like she used to be! She demanding and loud like she used to be. Some might find that horrible but that is her personality. If she is quiet and whimpering it is alarming. She can be funny and over the top but entertaining and lovable in a crazy sort of way.

    Our son is alternating between his animation projects and his beloved boat. That is also very good. He is in contact with his crew. A schedule of sailing afternoons for the rest of the summer and early fall is planned. When he is busy, he is happy.

    John is going nuts with the repairs that keep cropping up on this old house. Things wear out and houses have a life span. We are at the point that requires constant effort to keep things operating. John finds that extremely annoying. But downsizing and moving is not an option for our dear John. I would in a heartbeat! The kitchen plumbing has now been replaced. We just need to find those bubbler doodads that fit on the faucet. Our kitchen faucet is brass and is unusual in design and size. Replacement parts are hard to find.

    Sandy: I really understand about being excited to see your daughter. It was that long before we saw our son. We are still not able to visit our daughter. But there is hope in that regard.

    Anne: your neighbors and their activities have been a source of great entertainment. They will never know how much fun you had. It reminds me of an old movie from the 50s called The Rear Window. A classic and controversial at the time for the long kiss! Wow! Compared to today, that kiss is nothing at all.

    Jackie: we enjoy your refurbishing activities. It sounds like the sort of things that happen in this house. I would even get a rescue doggie but John would have a heart attack. Katie is spoiled and is a huge juvenile delinquent, so we do have our hands full.

    Lin: I love that you have a regular phone visit with your friend. As well as other friends that you maintain contact with. You are a good friend and provide that needed human touch we all need.

    Remember…it isn’t quite over yet! Masks etc!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s been a lovely day but quite cool. A long, long walk across the moors that I thought would boost my daily steps but after nearly 2 hours it didn’t make much difference so we must have been ambling! I was going to do some shopping but my neighbour Louise messaged to say she was visiting the farm supply store and managed to buy most items I wanted.
    I’ve been watching tennis and also sticking masking tape round areas that I hope to paint in the next day or so. Unsettled weather on the way so no excuses!

    A pretty tea set Lin and I also loved yesterday’s bird but like Sandy, wouldn’t want to fill it with tea! I’m not sure what will happen about our friend that’s taken over the running of the allotment association. Nothing illegal going on but a definite lack of communication when he should get everyone’s ok to proceed with purchases. A bit of a control freak for sure!
    The Delta variant is running rampant in the Uk but our government is allowing everything to open up regardless. Boris has always believed in herd immunity so now so many of us have received double vaccinations we are to be guinnea pigs!

    Brother calling.. back later.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    A very quiet day here which is not surprising because after the recent heat it is pouring with rain and downright chilly.

    Again a number of cars showed up at the overnight empty house. I would guess, although quiet outside. everyone inside is either cleaning or painting walls. They seem to consume quite a lot of pizza judging by the empty cartons lined up on the drive. Maybe they are Italian? I hope so because I love Italian food and culture and actually I buy and have delivered food from an Italian store.

    Here, Mark showed up under a large black umbrella to peer at my down spout which apparently has sprung a leak. And a very wet grocery delivery guy showed up with my groceries which included two cucumbers when I only ordered one. Someone will be phoning about a lost cucumber!

    Finally. A long phone chat with a traumatized Maria who endured over five hours of what sounds like horrendous heart tests. She will get the results in a weeks time.

    That is a pretty tea set LIN.

    Great and wonderful news concerning your daughter PATSY. Your house and my house sound somewhat similar when it comes to constant maintenance. There is something wrong with the fluorescent lighting in my kitchen right now. The tubes need replacing at an alarming rate and I'm beginning to think its the holding unit and not the tubes. I sincerely hope JACKIE has a LONG LONG spell of no problems. after such a trying year. SANDY, happy holidays!

    I'm off to see how many of my acrylic paints have dried out now I've given up worrying about junk piled against the fence. Talking of which I wonder if Harrys new neighbours are looking in horror at the junk being loaded off his truck and onto his new front lawn. Joyce remarked on what a hoarder he is when she came over.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My brother Bernie, living in Spain has finally received his first Vaccination and hopes to get the 2nd around July 25th. He was diagnosed with MS nearly 50 years ago and fought it ever since but recently received a new gene therapy that sounds positive. Unfortunately it didn’t like him and he collapsed in lots of pain so he’s stopped the treatment and will talk to his doctors next month.

    I know all about old plumbing Patsy and it seems once one small area begins to leak the rest soon follows but beforehand you would never know a problem existed. I can cope with most problems but water appearing where it shouldn’t is not pleasant! Wonderful that your daughter is spurred on to help herself and her health and also that you are seeing her as she should be. Rescue pets are special but also come with their baggage, much like humans from a broken home. Figuring out their behaviour is challenging at times but the good times are precious. Your Katie is exactly what you and John needed after losing your other two in quick succession because it seems she demands your full attention at all times!

    Anne, it might be Maria’s heart worries are caused by stress as she continues to care for her husband after all our bodies can play tricks on us just to ensure we slow down, smell the roses and relax.

    Past my bedtime so I’ll close. Hi to Sandy and others I missed. Brady brought another mouse in during the early hours so George got involved but hopefully leaving a back door open for an hour gave it an exit route. I’m hoping he behaves tonight!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    So sorry to read about your brother Jackie, and hope he recovers quickly. As for Maria she and the doctor hope her problem is caused by stress. The hospital staff did detect a tremor before the final results arrive. She is the nicest person one can meet and tells me that although Tony should be in a care facility she can't bear to do that to him after a long marriage.
    Life is very hard for some poor people isn't it.
    Morning all,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Leaving to get my hair done, hopefully will be back later if not have a good day. Bob, I hope you are safe in New York.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hello, we had rain overnight and we have chances of severe weather later today and overnight. There was a hail storm that missed us this morning had pretty big hail. The weatherman said it would have produced good-sized dents in any vehicle parked outside.

    As I have been typing I see storm clouds rolling in again and the wind has picked up considerably. Well, if I leave suddenly, you will know a storm has arrived.

    Jackie, I am sorry the treatments did not work for your brother. It was brave of him to try. And I trust the vaccine will not make him feel worse in the short term.

    Sandy, happy hair day!

    Anne, Maria must be suffering so much with the stress. I know we all wish we could help her in some way. Her hubby really does need professional care. Or she at least needs someone else in the house helping her care for him 24/7.

    Patsy, happy day to you. I had to dig out some acrylic white paint for a step involved in a class I am taking relatively soon. I kind of hit the panic button when I realized the first of these classes (which I did not sign up for) is this weekend! All sorts of folks were talking about all the prep work they had done and I decided I had better move it. Anyway, all I could find was heavy body white so I was on the hunt for something more fluid. Eureka, found it! Painting is complete. And I am glad your daughter has found the wherewithal to attack her health with her normal gusto. That is terrific. Good for her.

    I did some laundry this morning. I needed clean clothes!

    Did I mention I finally got an appointment for a haircut late next week? She is going out of the state for a family wedding. Oh joy and won’t be back for a few days. I am not thrilled about what she might bring back with her.

    Oooh, getting really dark so will post this.




  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! We have a sunny day. Somewhat mild so far but the news tells us the horrible heat dome is coming again. I will be making extra ice cubes and make sure Katie’s food is prepared for a few days…no cooking! I will try to have cold meals planned for us and gallons of water chilling in fridge.
    We have a portable room air conditioner that will help but certainly will not cool the entire house. We have multiple fans so think we will be okay. The last time was so awful and I felt unprepared.

    We had many heat related deaths the last time that heat dome happened. Mainly older people with no a/c or even fans! We here in Oregon are not savvy about how to keep cool.

    The news has me very uneasy. So much strife and retaliation going on. The hardwear stores and lumber yards are empty. Our local shoe store is empty. Everyone is hunting Amazon. We used to go in this shoe store to try on shoes to see it they fit and comfortable. We are trying to purchase a few things now as we see them for little Christmas gifts. Nothing big this coming year. The TV is full of Christmas in July sales. Good grief! Can it come any sooner? I remember thinking it was just crazy to see Christmas stuff in the stores before Halloween.

    Our kitchen plumbing isn’t quite finished. The faucets drip and we are hunting for a bubbler that fits the faucet. I see another plumber appointment coming soon. And the drain is much slower. That will take getting used to. I need to have a talk to this old house….will you please stay together for a while? Too much repairs needed at the same time is just RUDE!

    The Good news is our daughter is now out and about. Driving and almost back to normal. Yea! I am amazed at her resilience! To think a few short weeks ago she was house bound and could barely get out of bed.. But she planned her own recovery regimen and she made a remarkable recovery. The power of determination.

    I too am going through old acrylic paint and ditching old dried up tubes. I think some dear old brushes need to go to art supply heaven. Their little bristles are stuff or falling out. It is a liberating feeling to toss unneeded or worn out stuff. Remarkably hard to do!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Deleted the collage because it was just too big and didn't capture how nice Bryanna did my hair.
    Enjoyed the night with friends at the American Legion where we went to fish fry. Didn't stay long as the music was too loud and it was hard to talk. Cooler day with some showers possibly so might just be staying in today. My cousin wrote a book after losing her husband when he was killed on his motorcycle by a pick up truck. I bought it to support her but she had written a blog that I read daily and she made it into a book. She has written a couple of other romance novels that I bought and is pursuing this as a source of income. Some parts of her romance novel made me blush but the story line was cute. She is doing better now but it has been two years and she recently had a new house built and sold the house she shared with her husband. Not sure you ever get over the death of a spouse.

    Rob and Lisa are seriously thinking of moving to Florida if he can find a good job. Hopefully it won't be for a year or two but you never know. I have no idea what I would do if they move but I would sure miss them especially the kiddos. It is so hard when your kids live out of state but they are entitled to their own lives.

    Have a good day, still no word from Bob?

    One Day at a Time

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member


    It was a very busy Independence Day “Week” – Seemed like every day started at 5am and didn’t end until evening. Cookouts, doctor appointments, visits, grandkids, shopping for birthdays / anniversaries… just finished grilling lunch/dinner (chicken burger, Hoffman frank etc.) and now catching our breath.

    Tomorrow is dinner and I think we are making a video for a great nephew that is in the US Navy and been on a submarine for ages. Not sure of all the details (but I am a guy and will be told on a need to know basis). LOL

    For now, I plan to start going back and catching up on older posts to find out what everyone has been up to...

    Hope everyone is doing great…. Bob :)

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hi! We made it through yesterday and last night. Wind was the biggest issue here. My container with the potato plant was actually moved on the deck, carrot tops blown over and damage to the squash vines. But the majority of containers are still doing okay.

    The wasp guy was here in between rains yesterday and he did another treatment but he pointed out that my house is close to my neighbor’s home and if he is not aggressively treating these wasps I will never gain ground. Something they might have pointed out before I agreed to a year of service with no cancellation possible. I don’t think they will continue to do trips in between scheduled appointments going forward but we will see. I don’t think I will renew next year.

    I finished two gift card holder cards today. Ready to put in the mail on Monday to a brother and sister whose birthdays are coming up. I checked with their mom to see what last name they are using these days. I am going with the hyphenated version as she said they didn’t care these days.

    Bob, hello 🙋🏼‍♀️! Good to hear from you. I wanted to mention that I finished the Spenser for Hire series and I did like the verbal interaction between Spenser and Hawk. I got very tired of the people being shot with the big guns, and Hawk had a cartoon-sized gun! And I have never been overly fond of boxing. But I do like Bob Urich and Avery Brooks. That was the main draw for me. Did you ever see the series, A Man Called Hawk? It wasn’t on long and I was really busy at that time and did not see any of the episodes. I cannot find an episode to sample.

    Sandy, I do love your new hairdo. I know you took down the collage but I saw it and I thought she did an excellent job, especially with cutting and shaping your hair. She does good work! So a potential move to Florida has come on the heels of their trip to the state? I know you will miss them if:they decide to move.

    Patsy, I hope you didn’t find that all your paint is ruined. If so, I guess you will be placing some orders. I hate to hear the heat is coming again. I wish your house would behave!

    Jackie, good day. Did you watch the Wimbledon ladies final? Hope all is well.

    Anne, hello? Did I miss you as well?

    Well, need to get back to my list of ‘things to do.’

    Best wishes everyone. It is getting cloudy again. Rain expected almost every day for the next week.


    I didn’t note what type of teapot this is—after all, blue is involved.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member

    Ok Lin, I made it smaller but I agree that Bryanna did a great job in shaping.

    Also took a selfie without a mask.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Gorgeous Sandy!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I feel like I am waiting for the big boogie monster of a heat dome. So far it appears it is to the south of us. The weather here right now is mild and normal for us. We never know if the jet stream will push it toward us. That last time a couple of weeks ago was life threatening and we had many deaths and suffering here in Oregon. My thoughts and best wishes for those under the big heat dome currently.

    I am interested in the big changes being contemplated by us here on the sneakers. Sandy with her son looking at Florida as new home, Anne’s son thinking of moving to the country. These changes require an examination of our own plans and situation. If I were in charge, I would move closer to our son Damon. John would like to be closer to him as well. But John will never move by choice. Katie would be happy if it involved treats and a big back yard to play ball, fenced of course.

    Interestingly, I cut John’s hair yesterday. His was much easier than Sandy’s lovely hair style. With John, it is zip-snip-snip. DONE! I also groom Katie, so I am her hair stylist as well. I snip at my own hair. I keep it short as you all know. And now I am thinking I want to be strawberry blonde like Jackie or Anne. I am salt and pepper now. Fiddling around with clippers and scissors and hair dye is sort of fun. I am not good at it but who would notice? Have you noticed that at a certain age we become invisible?

    Going out for lunch today, even if it turns out to be a sandwich at a take out place. We need to add more ideas in the entertainment idea jar. It has currently become depleted. I think most of the little slips of paper say almost the same thing. This is our way of adding options to our entertainment trips. Are we silly or what? Variety, being that spice of life we all seek.

    I will try to avoid ever buying paint in a tube ever again. The paint tries out faster, harder to get the paint out for mixing or adding additives. Had to throw out a lot of tubes of paint. Aaaargh!

    Rewatching Breaking Bad. Well done series, at times winchingly good. Brian Cranston and the younger guy that stars in this series are fabulously talented. Actually the whole cast is amazing. Still hunting for a new series to watch in the evenings. We try to limit TV watching to an hour or an hour and half a day. We are slow at so many things we seem to need all available time to just keep us operational.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hello dear friends. Gone midnight and I’m warming my toes under my duvet where George is snoozing. A couple of busy days as I’m faced with the usual jungle that appears in my garden when we have so much rain then indoors I’m desperate to get paint on ceilings and walls. Yes Lin, then there’s Wimbledon dragging me to the tv screen and just as I was about to walk away from a ladies final that began very one sided it became a competition so there went 2 hours of my afternoon! It’s the men tomorrow when I’ll be supporting a very handsome Italian even if he could do with a hair trim… get in there Patsy!!

    I will catch up properly tomorrow but just wanted you to know I’m caring about you so you are in my thoughts even when I’m walking, weeding, snipping branches or mixing paint. It’s that messy first half paint, half water stage that runs up arms and flicks on to all the wrong surfaces and my hair if not careful.
    Love your new hair style Sandy and again Patsy, go for it if you fancy a change in hair colour. My pink is now a strawberry blond where the natural colour got stripped away by sun and chemicals and my hairdresser will put a few streaks into the darker roots at my next appointment so she likes what I’ve done too, even if today’s colour is accidental! It’s been my only bit of lockdown fun!

    Lights out… Betty snoring and George grumbling!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited July 2021
    Life ambles on here.
    All the crowds are gone from next door. Two painters or handymen here yesterday and no one else. Painters for sure judging by the sheets drying on Joyces high in the sky line.
    Geraniums have appeared in two rather snazzy containers on the front step. No idea who the new owners are with all the toing and froing the few times I've glanced out my window, but I suspect the lucky pair who own this rapidly improved home are a very lucky pair indeed. Newly weds?

    Anyway the house will soon be unrecongizable to H and J and talking to Darren and his neighbour Mike yesterday I gather the majority of Harrys Junk ended up in the city dump which must have cost him a pretty penny with each drop off daily for three months.

    Mike took the Bean for two long ambles yesterday and they stopped off at our little Anglican Church so Bean could be petted by the, according to Mike, very aged congregation who are still holding services on the front lawn. Bean is welcome to go to church as well! being on the whole a well behaved dog and especially so if she's getting tummy rubs.

    According to Michael I'm doing pretty good in the aging department after viewing the walkers and walking sticks, which is inspiring me to mow the lawn today and save Mark a job. Time will tell.

    I'm most interested in all the strawberry blondes cropping up and feel most tempted to have a go on my faded greying locks. However I'd be sure to make a mess of it so will let nature take its course. A professional hair cut would help but I think I'll continue snipping a bit off here, hacking a bit off there and maybe create an entirely new look. The raggle taggle gipsy look for advanced age seniors.

    Well I better get moving if i'm to slowly do all I want to do today.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cool day, barely 15c so after our usual walk on the moors we got home just in time before monsoon rains arrived. More messy painting since when I’ve been watching the men’s Wimbledon final. My Italian is doing well but I fear not well enough to beat the other player Djokovic.
    A piece of free range chicken is baking in the oven and my next decision is salad or steamed veggies! I’ve been sitting with a blanket on my knees because the heaters are off the walls until I finish painting!

    Patsy, do you think your slow drains would benefit from a couple of tablespoons of caustic soda? Open windows and doors, send Katie into the garden then let it do it’s work. My morning out for coffee and cake last week was such a treat which seems crazy for what it was so I understand you and John feeling the need to step out for a sandwich!

    Lovely to see Bob drop in. You did mention you were heading for a busy time and certainly seems that was true. Love the I’m back collage… made me laugh!

    Anne, geraniums say Mediterranean to me, in fact chatting to my brother yesterday while he was experiencing 42c temperatures he showed me some of his pot plants, mostly succulents but he also keeps geraniums that love the Spanish heat. You do amazing things in your garden and I’m sure that helps to keep you moving. I certainly know without my daily walks I’d soon grind to a halt.

    Good news that your containers are surviving inclement weather Lin. Are the potatoes close to being ready to eat? At the allotment are potato plants are flowering so not much longer then we’ll enjoy small salad potatoes. The blue teapot looks vaguely familiar but that’s as much as I can offer!

    Not long now Sandy and you’ll be winging your way to Florida. ☺️ Could you follow Lisa and Rob if they did move or perhaps your marital status keeps you in Chicago?

    Tennis is over and as I thought, my man couldn’t do it. This evening there’s a huge football match between England and Italy so more excitement. Our team has been receiving good luck messages from the Queen and Boris so that shows how rare an occasion it will be!

    Chicken cooked and decision made for salad.
    Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) A dreary day here with rain on and off. I will spruce up the house a little before my trip but will let Bryanna do the heavy cleaning while I am gone. As far as me moving to Florida, really not sure at this time. My son from Portland now lives 4 hours away and my son from Arizona is moving to Ohio which is only about 5 hours away.
    My daughter lives in Jacksonville which is around 4 hours away from Tampa so it would be a difficult choice. I don't think it would matter to Babe which state I live as we don't see each other anymore. He might think I would live with one of the kids and possibly think that would be a reason not to send my checks but that's not going to happen. No sense is worrying about the future, anticipation only brings frustration. As I always say, one day at a time.

    Have a great day everyone, I have been sitting at this desk for too long, time to move and groove.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A sunny Sunday here! Not too bad as summer heat goes. I have those people under the heat dome in my thoughts and prayers. Extreme heat is terrifying to me. We have a thin marine layer gently keeping us cool. I am so grateful. Hope it lasts awhile.

    I awoke after 8 blessed hours of sleep. Very unusual for me. I normally feel grateful for 6 hours of shuteye. And I cannot take naps. As much as I need one from time to time, my brain will not be quiet and let me nap. Now I get to see what it feels like to be really rested. Hummmmmmm

    This is my day to chat with our kids. I hope to catch Damon before he scoots off to the marina and his boat. Our daughter Andrea will be her self….like a military general barking orders at everyone. I actually prefer that to her being sick and listless. She is a challenging sweetheart. She is very much like her dad. I guess that is the reason those two are often at loggerheads. Damon and I are the sentimental philosophers in the family.

    I have been looking at “how to” channels on YouTube. How an old lady (me) can dye her salt and pepper hair a lovely strawberry blonde. I guess pink would work but I am going for strawberry blonde.
    Damon and John are not on board with this new idea of mine. Ha! What do they know!?

    I will be going to Walgreens…wish me luck!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hi, we had monsoons here yesterday and more rain overnight. Here’s a photo taken my a business located Northwest of me as the storm started to roll in. Ominous clouds.


    We are clouding over once again so perhaps more rain is coming although the weather forecast says we will escape more rain today. The squash plants were slammed by heavy wind again yesterday. This time it looks like additional stems were broken. Well, that is okay, if I have to ditch them so be it.

    Jackie, good luck to England in this match. I hear the Italians have an excellent winning record? So time for that to change! Yes, my potato plant is past bloom but since I will have few potatoes, I plan to try to wait until the tops are dying down before I take a peek. The tops are still thriving so that will be a while. Goodness, your weather baffles me. I am sorry you do not have heat available right now. It is cooler here but my air conditioner is still running from time to time. Geraniums do well here in the heat of summer (usually). This year everything is a bit odd. My mom loved to have a couple of hanging geranium plants each year. It was always a sure fire gift for her.

    Sandy, yes, finding a location would be difficult with your children spread in various geographic locations. Plus you have friends and acquaintances were you live now. It would be a tough decision. Packing and grooving!

    Anne, I hope you didn’t work yourself to a frazzle while cutting your lawn. Hummm, geraniums in snazzy containers. Quite nice! Oh goodness, if all (or most) of those loads went to the dump, H. spent a big chunk of money on disposal. Wow! Did you find your acrylic paint? In good shape or done for?

    Patsy, I would let you snip at my hair! I just need some trimmed off the bottom, no layers or complexities. Guess I couldn’t afford the trip. You are have talent at so many things!

    Well, I need to get back to cutting paper for upcoming projects.

    Be safe everyone.

