Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    BOO OOOO! Jackie will know what I'm talking about! Better luck next time.

    I just managed to cut the lawn and clean the mower before down came the rain again.☂︎
    Off now to drown my sorrow with a nice cup of tea!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Yes, I saw the results on the news and received an email from one of our news organizations. Sad.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear, we rarely win if the game goes to a penalty shoot out. So be it… Italy was the better team all told and at least there won’t be all night raves with everyone hugging and spreading you know what! 🥺😩

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited July 2021
    He was rather a long streak of a goalie though wasn't he. All long arms and legs! Everyone in little Italy, Toronto are hugging!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Haha Anne, yes a scary giant that managed to fill the goal mouth but I thought our slight Jordan Pickford did well too in stopping 2!

    We are supposed to have thundery showers so I donned a raincoat and wellies for this morning’s walk. Halfway round the sun appeared so I was far too hot and decided to take what looked like a sheep trail to cut off a corner. Turned out it was a gully formed by running rain water so I was lucky to find a spot to climb up on to another path then head back to the car. Doors and windows open

    I’m planning to paint a 2nd coat on the ceiling area that has my first wash then if it does become stormy I’ll continue, otherwise tidy some overgrown areas in the garden but I can see rather dark clouds heading this way… nothing like the cloud formation from your area thank goodness Lin. It looks horrendous and violent!

    Daren’t turn the page and lose this post so will finish my coffee and get on with painting.
    I’ll borrow Bob’s Terminator quote….. I’ll be back!! 😎


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another dreary day but good for doing laundry. I hope there is some sunshine in Florida because this is depressing. I haven't heard from Babe in ten days so I don't know how Daisy is doing or the results of her blood tests. If I don't hear from him by tomorrow I will call him even though he doesn't like me to call him if his son is home.
    He should know that I will be gone for almost two weeks whether he cares or not.
    I can't wait to see the kiddos, I really miss them.

    I wish I knew what Jackie, Anne and Lin were talking about but I am not a big sports person so not sure who won what although the pictures are of soccer. Sorry if your team lost. I do like the Chicago Cubs and the Bears, but I really don't watch much of the games. I like going in person but that has been a long time.

    Have a good day and I hope some of you have sunshine. Stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    What is known as the beautiful game Sandy, soccer here but football in the UK. I think goalies who resemble praying mantises should be banned. Goal keepers should match each other in all fairness!
    By the way, I don't think the grands will move to Florida for various reasons. Who wants to live in a one season state, sporting alligators, sink holes and hurricanes anyway. Another reason is your son and his missus will never find another helper like you unless you move as well.
    Just a feeling, you really are a treasure of a grandma!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2021
    If I needed reminding, I’m now aware just how boring painting a room is! I’ve put an extra coat on parts of the ceiling but it gives me a crick in my neck so I stopped after a couple of hours. Tomorrow I’ll use a roller to cover the ceiling plaster then I can move to walls, also requiring an initial watered down cover. It’s turned into a lovely afternoon so I’ve pruned a couple of shrubs and roses then cut back nettles in a wild area to give more light to an apple tree I received as a Christmas present. Two apples!
    The lawn needs cutting but I’ll do that tomorrow as it looks like a dry few days arriving.

    An invitation arrived on Friday from the University of Cambridge primary care unit to join their research trial screening for something called Atrial Fibrillation which can lead to a stroke. If I understand correctly they’ve invented a mini ECG device that is kept at home so I check my heart rate regularly. Participants are chosen randomly and my name popped up and I’m always happy to help medical research. Never know, it might save my life if it’s discovered I have the condition. Watch this space!

    I agree with Anne Sandy. I can’t see Lisa coping without you nearby and the children would be bereft. You’re a Godsend that’s for sure! Lockdown has left a lot of people feeling unsettled but I’m not sure moving home is the answer for many who took that time to reassess their lives. We get so many visitors in my area of England who then spend a lot of time looking in estate agent windows at available property. If only it was all sunshine, golden sandy beaches and cream teas!!

    George is doing his best to persuade me to feed him treats when he won’t eat the meal I prepared and I’m beginning to think some contain addictive additives because he gets so vocal. I’m holding off at the moment!

    A piece of cod with steamed veggies for my evening meal so I’ll get the oven on and bake the fish.

    A big smile from Brady who likes that word fish!

    Take care everyone. Bizarre stories in the news about people catching 2 Covid variants at the same time even after being vaccinated. I fear our government is throwing us to the wolves as all restrictions disappear!
    Jackie 😷
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Hello again. The weather forecast has changed quite a bit with a chance of rain later in the week but otherwise sunshine. I picked a few green beans and a few small tomatoes this morning. Got a closer look at the damage to the plants. The bees are still playing on the squash plants but I do believe they will hit the trash in the next week. They are quite broken and those parts are wilting now. Some dead leaves on the tomato plants but some things are doing okay.

    I then drove down to the post office for non-machine stamp postage. The lady was a bit confused this morning so I am not certain she ever added the appropriate official stamp to keep them away from the processing machine.

    There was excitement at the local grocery store. There was a small, very smoky, fire in front of the store. I am not certain what was burning but it might have been wood chip mulch. The building seemed to be okay. Unusual!

    And now I am home to complete some chores including trash collection, paying bills, and maybe a load of laundry.

    Sandy, I am sorry that Babe doesn’t keep in touch. It has to be very difficult for you. And difficult to try to call to speak to him. I wish someone in that house could be more considerate of your feelings. ❤️

    Jackie, I have seen replays of the end of the soccer game yesterday. Everyone was holding their breath I believe. Such bad luck. I really thought perhaps Italy would have reached the end of their winning ways but alas. Another coat of paint sounds like a very good idea. You won’t want to repaint any time soon!

    Anne, well, a person’s natural size can be an asset. Just look at all the basketball players. In our locality, the term for the person defending the goal is a keeper. I don’t know if it just here but several of my friends have had a son or grandson play that position. Very different body composition but they were all quite good players.

    Well, I had best run along.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Just an FYI if Lisa and Rob did move to Florida. Her parents live there and there are two of them so sitting for them is easier than for me. They are also ten years younger than me. They are wonderful with the kids and even keep them overnight when they are here since they have a big house. I appreciate all the kind words and know that Rob and Lisa do appreciate me so we will see what happens. Even if they did move I don't think it would be for a couple of years, so I am not going to worry about it.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A couple of weeks ago I ordered from Amazon a unit to hold my vinyl records and player and it arrived yesterday so since it’s flat packed I planned to put it together this evening. Only one diagram showing numbered sections when nothing in the pack is numbered and also most screws and connectors don’t show on the diagram so I’m going to make myself a cup of tea then do something entirely different!! I have to be in the right mood for Chinese puzzles! 🤯

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Yikes Jackie!! no little round numbers telling which piece is which piece? Good luck but I have faith you can do this!!
    Update: I called Babe and asked how Daisy was and she has pancreatitis and is on tons of pills according to him.
    She still has severe diarrhea so I hope she gets better soon. I told him since I hadn't heard from him in over ten days I was worried and he said it is hard to call. Ugh! I told him I know I am not supposed to call but he said you can call.
    Not a good day for me, I don't think the weather is helping. Think I will go start some packing or at least figure out what I am going to take that will fit in the smaller luggage bag.

    Sorry to whine to you.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Me and The Bean went out to do some weeding whilst Mark cleaned a blockage from a gutter spout AND I met my new neighbour sporting a huge sling on his arm from recent surgery.

    He's either from the arabic world or he's Indian, Mark suspects the former. Anyway he moved in yesterday with his two elderly parents [78] who are in worse shape than me according to him.
    He shook hands with Mark and I guess Joyce had her information all wrong.

    He offered to help me in any way he could once his arm has healed because he is used to looking after his old parents. I told him I was okay with two sons of my own. So ends much speculation. I guess it accounts for all the hordes descending on the house this past week moving them in and helping them out.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Well that is quite interesting Anne. Couldn’t hardly be more different than the story you heard. I hope they will be good neighbors.

    Sandy, I am glad you got through to him but unhappy that Daisy is still unwell. ❤️❤️ Pack, pack, pack. You need one of those things that sucks all the air out of the plastic bags. Then you could pack everything you wanted to take although I do not know how you would get it home again.

    Jackie, I would not tackle that project late in the day. I am sure you can sort out the various hardware items by the illustration, well, I am betting you can. But assembly, that is a different thing altogether. I hope it works out.

    Back to work.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Ive got the weirdest news. You all know that Tony has dementia, well it turns out my new neighbours parents and particularly his dad are in the same boat, AND Maria has just phoned to tell me that the neighbour on the other side of her is having her parents move in because they can no longer cope! All these old folk are 10 years younger than me and I'm going to be surrounded with walkers, wheelchairs etc etc! instead of wild parties and beer fights.
    Managed to walk over 10,000 steps today and must keep it up and stay in shape if only to help out pushing wheelchairs, lol.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    And a Happy Tuesday morning to all… hope everyone had a great weekend. Sunday was great with family dinner at my sister’s and we made a short “welcome home” video for a relative in the Navy who had been at sea since January. I think the best quote of the day came from my great great nephew (age 6)…super smart and a huge heart. He hugged Jean at one point telling her he loved her and “I will always love you even when you are old.”

    Love that life getting back to a somewhat normal stage. Time passing quickly. Yesterday we sent an anniversary card etc. to my daughter/son-in-law; can’t believe they have been married 20 years! Took me an hour just to compose words. Same thing with a card I made for Jean (her birthday is Thursday). It took me 1-2 hours to put it together.

    Lin – Glad to see you finished “Spencer”. If I recall the dialogue was good as you stated and the “shoot-outs” a bit exaggerated. But, it was over 30 yrs ago so I make some excuses. And also like you – I have always been a HUGE Urich fan (Lonesome Dove) – on and off camera. My sister (now passed) LOVED him to pieces! As for boxing – I assume you would have enjoyed my visit to the Boxing Hall of Fame LOL. Jean would sometimes say “how can such a sweet man watch boxing?” – Actually I only like the old days and don’t really follow anymore. “Yo Adrieanne” LOL

    Sandy – Great haircut! Looks even better without the mask….. good luck on those moving plans. Tough decisions for sure. Florida, Ohio etc. I do wish we had moved ages ago. Now with the grandkids etc it is different. Also we are blessed with close proximity to great shopping, groceries, entertainment and the all-important medical care at a decent hospital. Love your attitude of no point in worrying about the future and adding frustration. Things generally seem to fall into place.

    Patsy – re: “Rewatching Breaking Bad. Well done series, at times winchingly good.” We came late to the party on that one … BUT… binged thru every season at warp speed. We laugh because our tastes vary from Howards End to these types of programs. Just started the new season of Animal Kingdom this week. Can’t wait for Peaky Blinders to return and Netflix has a 10-episode Dexter returning in the Fall. Still love my AcornTV too. Told Jean about the “entertainment jar.”

    Jackie – Loved the BIG smile from Brady pic!
    Best of luck on the Afib research trial. All interesting. I have perm Afib and never out of it. Can’t count the number of cardioversions they tried initially…then a wide variety of drugs. They administered Tikosyn in-hospital but it there was something about QT readings etc. I went to Strong Memorial in Rochester for an ablation and after I was under they had to stop because they couldn’t control my blood pressure.

    When the woke me I thought they were joking when they said they had to stop. I was on Amiodarone for 5 years used for the treatment of acute life-threatening arrhythmias / suppression… it came with a book of warnings (LOL). It worked…but then they said too dangerous to stay on it any longer. So now, I just take the basic blood thinner, blocker etc as there isn’t much else to do.

    I don’t even think about any of it. It is what it is. I have no anxiety or concerns. The important thing is that when I drop dead – I won’t be obese. Ha ha ha .

    OMG – Jean is now up. I haven’t gone to gym and need to get moving. Will check in later.

    Here is a bit of sign-off humor! Bob HAVE A GREAT DAY.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A late lunch break on the deck in warm sunshine. I’ve another crick in my neck from using a paint roller on the new ceiling and a splatter of white up my arms. The messiest job was cleaning rollers and brushes and did wonder if it would make sense to buy more instead but I hate to throw anything away!
    Now my snack is finished I’ll visit the hens and muck out their house as well as give the apple tree in their run a summer prune. It’s all go and that’s preferable to watching rain fall!

    Loved the horse drawing Bob which set me giggling. I’d never heard of Afib until the request for me to participate arrived. I don't have a diagnosis but it seems the hope is everyone over 70 can be supplied with their tiny ECG that’s held in the hand to monitor the heart several times a day. Preventative medicine to avoid stroke or heart attack… I’ll let you know!

    Time for George to jump off my lap so I can see to the hens.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Another gloomy day which is okay as I have an appointment for mani/pedi/eyebrow and then I will finally pack. Will remind Bryanna to stop here after school to tweak my hair. I would like my bangs a little shorter and I have a piece in back that needs trimming, minor stuff.

    Jackie, look at that face!!! He loves you and is telling you so. <3 And Brady smiling, how cute is that? Good luck with the painting but please be careful, those kinks are harder to get rid of as we age.

    Bob, I too, loved the horse drawing and it also made me laugh as that is how I draw. :p I love my area as well as I am close to everything, from malls to airports and expressways. It's always nice to visit family but at this time in my life I don't want to live with any of them.

    Anne, I think being on a computer and/or IPad keeps the mind active. Of course genes play a part in dementia but hopefully those of us on here will continue to have our faculties for years to come. Your new neighbor sounds like a nice man and might be helpful once his arm heals.

    Lin, I am just going to roll my clothes and hope I have enough room. Lisa said she plans on coming next Monday so I won't need as many clothes as I thought. You reminded me when I bought stamps from the machine at the post office and they came out one by one instead of a sheet. They were wrap around stamps and very strange but of course I am using them. I will purchase from the counter from now on.

    Patsy, I do hope you manage to get on today, sometimes I have to sign out and sign back in when MFP is having a bad day.

    Time to eat and get ready for appt. Have a great day and I hope to have time in the morning to check in but if not I will once I am settled at my daughter's.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yes SANDY, my impression also that my new neighbour is a very nice man. How awful though that he has such a burden as does Maria. Marias family are asking that Tony be put in a home as his condition worsens, but she tells me when she dresses him each morning and looks into his eyes she simply can't bring herself to do so just yet. I am so grateful that everyone with the Sneakers, past and present, don't have anyone with such sad problems. Although I believe Buzz's Mike did.
    Have a wonderful vacation!

    What a wonderful horse BOB. You are wasted as a photographer and should definitely be drawing horses instead!

    No PATSY yet, but thank goodness LIN is still with us.

    George looking as gorgeous as ever JACKIE.

    Bean rubbed noses with a George look alike this morning on our walk. Us humans kept arms\leashes away. AND she met a friendly kitty in the garden. He looked just like my Thelly our emigrating cat.

    Happy, sunny afternoon.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! I am back with you and let me say…..this was not easy! It took relentless trials and errors. We are still under a marine layer here on the coast. Part of Oregon is very hot and on fire. We can smell the smoke from Oregon and California fires. It hurts my heart, if truth be told.

    We all count our blessings about whatever health condition we enjoy. Our doc is a sour and somewhat pessimistic guy that warns us of impending doom. “ At our age who knows what illness will develop and diminish our quality of life.” Well! Thanks a lot doc! Of course he is right. Therefore we must kick up our heels, laugh and giggle, be silly and ignore all caution. There is a truly wonderful movie I watch from time to time. If you ever get a chance to watch it do so. It is called The guitar. It is true classic and will change your life!

    I am giving everyone here a special gift. Take at least 5 years off your age. The Talley of days here on the planet is NOT your real age. Sooooooo! With a huge permanent eraser, just scrub out out that date and subtract whatever number you desire. I suggest somewhere between 5 and 10 years seems about right.

    Laundry is folded, another load sloshing away. Dishes are getting a bath in the dishwasher and I am heading for the coffee maker for another big mug. Veggie pasta tonight.
    I really missed you sneakers…you are all more than best friends, you are true family.