Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Soggy day today but temps aren’t too bad really. Katie has been out in the back yard about 40 times to check on everything. If I had to walk her like Anne and Jackie walks their sweet fur babies, I would have just either be a super athlete or flat out on a stretcher. This girl has a lot to do and at top speed, thank you very much.

    I am continuing to experience sciatica. Darn miserable but I am hobbling around doing my chores and grumbling as I go. Hi ho! Hi ho! I even researched some weird green powder called moringo. Again! I am sure it is more voodo medicine. Alternative medicine (?)

    Little by little I am getting Christmas cleared out. I have read you know it is spring when you have at last vacuumed up all the Christmas tree pine needles. In our case it is the little sparkles from various decor item and tree ornaments. We have a way to go dear sneakers. It is everywhere.

    Life is pretty scary here in the USA. We are in total disarray. We always predicted that this would bring about serious consequences. Any Canadians foolish enough to try to immigrate to the US needs to rethink that idea. I would relocate to Canada if they would have me. These are unsettling Times. We have two national parks right here where we live. The locals are trying to keep things under control. Trash pick up and volunteer park rangers.

    Just like Betty Davis said, buckle your seat belts, we are in for a bumpy ride!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    Canada would love to have you PATSY. Just bundle John and Katie in Damons boat and tootle up the coast to British Columbia. I loved and still love BC! Beautiful gardens, beautiful mountains, and a much milder climate than here in Ontario. Hey, I wouldn't need a passport to drop in for that cup of tea, you would only be 3000 miles away! Plus it's about time we had another Emily Carr and of course Robert Bateman lives in BC. David Suzuki the environmentalist is based there as well.
    I wonder how long it would take to get on a bike, pop Jilly in the basket and pedal to Victoria? 2 years maybe? I loved the statue of Captain Cook on their waterfront, a fellow Yorkshireman.
    Yes, I definitely live in the wrong part of Canada!
    Anne. - it's snowing here.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    Bitterly cold out! It's the wind. Maybe we should start walking to Florida before a second wall goes up!
    Frigid Annie.
    Dear ANNE, I'll gladly be waiting; for you and anyone else who joins!!!
    JACKIE thank you for the lnks; no Alpro, but other brands availabns
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Two beautiful little dogs JACKIE! They look so well cared for and I bet they ARE best friends, especially when Moms not looking.
    I'm joining you and PATSY in a really good clean up. Jill is shedding like crazy which seems a bit odd given the outside temperature!
    Trouble with Brexit, Mr.T IS trouble, and now Justin is in trouble because of the oil pipe HE's building across indigenous land and which none of us ordinary natives seem to want either. Protests starting to build up, some wearing the yellow top favoured by the French protesters.
    Meanwhile a Canadian telescope has picked up radio signals from outer space. Probably just a pulsating star like last time.
    Bye for now,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    ANNE, you could be right about George and Betty being friends because they do play sometimes, it just that George definitely will not share his bed... grumble, grumble. Poor Betty must wonder if she's coming or going with his mood changes but I give her credit for being a tryer!!
    George's groomer has told me dogs will shed more this time of year because cold weather makes their coats grow more layers so it's a good idea to pull the top layer up and brush out the insulation!
    Funny, I found myself watching a documentary about the Roswell UFO incident back in the 40's last night and it seems, if true, witnesses are now ignoring their promises to say nothing and speaking out about what they saw!! A conspiracy theory is that America gets a number of visits from other martians so perhaps they've decided they don't want to risk being classed aliens by you know who so are moving north to Canada!!
    Brexit had me shouting at the news again this morning as a government Minster refused to answer a straightforward question and had me thinking they must have evening classes on how to avoid difficult issues!!
    I washed the kitchen floor, the washing machine was delivered and only just, and I mean only just, fitted into the gap vacated by the old one. Ended up with the delivery man's muddy boots marking the floor so another wash!
    The tiles in the garden room have been cemented but although the builders went off to another job for a couple of hours then popped back to grout, the cement hasn't set. They said they will message me later..... one last hurdle (sigh!!).

    Cup of tea time for me then to make space among the items brought in from the garden room so I can vacuum the lounge before lighting the fire.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and I am the speaker which I hate but do it to get over my fear. I won three times at bingo last night for a total of $150, which made me happy.
    Things are back to normal except for the cold I am fighting which came from Max.
    I will try to get back later, have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hello, on the run and no time to type much of anything. Hopefully back later. So much Tai Chi and Qigong yesterday that I didn’t get home until going on 4pm. Yep, I was tired out!!

    Trying to avoid the flying bugs in our area but did meet with the library ladies for a while this morning. It was just our little group and we left when a huge group started to make their way in to join us. They always have sick and coughing folks with them. One of our regulars is down with something that she thinks is the flu. My church was closed and Wednesday activities cancelled due to the number of illnesses in our congregation. I have ordered some face masks and will wash my hands like crazy in the meantime.

    Argh. It is always something right? Worried about our country and the world, worried about my friends and now worried about getting sick. Yep, I am a genuine worried.

    Buzz and Jackie, all of our organic products are suppose to be non-GMO. I still recommend the organic Kite Hill yogurt. Unsweetened.

    Must run along again. Looking forward to the new Big Bang Theory this evening. Last season of the show and must try to keep up. :)

    Hugs. Good to hear front you Marie. Your day sounds pretty good to me! Patsy, yes, bumpy ride indeed. Nasty. Jackie, beautiful photo!! They are adorable. Anne, oh gosh, pleas no aliens from outer space!!! Jeri, are you there?

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    JACKIE can you still buy Cox's Orange Pippins in the UK? My favourite Apple. Is it possible to buy a young tree? Native to GB I don't think they grown anywhere else. Note: I've swapped my less than perfect face for the perfect tiny, oh so tasty Apple.
    PS. How much would a sapling cost? Any idea?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry I can't help you, ANNE, but my favorite apple is the Braeburn, which I can no longer find :'( ... But come to Florida anyway!
    JACKIE, please plan your cleaning ventures on different days, luv, as I'm thoroughly exhausted reading about what you accomplish in one day! I agree G. and B. appear to be pals! And such a gorgeous couple!!! As far as the UFO stories, I know I've retold several times my encounter with something appearing and disappearing outdoors overhead that had my 2 poodles
    shaking and hair standing straight up (which is a phenomenon I have never ever seen before or since!) while the shimmering disk appeared to glide above us! I had them on a double lead, or I think they would have taken off for somewhere other than Long Island...
    LIN, is the Kite Hill yogurt non-dairy? I wonder what might be made from almonds as I'm afraid of eating soy, which was suspect in my sister's ovarian CA!
    PATSY, I refuse to allow that miserable imitation with orange head to frighten me. I understand completely how malevolent he is, and shake my head in wonder at his selection for the next Attorney General, Barr, who gave pardons to Nixon's team including the Iran Contra guy! Shrewd move, on T's part, but something will happen to trip him up on his own
    petard!!! ("From my mouth to ...'s ear!)
    SANDY, hope that cold never develops! Should I s overdosing on Vitamin C? And your win was impressive!
    Midnight approaches, so before I change into a pumpkin.....
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!...............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »

    Hugs right back at YOU, dear Li'l Sis, MARIE!
    Love ya,
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2019

    My favourite too ANNE that unfortunately isn't so easy to find in shops as so many imports pushed them off the shelves and orchards in Kent disappeared. Hopefully once we're out of Europe and have to think more about where our food comes from and grow what we want I won't have to hunt so hard. Perhaps I should buy my own tree.

    Up early again as builders back to grout then out for our morning stroll.... I'm knackered!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Buzz, Kite Hill is an almond yogurt. They have an unsweetened variety that would be lovely and just right for adding blueberries.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited January 2019
    Anne, orange pippin trees are available from a number of nurseries and I found one place that say they have limited supplies of Pippins for sale in season.

    Apples For sale:

    Darn, links are unavailable but the companies are Stark Bros. And Burpees.

    Trying again with links

    Must run along. Tai Chi morning.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! Here I am rattling around the house in the middle of the night and I was shocked to see that some of you are up and raring to go! My plan is to have a cup of hot milk and three crackers and try for more sleep. I am not going to be worth much if I don’t.

    The wonderful Apple that we love here in PNW is the Fuji Apple. Great to cook with, and wonderful sliced and nibble with cheese or a dab of almond or peanut butter. It generally isn’t a pretty Apple. Kind of mottled green with some red. Washington state says they grow the best apples but Oregon can grow some very admirable apples. We seem to grow hybrids but they are really nice.

    My milk is hot so I will sip in hopes for more shuteye. Sweet dreams, dear sneakers.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN, thank you for the info. I don't think Coxs are hardy enough for Canada, could be wrong, but I'll check further. Actually I was thinking more of growing one in the UK. They used to look so pretty at Christmas as a table decoration nestled amongst the real holly and Ivy.
    We have Fujis here PATSY but they pale in taste next to Cox's Orange Pippins. I buy Fujis or Gala in Canada.
    Back to the drawing board, or rather my oatmeal!
    Hugs to all from a very cold Ontario,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Anne, I didn’t check the zone so probably improbable to grow BUT that orchard in Ontario sells the apples when available. Put in an order now for next harvest!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, the Sunset apple, the first in the alternatives towards bottom of that website page is one I'd never heard of but sounds interesting and says easier to grow. My greengage didn't fruit at all last year in spite of so much blossom so I could replace with apple! See, now you've got me thinking it's Spring already!!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes, I was thinking of your old greengage needing replacing JACKIE. My old tree has to come down this spring as well. It's almost just a stump now and only good for hanging the bird feeder on.
    I'll toddle off and check out your Sunset Apple. I will need something hardy in this climate. It's minus -10 Centigrade right now or 14 Fahrenheit. Looks gorgeous out with dazzling sun and a blue sky.
    Spring isn't far behind, even if winter IS unkind.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Taking a me day and staying home. I feel as if I have been so busy since the holidays and can finally get back to normal. I did change into some sweat clothes in case I have to accept a delivery I am expecting, otherwise I might have stayed in my nightgown all day. One delivery has already been delivered but he left it at front door. The other is a foam mattress topper so that might be heavy so I hope the delivery person will carry it up the stairs for me. My DIL complained her mattress was lumpy even though I had a different kind of topper so I ordered a new foam one like I have on the bottom of the trundle bed. They were fine since my son traded places with her and then she was happy. Next time they come they will both be happy. ( I hope)
    BTW, did I tell you that I used my new George Foreman inside/outside grill for steaks and hamburgers and I love it. It is fairly easy to clean ( a little bulky for the kitchen sink) but the food was delicious.

    Anne, you are a poet and I am sure you know it!! The good thing about living in this condo is that I don't have to worry about outside landscaping.

    Jackie, I love the picture of George and Betty. Now that I think about it, you should have named her Gracie lol. Is Betty losing any weight?

    Patsy, I do hope you managed to go back to sleep, nothing worse than being tired.

    Lin, I will have to check out those yogurts for low carbs. I really must get back on the wagon and lose some weight.

    Buzz, I am still fighting the cold but it is minor. I am one of those mind over matter type people although I did take Emerge- C. I will take another today since it seems to help.

    Have a great day everyone! (Still praying for good news from Jeri) and sending love to Marie.

    One Day at a Time