Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi Ho dear sneakers! I thought MFP was going to require me to rejoin but I was magically able to get back on with you. I did email those of you that I have your address, just to let you know I was thinking of you all etc.

    My old foot injury is back so I am gingerly hobbling around. Plus I must find a new podiatrist. Not easy these days. John is still dealing with his health issues. We are each going to our doctor and we will doubtless have an adjustment of some kind. Change of meds or SOMETHING.

    I am ready to get laundry going. My progress on my chores is glacial at best.
    Off to get that in process.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PATSY, I'm just writing to you so won't add here except I'm so happy you are back in the fold.

    And LIN so happy you are okay as well. What a worry. There are worse things than Harry who is hauling any old iron from between my back fence and his shed. It's quite unbelievable Sneakers!

    My back fence is sagging, it must have been propped up with all of his damn rubbish, ladders etc. No wonder the wild life flourishes in the middle of town with all this free housing he's been providing.

    Please stay well all of you who are suffering with health problems. You are very much wanted and appreciated by:
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member

    Second load today.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy late afternoon! Quick check-in – just wanted to share email notice I received this afternoon re: CDC / Masks
    CDC: Fully Vaccinated People Don’t Have to Wear Masks Inside…There are some exceptions, says CDC director; The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on May 13 eased mask-wearing guidance and said that people vaccinated against COVID-19 can stop wearing masks inside in most places.

    Had a cookout this afternoon and kept it low calorie. :)

    COOKOUT Thursday lunch (261 cal.) Strip steak (3oz), mushrooms, asparagus, mixed bell peppers, broccoli, zero sugar BBQ sauce.


    Going to try and check back later tonight. Hope all is well Bob :):):)

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well I lost you all again for a few hours but I appear like PATSY to be back.
    Cross fingers,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Tried a few times to get on to our sneakers forum but that tended to lock Safari on my phone so left It to try this morning. Phone continuing to play up but iPad ok... for now! Electrician did his bit yesterday and Dave has returned with Joe this morning thank goodness. My newly covered chairs have also been delivered and I’m delighted with them. Pictures later as they have been stored in the already packed spare room. I’m beginning to feel like Anne’s neighbour Harry!
    The sun is shining so will walk the dogs and hopefully get back later.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Having a great deal of trouble with Ma fitness pal. In a rush to get showered before grocery delivery man finds me with dripping wet hair. Back later - MAYBE. Everything's odd.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member

    Awesome morning with a great 7-day forecast (pic).


    Had a good experience with a new dentist yesterday. Very thorough and spent a solid 1-hour new patient eval with me with the full x-rays. Took a while to get an appt. but really liked him and his staff. Earliest cleaning appt avail end of June booked.

    Today awoke at 4am – gym at 5:15am – been working on projects etc. Jean brings her older friend to hairdresser around noon and likely they’ll do lunch. I plan to pick up fresh fish for myself etc. Can’t say enough about the sunshine and CDC re: masks.

    Anne – Sorry about the MFP issues…been there/done that and it can be annoying. Hmmm so you’re getting showered and cleaned uo for the delivery man… I won’t ask questions. LOL

    Jackie – Looks like you are having sign-on issues too, like Anne. Look forward to seeing you newly covered chairs. Nice that the electrician got to do his business and Dave/Joe have returned. Glad we are both experiencing some well- deserved sunshine and that your walk was a pleasant one.

    Patsy – Sorry about the foot issues and need to hobble. Hope you can find a new podiatrist. Sounds like what I went thru find the right new dentist and there is a shortage of hygienists in our area. Good luck with laundry and other chores!

    Lin – Hope you are feeling better and at the same time glad it wasn’t skin cancer.
    Sandy – Happy TGIF to you and hope the sunshine is still surrounding you. Hope your “window washing” and dinner with Bryanna went well.

    Time to clean-up and get moving! Best wishes to all. Bob :)

    Ps – Saw this on the internet and wasn’t sure if I had shared before. I have had some fun sharing with fans of the movie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Beautiful day here as well Bob. I am sitting later as Rob and Lisa are going to have practice games of volleyball for the league they in play every year. Just a friendly neighbor group that plays weekly. My sitting days will increase but they are going to Florida the end of June to visit Lisa's parents so they will miss a month of games.
    I am happy also that they lifted the masks although will still carry one in my pocket. It will just seem so strange for life to get back to normal.
    Anne is having problems getting on MFP they must have something going on because I couldn't get on the other day until later in the afternoon.

    Bob, I didn't watch that show but did watch House which I loved. I get the joke though and you have too much time on your hands. lol Umm, I didn't do the windows but maybe today. Enjoy those beautiful days, I know I will.

    Annsie, hope you are able to return to us fairly soon. Not sure I would care if grocery delivery man saw me with wet hair, he could probably care less. Do you let others in your house besides Darrian? ( I think that is his name)

    Jackie, so the electrician is done and now Dave and Joe can finish? Is there an expected done date?? I hope the chairs are covered so they don't get all dusty because they are beautiful. Can hardly wait to see the finished home and how cozy it will be.

    Lin, hope you are not having login problems as well.

    Have a great day and enjoy our new found freedom but stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yes, I've managed to get in SANDY but only using my password which I have to reset via email. The format for food and exercise has changed but I guess I will get used to it.

    I am being dragged screaming into this modern world! I've now got a mobile phone to carry with me outside in case I trip up into the tulips and need help and I've set up online banking as well. I guess everyone here is already doing that but I take time to adjust!

    The only news is H has made two more trips somewhere with a truck full of planks of mainly wood this time.

    Alas we haven't seen Dorio for ages and ages. The new deliverers are all very nice and can't come into the house anymore but I open the front door and they put my grocery bags on the inside doormat. I hope Dorio is okay because we liked him and especially the Bean. Maybe just been sent on a new route.

    70 degrees today ! I don't have to tell you this really because we seem to match BOB on most days.

    And that's it from me. Wonder if I'll get in tomorrow?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I did a google search on why Safari on my phone seemed to lock up getting on to MFP and followed advice to restart my phone. That simple... it’s worked!

    A busy day but satisfying. We walked in the small wooded round the corner where the bluebells are now out in full like a gorgeous blue carpet. I met a neighbour who lives with his wife in a bungalow at the end of our access track and he had me laughing about the newspaper he chooses to read online and how cross he becomes at some of their stories. The biggest laugh was how he had never concerned himself with Prince Harry and his wife but has come to hate them even though they have no affect on his life. Too much time in lockdown I think!
    My GP phoned yesterday to check how I was feeling since my initial diagnosis and offered an appointment to chat. That’s something new and good for them but I assured her my independent streak is seeing me through but she assured me the offer is open. I expect they see too many cases of mental health issues after a year of lockdown. Today my consultant’s secretary phoned to let me know he has reviewed my biopsy results and thinks a phone chat will be sufficient and also save me a drive to Plymouth so we will talk next Thursday. Hopefully that’s positive but I won’t assume!

    I’ve done some tidying in the garden then managed to cut the grass as dark clouds loomed. Halfway through I noticed George by the side of the pond soaking wet and covered in stinking silt. Yes, he had chased a frog that hopped away from my lawnmower straight into the water so I had to divert to the shower room with one filthy dog!

    Great news Lin about your health scare. Please feel better soon.

    Sorry we’ve lost Anne again. Perhaps Harry disrupted important internet outside the property as he collected his junk!

    It’s Friday Patsy and tomorrow you get your long awaited visit from your son. Sorry you are hobbling again but please rest and prepare yourself for a wonderful weekend.

    I’m jealous Bob at the sight of your forecast. This is mine and as I click through from one day to the next there isn’t the slightest shift in the information!
    Everyone is commenting about how behind seedlings, cuttings and flowering shrubs are this year. Patience is definitely order of the day. Certainly not barbecue weather that’s for sure!

    No finish date Sandy and I hesitate to ask. The electrician just has to wire up wall lights and switches once the walls are plastered and the render is already dry so hopefully not too long. The ceilings will get their plasterboard between the beams on Monday. The chairs are in the spare bedroom with the door shut so should be safe from dust. Like you I will ensure I always carry a mask so I’ll never feel uncomfortable. We have cases of the Indian variant in this country now because people were allowed to make travel plans before flights from that country were stopped so I will remain vigilant!

    Poor George is still wet from his shower so it might be a good idea to get the hairdryer from my bedroom and help him dry off. I was cross with him when I first saw the mess he had got himself in but I feel sorry for him now!

    Rod Stewart singing about his handbags and glad rags on my solar radio as I finally relax.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    edited May 2021
    Good afternoon. The high temperature today was just under 60 degrees F. Overcast and on and off sprinkles. I decided to plant the next to dead tomato plants and the oh-so-tiny pepper plants between bouts of drizzle today. Done. I still plan to plant some squash seeds and maybe a few green bean seeds another day.

    A local friend with a big garden says her potatoes and onions are doing well but everything else is kind of stuck in place. If we had the 70’s for a week or more, I think everything would start growing more normally. Well maybe.

    I spoke on the phone several times today with friends. I tried to keep the conversations shorter today. Success. Neither conversation hit 2 hours. 😂😂

    Jackie, yippee! Some progress on your house remodel. I do hope there are no additional delays. As far as no masks, I still am not going many places but I do know that among my local acquaintances, there are a large number of vaccine refusers. They also detest masks and some still wear them below their nose because they only have one on when a business won’t let them in without one. I would say, they have probably burned theirs, if they had any. So always good to have one at the ready. Good thinking. And I hope the conversation with your consultant next Thursday goes well. Wish you could have spoken today. But that sounds positive. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    I will probably continue to have one in each vehicle. Wish I knew if my shots left me with robust protection against the virus, or just a weak bit of protection. Is there a blood test for that?

    My list of 3 phone calls ends up at the end of the week at 2 left. Same ones as the end of last week. The compounding place gathered my info first thing this morning. But no idea when they will ship this prescription.

    Anne, wow, Harry keeps hauling things away! There is no end to his stash of stuff. Apparently his back is better now. I hope you don’t need major repairs to your fence. Especially given the cost of lumber these days! I keep looking at my fence and hope it will last until lumber prices normalize again. They will come down some don’t you think? A 400% increase certainly cannot persist long term. I hope. I am sorry you lost Dorio and he probably did get moved to a different area. Or he found a different job altogether. I keep hearing there are so many jobs that need people.

    Sandy, more sitting for the kids. You are a marvel. Will you have enough time to do everything you would like to do? I hope so. Are your hummingbirds visiting regularly? I don’t have any feeder out for the cuties but I did see a beautiful hummingbird on the neighbor’s tree the other day. I think it may have been drinking water off the pine needles as it was a bit wet and drippy. Today the excitement here has been the crazy squirrels. Two of them have been ripping little branches off a large bush next door to me. Then they are running along with their prizes, disappearing into the pine tree. There must be some nest building going on. Any idea if the pool will open this year given the change in CDC guidance?

    Patsy, wahoo, time for your weekend celebration. Have a wonderful time. I am sorry about your foot problem but I am guessing you will still have a great visit with your son.

    Bob, oh yes, Napoleon Dynamite! Memories! I just saw an update on our 7-day weather forecast, we should see the 70’s with rain expected at least part of the day each day. Wow. We do need rain but I hope we don’t get flooded!

    Greetings to Barbie, Connie, Jeri, Diane and other Sneakers.


    Interesting shoes on this teapot.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Lin, if you had Pfizer or Moderna you are more than 90% protected. If you should get the virus it wouldn't be life threatening or require hospitalization. At least that is what I read so I hope they are right.
    As far as our pool they painted it, put the lawn chairs out and I think they are waiting to hear from the Governor what the requirements will be. My guess is that it will open Memorial Day and I am ready.

    Have a good night.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Sandy, I need more details I guess. They say that the strength of your protection depends on your individual circumstances. They said if you have been in chemotherapy, your immunity will likely be lower, if you have conditions involving the immune system, again your immunity will likely be lower. It can be the same with older people.

    Sorry if I am repeating but a gentleman who lived here and who had been taking chemo treatments for the better part of a year got his shots and was fully immunized. He went to visit family he hadn’t seen in over a year and the adults were also fully immunized. Apparently there were several children in the house. He got Covid and died. I would say this was just a story that goes around but he was a friend of one of my good friends. She posted a link to his obituary. She was shocked. I was as well.

    It is kind of averages versus individual people I guess. At a recent blood drive they were providing an antibody test but I just read some more about it, not a very helpful test.

    I guess the best advice is to talk to your doctor about your health conditions and whether you should wear a mask or ditch it. Sorry.

    Now everyone is bored! Good night.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    This was the result of my last blood donation;
    What Does My Test Result Mean?
    Reactive test result: Indicates that only your initial antibody test was reactive for COVID-19 antibodies, while the second test that we performed was not reactive or was not able to be completed. This result means that you likely received the COVID-19 vaccine and did not have a COVID infection. Another less common explanation for a reactive result is that we were unable to complete both tests. It takes one to three weeks after the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to reach a detectable level of antibodies.

    If your test result is reactive, the Red Cross may contact you to request additional information and conduct further testing as part of a research study.

    They didn’t contact me so must be fine. I donate again in June.

    I agree if you have compromising conditions you still have to be very cautious even if vaccinated. I will still be wearing my mask except probably not outdoors.
    I think we are all on the same page here.💕
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Thanks Sandy❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That’s a Carltonware teapot Lin; all the rage in the 80’s, in fact I gave my dad and stepmom a sugar bowl on legs for a present and seem to remember dad thought it amusing but stepmother disliked it and it disappeared before long! 😁

    My understanding is we all have to remain careful even with both vaccinations and especially if underlying health issues exist. No one is fully immunised. Our Boris has said common sense must prevail and it seems from our infection rates that show few occurring in the over 60’s that we seniors who know about common sense are doing well. 😉. Personally, I feel if someone is anti mask so refuses to show respect in my presence, I have no problem putting one on in front of them. I’m really not a confrontational person but I won’t throw away over a year’s worth of lockdown.

    Our forecast was correct with sunshine and showers and about 12c which is putting me off gardening even though I know if I put a coat and wellies on I would probably be fine. Might give it a go! 👩🏻‍🌾

    Happy Saturday (where did that week go?)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It is a gloomy type of day with showers on and off. Too bad because I was hoping the gathering for Babe's brother would be outside. I will wear my mask when entering the house but with food and drink it will be more difficult. It's too late to cancel and I have made meatballs for an appetizer. Maybe the sun will come out after all, I can only hope.

    Jackie, the CDC has told us that masks are no longer required so many of us go by their rules. We here in the states are at the lowest we have been so things are moving forward. They still recommend masks on airplanes, doctors offices and sporting events but said it is okay to be at gatherings without a mask. My only concern is that I know there are a few that will be there today that have no vaccinations and don't intend to get one. Because my grandchildren are still to young for vaccines I want to be cautious so even though I may get harrassed I will wear my mask when not eating. Will let you know how it goes.

    Lin, my hummingbird has not returned since the first time I saw him. Not sure if I am missing him or if the weather is just making him stay away. I really hope nothing has happened to him if it is the same bird that I saw last summer. I am sorry about your friend and can understand your concern about masks. Like Jackie said after more than a year of being cautious why stop now unless you really feel safe. Very cute teapot.

    Dryer just buzzed, my sheets are ready to be put back on bed. I do hope Patsy and Anne can get back to us soon, I miss both of them. Hello to the others who read our posts. Have a safe day.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers friends!
    It is a partly cloudy and somewhat cool morning. We are to warm up this afternoon. All is well here. But! Our son did not come as planned. He would have but John told him to wait until this coming weekend. (Sob) John was worried about my foot and we had to have debriding done on the injury. That is a strange term meaning they trim around the wound to promote healing. I needed to elevate my foot and stay off of it when possible. Things are 100% better now. Life and times of a weird family with an exceptionally odd mother! Go figure.....

    Because of my condition, I guess I will be wearing masks forever except when in company of fully vaccinated people and will really urge outdoor chats. I will remain vigilant as long as necessary. No lipstick or makeup necessary under a mask. Thus.....the great necessity of good earrings! Hahahaha Even going to the wound care clinic felt terribly risky. I now understand why Katie hides when she decides she doesn’t like strangers. Does she sense when they are not fully vaccinated? Brilliant!

    My daughter and I had a fun zoom chat. We played with the tarot cards that my friend the gypsy/hippy/homeless person gave us. It turns out we had more fun looking at the interesting designs and paintings on the cards than any actual tarot card readings. I heard that this dear little waif was seen recently in front of a cafe with Chinese fortune telling coins. If you were to see her, you would be intrigued. Where does she go at night? In the rain? In cold weather? She has a wrinkled weathered little face, always with a happy smile, a wild nest of curly hair and wearing layers of clothing with some having hand painted designs. God Bless her. I think she has a good heart.

    Now to exercise and wash the new really beautiful and thick new towels I ordered. Our towels were old and shabby and will now be part to Katie’s bath supplies. The new ones are so soft and really lovely and thick. Big news, I know, but small things seem like big news to me these days.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited May 2021
    I'm here.....I think. I've got in through the back door it seems. Safari. Read all the posts although no Bob, and Barbie has disappeared. Tomorrow I shall bore you all to tears with my tiny lockdown life. At least Harry livens things up. Where does he put his truck loads of scrap, we are beginning to wonder if it's left on some secluded country road!
    Bye for now....hopefully! Annsie baby.
    You won't believe this I suddenly became Spanish! Managed to find the English button. Otherwise Patsys son would have had to interpret! It seems everything I've touched this week concerning business has gone WRONG...aaaaagh.