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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Mother’s Day flow3hgoprqhinb.jpeg
    wers and cards
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    Lovely gift Patsy. Busy day. See everyone tomorrow.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Definitely young at heart Patsy and why I’m sure we all get on so well. I’ve watched 2 friends deteriorate this past year through lack of any form of exercise and hobbies. My gentle encouragement goes nowhere, in fact I get my head bitten off!
    A beautiful flower arrangement with cards from John which shows just how much you are loved and so you should be. ❤️

    Of course you look amazing Sandy and what wonderful family photos. The blue shampoo is supposed to add a silver sheen to my hair that the pink colouring turned a rather brassy blond once it faded. Slow progress!

    I do find it amusing how houses sell because they have posh furniture dotted about but then not everyone has the vision to see beyond a bit of clutter to what they can do to make it a home. Of course Anne I appreciate Harry had more than a bit of clutter!
    Do you think this year of Covid lockdowns has given everyone itchy feet or perhaps just made us all realise how important it is to get on and live life to the full? The lady who helped me with my garden when my painful hips were stopping me has messaged to say she is looking at property in this area again having moved to Herefordshire just a year ago. She seems to be the proverbial rolling stone but also doesn’t research the properties she buys then runs into problems. She has 5 large dogs and due to lack of many funds buys small terraced properties and very quickly falls out with neighbours. I have warned her the house she is interested in is surrounded by Duchy land which belongs to Prince Charles who has the right to do what he wants whether building properties or issuing a compulsory purchase if he thinks there is lithium to be extracted and Cornwall has large underground reserves! The electric cars we are all going to have to drive soon will require it for their batteries and Charles has had his nose to the ground for many years, literally!

    Lin, I too loved theJapanese teapot design with its bluetit bird.

    Bob, I’m sure we could all admit to having had the occasional dip in healthy eating but you are acknowledging it and as you say, looking forward to cleaning out your system and that’s positive thinking!

    The electrician has messaged to let me know he won’t be here until this afternoon and the builders won’t be back until his work is finished so I’m guessing another week lost. No point worrying about it, I’ll concentrate on my health and garden. Also the toilet and cystern has been checked in at the depot for the 8th day.... nothing new there! 🙄

    Stormy clouds rolling along the coast that will hopefully miss me. Meanwhile it’s nearly lunchtime so I’ll wish everyone a peaceful safe Tuesday.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited May 2021
    Who's the gorgeous blonde just up above. Wow, it's our JACKIE! Yes, the blonde look suits you Jackie!

    I think every one of us Sneakers gives old man Time a kick in the pants. And why not! After all we are all loved and love in various ways from husbands, wives, kids, grands, friends and furry/feathered loving pets.

    I think, despite all the gloom, doom and horrifying news pictures this virus will soon vanish and I for one have learnt a whole different way of life and things about myself. What? Well I don't need makeup anymore, I can manage with far less clothes, I've always cooked but I cook more now relying much less on ready made meals and restaurants on days when I feel lazy, and that's another thing I don't really feel lazy anymore.

    Talking of clothes, I've just washed winter pants and sweaters, hopefully not needed until October as the earth continues it's trot around the sun. It's sort of new beginnings all round. H and J happily heading where they want to be, new folks for Bean to first bark at until she realizes they aren't burglars invading us. Warmer weather means outdoor chats with Maria and when Mark and Mary Jos age groups finally get their much wanted inoculations maybe barbecues again in their lovely garden.

    Ever optimistic,
    Anne and her ever loving little Jilly Bean.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PS. More what I consider junk being loaded on the truck and going where?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) If it's Tuesday that means sitting day. Before I go there I have to go to eye place since one of my lenses fell out of my frames. Good thing I had an old pair to fall back on. I also have a return of one of the two swimsuits I bought which did nothing for me. Both stores are close so that will make it easy. The sun is shining but still chilly.

    Annsie, considering they have to leave the house is broom swept condition they will have to get all of their junk, I mean stuff out. I guess I am too vain because I still need makeup when I leave the house. Home alone of course no, but out in public yes. I think we are excited to see who the new owners will be.

    Jackie, love both picture and love your hair, it is on the order of what I am trying to do with mine. The difference is that you have full body hair and mine is limp. How long do you think the electrician will be working at your home?

    Lin, busy day for you, hope some of it is fun.

    Patsy, lucky you, what beautiful flowers and three cards? John must really love you. <3

    Time to eat and get ready since I have extra errands to run today. Stay safe and happy.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Message from the electrician around 2.30 to say he won’t be here today as he has to deal with a mental health emergency through his volunteer work. Says he will be here first thing tomorrow but I’m not making any plans... still chilling! That storm arrived with about a half hour of torrential monsoon rain but once it passed the sun came out so I’ve potted on lots of veggie seedlings in the greenhouse. I’m useless with cucumber plants so even the Armenian yard long has keeled over. I don’t know where I’m going wrong but must be either too much water or not enough! Perhaps I’ll buy one more from the house selling them in their front yard.
    I realised the mirror I took the photo of my hair in has a fine layer of builder’s dust across it, hence the dreamy look!! Might keep it that way. 😊. My thick hair is a nuisance to me but all my friends tell me I’m lucky and thankfully my hairdresser Tamsin knows how to control it. My before picture was a sight I won’t post!

    Anne, do you have a local tip or dump Harry might be taking his junk to or do you suppose he won’t consider it junk? Incredible if he got the full asking price!

    Time to cook fish and steamed veggies, rolling from one meal to the next!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    The tip is on the edge of town, easily accessed JACKIE. Some of it though has been lovingly wrapped in plastic so maybe not junk after all. A truck load came out of the garage, but still loads to go. I got on with these two for all these years but actually that was easy because they rarely mingled with the rest of us. Joyce was the easiest to talk to. I just pray history doesn't repeat itself with similar owners. If so I'm out of here and I like this little house.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s unsettling not knowing who will move in Anne but there’s a very good chance that young couple will be buying it and you’ll end up with lovely neighbours. They will be very lucky to have you living next door too. 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    edited May 2021
    Hello, a grocery delivery today, some messing about with washing out some hand laundry and working with the little plants again. The repotted plants are not doing well. I don’t know what could be wrong. I wonder if the potting soil from last year molded a bit in the garage? That wouldn’t be good would it.

    I am going to plant some more seeds a bit later. I planted a few outdoors in the containers that are already out there. I am not feeling much like a good gardener this year. Hoping for more success as things finally warm up. So Jackie, I feel for you and the cucumber’s failure to thrive.

    I saw some great hair colors online recently. Any of these look interesting? You do have absolutely lush hair! These would be lovely if you are interested in more non traditional colors..


    Anne, and the cleaning out continues. Harry must have had the garage stacked to the ceiling! No staging for the garage!!

    Sandy, happy babysitting day.

    Wishing everyone the best!

    Must trot along. I ended up on the phone for a looong time again this morning. The lady whose husband needed emergency surgery has had more problems. She is exhausted. He developed a gigantic hematoma quite suddenly. His surgeon would not see him saying it couldn’t have anything to do with the surgery and was probably a hernia. Meanwhile, the DH got mad and refused to go to the urgent care clinic or to the emergency room. So they waited and she called his primary care doctor first thing yesterday, they got an appointment. And yes, it is indeed a gigantic hematoma and it will take time for it to dissipate. Apparently it does not hurt but makes getting dressed a bit difficult. What a couple of weeks they have had.



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon all! Looks like it will be a full week before we hit 70 again. High today mid-50’s but at least it is Sunday. Been doing great yesterday and today in the eating department….Cauliflower pizza and salad yesterday and Meatball/grilled veggies/squash today.


    Sandy – You threw me for a minute…thought I had picked up a copy of the 2021 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition! Glad Mother’s day went so well. Love the collage…great looking all the way around! And nothing wrong with Mamma needs Wine LOL. Yes, that is my daughter in the lower right…she will be 44 next month…again… I am not sure how she caught up to me. LOL. You’re right about the cookies ($)…but we savored every one! It is amazing how quickly we can pick up 2-5 lbs. Good thing is you and I seem to hop right on getting it corrected. In the past, I always got way out of control before realizing I was up double digits….

    Patsy – Glad Mother’s Day was “lovely.” Our weather is definitely below normal. You and your family have definitely had your share of troubles with COVID. With regards to your reading up on aging – at least we do gain a little time at certain markers. I only know I feel in a hurry to accomplish a few things that may not be possible in 10 years. Life changes on a dime. A friends sister just passed last week at 42! I didn’t know her, but it is another reminder. Here is a link to some articles you might like. Not sure if it will work for you as I have a paid subscription… hope it does. Just a nice compilation of Mind & Body articles. https://www.theepochtimes.com/c-wellness PS - GORGEOUS flowers and cards!

    Lin _ I hope you accomplish all that is on your “to-do” list for the day…. See ya tomorrow.

    Jackie – You’re correct on the dieting comment. Easy to catch a few pounds quickly the double digits. Disappointing that you are losing another week re: builders….but you have the right attitude of accepting what you cannot change. Even with the storm clouds… the scenery in your photo looks pretty.

    Jean and I haven’t spent 10 minutes together today – so heading downstairs to make her day complete – or perhaps ruin it. Hahaha.

    Until tomorrow - Bob
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my gosh! I am the first one to post this morning. What a shock! It is a warm muggy morning so I have the fan going with the idea of moving the air molecules around.

    I have a nice long list of chores to do but will settle for a mug of coffee, exercises then I will get to work. I accidentally tuned into “adagio for strings” and was so awash in musical emotion I was and still am quite emotional. That music plucks at all my heart strings.

    During Damon’s visit we will do very easy meals. If we had more restaurants that provided meals, we would gladly pick up whole meals as Sandy does for her family. The local,choices aren’t great. We are a difficult family when it comes to food. John will not eat red meat or anything with sugar. Damon is fussy about veggies. He only eats a few varieties. It is like cooking for a couple of fussy 10 year olds. It is my fault really, I let these boys rule the house. I need to take control. Bwahahahaha! Too late!

    Our daughter, Andrea, seems to be in good spirits. She is seeing all of her doctors in the next two weeks. I have high hopes that she continues to improve. It has been a long slow recovery. This alone should tell us, we do not want to risk getting this Covid. She has her husband as a full time nurse and assistant. It is still almost impossible for that dear woman. But she is lucky to have a devoted husband. And he is trained to do this kind of patient care, with mask and protective gear. He now has his shots and she has one shot. Whew!

    The day begins, I have much to do and I am thinking I might dig out my copy of Adagio to play as I fuss around in the kitchen. Might be good salad veggie chopping music.

    Take dear ones, we are still at high risk category, wearing masks etc and things are still sort of open/partly closed. Our state goal is 70% vaccinated before we can fully open again. Much work ahead.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Getting a little warmer but still in the 50's. Placed my grocery order for pickup later today.
    I thought about going into Walmart to shop but then asked myself why when it is so easy to just go pick groceries up. Other than riding my bike that is the extent of my plans for today. When Bryanna comes tomorrow I will have her vacuum and dust, since she offered. lol I am going to Babe's brother's house on Saturday for a small gathering to remember his brother. Babe is not going. I will bring some crockpot meatballs as an appetizer although I was told I didn't have to bring anything. Not my style to go empty handed so I hope they like them.

    Patsy, glad to hear your family is doing well although you spoiled them all too much. lol Makes it much easier to order food and pick it up but nothing like a homecooked meal. Your SIL sounds like a prince with taking care of his wife so well, she is a lucky woman.

    Not sure where everyone is so have a good day and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well I'm here feeling rather stuffed. This is because after cleaning and dusting the old homestead I decided to make a hearty lentil and mushroom shepherds pie, a rather big one which will feed me for three lunches. Actually it was delicious and it should have been enough for four meals but me being a bit of a pig and who can blame me after being born in the Year of the Pig.

    Decided to see what everyone's been up to before I go into the garden and chop some foliage back. I need to cut a bush back because when I pushed aside a few twigs the other day I found nine tulips staring back at me and hiding in there. Anyway I only found SANDY and PATSY so far today and they appear to be in good spirits planning menus and listening to music.

    Not sure what happened with the tulips. I originally planted six bulbs and they are blooming like the dandelions....... everywhere. Here's a few in the front garden.


    Mark tells me that as the pubs reopen in the sceptered isle all are welcome except visiting Canadians
    because of the dreaded lurgy JACKIE. I can't blame the Brits for being cautious. Meanwhile the Astra vaccine is banned here because it's now estimated one in 50,000 will have dire after effects after vaccination.

    Are you all sleeping in? Whatever you are up to, hope you all have a lovely pleasant day,
    Anne and her faithful guide dog. 🐶💜

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member

    Daisy Mae is 12 years old today, so sad I can't see her on her special day. :'(
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After waiting until gone 10am for the electrician I messaged to let him know I would leave a door unlocked but had to take 2 desperate dogs for a walk. As we walked back along the track Dave phoned to ask what’s happening. “Nothing!” was my response which he laughed at but then I saw the electrician unloading his car so acted as go-between passing messages from one to the other. Apparently his volunteer work last night involved a 13 year old autistic boy totally out of control as his doctors withdraw medication before reassessment who attacked everyone until police arrived but refused to section him. Long story and the upshot was he didn’t plan to stay long and left after little more than an hour promising to return in the morning! Dave says he will drop in at some point as well.
    I shopped for pet food this afternoon and was relieved to see the pet store has finally restocked so hopefully the European Union has stopped their disruptive actions at border customs.
    A miserable rainy afternoon so once home I made a cup of tea and continued to catch up on my iPad on the Irish series called Normal People. Very emotional but also has me thinking how being a teenager has changed so much since the 60’s when I thought I was so grown up. Turned out I knew nothing!!

    Beautiful to see your tulips Anne especially as mine have been blown down and crushed by wind and heavy rain.

    Sad that Babe won’t join the gathering to remember his brother Sandy. Is that because of Covid concerns or Just one of those family things? I do know from what you’ve mentioned in the past you will be warmly welcomed.

    Whoopee Patsy, not long before you see your son again and I bet hugs will be involved. We are about to get permission from our government to hug... how crazy does that sound?

    Delicious meals Bob encouraging me to think more about what I’m preparing so a small piece of fish this evening with a green salad although confession time.... I stopped off at our local farm shop for salad and local sausages but spotted the cakes baked by a local lady and added one to my shopping. Ate it very quickly in the hope the calories don’t hang around! 🙃😉

    That’s me for today. A couple more episodes of Normal People then check what I can find to watch on the tv that’s still perched in my bedroom.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    Hello, a fairly good weather day here. It started cold, in the high 30’s but I had all my plant pots covered so all seemed okay. So another day of fussing with my plants, the ones outdoors as well as the poor struggling little things still in the house.

    I haven’t been feeling that well today so I have taken it easy. Packing up my things for an early drive across the metro for a doctor’s appointment. You know me, nervous of course. I haven’t been to this office for years and years, hope I remember where it is!

    I am amazed however, a friend had a shoulder replacement surgery yesterday and she is texting already! No idea when they will let her go home. She is having a tough time right now but she said she expected it.

    Sandy, I am sorry you cannot see your darling Daisy. ❤️❤️

    Anne, your tulips are marvelous. Beautiful colors. 💐

    Jackie, my goodness, you do have a tremendous amount of patience. I hope they make some progress in the next few days. And I hope you have found some interesting programs.

    Patsy, you have a lovely visit coming up soon. ❤️❤️



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning but not much from me. Busy watching old rusty car doors being loaded onto the truck. Where were they hiding? Do you remember the comedy Steptoe and Son JACKIE? Well I think those two have been residing next door in disguise and I hadn't a clue it was so interesting until the big bush got cut down. Jill no longer barking, it's become normal everyday, lol.
    I'm going to be dreadfully bored when this is all over.

    Oh - one last comment. Who cares if we are addicted to coffee at our age PATSY? Enjoy!! Actually, Two last comments. SANDY you can't help but look pretty whether you wear makeup or not!!

    Anne about to go in the garden and cut back bushes to let in even more light. Today is good!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    edited May 2021
    Happy Thursday! :) Nice Sunny day and getting warmer. Meeting today and dinner with Bryanna tonight. Looking out my sliding glass door I think it is a good day to wash a couple of windows.

    Annsie, you are too kind and right back at you. That show was remade as Sanford and Son in the States and I loved it, so funny.

    Lin, I hope you feel better soon, is that the reason for the doctor visit?

    Jackie, Babe is not going because of Covid, he just doesn't go anywhere with his dizziness and because he is like a prisoner in his son's house. I am hoping we are outside because I am a little nervous about being with a crowd even though it is going to be small. I am not sure how many are vaccinated but do want to pay my respects for Tony.
    I might be the only one with a mask on so I don't think I will be staying long.

    Hello and good morning to everyone not posted. Have a great day and continue to stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    Hello. Home from my appointment. And no, not feeling well on and off was not the reason for the visit. This was for potential skin cancer. Several odd growths emerged over the past year. The doctor said that they were not but I do have to be examined annually now and a compounding lab should be calling me in the next few days. He has prescribed an ointment for the AK that I have on many areas of my body. Supposedly this will help to diminish this and if I keep covered all the time, it’s less likely that the areas will progress to skin cancer.

    “Actinic keratosis (AK) causes rough, scaly skin patches. Left untreated, AK can lead to a skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.”

    So that is that. Waiting for another phone call. I am up to 3 different calls now.

    Sandy, have a good day. I am thinking any day that ends with Bryanna coming for supper is a good one.

    Anne, yes, well if Harry keeps pulling stuff out of that garage it must work like a Tardis right?

    Patsy wrote a message saying she is having problems getting to our group once again.

    Moving along. Our last day of sunny weather and then apparently day after day of rain!

    Best wishes everyone.

