WaistAways - May 2021 Team Chat



  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member
    Well I didn’t lose but I also didn’t gain so I will take that!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    PW 225.8
    CW 225.6

    Teeny tiny loss but definitely a loss! Now to not get to crazy this weekend. Tonight is my father in laws birthday and he wants one of those giant round chocolate cakes from Costco. Thank goodness the dinner will be salmon! Saturday night is date night and the kids are sleeping over at the grandparents house. Another opportunity to practice not going overboard.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    CW: 160.4
    Oops! Moving in the wrong direction
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Happy Friday, Friends!

    I've been quite good this past week, so I'm hoping for a loss when I weigh in on Sunday. We're having doner kebabs for supper tonight so there's a good chance that I'll be going over my calorie allowance today! It'll be the first time this week, so I'm not going to stress about it.

    Hope you're all having a lovely day!

    Y x
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Welcome @marsipan100. I too try to cut down on computer time outside of work, so I actually have MFP open on my work computer during the day (I appreciate not everyone can do this). If you know you'd stick to it, you could pre-track your food for a few days then you don't have to come on to update at all. I use a mixture of computer and the app on my phone.

    This afternoon I purchased 67 Cadburys Creme Eggs - that's 11,390 calories. :D They aren't all for me; FIL (who had the stroke) had a craving for some a while ago and we found some, but they've been out of season a while now. I found a few boxes on clearance for 1/3 the normal price and whilst I was only going to buy 10 eggs, I got talked into a box. I've refilled my creme egg tin, and the rest will go up to FIL tomorrow. I love them, but they've been really good for me doing this (I've had some most weeks all year!) because it's 1 egg and 170 calories. There's no question over how much to have; you either have 170 calories or 0. I know there are other chocolate items I could buy and not have to weigh out, but these are a really strong sweet hit which satisfies me so I'm quite pleased, and not worried about overindulging on them!

    I had today off work and ran with my friend this morning - just a short one - and then we went to Nandos for lunch, followed by IKEA (some bits for the spare room wardrobe) and a few other shops. In M&S I bought OH a 'yumnut' (a cross between a doughnut and a yum yum, very rich) and myself some fruit; those cravings I was struggling with have eased off thankfully, but I still want to explore what I was saying about loading my calorie deficit to one end of the week.

    Earlier I tried on a 'medium' top I have - it's a smart-casual shirt - and it goes on but it's a little tight particularly across the bust. I've got a similar top without buttons in large which fits very well at the moment so I'll wear that for any upcoming engagements with jeans and nice boots. I need to see what the status of my swimwear is, as I will need some for the first week of June; the Airbnb we've rented has a hot tub. I think if I need to buy something I'll opt for a one piece as the fit tends to be a bit easier than a bikini. I was looking at some triangle bikini tops in TK Maxx earlier and marvelled about how the triangles didn't get any bigger the larger up the sizes you went. I did see the perfect beach cover up this morning but I have no idea what size I'd need to buy it in - we won't be going abroad this year and I don't know what street size I'm going to end up.
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    PW 225.8
    CW 225.6

    Teeny tiny loss but definitely a loss! Now to not get to crazy this weekend. Tonight is my father in laws birthday and he wants one of those giant round chocolate cakes from Costco. Thank goodness the dinner will be salmon! Saturday night is date night and the kids are sleeping over at the grandparents house. Another opportunity to practice not going overboard.

    I struggle with the weekends too! At some point I may try moving my weigh in day to Mondays to see if that helps keep me motivated through the weekend.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    edited May 2021
    It must be Comfort Food Friday! All this talk of creme eggs, pies, kebabs, general weekend madness - it is good to hash it out here. I ended up cancelling rhubarb pie day - the stalks are not quite as ready as I thought they would be today, so maybe Monday. It is a holiday here, so why not. I can easily make sure that all the pie ends up at my son's house when we are done with our small portions! I did make apricot sorbet today, though. It is far tastier than the rather boring apricots I started with!

    Weekends vs weigh-ins is another perennial favourite. If your weekends are getting too out of control, a Monday weigh-in can help rein it in. I know that @Gidgitgoescrazy has moved her weigh-in day around strategically several times to excellent effect. It is worth a try if you are like me and use a good Friday weigh-in as an excuse for a loose weekend!

    So here we are heading into the last day of Week 3. Let's see how strong it will end!

    Saturday weigh-ins:
    @Gidgitgoescrazy (drop that treat!! you're going lose more by your birthday!)

    Still due today:

    Another good week for our team!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,256 Member
    Happy Saturday all! First day of the diet break had me lose weight and then as suspected I gained today. I am simply observing. I am not going to let myself get carried away in anxiety over the number. I am simply enjoying feeling a little less restricted and know I will be so excited to get back to a deficit after two weeks. I am so incredibly proud of the results of my first 16 weeks of deficit and can't wait to see what the next 16 bring!

    On that note, I am eating maintenance -10%, and as I said before, my body seems to like to lose at a faster rate than the MFP calculator spits out, so I suspect I may still have modest losses despite the increased calories. Or I won't. Again, not going to get wrapped in it and let my head take me away to a place it doesn't need to go.

    Husband is just cutting watermelon for a boat snack and then we're off to hit the lake! Got lots of steps I still need to get in today too, so I'll be getting lots of sun. Good thing since it's mostly rain in the forecast for the next week.

    When in June are you coming to Alberta @jugar?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    You know what four words I really like? 'I am simply observing." That is so important. For me, it was doing the "whole 30" where I knew this was nothing like sustainable, it was not intended to be sustainable, but it was one way to experiment, observe, and figure out what my own body reacted to. I hated the 30 days because of the excess of protein (for me) and the lack of legumes ( :s ) but I learned so much by doing those 30 days and the one-by-one reintroduction of food groups. Be your own experiment - it is fantastic. I'm jealous, though, that you lose faster than the MFP calculator! Grrrrrrrrrr.... I'll be arriving in Edmonton the 16th of June, leaving the 25th, so if there is any way we could meet up somewhere, that would be amazing! I'd also love to meet the other Alberta people. I'll be staying in Wainwright, but it would be easy enough to meet up somewhere in-between - my daughter will be on vacation, so it is easy to move about a bit.

    It was a tough day today. I am stressed, and the eating has reflected it. There have been horse issues (the stallion who will soon be mine broke fences and attacked another horse rather fiercely), and my taller half was suffering from severe but unexplained anger issues (no danger - just slamming about and being uncommunicative). I find it hard to understand rage that has no particular use. I am great with anger well directed and brought to bear on a situation where it has good effect, but today seemed to be full of the mysterious kind. I'll try to go on a long useless walk tomorrow. That usually helps!

    Watermelon. That sounds good!

    Be sure to get the rest of the week's weigh-ins done tonight, ok? Thanks!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    PW 196
    CW 196.5

    Sorry I’ve been MIA. It’s been a tough week. My granddaughter has been sick. Not COVID but First big virus in her three years. And then we all got it too. I was wiped out yesterday. Had a fever, bloody nose, snot galore 🤧😷. Luckily, my fever broke in the middle of the night last night when I awoke a sopping wet mess. It was interesting to check my Fitbit stats at that time. High heart rate. Also had over two hours of deep sleep. Clearly my body was busy trying to heal me. I’m feeling better today, but still taking it slow.

    Also heard from my son yesterday morning that after uprooting himself a month and a half ago and moving to a new city 3 hours away for a new job, new lease, he went in after a business trip, and they let him go. Very stressful. Now I have two college educated kids out of work. Ugh 😩

    Glad to see the teams’ great success and losses. Lovely walks, great gifts, excellent plans for success. @Gidgitgoescrazy I am right there with you being complacent. I am moving in the wrong direction and have been out of sorts.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    That is one message full of tough stuff. SO many hugs flying your way -
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Week 3 last remaining weigh-ins due:


  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,256 Member
    @jugar and @micki48 .. sorry to hear about the challenges you both faced today

    Just checked and my lake is 270 km away from Wainwright... not unreasonable for finding something in the middle:)
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    Daily Steps:
    Sun 10,565
    Mon 10,281
    Tue 10,439
    Wed 9,408
    Thu 11,593
    Fri 9,631
    Sat 10,804

    Total 72,721
    Daily Average 10,389
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