This June I Will...



  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member
    @PKM0515, thank you for the Tai Chi suggestion! That's a great idea. I think I'll focus on trying that for a few weeks and see how it goes. Do you have any suggested links for a beginner?

    Remembering to take your meds by tying it to your meals makes sense. Congrats on Day 1!

    I took T'ai Chi Chih, and I loved it. I think I have some bookmarks; if I do, I'll post them in this thread.

    I loved taking the classes in person, but I also have the following DVD, which I like:

    T'ai Chi Chih, Serenity in the Midst of Activity (originated by Justin Stone, taught by Pam Towne)

    Day 2 of medicine taking was a success; day 3 is going well so far!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,046 Member

    It’s not going great, as I don’t like super cold drinks first thing in the morning

    Hey @tryingtoloveme97 :)

    I drink all my water room temp, warm, or hot except in the highest heat of summer. Perhaps try that? Sipping the water over time makes it easier (although I tend to chug it), and actually is better for your body!

    I set my water by my bedside at night & drink it if I wake up during the night and in the morning.

    Hope this helps!
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member

    I can imagine the stress of being back in the office. I feel for my former co-workers who are heading back in September -- in a new building with a "shared workspace" (i.e., no assigned desks) concept.


    I agree with Maddie. I prefer to drink my water room temperature. Also, as Maddie said, try sipping throughout the day. Maybe treat yourself to a pretty new water bottle or tumbler? (I love the Tervis Tumblers.)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,046 Member
    PKM0515 wrote: »
    I've been MIA for a bit, but I'm going to jump back in for June. And my habit will be...make sure to take my medicine daily! I thought I had this ingrained, but I've slipped the last couple of weeks.

    Starting TODAY:

    After breakfast, I'll take my morning meds.
    After dinner, I'll take my evening meds. (If I'm eating out, I'll take them as soon as I get home.)

    I do fill a weekly pill box, and it's on the kitchen table, so there shouldn't be any excuses. 😒

    I need to decide about a tracker, a reward, and a posting frequency (I'm thinking once a week, but I may try to do it daily for a bit).

    Happy Wednesday, everyone!

    Welcome back! I missed you!
    All good things to ponder! If

    If it’s a new habit, I’ll track & post daily.

    Almost established new habit, I’ll track daily & post every 2-3 days. perhaps.

    I basically monitor my internal truth about the habit & adapt my tracking & posting.

    My goal is to achieve the best results for the least time, so I can pursue my interests!!

    Right now, I’m focusing on a habit I kept for 5 years & am now re-establishing. I’m tracking & posting daily.

    Also, a reminder not to make your new habit too difficult. It will be most effective, and you will be most effective, if it is a “baby step.” Once established you can add another “baby step.”

    Hope this helps your pondering!!


    PS This just helped ME. LOL I’m going to go simplify my reduced sodium habit!
    Thanks! 😁
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member

    Thanks for the tips and reminders! It's funny, I was thinking of adding two more habits to work on (you must have read my mind), but I decided to take one habit at a time. :)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,046 Member
    PKM0515 wrote: »

    Thanks for the tips and reminders! It's funny, I was thinking of adding two more habits to work on (you must have read my mind), but I decided to take one habit at a time. :)

    YAY!! You’ll have time to create those - and you’ll be more successful!

    Just like with weight loss where small changes work best if your real goal is maintenance!!

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member

    It’s not going great, as I don’t like super cold drinks first thing in the morning

    I had a hard time with water in the mornings at first. It gets easier. I kept trying because when you sleep you haven’t had any fluids for quite a few hours and your body needs to rehydrate. Maybe try just 1 cup the first day and add to it by 1/4 cup in succeeding days as much you are able to tolerate. By the end of the month you will have reached your goal of 2 cups. Maybe cut up a lemon or orange and add a bit of the juice to it. If my goal isn’t easy at first, I’m likely to give it up. If I feel successful at a little thing, i can build on that success to do even harder things. I think you will do just fine. Keep us posted!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Super busy with gkids again this week, but will be returning them tonight. Sounds like we are developing a virtual forest 🌳 out there😁
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,946 Member
    @tryingtoloveme97 I’m sorry you’re struggling. I have a couple suggestions. My daughter leaves her water pitcher on the counter overnight because she also doesn’t like cold water. Also, in the winter I zap a cup of water in the microwave to avoid drinking my water cold.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member

    Days 1-3: 🌟
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,046 Member
    Well, I told you that you helped!
    I looked at new features of MyNetDiary app where I track my food & exercise!

    Turns out I can look at a date & get all the foods I ate from highest to lowest sodium!!!

    So I looked at a bunch of dates & counted from the bottom up until I got to the 1,500mg that folks over 55? 60? are supposed to eat.
    And noted the foods that had thrown me over that number on a number of days.

    Most were things I never ate before, but because of some Gastro issues, I had prioritized low fiber which led to more salt.
    Also having visitors who added lots of salt to their delicious home-cooked meals & salads & stocked several amazing cheeses.

    Now that I’m being treated & Know it wasn’t fiber, feeling great, I can return to how I used to eat!!

    So I’m going back to NOT eating again:
    All frozen dinners
    high salt white bread
    All deli meats
    All cheese (including Parmesan) other than an occasional mozzarella cheese stick.
    No added salt when cooking.

    The only one we still have in stock is the high salt white bread. I will likely send it with our guests as they go to their next home visit.

    I will exercise caution if I go back to pasta & bottled tomato sauce (most all of these are gone now!)

    I will redouble my efforts to locate unsalted Laura Scudder’s creamy peanut butter.

    I know returning to what I did before will make me healthier, less hungry, and protect my kidney.


    For my 100-day challenge, I’m tracking making art of any kind for at least 5 mins.
    6/1 ✅Day 1 🧵🏔
    ✅Day 2 🖊 👃🏻👄🌶
    ✅Day 3 🧵🏔📿
    ✅Day 4 🧵🏔
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member

    Thanks for mentioning that other site! It actually looks very interesting; I'm going to look at it some more. Being able to keep track of your sodium that way (highest to lowest) is a really nice feature.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,046 Member
    PKM0515 wrote: »

    Thanks for mentioning that other site! It actually looks very interesting; I'm going to look at it some more. Being able to keep track of your sodium that way (highest to lowest) is a really nice feature.

    Yes @PKM0515 -you’re welcome
    It gives you all kinds of other charts/ways to assess all your macros/micros as well as customize what you want to have on your dashboard & in what order
    I’ve used it since the beginning 2016

    Love it!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,046 Member
    Well, I got the salt down, but sat fat & fiber went up.

    Tomorrow’s plan:
    Keep salt down.
    Limit nuts to 1.5 oz
    Limit v dr choc to 1 oz.

    I should be ok then.
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Happy Saturday Everyone!

    -Salt/sodium is not something I monitor...however, I know if affects the scale and has been the cause of many-a-disappointing weigh in-

    Not sure what I'll be getting into today...nothing to crazy for sure...plan to hang around the house.

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,857 Member
    So it's interesting. 3 folks in our group have recently given notice. I don't know if it is the going back to the office this month or other things but it is a lot of people to quit all at once.

    Yesterday I had my mammo and thyroid US. I had delayed several weeks because first I wanted to be vaccinated and then I learned I needed to wait 4-6 weeks after being jabbed due to lymph node reactions. I have probably had the ultrasound every year/other year for 14 years now. I am incredibly surprised by how uncomfortable or not it can be. I hate to generalize but it seems the younger ones are the roughest. Yesterday she was pressing on my neck/throat so hard I had to tell her to be more gentle. She said well it's either more gel or harder press. Ok. Then it got worse to the point one time I actually had a pain reaction and yipped she pressed so hard. She said your collarbone is right there. Anyway, not a good experience, and as I was leaving her patient interaction of "the results will be with your Dr on Mon am and she will call you for follow up" were a bit disconcerting. My endo appt is Wed anyway so I doubt I will hear anything but it made me wonder "was it that bad"... jeez. My throat area was sore for a couple hrs in that weird someone choked you kind of way. And then last night I started having chest pains on the left. I was about to freak out when I realized my left pec was bruised from the mammo. Never had that happen before either. I wonder if the techs are just rougher these days or what?

    So a lot of whining.

    Angie, happy Sat and glad to see you here. I hope June is starting off well for you.

    Trying to love, I don't drink plain water alot. But I do drink a small (think dentist cup) overnight when I get up to pee and take my synthroid. Mostly I drink coffee or fruit juices these days. I have been loving low sodium V8 and tomato juice as well as grapefruit and apple juice. I find that when I do longer runs I am much better off getting rehydrated thru those juices or fruit such as watermelon, manderin oranges (those small cuties are wonderful). Perhaps you can rethink your hydration and use fruit instead. They are pretty low cal.

    @PKM0515 looks like you have a great start on the meds this month. I will admit I haven't done my tree pose for a few days and I need to decide on a trigger for it and a time so that I can make it more of a habit. When I was using the WII years ago that was one of the exercises I loved.

    Maddie, it's definitely a puzzle trying to get everything to work. My BP was up this week and I was going to say it was stress from going back to work a couple mornings and the health appts but then I realized my neighbor had grilled some chicken and steak last weekend and I had been having those with my lunch. I have no idea but my guess is he was very free with the salt and other marinades which are high in sodium. Delicious but again my guess for the BP being higher.

    @nebslp nice to see you checking in. Enjoy those grandkids! I figure all the family visiting going on right now is just like me returning to the office. A bit stressful routine break. And exhausting sometimes.

    I wonder if our txgarndinr will be back. I think she is enjoying her sleep more than the internet time and I don't blame her ONE LITTLE BIT. I feel lucky that I have access to post whenever I sit at my computer or even while watching tv. Speaking of which I wanted to see the new movie which is out so I joined Disney Plus for a few $ per month. But then to actually SEE the movie it was going to be $30!!!! Seriously not worth it. I would have done $5 or 6 maybe or even $10 or whatever the price at the theatre is but 30 was outrageous. However, I do like the new channel and last night I watched one of my favorite visual movies Avatar (which I saw in 3d years ago) and was really surprised at all the extras in the online movie that are not in my DVD. Plus I have this awesome new 65" HD TV my neighbor gave me. (yup that's right!) and it was just beautiful to watch. So I think there are a bunch of movies I can watch on there for sure.

    I love that our June is going for 2 pages already.

    Denise hope that you had an uneventful trip and the memorial service brings good memories and stories from the family. I haven't traveled in a long long time. Even before Covid but I can imagine with things opening up the airports are swarming again.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @SummerSkier 😬 that was one BAD mammo tech! You should tell your doctor or someone who can see that she gets some training. Sounds like she has little empathy. Maybe too young and hasn’t had bad mammo experience herself. Sorry to hear you even got bruising from it! That would be upsetting. Does your office have a patient portal where you can see the results posted? If so, you could check the results as soon as they’re entered. I think her comment was just another example of her inexperience. I wouldn’t consider it relevant. I know that’s easier said than done, but try to put it out of mind and enjoy the weekend.

  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    @SummerSkier My June is off to a great start. Yesterday was my 41st birthday!
    I had a great day with my husband and stepson, found out I was elected to an executive committee seat for my state teachers association, and then this morning I am down 4.2lbs!!!

    That scale result is so interesting to me:
    #1 - I've been averaging 5 lbs per month and then out of the blue dropped 4.2 in 6 days.
    #2 - Since yesterday was my birthday, I ate to my maintenance calorie number instead of a defecit.

    Maybe my body just needed a few extra calories to feel comfortable releasing some fat???
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,857 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday Angie! What a great present the scale gave you. I never used to understand when I was losing how it worked. That's why I have severed my relationship with it.. LOL.

    @nebslp the mammo tech seemed ok even tho I got a bruised pec muscle somehow but it was the ultrasound gal who was the worst. wow. Unfortunately you can't pick your techs. sigh. I did write her up on the survey they send for unnecessary roughness. ;) I am not shy but normally I don't tell them how to do their job. Me TELLING her that there are more gentle techs should have been a huge red flag to her but if anything it seemed to make her rougher. grrr. I am not worried per say just annoyed.

    Hope all are having a great Sat! (I think it's about to storm again here. What else is new)