This June I Will...



  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,921 Member
    edited June 2021
    The changes I've made to my initial tiny-habits list are to move some to an any-time-of-the-day list. I'm never going to be a morning person and it's just silly to try to fit things in.

    Morning routine:
    ‌After I brush my teeth & weigh myself, I'll take my meds & vits and drink water.
    ‌After that, I'll charge my Fitbit and get washed and ready for the day ahead.
    ‌After that, I'll have breakfast.
    ‌After breakfast, I'll leave for work, walk for 10 mins (to the underground) and think happy thoughts. If I'm working from home or it's the weekend, I'll step or cycle for 10 mins.

    Anytime: After/While I do ..., I'll do ...!
    ‌...Lie on Shakti mat for 10 mins.
    ‌...Take a mindful rest.
    ‌...Duolingo language learning.
    ‌...Puzzle app.
    ‌...Delete/unsubscribe emails.
    ‌...Note down tasks & priorities.
    ‌...Do daily exercises.
    ‌...Clean or tidy something.
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    @BodyTalking I LOVE Duolingo. I am learning Spanish.

    The past two weeks I have been teaching music at a camp for english language learners (mostly Spanish speaking)...they were REALLY impressed with what I know so far. :-)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    James Clear had this to say today, "In many cases, the outcome you want will continue to elude you--even if you try harder. But it may be possible if you try differently."

    I've been "complaining" about having chips in the house for many years with the same results. More chips come in regularly and I am told that I don't have to eat them just because they're there. I suppose that would be true for someone who doesn't have a chips addiction, but then late night rolls around and my resistance has gone to sleep already. Since trying method #1 for decades hasn't worked, I decided to think differently. Maybe the idea of out of sight, out of mind might work. I cleaned out a cupboard that's above the refrigerator and put the chips up there. I may falter, but I will have lots of time to think about it while I'm going in the other room to get the stepstool that will put me in reach of the chips. What will help the most is not knowing if there's an open bag. I NEVER open a new bag, but if I can see that it's already open, well...I'll keep you posted.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    Golf ⛳️ ball rolls - bottom of foot 10/10
    Ultravolt massager: hip, glute, quad, hamstring, calf 10/10

    upper body reps
    6/7 10💪🏻
    6/8 10💪🏻
    6/9 10💪🏻
    6/10 95💪🏻
    6/11 25💪🏻
    6/12 30💪🏻
    6/13 20 dresser push ups (2 repeated sets!) + more later…💪🏻

    Week 1: 7/7 Success 💯❤️ 200
    Actually feels like a habit - took my typical 3 days…wish I’d done it a year ago! 🤣

    6/14 💪🏻40 (20 each arm- 10 forward lifts, 10 bent triceps) 20 second door jamb should stretch each arm 💪🏻

    6/15 💪🏻30 wall raises, lots of gardening, arm/shoulder stretches 30sec per side

    6/16 💪🏻 20, 1 lb raises
    6/17 💪🏻
    6/20💪🏻 3 sets 10 dresser push ups

    Weeks 2 7/7 Success!! 💯❤️ 200

    6/21 💪🏻15 days!! 3 sets of 10 R & L inside arm with bands
    Burlesque - 10
    6/22 💪🏻3 sets 10 dresser push ups
    6/23 💪🏻3 sets/10 outside arm R L w/bands
    Carried backpack in hands for 1.5 hours
    6/24 💪🏻2sets/15 R & L Overhead presses again wall
    6/25 💪🏻3 sets 10 dresser pushups
    6/26 /6/27 Combined 💪🏻💪🏻3 sets 10 dresser push-ups + 3 sets 15 overhead wall press

    Week 3. 7/7 Success!! 💯❤️ 295


    Week 4

    TOTAL As of: 7/27 700 reps in 3 weeks YAY your
    My body feels loved and cared for!!

    Good to hear from everyone! Yes, our habits take some tinkering, but when we hit the right approach, it’s bliss.

    Remember: building them as baby steps can insure our success.

    Happy you got lots of fun in on your trip!! WhooHooo! Quilting!! Embroidery!!

    I managed to get a $226 Brother sew. Machine for $105 “used with major cosmetic damage + 25% off Prime Days Deal.
    It hadn’t been used.
    No cosmetic damage!

    Took me awhile to get it all figured out, but NOW I can free motion stitch❣️❣️❣️❣️

    I’m off to play some more!

  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,921 Member
    angelic843 wrote: »
    @BodyTalking I LOVE Duolingo. I am learning Spanish.

    The past two weeks I have been teaching music at a camp for english language learners (mostly Spanish speaking)...they were REALLY impressed with what I know so far. :-)

    Great!! Keep it up 👍

    I live in the Czech Republic, so am brushing up on my poor Czech language skills. I teach English as a second language here but I'm terrible at speaking the local lingo.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,921 Member
    edited June 2021
    Amazing success @MadisonMolly2017

    @nebslp That sounds like a good idea. Putting it out of temptation's way will help a lot.

    Last week, I made up a kind of pico de gaio salad to have with our dinner. I made a large bowl of it and left it out on the kitchen counter. I found myself having a teaspoonful whenever I passed. I think my husband did too. It was vinegary and had lime juice, so one nibble was satisfying on the taste buds. It was also very low in calories, so it didn't feel wrong either. Perhaps, if the urge is strong, you could leave something else, that's a healthier option, between you and the chips cupboard. It has to be equally satisfying though.

    Good luck 🍀
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,921 Member
    I came across this guy on YouTube and he's got simple exercises for different parts of the body. Even though yesterday was an off-day for me, I still did these 10x1 minute exercises for my upper arm.
    Muscle Watching "3 2 1 Go!"
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    Hello! I introduced myself in the Introductions section, but wanted to pop in here and say that I've recently realized that I need to work on developing HABITS and SELF DISCIPLINE more so than "motivation". I'm just not always motivated, but if I can develop good habits and better self discipline, I think I'll have a much better chance at keeping my weight off once I reach my goal (I only have about 20 lbs to go!). My plan is to work on one new "habit" each month, and of course continue the ones from previous months to "cement" them in! I work a full-time (desk job) AND a part-time job (massage therapist), so I stay very busy. So organization, discipline, and habit forming are necessities for me!!

    Some of the habits I think I need to develop are:
    • pre-logging,
    • steps (10k+/day),
    • strength training (I recently turned 60 and I know how important that strength training is as we age, but I HATE IT! I've purchased the weights, and they're in the basement..... gathering dust! Ugh!)
    • morning stretching or yoga (my joints are so stinkin stiff in the mornings I feel like I'm 100, not 60!),
    • house cleaning (it's just hubby and me, so my house isn't usually a "wreck" but with 2 jobs and other obligations, it's hard to stay on top of a large house! The good news is that we are actively "looking" for a smaller ranch home on one level! Yay!!!)
    • de-cluttering - for the eventual move!! (I'll tell you sometime about my "just one thing" habit),
    • earlier bedtime (my working from home days for my full-time job are ending soon. I'll have to start getting up at 4am again in July! Ugh.)

    I'm sure there are more, but that's a big enough list for now. Lol. I think that the first one I'm going to work on for July is going to be stretching or yoga in the morning. Even if it's just 10 minutes, I need to incorporate this into my morning routine.

    So....... after I get up, shower, and have 1 cup of java..... I'm going to do 10 minutes of stretching/yoga BEFORE having breakfast, or heading out the door.

    Awesome! @Mrs_Hoffer. (Ignore my post in introductions!)

    I highly recommend BJ Foggs Free 5-day course (hardly any time, but very helpful)

    Baby habit changes are stunningly effective. Some take more or less time to develop, but Many of us have found them Invaluable.

    I do recommend tracking your habit daily until it is automatic. You can print one out & color it in if that is fun for you & you have the time. I do this when I feel I’m slipping up on my habits OR the new habit I’m working to create needs my focus.

    I switched to posing the days here with an emoticon indicating I did it as it’s faster.

    Either way works!

    Finally, do give yourself a “You did great!”
    Or some sort of reward. An arm pump - each time you do your habit. Some accrue for something they would like. I find a truly contrulatory “That was great Maddie! (Huge smile & an arm pump as I take 2 seconds to think “you didn’t want to do it but you did; that’s what it takes in the beginning” works wonders!!!

    Best to you
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,803 Member
    the other thing I have learned here @Mrs_Hoffer is about monthly trackers. I actually found a book of them on Amazon for not too much $$$ and I have been enjoying using them. @77tes has a beautiful one further up on this thread. sometimes the visual of all the habits we have ingrained AND the new one we are trying to work on shows us how successful we are being. Even if not %100. I would also recommend maybe starting with 5 minutes. Because ANYONE can make 5 minutes room for something right .. when I tried starting things with 10 minutes sometimes I failed because it seemed an amazingly LONG time to carve out.

    Welcome and SO happy to see you here. I totally agree with Maddie that the combo of this and the UAC work perfectly to help ...

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,096 Member
    edited June 2021
    I’m adding one more tool to my arsenal with this group. I need all the help I can get to maintain. 😂

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,096 Member
    edited June 2021
    I’m adding one more tool to my arsenal with this group. I need all the help I can get to maintain. 😂


    I've registered for the Tiny Habits free course starting next Monday.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,937 Member
    The changes I've made to my initial tiny-habits list are to move some to an any-time-of-the-day list. I'm never going to be a morning person and it's just silly to try to fit things in.

    Morning routine:
    ‌After I brush my teeth & weigh myself, I'll take my meds & vits and drink water.
    ‌After that, I'll charge my Fitbit and get washed and ready for the day ahead.
    ‌After that, I'll have breakfast.
    ‌After breakfast, I'll leave for work, walk for 10 mins (to the underground) and think happy thoughts. If I'm working from home or it's the weekend, I'll step or cycle for 10 mins.

    Anytime: After/While I do ..., I'll do ...!
    ‌...Lie on Shakti mat for 10 mins.
    ‌...Take a mindful rest.
    ‌...Duolingo language learning.
    ‌...Puzzle app.
    ‌...Delete/unsubscribe emails.
    ‌...Note down tasks & priorities.
    ‌...Do daily exercises.
    ‌...Clean or tidy something.

    I would love to know what puzzle app you're using!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    edited June 2021
    I’m adding one more tool to my arsenal with this group. I need all the help I can get to maintain. 😂


    I've registered for the Tiny Habits free course starting next Monday.

    Terrific! I still use his flock trick!!!
    Time well spent!

    Since you have maintained awhile now like several others in the group, I’ll offer two ideas.

    Divide your habits into
    1. SOLID - no need to track
    2. Sorta Solid - need a bit more practice to solidify
    3. New

    Then identify if the ones in Sorta Solid are still your top next priorities. Also assess how wobbly they are.

    Then design your I Will for July. For example,
    We both exercise daily, calories under, and track. Those are SOLID so I wouldn’t put them on tracker. Besides I use UAC for them
    :) Im doing art every day I wouldn’t add it.

    So I’d look for the next tier… I’ve fallen down on my healthy breakfast. It won’t be hard to re-Instate that habit, but it will take some effort, so I’ll add it to my trackers.

    My upper body exercise habit I began june 7 is going great, but needs more time (takes 66 days, they say) so I’d add it to tracker.

    NEW: I’m going to work on stopping grabbing little bits of bread or chocolate (which I weigh & track) at various times of the day. I think it was better when I had designated eating times.
    This will be where 95% of my energy & tracking will go.

    Looking back, I found the post in March 2020 when I introduced paper trackers. Posting in case they appeal to anyone.

    I’m going to do one for July as I’m struggling a bit with various things & I think coloring in the tracker will be encouraging, fun, and pleasant.



    @77tes has continued using these successfully!!

    They can be a simple grid or a colorful page!

    Others such as @texasgardnr & @nebslp use a list of dates with a designated emoji for each day they do the habit.

    Have fun!

    PS again- totally optional - but I do them when I feel my habits begin to slip a bit.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,096 Member
    Good suggestions. I’ve used the habits tracker circle so am planning to use that again.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    Repost from intro strand:

    Building Healthy Habits helps me figure out HOW to achieve my weight, exercise, tracking goals in my own particular situation AND how to add or modify my habits as my life situation changes. Also, a very experienced & knowledgeable group of folks.

    When I joined BHH years ago, we posted daily more. I’m planning to go back to that in July; I think it worked better. I’ll post my daily tracker each day.

    I did create two groups (one for the trackers & one for more general chit chat in the past but a few found it confusing.

    We’ll have to see if folks comments get overwhelmed by the photos of trackers. If so, I’ll create a second group.

    We also have a Declutterfest strand, as this seems to go hand in hand with weight loss & CREATING the LIFE WE Always DREAMED OF!

    🌸Maddie & 🌷Denise
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    edited June 2021
    Just a quick reminder…
    Today’s a great day to decide on the habit(s) you’ll work on in July! (Refer to 1st page of “June I Will” for info.) @themedalist will be posting “July I Will” soon.

    One habit can be plenty!

    Or, you may like to have habits that you continue to find important to track & choose to add one or two more.

    Remember, you can modify any time. Sometimes I realize the habit I set is “done” within the first week & I’ll add an additional one. Conversely, Sometimes I’ll realize I need to break a habit into smaller steps & tackle one.

    So eat a healthy foods at one point was too big. So was eat a healthy breakfast. I realized the habit I needed to focus upon was around groceries in the house. Later it was having a larger variety of breakfast options etc.

    Feel free to post your habit for July and/or your beginning tracker in this strand until July 1’s Discussion is up!

    I can’t wait to see what you’re thinking of doing!

    🌸Maddie & 🌷Denise

    PS @themedalist Please let me know if you’d like me to do July I Will - if you are particularly swamped. 💕

    Here’s the one I’m using as inspiration to modify & create my July tracker…

  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 what beautiful trackers! Thanks for the inspiration! I got a free one online that I will use. Since I'm also a member of the UAC, I feel that my "solid" habits are tracking and exercise (walking).

    For July, I want to work on stretching/yoga for 5-10 minutes every morning and 10k steps every single day. (I'm pretty good at this one). Oh, and I also signed up for BJ Foggs Free 5-day course (Tiny Habits). Thanks for the recommendation!
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,921 Member
    I would love to know what puzzle app you're using!

    Just now, I'm using BlokuDoku. I've had a variety of others but have stuck with this one for a while now. It can be played offline while commuting and that have a daily game. When I'm really tired at night, it can actually help me fall asleep. I also started playing June's Journey and had a Jigsaw app for a while.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    @MadisonMolly2017 what beautiful trackers! Thanks for the inspiration! I got a free one online that I will use. Since I'm also a member of the UAC, I feel that my "solid" habits are tracking and exercise (walking).

    For July, I want to work on stretching/yoga for 5-10 minutes every morning and 10k steps every single day. (I'm pretty good at this one). Oh, and I also signed up for BJ Foggs Free 5-day course (Tiny Habits). Thanks for the recommendation!

    @Mrs_Hoffer AWESOME on all counts!

    I really think self-care, big why’s, creative problem solving, and baby habits are the keys to long term success!