Downsizers - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,654 Member
    Lots of activity! The crockpot has been my best friend lately. I find a ton of recipes on Pinterest. I put everything in the morning and like magic supper is done. Its great for days I have appointments and don’t get home until late.

    You are back to your normal today so you got this under control. We rented a cottage in two weeks and I no my weigh in probably won’t be great that week.

    Awesome loss this week! Nice to see those trend lines.

    Glad you had fun! Happy one year!

    That’s not good! Did you get your workout done? Feel better!

    Awesome steps!

    No workout ...I was going to but I am very nauseous today ... I had eggdrop soup for lunch and I will be having chicken noodle soup for dinner ... no headache though but my neck hurts and as been for a while
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    jayenguk wrote: »
    so 8k of steps today was a slow day at work. drank 2 liters of water and various cups of tea. Tomorrow is my allotted gym time after work....I had a bit of a NSV today also, I wore some work pants I couldn't do up 4 weeks ago....early night for me tonight so have a good one folks.

    Great day! That’s an awesome NSV!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Check in: Sunday, 8/1

    Calories: tracked everything, stayed under and hit my protein goal
    Water: 92.4
    Steps: 5792 — @Megan_smartiepants1970

    Successful fist day back on track 😊

    Starting the month with a bang! WTG!

    Lots of activity! The crockpot has been my best friend lately. I find a ton of recipes on Pinterest. I put everything in the morning and like magic supper is done. Its great for days I have appointments and don’t get home until late.

    You are back to your normal today so you got this under control. We rented a cottage in two weeks and I no my weigh in probably won’t be great that week.

    Awesome loss this week! Nice to see those trend lines.

    Glad you had fun! Happy one year!

    That’s not good! Did you get your workout done? Feel better!

    Awesome steps!

    No workout ...I was going to but I am very nauseous today ... I had eggdrop soup for lunch and I will be having chicken noodle soup for dinner ... no headache though but my neck hurts and as been for a while

    I know that more days than not I end up taking gravol for nausea. Pain does some strange things to our bodies.
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    8/1 steps 8,679
  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member
    Just a reminder I need July steps from these people

    @888Angie888 7/29-7/31
    @amymartin555 7/25-7/31

    If I do not have them by the end of today (Tuesday 8/2) I will have no choice but to zero them out... :/

    Sorry I didn't get them to you sooner

    7/25. 19,635
    7/26. 20,335
    7/27. 17,255
    7/28. 18,238
    7/29. 17,177
    7/30. 24,326
    7/31. 30,503
    8/1. 17,227
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    jayenguk wrote: »
    so 8k of steps today was a slow day at work. drank 2 liters of water and various cups of tea. Tomorrow is my allotted gym time after work....I had a bit of a NSV today also, I wore some work pants I couldn't do up 4 weeks ago....early night for me tonight so have a good one folks.

    Love those NSV's. :)
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Check in: Sunday, 8/1

    Calories: tracked everything, stayed under and hit my protein goal
    Water: 92.4
    Steps: 5792 — @Megan_smartiepants1970

    Successful fist day back on track 😊

    Yahooooo!!!! 😎🤗
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Good evening, Folks! 😃

    It was a lazy day between hard work... Not sure what it is, but I could have just stayed in bed. But apparently something I ate turned me into a living compost heap, and I basically stank up the entire top floor so bad I had to get out of bed and seek better breathing conditions. My son also made a point to shame me, by taking the trouble to walk down 2 flights of stairs to the basement for the freebreeze, head back up spray the entire floor, then back down again and back up again... Like 8 flyghts of stairs. While letting me have it the entire time. lol. So yeah um, sorry? 😅

    It's was back and bicep tonight...

    Straight Arm Pulldowns 2 x 20 reps (Band Exercises)
    Blue & Red x 20
    Blue & Red x 20 (Going to have to move up to the Black Band) 😉

    Bent Over DB rows 3 x 8-12
    80lb x 10LH x 11RH
    80lb x 12 each hand (with too many pauses and regrips)
    80lb x 12 each hand (with too many pauses) Staying here next week. 😐😉

    The rows were tough, I find I'm having a hard time holding the dumbbells and I lose balance using the Pepin handles which are much longer. I ended up using hooks for the first time on the last set, and it helped. But next time, I'm going to use the iron masters and try it without hooks... The IM's are much more balanced and the handle isn't quite as thick or long. Either way I'm staying here next week.

    Lat Pulldowns 2 x 20
    100lb x 20 Good
    100lb x 20 Decent - Moving up to 105lb next week 😃

    Seated DB Hammer Curls 2 x 12 - 15
    28.5LB x 14
    28.5LB x 14 - Close enough - moving up to 30lb next week. 🙂

    EZ Bar Preacher Curls 2 x 12 - 15
    57.5LB x 15 - Good
    57.5LB x 15 - Barely but did it - Moving up to 60LB next week. 💪

    Standing EZ Bar Curls 1 x 30
    45LB x 30 - HELL YES, almost killed me, but I did it. Moving up to 47.5LB next week. 😎

    Also worth noting... Lynn totally did her 30 reps like a complete boss. She's gotta move up too. 👍🤗

    So, all in all, I pretty much killed everything... With exception of rows, which I moved up on starting off today, and I knew it was going to be hard at best. But to be moving up on everything else is amazing. Heck I just moved up to the blue and red band after being stuck on the blue and green for so long... And I was shocked to complete 2 sets of 20. So yeah, pretty much an amazing workout today.

    And almost 2000 exercises calories in total today, so a pretty freaking awesome day all round. 🙂

    Have a fantastic night guys, and sleep well. It's back to work tomorrow. DOH! 😐



  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member

    8/2 10,492

    Back on track as of today!!! Walking more!
  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    Thought I would say a good morning from sunny (not) brit land and I'm off to work for a 10 hour shift (urgg) then gym ...I love the gym thought I don't think my face shows it while I'm there lol...see you on the flip side, have a fantastic day all!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Great steps!

    Congrats on the loss! You had some big losses in July so a smaller loss can be expected. In fact you were in the top three for 4/5 weeks in July and you had the highest percentage loss for the month on our team. That is impressive!

    You and Lynn crushed your back and bicep workout. Your workout calories for the day is insane!

    Great check in!

    That’s the way to do it! Awesome steps!

    Good morning to you! Impressive! Gym after a 10 hour workday!

    Look at all those check marks! You are back in the game. It’s nice to have a friend to workout with. How many calories in your bagel? They look delicious!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    @lindamtuck20 Thank you. And I'm not sure if it was me that typo'd or someone else. But my monday weigh in was 383.8 not 383.6 so my loss for the week is 2.8 pounds, not 3 pounds.
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