WaistAways - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • JourneyAlone
    JourneyAlone Posts: 30 Member
    @jugar, tried to do F2F habit tracker, even downloaded google drive that it stated I needed, still wouldn't allow me to put information onto spreadsheet.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 984 Member
    @once_mas I can really relate to having a slim fit hubby who can eat a lot more calories than I should. Last night I was out of calories and he ate three more snacks with the final one being a big stack of homemade pancakes. Hang in there.

    @happimess01 I have only done some really basic weight training programs and I make modifications since I am at home and can't always replicate machine based stuff. I used the Faster, Leaner and Stronger Training Journal. I would have liked to try some of the programs from the guys at Mind Pump but didn't want to spend the extra money while my husband had the year off. Maybe this winter I will give it a try. I usually get in the weight lifting mood when the weather isn't great.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 606 Member
    Tuesday Weigh-In
    PW: 213.0
    CW: 215.3

    I'll just be over here, losing and gaining the same 2 lbs in perpetuity... :D

    I'm having a rough week at work and it's only Tuesday morning! Yeesh. Gotta get some movement in today for sure, as it was a lazy Sun/Mon.

    I had to catch up on the last few days of July's chat - @happimess01 CONGRATS ON ONEDERLAND!! And @PlaneMonkey big congrats to you, too, for that maintenance zone. Seriously impressive.

    So, intro -
    I'm Kay, 26, living in Boston and working in finance downtown (although I have been WFH since late March '20). I was a runner and a dancer all my childhood through high school, and totally dropped regular activity in college. Add in an unlimited meal plan and a general dislike for vegetables, and I gained way more than the freshman 15. I consider my start date for this weight loss to be Feb 2018, when I moved out of my parents' house and started my first post-grad job. I am very big on getting my steps in, via fitbit. I love home workouts almost exclusively for strength, cardio, hiit, etc. (through youtube, instagram, and the app FitOn mostly) and I follow Yoga with Adriene on youtube for my daily yoga practice. My biggest struggle with weight loss is bingeing on weekends and emotional eating when I get stressed/frustrated, especially on a bad workday. I joined F2F in August 2020, but took a short break in April/May 2021 - not my best idea, as I really backslid. I am hoping to get back to where I was in mid-February (about 50 lbs down from my start) by the end of this year. (Or more! Wouldn't that be nice.)

    @ashleycarole86 I have no idea if I even gave you steps for last week so here they are!

    Mon 7/26: 12,349 +32 min HIIT workout
    Tues: 7/27: 11,705 +35 min HIIT workout
    Wed 7/28: 11,234 +47 min HIIT workout + 39 min dance cardio
    Thurs 7/29: 7,253
    Fri 7/30: 10,383
    Sat 7/31: 6,625
    Sun 8/1: 3,301

    I had a bridal shower in NYC on Saturday and it was SO fun and the food spread was pretty healthy (plus one cupcake...), but it was an all-day travel thing for me so I was absolutely exhausted Sunday. And then my aunt made pasta for dinner for everyone and I was too weak to resist lol.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 984 Member
    Happy Tuesday 😊

    We have had smoke for several days and have been indoors ever since 😑 Fingers crossed it will go away soon. It rained the other day and I was able to sneak in a quick walk. Did a bunch of cleaning and got rid of a lot of clutter! Calories have been really good and the scale is looking good.
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 638 Member
    Hi all, well yesterday was good, worked late, so i didn't get to yoga, but i did get in a nice walk during my lunch break...

    This morning I did 10 min of hiit. I have a work dinner after work, so no exercise this evening. I did do a nice long walk during lunch and am getting a pedicure, i normally work till 4, but dinners not till 6, so I am taking a nice long "lunch"... yes I am saving all my calories for dinner... 😁

    Okay have a great day ! 😀
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    Tuesday is always a weird day for me. Mondays are always gung ho and then Tuesdays are usually a drop in energy.

    I woke up late this morning but stretched and did a light workout in the early afternoon. I haven't met my step goals yet (its 1030pm for me now) but I did drink my required water and stayed within my calories range. SO overall a wash but just without any gusto.
    Somehow I feel like I don't have the time to do everything well right now.

    I need to get back into a regular sleeping routine - waking up early really sets the tone for my days and energy level.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,101 Member
    Been working on my weight-loss eating plan.( Low carb Mediterranean) Little bit of meat, a little dairy, Eggs in moderation twice a week, and no more than 2 eggs at one time.. Lots of veggies, and some fruit (mostly berries).
    I have found that this eating plan works best for keeping my blood glucose in check.

    I'm a type 2 diabetic. My A1C last time it was tested was a (10.9) which is dangerously high. My goal is to get it down to 7'' range and then into the 5'
    (10.9 - my blood glucose testing daily was in the high 300's to mid 400' rang.
    My daily testing is now beginning to lower to the 200" and 100" rang. Once I reached a 91. Would love for my reading to be between the 80's and 90's on a daily basis. I believe if I keep my diet clean and low carb, and continue to work on my weight-loss, with exercise, I'll reach this goal.

    This way of eating is not for everyone, we are all different and have to find out what works best for ourselves.

    I have learned to check my sugar before eating and 1 & 2 hours after eating to find what food raises my blood glucose level. Foods that raise it high, I don't eat no more. I've tried a lot of diets out there and found this works best for me. I have slowly been getting rid of overly processed food, and trying to eat as clean and whole foods as I can.

    My goal is to incorporate some exercise into my daily routine, and increase as I'm physically able. @jugar, no don't have a habit tracker! Probably should use one.

    I think you have a wise choice for an eating plan. I was not type-2 diabetic, but I think I avoided any tendency in that direction by adopting something like a Mediterranean plan and sticking with it. I don't eat what I would call low carb, but I eat very few grains at all, even whole ones. My carbs are from vegetables and fruit and I sure eat a lot of veggies! For protein, I am solidly in the fish or beans camp, never red meat, rarely eggs or chicken, sometimes dairy. My daily breakfast includes homemade non-fat yogurt (quite high protein) but otherwise I have a small amount of cheese and almost no eggs. I do eat sugar (mainly in my homemade sorbets for dessert!), but without eating flour products, I think there is some room for fruit and some sugar. I would say that vegetables make up the biggest part of my diet, and this has worked really well for many years now. I'm 67 and do not take any medication whatsoever. Exercise helps too! I am glad you are here to move forward and get away from those 10.9 levels. Keep us posted on how it is going!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,101 Member
    edited August 2021
    @jugar, tried to do F2F habit tracker, even downloaded google drive that it stated I needed, still wouldn't allow me to put information onto spreadsheet.

    eek. It should allow anyone with the link to edit. Here is the link here again and hopefully it will work!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,101 Member
    edited August 2021
    Kali225 wrote: »
    I'll just be over here, losing and gaining the same 2 lbs in perpetuity... :D

    As cross parents say to their children here where I live, "C'est non, ça!" No! the Perpetuity part is wrong. You will get unstuck! But you have to do something different for that to happen. What is first?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,101 Member
    Big Wednesday coming up! Here's who will grace us with their lovely numbers:


    Onward ho!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,142 Member
    Exercise 08/03 - 5584 steps + 135 minutes biking

    Brad and I did the Legacy Trail again from Canmore to Banff. About a month had gone by since we last did it. Three things went better than the last time - 1) no rest the way there (the harder way), 2) conquered the hardest hill that I previously didn't make it all the way up and 3) beat my time both ways.

    Fun to do something again that was measurable and see some improvement.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,142 Member
    edited August 2021


    1️⃣ @jugar 86,558
    2️⃣ @Kali225 80,111
    3️⃣ @ashleycarole86 79,236


    1️⃣ @ashleycarole86 497,605
    2️⃣ @Kali225 414,660
    3️⃣ @jugar 407,990

    Across eight steppers, we recorded 2,285,092 steps for the month of July! This is the equivalent of 1,082 miles, which means together we travelled the distance from New York, NY all the way down to Orlando, FL.

    Thanks for everyone's patience as I settle in to this reporting. Way to go to each and every teammate that contributed to this awesome total! Let's keep up the great work in August.
  • JourneyAlone
    JourneyAlone Posts: 30 Member
    I had to add the Google spreadsheet along with the Google drive before it would let me put any anything on the habit tracker.

    My goal is to eventually cut out all red meat and eggs (not really fond of them anyway)
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @PlaneMonkey maintenance Wednesday weigh in
    Bouncing around in the end zone. Up from last week but it will be down again on Friday after hockey.

    I'm going to recommit to drinking water. I've let that slip a bit too much.

    @ashleycarole86 you're doing great with the step team! I've always loved seeing the numbers and especially the exercise minutes (I'm looking at you @YinxFed) for those epic workouts but my Garmin records petting my cat as climbing stairs so I can't trust that anything I would post would be accurate! 🤣😂🤣😂 The kitty and I sat on the couch together for a 30 minute show and I think it recorded I went up and down 5 flights of steps. Ohh well.

    C'est la vie!
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    I woke up early today and just went right into my fitness goals. Water. Stretch. Run. Stretch. Yes!! Felt invigorating. Then boxing late with my son just for fun. It really does help me to get out of bed with an intention to move.

    @JourneyAlone - you mentioned that you eat mostly a Mediterranean diet. I made Greek chicken tonight and I love the lemon flavor with all the veggies. Id love to work in more Med. diet recipes into my rotation. What other meats (besides chicken and red meat) do you use a lot?
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