WaistAways - Team Chat SEPTEMBER 2021



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    For me declaring a meal over is about knowing where the end point is before I even start. So, my portion is tracked and accounted for, and there's no grey area.

    If I still have calories left and I want more, so be it.. but most of the time I'd prefer to defer those calories anyway as I love having something left at the end of the day for a snack.

    Basically, I don't eat until it's tracked so I know whether I have the room for it or not.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,082 Member
    Sunday weigh in:

    PW - 185.2
    CW - 185.2

    No exercise done this past week. But I think my body is now well recovered from my 25k hike and I'm back on it tomorrow!

    Be forewarned @ashleycarole86 my steps report will be stunningly low this week!

  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 875 Member
    PW 156
    CW 157

    Ugh. Sorry! We had pie weekend at work. I was fine on Friday, but I had too much fun yesterday with pizza pie. 😔
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sun 11,539
    Mon 6,700
    Tues 7,924
    10 min elliptical
    Wed 12,949
    30 min intervals
    Thurs 12,912
    Fri 14,135
    10 min elliptical
    Sat 7,008
    20 min intervals
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @jugar it is interesting that you brought that up this week because I have definitely been struggling with eating larger portions recently and honestly, I am not sure why. Typically, I know my serving size and that is all I take but recently, I am taking seconds or, picking at leftovers. I need to do better at logging because I suspect part of it is that I am not eating enough during the day. I am also consuming more carbs then usual, which leaves me feeling unsatisfied. I am a big believer in balanced macros.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,315 Member



    By Percent
    By Pounds

    By Percent
    By Pounds

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 619 Member
    Getting caught up on posts! I had what I am going to call a total depression week the last 6 days. I came home from my mini vacation in NC on Monday evening so grocery shopping didn't happen until Tuesday night. Meals were just off the whole time. I ordered takeout like 4 times or something equally ridiculous and such a waste of money. I tried to break in new running shoes and maybe my feet have gotten slightly fatter than my normal shoe size, because I was in such pain, I had to turn around! Giant blisters on my heels meant pathetic walks in flip flops the rest of the week. Not a workout in sight. Lazy in bed. Total bummer of a week.

    SO! Hitting the reset button HARD tonight. Designed a new morning routine for myself. Making some habit changes:
    1. leaving the laptop far away from the bed at night (I sleep with my computer most nights and it's just unnecessary)
    2. eating my meals at my actual dining table and NOT with any kind of screen - no work, no netflix, etc
    3. going to bed at 11pm the latest
    4. when my alarm goes off at 7am, GETTING UP! Not sleeping through 12 other alarms.

    And some other things but those are the big ones. My birthday is 6 weeks away and I have some really fun ideas planned for it, and I want to be feeling really GOOD by then! Shedding even some of this dead weight will be helpful.

    @DD265 I sympathize with an infected cyst on your back SO MUCH! I had that exact situation fall of 2019, and unfortunately for me, the antibiotics were too late to help. No idea how I got through the work week riding the train and sitting at my work desk, honestly, it was so painful. Bras were enemy #1! Had to go to a surgeon and have the horrid thing sliced open. (Ew). I still have quite the scar from it, but at least I can never see it! Hope the meds work expeditiously for you!!!

    @kellie_erin so sorry about your feline friend. Our family cat is getting on in years and one of my sister's cats just had to have his tail removed. You're in such a tough spot but sending hugs!

    @ashleycarole86 steps & exercise update (bleh week is rather evident)
    Sun 9/12: 8,135 + 32min killer HIIT (Epic Day 40)
    Mon 9/13: 8,137
    Tues 9/14: 9,760
    Wed 9/15: 6,934
    Thurs 9/16: 8,037
    Fri 9/17: 8,006
    Sat 9/18: 9,116

    **please also increase my step goal to 10K starting this week! was 8k until now.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @kellie_erin I'm sorry about your cat. I think you need to decide whether they seem comfortable, and if they are, allow yourself some time to say goodbye. Nobody else can make that decision for you, but I'm sure you'll do the right thing.

    @jugar I always struggle to know when I'm full. I think as soon as I start to question whether I want any more, I try to stop. I also try to portion everything in advance; if we were having a roast dinner for example, I'd plate in the kitchen rather than from serving bowls on the table (which is just temptation).

    @kali225 it's brutal, isn't it? I had it removed years ago but it was much smaller then. The antibiotics have helped a little but now it may be going back the other way. Apparently I'm not ill enough to have it removed, and I'm not sure whether I'd want the nurse to drain it the day before we go away as then I've got a wound to take care of. Hopefully she'll give me the other medication she mentioned tomorrow!

    I managed the walk yesterday but it was tough - tougher than I expected the 19 miles to be. I am very glad that it wasn't quite 20. My back definitely didn't help; thankfully I found a bikini top that didn't aggrevate it (under a t-shirt lol I'm not that brave!), but OH had to carry all our stuff and I felt terrible. I probably carried the rucksack for 1.5 of the ~10 hours the walk took and tried not to show the pain! It was too draining to feel any sense of achievement yet but in a few days I'll probably look back and be glad I did it.





    That's Manchester in the distance!

    As an indication of how high up we were, the paragliders were taking off slightly below us.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @DD265 simply amazing photos - what a walk that is - but I am sorry that you weren't able to enjoy it to the fullest.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    That is some impressive walk! Gorgeous. You are going to feel that for a couple of days - 19 miles is a lot of walking, that's for sure. Well done :smiley:

    You are so strong - hitting the reset after such a discouraging week is brave and wonderful.

    Thanks for the comments on the issue of meal endings. I think it could be fun to identify some things that mark END in a kind of ritual way, so that it is clear that eating time is over. Even when the food is measured, logged, plated in the kitchen, or all the other fantastic ways to keep control, there are still times when adding on just happens. Here are a few that worked before, so I'm going to revive them and see if it helps curb the grazing -
    • make a dramatic declaration. This meal is now officially over! I'm done! No more food decisions to make!
    • go brush my teeth.
    • write down something I will do immediately after finishing the amount of food I logged or want to eat. Then go do it.
    • drink a nicely astringent herbal or green tea.
    Feel free to add to the list! It could be fun to have a nice repertoire of end-signals.

    SO - Monday is coming already. Off we go! Weigh-ins due for



    Enjoy the beginning of the new week!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Evening folks!

    @Kali225 Sounds like a rough week you've had but your reset plan sounds solid. Hope you got yourself to bed on time and I've got my fingers crossed that pesky snooze button stays away from your finger tomorrow... by the way my birthday is in six weeks and a day so we are basically birthday twins! Got your step goal up to 10k now - thanks!

    @DD265 Sorry to hear about what you're going through, and I'm seriously impressed you managed a walk of that length despite that. Your pictures are absolutely stunning.. my goodness.

    Ok @jugar now you've got me digging deeper on some ideas to signal the END of a meal:

    1) Put the extras or leftovers away before you even sit down to eat (food temperature is not important to me so this could work for me but if you're concerned about that then I suppose this wouldn't be helpful)

    2) Only make enough for that meal... this is something that happens naturally for us at supper time since we use meal kits about 4 nights a week... there are no leftovers! Well, unless the meal is higher calorie and I've purposely decided to split it into two, which happens once in a blue moon. Again, likely not popular for most people... Brad doesn't really like leftovers so we usually cook sometime new for most meals, and I guess while this is more work, it naturally ensures the meal is over.

    3) Still really feeling like ensuring you track FIRST is a good strategy here... because sometimes the sheer act of having to get the scale out again, weigh and measure and so on is just not worth the effort.

    Today's steps were 11138. We got home around supper time from the lake... house looks like a disaster as we hauled everything in from closing up the trailer but we didn't have the time or energy to put it all away, but that's okay. Our big vacation road trip to the East and back is not happening as it was originally planned, but we are still going to be off and doing a part of the trip, so with some of the newfound free time I plan to be productive at the house with non-work related stuff.

    Anyway, two days of work first to get through, and they'll be BUSY!

    @Terytha Thinking of you and hoping everything is going okay, I know from your last check-in it sounds like you've been going through some stuff...

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Ooh yes and just got my first day of the Pilates workout @micki48 @Steph1498 @conleywoods @jugar (hope I didn't miss anyone... I am sure I did... my apologies but looking forward to hearing how it goes for everyone). I think I'll do it before work.
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 552 Member

    @EvMakesChanges Hang in there with that shoulder! Remember, you just had surgery on probably the most complex and dynamic joint in the human body. Rotator cuff muscles are small and do big jobs. Keep resting and heal it totally. No reinjury allowed! Rotator cuffs don't generally like 2nd surgeries. Thinking of you! [/quote]

    Thank you - you're absolutely right. It's incredible how our arms stay attached for more than a few years of active life! I plan go easy on the added exercise during these early days.

    I've been more verbal about food prep the past week or so. I get tired of saying the same thing multiple times and making the same requests/suggestions about measuring the amount of oil that's being used, etc. Anybody suggestions about dealing with a cook/spouse who doesn't listen? Ha! Age-old issue, I know. At least during the work week, I make my own breakfast and lunch so can keep those in more reasonable levels, etc.

    More soon. Got to spread out typing, too.

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    Welcome Monday! Back home again. I was able to get some really nice walks in while at my son's. Even one before the car ride home.

    Finished the 1st day of the pilates challenge this morning. It was challenging. But, now I'm ready for my day. Hope to get a walk in too. But, some clean up to do here. I wish it would cool down so I could open up my house and air it out!

    @DD265 Beautiful hike and congratulations on completing it. That is quite an accomplishment given your back. Ouch. Hope you soon feel better.

    I need to get moving. I'll check back later.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,082 Member
    Happy Monday, Friends!

    So this morning I had a lovely yoga session (Yoga with Adriene) and it was great! First time I've moved my body in anger in quite a while. But I was so very stiff! Looks like I'm going to have to add Adriane's yoga to my Epic workouts from now on to get my body supple again. I couldn't believe how stiff I was!

    Here are my steps for last week @ashleycarole86 :

    12/9 - 2,246
    13/9 - 1,147
    14/9 - 4,569
    15/9 - 4,725
    16/9 - 4,234
    17/9 - 3,606
    18/9 - 9,942

    I WILL do better next week!

    @DD265 - Congratulations on your walk - especially as you were dealing with such pain on your back. And thank you for sharing such glorious photographs.

    @Kali225 - This next week will certainly be better than the last. You've set up your resets beautifully!

    Enjoy the rest of your day, Friends!

    Y x
  • Emerald_Storm
    Emerald_Storm Posts: 14 Member
    PW: 230.4lbs
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    PW: 78.7
    CW: 79
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Ooh yes and just got my first day of the Pilates workout @micki48 @Steph1498 @conleywoods @jugar (hope I didn't miss anyone... I am sure I did... my apologies but looking forward to hearing how it goes for everyone). I think I'll do it before work.

    I just finished the Pilates for today - it felt great after my insane day yesterday closing the garden. It was a full day of spade, rototiller, wheelbarrow, rake followed by blanch, freeze, cook, roast, bag, and finally lie down! I had a good sleep, and today's Pilates was a good combination of strength and stretch so my sore muscles really appreciated it.

    I'm heading down to the USA tomorrow to see my old man! He has a summer place in southern Maine, so I'll get some good walks along the beach. I have really missed spending time with him in all this time, and it will feel good to just hang out. He also has a great dog - I get a good fix of long dog walks whenever I'm visiting. My step-mother will be able to have a few days "off". She has done everything for this long 20 months or so.

    Thanks for the meal-ending strategies. Pre-logging is certainly on the top of the list, and not buying the stuff it is easy to just grab and munch. But if it is there, pre-logging certainly makes it more of a conscious decision, with consequences to be aware of. Now that the cool weather is back (really chilly this morning), the zero calorie hot beverages will win out over the sorbet lurking in the freezer!

    Next question! What to do about the non-listening spouse? Or are there other suggestions? The free spirit in the kitchen, armed with oil, cheeses, cream, and a love of trying fancy new recipes is a tough problem - I am sure @EvMakesChanges is not alone in dealing with this one...
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 619 Member
    @DD265 you are a "trooper" as my grandma would say! Great pics, too.

    @jugar @ashleycarole86 I had Liselyn's voice in my head (or whatever my brain imagines your voice to be) all day, going for "that one perfect day" to get things going again. And if I may say, I totally had a perfect day. I slept well, probably actually passed out by 11:30, woke up to my FIRST ALARM (truly a groundbreaking moment), got out of bed, had some water with fresh lemon, stretched out, got outside for a ~38min walk, and did a meditation ( @YinxFed a Yoga With Adriene fave of mine - 7 min meditation to start your day) all before logging onto work. I got day 41 of Epic done before my walk at lunch. A third walk after work, and a delicious dinner. Only thing of my new routines I didn't ace was eating without a screen - but I forgot that the Packers played tonight so I had a little football going on my phone with dinner.

    As for stopping the eating, while there was some afternoon snacking, 1 - I more than made up for it with steps and exercise today, and 2 - I had a built-in reason to stop once dinner was done. My dentist recommended a night guard because I guess I grind my teeth, and I had to fit it tonight, thus, immediately brushed my teeth to get that out of the way.

    Another trick for me is picking up my plate and getting the kitchen clean up underway once I am done eating. I love a clean kitchen. You would think I wouldn't let the sink and stove get as out of control as they do every few weeks.

    I also used the trick of leaving my biggest window shade mostly up when I went to bed to let some sunlight in, and aid in waking my lazy brain up at that alarm.

    I am considering using the habit tracker for my morning things. Haven't tried it previously since I track so many things myself already but I am a sucker for a good check mark.

    Both my morning and evening walks had a little bit of crisp in the air.

    @ashleycarole86 another note - when is your birthday specifically? Mine is Oct 30 (38 min before Halloween, which I love!)

    Tonight will be a good test of my new routine, given that the football won't be over until probably a little after 11. If we can just bury the Lions, I won't have to worry about the end! (It's halftime and we are losing by 3, however, so......Go Pack!)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @kali225 I was just coming on here to say I had a perfect day too AND this morning I had @jugar voice in my head too!!! "Just one perfect day...."

    I worked out this morning, logged and almost hit my macros. I will do a meditation before I go to bed.
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