Daily Check In



  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Hi all. Today was very cold in the morning ,and i didn't feel like getting up early so i decided it was going to be treadmill day. I only ran 4k , but i upped the incline a little bit, which i never get to do outside.The Netherlands is pretty much flat, so i figured it was time to do it. So i think when i need to run inside from now on, i will do shorter runs but with greater incline.
    And while on the topic of treadmills, does anyone else have a huge discrepancy between what the treamill says and what their watch says? So my watch said 30' running time, 4k, 137kcal burned which makes sense to me, because i know i ran slower than i do outside.So if i normally run a 5k at ~34'-35' those numbers made sense to me.
    The treadmill on the other hand , said i ran 3k in those 30' and that i burned something like 220 kcal. Now the burn is totally wrong because i can't input my height and weight on the treadmill, so it uses an average person for its calculations.But the distance...that is a difference of a whole kilometre.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Greetings! Yes, there is a cold front coming through and it will really drop our temperatures, which I am sort of okay with I guess, lol, I don't like cold and anything less than 70 is cold. But I am hoping the lower humidity will help my runs a bit. I've been so sluggish and slow the past week or so. I would like to see some improvement! But sometimes I just go through times like that.

    I did my run this morning, 45 minutes total (including the 5 minute cool down and 5 minute warm up, both walking). I felt pretty good, maybe a bit of pain in my knee but that might be because of the old shoes. I am trying to only wear them on short runs. I want to stretch them out as long as I can but not at the expense of pain so we will see. Also this morning I felt the need to get home to use the bathroom, that is a real running issue, isn't it? And so I was a little uncomfortable trying to run but it still went okay. It was quit humid but not raining. We have gotten a lot of rain and we are supposed to get more but are getting a bit of a break from it right now.

    I am trying to decide my plan for the rest of the week - I am supposed to do 90 minutes on Thursday and that sounded pretty good as it will be cooler, but I have continuing professional education for a few hours and so I don't think I can run that day, or if I do, it will have to be much shorter. Maybe I will do the 90 minutes tomorrow.

    After my run I did some full body strength training, that was tough, and then I did 30 minutes of yoga. I used to do yoga almost every day for 60 - 90 minutes, so after not doing it for over a year, I can really tell how much I lost because even 30 minutes is hard. I just gotta keep on going!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day. Run Happy!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    I am checking in so late today! It was raining most of the morning into the afternoon but finally I felt confident enough that I wouldn't be caught in a huge downpour so I did my run. It was quite late but the weather here is lovely so no worries - I didn't wear my baseball cap because I didn't expect rain but then it was very cloudy at some points during my run and I was pretty sure I was going to get a little wet. But it didn't rain. Temperature was about 65 or so, and the humidity is very low. There was quite a strong wind as well. This is a HUGE difference from what we have been seeing for the past few months! The run was supposed to be 90 minutes but I started the wrong workout (these workouts are on my Garmin) so I had to stop and start over - so it looks like I only did 82 minutes but it was actually 90. It was supposed to be 5 mins. walking warmup and 5 mins. walking cooldown. And 80 minutes of running. I can't say it went that great - my overall running was within the pace set forth by the training plan but I did walk a lot. After the first 50 minutes my knee was not loving it at all. I need to do more hip opening stretches and yoga. But I am satisfied overall as I did stay in the correct pace range and it was a hilly course.

    I got home and took my shower and then while we were eating my husband noticed I was shivering. I tell you, I am not good with cooler weather - I know this isn't COLD but for some reason I seem to tolerate the heat better!

    Take are, hope everyone is doing well!!!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hi Everyone! Hope you all are doing great.

    It was a beautiful morning for a run. Temps were at 60 degrees with a slight breeze. Humidity was still a bit high- 100% but felt so much better than what we have had. Temps should drop into the low 50's this weekend! Yippie!
    I ran my 2, 5K's today and plan to run 13.12 again on Saturday.

    Spent some time outdoors, early afternoon, trimming some trees and sawing a couple down. Love working in the yard and there is a lot to keep me busy for a long time. Relaxing now watching TV and soon will clip Cleo's nails. She is our Cockatoo Bird and those nails grow too quick. She loves sitting on my shoulder in the afternoons while watching my shows.

    Have a great day!

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hello!!! Sounds like the beautiful weather is headed your way Sharon! We actually got in the 40s this morning, whoa! That is a huge change! A cockatoo, how very cool!!!! I like birds. I had budgies as a child and young adult, but not in maybe 30 years or so.

    Ran this afternoon, very pleasant afternoon, about 70 degrees and low humidity. I had continuing education in the morning so couldn't go earlier. It was a very short workout this time, ten minute warmup, ten minute cooldown and only about 8 minutes of speedwork. My Garmin has been so incredibly RUDE lately telling me my runs were UNPRODUCTIVE but today FINALLY said it was PRODUCTIVE so YESSSSSS!!!!! Can you tell I am happy about that? Today's workout was strides/cadence drills.

    I've been so much more careful the past couple of weeks about not overtraining and hurting my back but I am feeling good so I want to rev it up a bit. I am just not sure it is smart though. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day but I might do a little bit of something - active recovery instead of full recovery.

    Sharon, outdoor work is very hard! You are so fit. I do not enjoy yard work at all but I might do some stuff this fall as our yard really needs it.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Happy Friday! Today turned into an active recovery day instead of full recovery. I am feeling good other than some lower back pain (and the typical knee stuff) when I run, so I think it is okay to proceed! I did a short walk this morning, glorious beautiful weather but I took a route that just had too much traffic. Then I did an upper body session. Last night I did some stretches, I think this is helping me immensely, but I have to be careful not to overstretch - since my body is hypermobile, I cannot tell when it is too much and I tend to pull things I shouldn't. I will do a little more of that tonight, I need to find a stretching for runners type of video or something. I got some stuff at the store and am doing some laundry and I am now sitting out on the patio enjoying this lovely weather!!!! Run Happy everyone!!!!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Hi all,

    My run yesterday went well. I wasn't too happy with my latest running shoes, so i bought some new ones this week and tried them yesterday for the first time. Oh what a difference! I felt like i was flying :D So i finally run a 5k under 33 minutes again yay! Now i'm only 4 minutes away from my personal best which was pre injury 4 years ago. It felt a bit like cheating knowing that my new shoes are the reason i ran faster, but it still counts!

    Gloria that's what i use . Especially post running . I never stretch before i ran, i just walk as a warm up.


  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Well done on your run Jenny! And yay for new shoes! New shoes make it even better!!! Thank you for the yoga tip, this is Adriene, yes? I have heard wonderful things about her yoga practice. I am going to try it.

    I did my run this morning with my friend, she is much faster than I am but I went with it thought it was good, I was happy. She always does intervals so we did that and split it into two parts so we ended up with a total of just over six miles, probably about a 10k in total. My training plan only needed half that distance so that was a bonus. The weather was cooler and very nice so I wore capris instead of shorts and was comfortable. It is hard to transition so suddenly from hot to cool but not to worry, it will be warmer again here next week!

    We have a friend coming to visit from DC, we will be having lunch with him I think. Later I might try a yoga session. I need to do lower body strength too.

    Have a great weekend and run happy!!!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    edited September 2021
    Yes this is Adriene. I started in April doing her 30 day yoga challenge, and have been doing yoga with her ever since. I like the variety in her videos and her personality.

    And well done on your run!I don't think i would like to run with someone else. I like listening to audio books or music when i run, and be with my own thoughts.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hello!!! Today was speedwork. It was a good workout. 15 minute walk/jog warmup and 15 minute walk/jog cooldown. And in between, 21 minutes of speed intervals. The training plan is on my watch and it tells me the time and pace for the speed intervals and then there is a minute of walk/jog recovery. I usually do pretty well on speed intervals and I thought today went fine, though it was pretty hot out! But I actually was faster than the pace range for all 12 intervals except two and I was in range for those two. Then I did lower body strength, and then YOGA with Adriene. Thank you Jenny and anyone else who has in the past referenced her. I did one for lower back and hamstrings and it was so good.

    Jenny, I run alone sometimes and with someone sometimes. I used to help out our local running store by pacing for training so in that case I always ran with people. These days I can go either way. I run every now and then with a small group but that has gotten less common with Covid, and now and then I will run with my friend but since she is a different pace, again not always. If I run alone I always have my music. Even when I run with a group I take my music because a lot of the times I end up running by myself due to my pace being different.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Today is a rest day for me. My back hurts a bit today, so I will try to stay active around the house and maybe do some sort of short lower back workout and stretches. It's going to be beautiful out, about 85 degrees F, so I will lounge around in the pool too. Sometimes I can do stretches in the water too!!!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Good morning, i hope everyone is alright.

    Sunday's run went well. 8k and at the end i felt i could have gone longer,which was nice.
    Yesterday i did two very short yoga videos cause i've been sick. Stuffy nose and didn't sleep Sunday night because of it. Last night i was already much better and i could mostly sleep again,so went for my run today. 8 degrees celcius outside and i felt my lungs burning with the cold air (ofcourse i had it against me). But, i did it, then took a hot shower, had a cup of hot tea and i'm already feeling better again.
    Have i said i hate winter?I hate hate hate cold weather.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sharon-those temps were always perfect temps for me, minus the humidity.

    Gloria- great job! You guys are doing awesome!

    I’m still non weight bearing. Have started PT at home which I hope will help me both physically and mentally. It’s amazing what a mental toll this can take on a person. End of Oct I will see if I can start putting weight on it. If I can, than it’s off to the races!😂. Not really but I will be dragging people down to the lake with me so I can get some out door walking in. Doesn’t matter if I’m using a walker or not. I belong to a hip replacement forum and they’ve helped me tremendously. It’s amazing how different everyone is. There are triathletes and runners and everyone in between. Gives me hope.

    Fall is here and the trees are slowly turning. It’s warmer right now but the evenings cool down nicely.

    Everyone keep moving and listen to your body when it hurts.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi All!

    I have been MIA a few days. So much going on lately.

    Gloria, thanks. The weather was perfect Saturday for my 13.12 mile run. I love running when temps are in the 50's now. I do love outdoor yard work and gardening too. I call running and Organic gardening my therapy. I hope your back is feeling better after taking some time off for rest. You have been doing great on your runs.

    Jen, so happy to read your Sunday run went well. I also love Yoga with Adriene. I try to mix them up some for variety. Oh no! I hope you feel better. Get well soon.

    Becky, so happy to see your post today. I have been thinking of you. Glad you found a virtual hip replacement support group. It is so nice to connect with others going through the same type of rehab. Sounds like perfect weather where you are and the turning color of leaves sounds beautiful.

    I have not posted this on FB, but a week ago my husbands doctor wanted him to have some tests done on his heart. PCP heard something unusual and wanted him checked out. All the tests they did sounded OK, but this last one, CT scan with dye, showed up something very concerning on the two main arteries. OMG! They want him to have another test to see how extreme this may be. He may end up needed bypass surgery. I am trying to remain positive and have been praying a lot.

    Well, got to go. Wishing all a fabulous day.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hello! Jenny, sounds like your run went well despite the cold and not feeling so great! I hate the cold too. Sometimes I put a lozenge/cough drop in my mouth to help my lungs, but I am kind of fearful of choking on it when I run. Hope you continue to feel better!! Take care!

    Becky!!! So glad to hear from you, it sounds like you are doing well and I can't wait to hear about your walks around the lake once you get back to that point! Who is walking the dogs while you are are unable to? I am so glad you have the support of the hip replacement group to help you!

    We don't have much in the way of fall color yet, just a tiny bit and it is very warm here this week, highs in the mid-80s but the evenings are cooler and the humidity is less. I ran this morning, decided to do my long run today even though it wasn't scheduled until Thursday. It didn't go so great for two reasons. My rheumatologist has me take Tylenol before my long runs and I forgot this morning. And then I accidentally left my water bottle on the table. My run was warmup/cooldown and 90 minutes of running for a total of 100 minutes. For that long, it is warm outside so I think water was needed. I did fine for the first 60 minutes but the last 30 minutes was a disaster and I walked almost the entire last two miles. I had expected about 7.25 miles and I only did around 6.75. My right knee and lower back was sore and then when I got home I realized that my left hip is very very tight. I have been doing hip stretches every day but sometimes that causes inflammation for me so I don't know. My pace for the first four miles was within the range for the slow run pace but the last two miles, ugh. My race is less than two months away - I will just keep on training and working at it!

    Run Happy!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Oh Sharon, we were posting at the same time I think and I just saw your post. I hope everything is okay with your DH, I will be thinking of you both and praying that it is not anything serious and that he doesn't need bypass surgery, I know that is so scary for you! I am sending you lots of positive vibes and virtual hugs!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hello hello hello!!! Hope all of you are doing well! My tough training plan...I was not sure if I would be able to run today after yesterday's long run but I did! Last night I did some lower back yoga but when I got up this morning my hips were still very painful. This is from RA probably so maybe I just need to get up earlier and loosen up. I did some dynamic warmups, and that probably helped, and that was a good thing because my training plan always calls for a five minute walking warmup, but this time I accidentally hit the lap button on the Garmin so my warmup ended up being only one minute!!! But the run when pretty well! Then I did core work and then a very short yoga session for my hips and lower back. Some days I can really tell I am doing better - like on my core workout today. I just need to be patient and stick to it and maybe I will get back to my old self again!

    Sharon, can you remind me of how you are doing the Gilad workouts? Are you watching them on your PC? I want to do them with in front of the TV but I don't want to pay for a subscription and I was not sure how that works...seems like I can watch a few of the workouts on YouTube. It is really confusing.

    Have a terrific day all!!!!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi All!

    Thanks Gloria. We are waiting on the Doctor and Insurance Company to approve this next test. From what I understand, they will go in a vein in his arm. If they see that it needs immediate attention, they will go ahead and do a stent. Not so happy to hear stent, since they are only temporary solution. My Uncle had a stent, that only last about 5 years. His health was declining so quick that they decided he was not a candidate to replace or do a bypass. He ended up dying from that. I was hoping things would be set up for this Friday for this to be done at hospital. But, more than likely, it might be next Friday. Insurance companies can be so slow. My son is also planning on visiting sometime soon. Just waiting on him for some dates.
    I had an enjoyable run this morning running my 2, 5K's. I really need to improve on my pace though.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member

    I will be thinking of you and your DH Sharon, and I hope that your son can visit soon because I know how much that helps make things better! What training plan are you using?

    I did my run this morning, this week's workouts were tough ones and probably it didn't help that I had to tweak the schedule a little but I felt like I didn't do as well as I wanted to. Today was a progression run and I was to run at the slow pace for 20 minutes and then 10 minutes at 5k pace, which once upon a time this particular pace was my slow pace, now it is too fast for me, even for just ten minutes. So the ten minutes WAS faster, just not as fast as it should have been. Maybe a combination of being tired (didn't sleep well last night, already running a lot this week, and being warm and humid). Next week's workouts don't look as hard as this week's.

    I did my upper body workout this morning, haven't done any yoga yet. I need to run to the store and DH has the pool heater on so I will get some pool time too!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Friday!

    No run for me today. It is a much needed rest day but I am not ruling out a short walk later. I do feel I need a day off from most activities though! I did a short yoga last night and this morning I did a 30 minute session with Adriene. It was mostly on the floor. I really rather do flow and vinyasas but to be honest, this week of yoga has been so good for me, and so I am very glad to be doing it.