Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you for the crackers and cheese tip!

    I was defeated tonight with my purchases. We went to Dollar Tree. I had my $5.00. I recently saw homemade coffee creamer recipes online and thought I had a good plan. The creamer called for unsweetened almond milk, coffee, artificial sweetener and vanilla extract. I bought 3 containers of unsweetened almond milk, instant coffee and espresso. I already have plenty of vanilla extract. I already have plenty of instant and espresso. But, I did not have unsweetened almond milk and wanted to be supplied.

    The taste was bitter. I like sweet iced coffee. I usually use Swiss Miss hot chocolate in my coffee.

    I thought that I was doing a good thing. grrrr
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Today's Amish trip was fabulous! I am not telling you how much I spent, but worth every penny.

    We were treated to an Amish lunch at an Amish all-you-can-eat food buffet by a good friend. We were surprised by his generosity. There were 10 in our group, so you could imagine what he paid.

    I shopped for Christmas presents as I am an elf. I love to help out Santa and Mrs. Santa in selecting gifts.

    Tonight, I am side hustling.

    How was your Friday? Happy? Sad?
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Today is Tuesday! Where have you been?

    Today, I have felt exhausted. My new (refurbished) chromebook still has not arrived in the mail yet. I do not want to get into the middle of an article or book review and then have to stop to upload to the next. Get my drift?

    I ordered some McCafe k-cups earlier. I have been saving money so that I may treat myself to something nice.

    I hope you are feeling well and good. Be good! Don't be strangers! You have not replied lately!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA. Trying to get a new routine going and sometimes just don't have time or forget to check in. I will try to do better.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    Mainly dropping by as our leader has become mia. Well not really. I have talked to her and offered to let everyone know. She is fine just not able to access the group at this time. She misses us and is hoping to be back sooner rather than later.

    Today was rest, weigh and TOPS Day. Down 1.25 lbs!
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 846 Member
    You can make peanut butter into a pasta sauce topping. I put about 3/4 cup of peanut butter in a microwaveable mug along with quite a few splashes of seasoned rice vinegar (stirring to get the consistency right), along with dried onion, dried garlic, and red pepper to taste. (I would estimate about half teaspoon for the garlic and onion). I warm it up in the microwave in small increments (15 seconds?) and add more rice vinegar until it loosens up some and the consistency is smoother.

    After cooking and draining the pasta, I put the sauce on the hot pasta in the cooking pot, and stir gently. Serve and enjoy.

    I adapted the recipe from the Jane Brody Good Food cookbook years ago. I no longer have the cookbook.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been another busy day and this busy day thing doesn't seem like it will slow down much before Christmas. I have decided that I am not going to stress about what workouts I am missing. On my non busy days I will just do my best to do what I can to make up some exercise. I have also decided that I am going to do my best with calories and not stress about them. I usually do really well during December but this year just seems to be extra busy and less time for my workouts.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Tonight I am making nachos to use up taco meat and tostitos that were left over from taco salad.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 846 Member

    Sounds yummy!

    I am having homemade chicken veggie soup. Ingredients: chicken broth, small amount of chicken, onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, frozen spinach, a fresh zucchini, and a dried assortment of veggies I got from Walmart.

    It won't let me post a pic.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member

    Tonight we are having pasta garlic bread and ceasar salad. There will be lots of pasta left over for several meals and loaded with veggies.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited December 2021
    Good Evening Everyone! Merry Christmas!

    Today has been busy and productive. Finished my crafting last night. Just a couple last minute things to do including my nails.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    edited January 2022
    I hope you all had a nice Christmas and a Happy New Year! My resolution the past 2 years was to find a man. Ha. So, this year my resolution is to succeed on the Slim Fast diet. 3 mini meals, 2 shakes and 1 sensible meal. So far I have had 2 mini meals for the day. What is your resolution? For my 1 sensible meal, I am having a Mediterranean diet meal. Good, yes? I am so happy to be able to have access to our team again.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Welcome Back Frugal!!!

    I don't make resolutions, I make goals. My goals for the most part are the same as usual. 1. Reach my goal weight, 2. Schedule time better.

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a good day. Got to shovel some snow! So happy that it's beautiful and white. Got some marching done as well as started my 2022 Christmas craft gifts. Didn't end up working as I never received a call from my client. Most likely tomorrow but we will see. Maybe he decided to do it himself.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sun today! Even though I wasn't outside it was still great for my mood and energy. Got my workouts done today and did full amount. It feels great to know that I didn't lose as much as I thought. Still need to get my butt moving for planned walks again. Now to stick to doing my planned workouts 6 days a week. Studies should show up on Friday. Sooner than thought but that just means sooner I can get started. Still no call from my client as of yet. So not sure if am working tonight or not. I do not like this feeling of being on call and not in control. Tomorrow is weigh day. Not worried about what happens as I know I have not done my best. But am working hard on getting back on track.

    The photo is my 2022 beginning photo.4isv1sl6z5ln.jpg
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was weigh day. Gained 1.5 lbs. Not surprised except by the fact I am back to where I was in October. I know what to do and plan to stay on track as I am getting back to it. Feeling some stiffness in my arms and shoulders today from yesterday's workouts. Tomorrow is core and lower will be interesting to see how that goes. Client called me twice this morning but as I was working for Mom I couldn't go. Lost out on some money oh well he knew I don't work Tuesdays. Might have to work this evening if one of is tenants need my help but have not heard anything yet.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been freezing and windy with some flurries here in Southeastern Ontario. Reached 13,000+ steps partly because I was walking taking Mom to appointments. Managed to stay mostly warm just fingers and toes were frozen. Also made no excuses to do my workouts. Helped that my unpredictable client did not call nor did his elderly tenant. My Son is my savour sometimes. He is taking my Mom to her appointments tomorrow and Friday. This leaves me more time for me. I hope I get a call from my client but if not no biggie I am not hurting for cash right now. For me being back in semi lockdown doesn't really affect me unless I need to eat on the run. Just to cold outside to eat.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Freezing, windy and snow flurries. Got my workouts done early and ended up having a short nap before going to Mom's to help Son with EI Application. That took longer than planned so had lunch ordered from Tim Hortons. When I got there I checked the status of my studies delivery. It was delivered a day early! Had Hubby grab it before it went missing. So excited to get started on it tomorrow morning. Hubby decided when I got home that he wanted to order dinner out. There went a perfectly healthy planned meal moved to Saturday.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I am so happy that you are getting so much accomplished! Woo Hoo!

    Myself? I played bingo this morning. I won a mini saucepan, a large bag of tortilla chips and a large bag of pretzel rods!

    An anonymous donor left groceries underneath the bingo table. We were allowed to take whatever we wanted. I took a ton of canned black beans... I am thinking chili, burritos, soup, etc.

    What else should I do with black beans?
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I have a question. When I log in my food and activities, I get even hungrier. It is like my mind revolves around food. Should I stop logging in my food and activities for a while and see if I lose weight?
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I am not being very successful with my Slim Fast diet. I just think that I need to stop logging in my food and activity as my mind revolves around such functions. What do you think?

    For work, I reviewed a bunch of Christmas cookbooks. Total food city.

    An example is attached:
